Stay with your nose and... win! Large, snub-nosed, with a hump - on trend

Not all girls are lucky enough to be born with an ideal appearance. One has crooked legs, another has small breasts, and the third has too large breasts. Huge noses cause a lot of problems for beauties. Young girls hate him and dream of plastic surgery. Adult women are usually not so categorical. They just already realized that no one cares about their nose, and happiness lies not only in an ideal profile. Famous women are no exception. They worry about the imperfect shape of the nose and have complexes. But it cannot be said that for some, a big nose has become an obstacle on the path to fame and money. But some stars, as soon as they started earning good money, rushed to undergo rhinoplasty. We present to your attention the top 10 famous women with big noses.

Sofia Coppola

One can only envy the girl. We are, of course, not talking about the nose. In the past, she had a fairly successful career as an actress. Today, Sofia is an equally successful film director. Coppola's career is fine, and his personal life is fine too. The girl was married twice, she does not suffer from a lack of male attention. And she doesn’t consider her big nose to be something terrible at all, although plastic surgeons would recommend that she get rid of the hump and correct the tip of her nose. One of the correspondents asked her a not entirely delicate question regarding her nose. He asked why the girl didn’t get rhinoplasty, because she could afford it. Coppola replied that she would never cut off her “family” nose.

The unique Gisela

Gisela - this is the Brazilian name for the beautiful Gisele Bündchen, whose name is immortalized in the history of world fashion, thundered throughout the world, returning new parameters of beauty to the androgynous nineties - femininity and blush on the cheeks. Kate Moss was replaced by a real woman, a beautiful Brazilian.

At the dawn of her career, Giselle could be considered a model with a big nose, then the girl had rhinoplasty and her nose became neater. She is also said to have had her breasts enlarged from a size two to a size three.

Her luxurious body, height of 180 cm, alluring energy, smile and wonderful character allowed her to put the world at her feet, and to this day Giselle is loved and in demand by both designers and fans.

The former Victoria's Secret angel today is an example of the ideal woman. She is successful and rich, healthy and athletic, a mother and wife (and she forgave her husband after cheating). Vogue magazine once proclaimed her the model of the millennium, and she has been listed in Forbes rankings for fifteen years as the highest-earning woman in the world among her peers. The model with a big nose was not bothered by the imperfection of her face or her feminine curves in an age of being too thin. She simply worked, very hard, tirelessly, and achieved her goal.

Gisele Caroline Bundchen is a native of Brazil, born on July 20, in a close-knit family there were 5 more daughters who dreamed of a modeling career. Gisele has a twin sister, Patricia, who was born 5 minutes later. Bündchen has German blood in her veins: her ancestors are Germans who moved to Brazil from Germany. In this regard, she has such a surname, and her appearance is European - blue eyes, freckles, brown hair.

She, a model with a big nose, never in her life suffered from a lack of attention and love in her family, so she had no problems with the perception of her appearance.

From the age of 14, the girl was engaged to work as a model as an Elite Modeling agent in a fast food cafe. In 1995, she signed an agreement with this agency.

Gisele has a tattoo, she is used to praying to the stars and wanted the star to always be with her, even when it is not visible in the sky.

She was recognized at the beginning of 2000 as the most beautiful model in the world, and the girl signed a contract with Victoria's Secret. The collaboration between the model and the company lasted six years. But in 2006, the Brazilian indicated a seven-figure fee, and the contract was terminated.

In the same year, the girl starred in the famous film “The Devil Wears Prada” as an employee of the magazine’s editorial office.

Giselle is passionate about charity work. Residents of Africa pray for her, she donates huge amounts of money to help children and those affected by the elements.

Sarah Jessica Parker

Sarah is a famous American actress. Popularity came to her after the release of the TV series Sex and the City. She is married and quite happy. Although the woman was vilified many times, she was called unsexy and ugly. Sarah's appearance, of course, does not correspond to the ideal. Well, the actress’s nose gives no one peace of mind. It's called Parker's signature look, but many say it's ugly and ugly. However, Sarah knows about this. Otherwise, she would not have decided to undergo three plastic surgeries. Experts say that the work was performed by a first-class surgeon. The shape of the nose has hardly changed, it remains large, but has become much more graceful, the hump has disappeared. However, the star says that she has never had rhinoplasty, but photographs of the actress tell a different story.


Before removing a hump on the nose, it is important to make sure that there are no contraindications to the chosen method. The list contains contraindications common to the use of laser, fillers, and surgery:

  • exacerbation of chronic diseases, especially affecting the upper respiratory tract;
  • diseases of the facial skin in the acute phase, exacerbation of herpes;
  • allergy to products used during surgery;
  • problems with blood clotting;
  • diabetes;
  • severe pathologies of the autoimmune system;
  • period of breastfeeding and pregnancy;
  • menstruation (no surgery is performed during menstruation);
  • hypertension;
  • ODS and acute respiratory infections;
  • heart failure;
  • acute inflammatory processes.

Rhinoplasty has age restrictions. The operation is not performed on persons under 18 years of age, since until this age the body continues to grow, develop, and change. After 40 years, using the surgical method is also contraindicated. The reason is the deterioration of tissue regeneration. This leads to a high risk of complications and the appearance of noticeable scars.

Maria Valverde

Maria became famous thanks to the melodrama “Three meters above the sky.” The film was very popular and the actress gained many fans. In addition, the girl managed to make handsome Mario Casas fall in love with her. They even lived together, but after some time the couple separated. Valverde did not grieve for long; she is now married. Outwardly, Maria is very attractive. The actress's large and crooked nose does not spoil her; it is a highlight. Maria has no complexes about this. She admits that she will never decide to have rhinoplasty. Yes, she doesn’t need that. She is beautiful, successful in her professional activities, and everything is fine in her personal life.

Barbra Streisand

There is no person who has not heard of Barbara. She is called one of the richest singers. Streisand's appearance is not at all ideal, but this did not stop her from becoming successful. Although her mother was against Barbara building a career in show business. She considered her ugly and did not believe that she would succeed. But her daughter became world famous. Men adored the singer; she had many affairs. She always looked stunning. But Barbara’s nose is far from perfect. It is large, but the singer never wanted to adjust it. She likes herself the way she is. Now Streisand is 76, and probably the last thing on her mind is her nose.

Chameleon Linda

The girl was born into an ordinary Italian working-class family, where the men, dad and both brothers, worked at a car factory. The parents of the future supermodel Linda Evangelista moved to live in Canada, the children were raised in strict Catholic traditions, meeting for meals every day without fail, discussing how everyone's day went, resolving important issues, communicating on important topics.

Her unique appearance allowed model Linda Evangelista to become a star in the 80s of the 20th century. Her green almond-shaped eyes, unusual aquiline nose and endlessly long legs won the hearts of fashion designers and millions of fans around the world. She was called “Chameleon” for her ability to transform herself and enter into any image under the camera.

Yes, she had plastic surgery; over the course of her many years of career, Linda has remodeled both her face and her overall style more than once: raised corners of her eyes, facial contouring, absence of wrinkles. Time, unfortunately, is the most terrible enemy of youth and beauty.

Jodie Foster

The actress's filmography is impressive. She has many awards. She also acts as a director and producer. She has two sons, but lately Foster prefers women. She even entered into a same-sex marriage. If Jodie behaves so boldly, it is unlikely that she will worry about her nose. And hers is not only large, but also asymmetrical. Despite this, Jodie is not going to resort to the services of plastic surgeons. Foster admits that they would rather talk about her ugly nose than about her unsuccessful surgery. For the actress, intelligence has always come first, not appearance.

Alicia Duvall

The clearest example is the big-nosed, potato-nosed ex-model Alicia Duval, who is only 36 years old. Her fans once included basketball player Dennis Rodman, rapper Puff Daddy, and actor Mickey Rourke. In pursuit of beauty and perfection, the girl actually destroyed her appearance. She has had more than 350 plastic surgeries, and today she is known throughout the world, but, unfortunately for her, Alicia is a regular participant in ratings on the topic “Worst plastic surgery.” The girl has been visiting plastic surgery clinics since she was fifteen, and she has spent a million pounds sterling on “optimizing” herself.

Meryl Streep

Meryl is an American actress. She was awarded an Oscar three times and was a bright, sought-after actress. Now she is 69, but she has no plans to stay at home. The strip is still filming. She was married twice and has four children. Meryl herself describes her nose as “giant.” For some time, the actress was tormented by complexes about this. She even wanted to change the shape of her nose, but never got around to it. Only now the actress realized that appearance, of course, means a lot in a woman’s life, but you shouldn’t get hung up on it. Meryl admits that appearance is not her main asset.

Anna Akhmatova

Anna is a Russian poetess. Quite a significant figure, her poems are read all over the world. Of course, appearance is not so important for a poetess, but in her youth Akhmatova was very pretty. Of course, she cannot be called a beauty. Anna's nose deserves special attention. She inherited it; her grandmother was Greek. The older she got, the more breed and personality she became. She had a very smart look. Men went crazy about her, and the men were more than worthy. The story of this woman once again makes it clear that the nose has absolutely no influence on one’s fate.

Penelope Cruz

This Spanish actress has also had a brilliant career. She starred in many films. Cruz won an Oscar; no other Spanish actress has received this award. She does charity work. She has a husband and children. Penelope is the embodiment of passion and sexuality, which is why no one pays attention to her nose. Meanwhile, it is quite large and asymmetrical. The actress admits this, she says that people are not mannequins to be completely symmetrical. But Penelope is clearly disingenuous. Just compare her photographs. The actress's nose has changed a lot. The bridge of the nose is now narrower, and the tip of the nose has been adjusted.

Claire Danes

Claire acts in films and plays in the theater. She is happy in her personal life: husband, children. Her appearance is very specific, not everyone likes her. She not only has a big nose, but also a huge mouth. But the actress has very beautiful eyes and a soulful look. True, she doesn’t think so at all. She loves herself entirely, without highlighting beautiful parts of the body and not so much. Claire Danes doesn't have any complexes about her appearance, and she's doing the right thing. After all, this woman is charming.

Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga has an unusual, very aristocratic appearance. And Gaga certainly wouldn’t be herself if it weren’t for her prominent nose! Fortunately, the singer is in no hurry to undergo rhinoplasty - after all, her individuality is the key to success.


Princess Diana

Diana was called the most beautiful woman on the planet. She was married, but she had many admirers. But she didn’t consider herself a beauty. Moreover, Lady Di was very complex about her appearance. She was most worried about her nose. He was very big. Diana tried with all her might to avoid drawing attention to him. Volumetric hairstyles, head position. Diana was not a beauty, but everyone thought she was. She just knew how to hide her flaws and demonstrate her strengths. Every woman should learn this.

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Dutchwoman Ikeline Stange

Thin nose, aristocrat! She could have become a multimedia designer, but in 2004, scouts from a modeling agency became interested in the “alien”.

The awkward appearance in which she appeared at the casting did not prevent specialists from seeing real beauty in the girl, and she was able to get her dream job and earn huge money.

Delicate facial features, expressive cheekbones, a gap in the face - Ikeline closed and opened dozens of shows and fashion shows. She owns an exhibition of her own photographs called I Like Ponies.

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