“Fox eyes”: what do we know about the new beauty trend and what does Bella Hadid have to do with it?

Recently, a new cosmetic procedure has been gaining popularity, which everyone simply talks about - “fox eyes”, although in fact it has an official medical name (blepharoplasty). It can be done without the intervention of doctors, but all methods have their own nuances. We tell you where the fashion for a sly look came from, what ways it can be achieved, and which celebrities it suits best.

This beauty trend has gained wide popularity at the instigation of 23-year-old supermodel Bella Hadid, who was recently recognized as the most beautiful woman in the world. Her facial features are as close to ideal as possible - this was the conclusion reached by the English plastic surgeon Julian De Silva, who compared photographs of the model with the golden ratio formula, common in art.

One of Bella Hadid's most attractive features is her almond-shaped eyes, the shape of which she always emphasizes with makeup. This look has received a special name among the people - “fox” or “cat”. Few people get this eye shape from nature (experts say that it’s not native to Bella Hadid either), but there are several ways to create it - from surgery to makeup techniques. The essence of all procedures is to physically or visually lift the outer corner of the upper eyelid and pull it slightly towards the temples - this will add a sly squint to the look, which many girls in the world have been so eager to get lately. Here are the most common ways to become the owner of a “fox look”.


Blepharoplasty is a plastic surgery that involves changing the shape of the eyes by removing excess skin or fat. Typically, this procedure is used to correct the shape of an overhanging eyelid or for rejuvenation.

This operation is very common in cosmetic clinics and is performed under local anesthesia. This facilitates the rehabilitation period and reduces risks during the surgeon’s work.

Expert opinion

Leonard Virabyan, plastic surgeon at Linline Clinic

“My attitude towards this operation is negative, as well as towards the removal of Bish’s lumps. These operations are imposed by trends from social networks, which tend to change. And change quickly - like Kim Kardashian's outfits. But experiments with the face are more expensive than with the wardrobe. Literally and figuratively. These operations are usually performed at a young age. Without thinking about what effect this can bring in the long term. Blepharoplasty is one of my favorite procedures. It is non-traumatic, has a quick recovery period and has a stable effect. After it, it’s as if you’ve shed 5-7 years of your life – your eyes open up, and along with it, your whole face becomes refreshed. However, I try to perform blepharoplasty strictly according to indications - when the patient has excess skin and orbital tissue (hernia). Before the procedure, we discuss what kind of result we want to get. And I know for sure that it will be exactly what my patient wants. But if she asks me to make her “fox eyes”, I will send her to think. And even if she is absolutely sure, I will not undertake such a “transformation”. However, I don’t blame my colleagues, cosmetologists and plastic surgeons, who embody any “wants” of their patients.”

How do many cosmetologists on social networks suggest making “fox eyes”?

Most specialists advertising on social networks use two methods. This is either a thread lift or a simplified, local version of endoscopic lifting.

In the first case, mesothreads are used, and in the second, a small incision is made along the upper edge of the eyebrow; a new eye shape is formed by removing an excess flap of skin. Then internal seams are made, which fix the tissue in the desired position.

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Tightening with reinforcing threads

Thread lifting is a non-surgical facelift procedure that allows you to model the position of the corners of the lips, eyes, eyebrows and correct the jawline. Special threads are inserted under the skin and secured in those areas that require tightening.

The threads differ in composition and size. The thinnest ones are inserted using special needles, and this procedure is considered safe and low-traumatic. Threads can be absorbable, permanent, or even made from precious metals. The most common side effects of thread lifting are allergic reactions, swelling and bruising, but this procedure does not involve major surgery and gives an instantly noticeable result.

Do marks and scars remain after creating “fox eyes”?

When planning any surgical intervention, you need to understand that scars cannot be completely avoided. In any case, we make an incision in the skin, and a mark will remain in this place. Another issue is that when using different techniques, the incisions are made in different places, more or less noticeable. With a full endoscopic lifting, an incision is made in the scalp, where practically no traces are visible afterwards. In the lighter version, the incisions are made in a visible place, above the eyebrow, and in this case there is a high probability that the scar will be visible. Traces may also remain after thread lifting or injections - hematomas, small scars.

Temporal lift and Botox

You can lift the upper corner of the eye using hardware and non-hardware facelifts and Botox, and injections will bring the best results. All kinds of ultrasonic and massage devices will give a temporary and unreliable effect.

When contacting a specialist, it is important to consider your individuality and listen to all the doctor’s advice. Any surgical intervention has its downsides and consequences, so showing the doctor a photo of Bella Hadid and proclaiming “I want it like that!” It’s worth weighing the pros and cons.

Expert opinion

Daria Yakushevich, head of the department of facial and body aesthetics at X-Clinic

Speaking about the consequences and contraindications, it should be remembered that any injection procedures carry risks associated with violating the integrity of the skin. Also, in the thread version of correction there is a risk of developing asymmetry and irregularities (retractions) in the skin. Botulinum therapy can also be fraught with asymmetry. Hardware lifting options do not pose such dangerous complications. Contraindications to all these methods are very similar - these are severe concomitant pathologies, disorders of the blood coagulation system, and taking certain groups of drugs. Although, in my opinion, it is very important not only the absence of contraindications, but also the presence of indications.

Is it possible to lose vision after the “fox eyes” procedure?

As with any other medical or cosmetic procedure, its result directly depends on the qualifications and experience of the specialist who performs the manipulation. A cheap cosmetologist from Instagram could get a certificate in “eyes” through online courses - yes, there are such! Photos of work in the profile can be stolen from the accounts of other specialists, and the actual experience amounts to two or three operations on close friends. The consequences of a visit to such a “pro” can be very different and unpredictable. An experienced specialist, of course, costs much more, but behind the price, most often, there is a full-fledged medical education, extensive experience, qualified medical staff on hand, as well as contractual responsibility for the results and health of the patient.

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Publication from ? (@bellahadid) Dec 23, 2022 at 7:04 PST

The most harmless and painless way to give yourself a “fox look” is to draw it with cosmetics. You can first correct the shape of your eyebrows by removing a sharp corner and slightly extending the line upward. Elongated thin arrows, or smoky eyes shaded towards the temples, will help to highlight the look well. Also, when applying mascara to your eyelashes, try to focus on the outer corner of your eye, moving the brush slightly to the side.

You can apply the famous trick from Bella Hadid in makeup and line the inner mucous membrane with a white or pink pencil - this will make the eye appear a little larger.

Who might benefit from the effect and who might not?

If we consider the technique based on the shape of the face, it is not suitable for anyone, since it greatly changes natural features, stretching the natural shape of the eyes. Typically, masters offer a “fox look” to girls who have naturally long eyelashes. If they are rare, a 2D effect is performed: 2 additional hairs are attached to the eyelashes, giving additional volume.

You can choose a fox look based on the shape of your eyes:

  • round cut: with a slight extension added;
  • close-set eyes: natural extension corrects the defect;
  • bulging eyes, with a slight smoothing of the overall relief of the eyelashes;
  • almond-shaped cut, thanks to which you can highlight the natural beauty.

With other forms, eyelash extensions will not look natural. Otherwise, they will visually elongate the eyes, turning them into thin slits. For those types that have not been described, there are many other options: classic, squirrel.

What is dry eye?

Dry Eye syndrome is a chronic polyetiological disease of the ocular surface, developing as a result of a disorder in the tear-producing system of the eye, leading to disruption of the stability and hyperosmolarity of the tear film, and manifested by a complex of symptoms of drying of the surface of the cornea and conjunctiva.

Symptoms of drying out (xerosis) include burning, itching, sandy or foreign body sensation, photophobia, pain, difficulty opening the eyes spontaneously in the morning, decreased clarity and blurred vision.

It is important to know! Dry eye disease not only leads to discomfort in the eyes, but also reduced performance and a sharp deterioration in the quality of life of patients; moreover, it contributes to the development of secondary eye diseases, including disability.

Prices for treatment of dry eye syndrome

Primary appointment (examination, consultation) with an ophthalmologist (examination for dry eye syndrome)6 840₽
Service codeService nameNumber of servicesPrice
A02.26.004Visometry, 2 eyes Code: A02.26.0041350 ₽
A02.26.013Determination of refraction using a set of trial lenses, 2 eyes Code: A02.26.0131550 ₽
A02.26.015Ophthalmotonometry, 2 eyes Code: A02.26.0151400 ₽
А03.26.001Biomicroscopy, 2 eyes Code: A03.26.0011990 ₽
А03.26.018Biomicroscopy of the fundus (central zone), 2 eyes Code: A03.26.0181900 ₽
A12.26.016Autorefractometry with a narrow pupil, 2 eyes Code: A12.26.0161350 ₽
B01.029.001.009Consultation with an ophthalmologist Code: B01.029.001.0091900 ₽
A02.26.020Schirmer test Code: A02.26.0201600 ₽
A03.26.021Determination of tear film breakup time Code: A03.26.0211200 ₽
A02.26.017Determination of corneal surface defects (with fluorescein) Code: A02.26.0171400 ₽
A03.26.005.001Biomicrography of the eye and adnexa (me-check), 2 eyes Code: A03.26.005.00111 200 ₽
SERVICE PACKAGE В01.029.001.010Promotion! Price for a package of services under the promotion ( Discount: 17% ): 5 700
Treatment and prevention of dry eye syndrome
Service codeService nameNumber of servicesPrice
A22.30.002.001Exposure to visible radiation M22 IPL, 2 eyes Code: A22.30.002.00117 500 ₽
A22.30.002.002Exposure to visible radiation EyeLight, 2 eyes Code: A22.30.002.00215 400 ₽
A22.30.002.003Exposure to visible radiation My Mask Red, 2 eyes Code: A22.30.002.00315 500 ₽
A22.30.002.004Exposure to visible radiation is complex (EyeLight, 1 eye + My Mask Red, 2 eyes) Code: A22.30.002.00419 800 ₽
A22.30.002.005Exposure to visible radiation is complex (EyeLight, 2 eyes + My Mask Red, 2 eyes) Code: A22.30.002.005110 900 ₽
A22.30.002.006Exposure to visible radiation (My Mask Yellow, 2 eyes) Code: A22.30.002.00616 800 ₽
A22.30.002.007Exposure to visible radiation is complex (EyeLight, 2 eyes + My Mask Yellow, 2 eyes) Code: A22.30.002.007112 200 ₽

What is the ocular surface?

The ocular surface is a complex biological structure, including the surface layer of epithelial cells of the cornea, conjunctiva, nasolacrimal outflow system, as well as a secretory apparatus consisting of a complex of multidisciplinary glands and secretory cells that produce components of the tear film, which is an integral part of the ocular surface.

The ocular surface includes the glands of Meibom, the glands of Moll and Zeiss, which produce lipid secretion for the tear film, as well as the secretory glands of Wolfring and Krause, which provide the basal (main) production of fluid for the formation of the aqueous layer of the tear film. In addition, the secretory system of the ocular surface includes Goblet cells, Manz cells, the crypt of Henle and Becher goblet cells, which produce mucin, forming the layer of the same name.

In addition to these structures, the ocular surface includes the hair follicles of the eyelashes and the edges of the eyelids.

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