LPG – Vacuum roller massage on the Cellu M6 Endermolab device

If you need to lose weight, correct your figure, remove cellulite. Swelling, loose skin, scars, stretch marks. The Clinic’s specialists will put your body in order with the help of LPG massage in several procedures. We use the Cellu M6 Endermolab device - the latest generation of devices for LPG massage.

LPG vacuum roller massage is a procedure with great possibilities. In addition to body aesthetics, the technique is used for rehabilitation, restorative and sports medicine. After fitness - treats bruises, sprains, muscle congestion, ligament and tendon injuries, swelling, hematomas, etc. Shows excellent results in facial cosmetology.

Most often, LPG is used to massage “problem areas” of the body. You will lose weight, the “orange peel” will go away, and your skin will tighten. Diet will enhance the effect.

Details about LPG massage

LPG massage (endermology, lymphatic drainage) is relevant for solving a number of medical and aesthetic problems.

In medicine, there are four types:

  • Aesthetic. Used for lifting, combating cellulite, figure modeling, etc.
  • Lipomassage. Allows you to eliminate “fat traps” and manifestations of cellulite. Indicated in cases where the cause of figure deformation is fat, local elasticity of the skin is reduced, and fat deposits are asymmetrical. During the session, the patient must do special exercises to enhance the effect.
  • Therapeutic. Eliminates muscle spasms, back pain, accelerates the healing of scars resulting from injuries and burns.
  • Sports. Reduces the recovery period after training, increases the rate of healing of tendons and muscles, eliminates swelling and pain. Relevant in the process of preparing for competitions.

Efficiency of procedures

As a result of exposure to a massage device, the following effects are achieved:

  • elimination of “fat traps” and local fat deposits;
  • silhouette improvement;
  • smoothing or eliminating cellulite;
  • reducing the volume of problem areas;
  • skin lifting;
  • getting rid of swelling;
  • elimination of pain syndrome;
  • improving the quality of skin structure;
  • lymphatic drainage and removal of toxins from the body;
  • improvement of blood microcirculation and lymph flow;
  • acceleration of resorption of bruises;
  • reduction of the recovery period for damage to tendons and muscles as a result of operations, sports injuries, heavy and/or prolonged loads;
  • eliminating heaviness in the legs;
  • healing scars;
  • restoration of figure after pregnancy;
  • prevention of varicose veins.

Pros and cons of this correction method

The advantages include a whole range of problems that this type of massage combats. It helps to correct the figure and face, eliminate aesthetic defects, is useful for therapeutic purposes, smoothes wrinkles and cellulite, removes toxins and harmful substances from the body.


  • long course duration;
  • the need to maintain a healthy lifestyle to maintain results.

Indications and contraindications for LPG massage

Aesthetic indications:

  • post-acne;
  • dull complexion;
  • cellulite;
  • wrinkles;
  • scars, stretch marks, stretch marks;
  • excess weight;
  • "fat traps";
  • oily skin;
  • sagging skin in the chin area, eyelids, drooping oval of the face;
  • swelling on the body and/or face;
  • unaesthetic silhouette.

This technique is also in demand in medicine; it is used to relieve or reduce the intensity of pain in:

  • radiculitis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • rheumatism;
  • injuries;
  • muscle spasms.

Is it possible to do LPG massage immediately after childbirth?

During breastfeeding and/or immediately after pregnancy, such procedures are contraindicated.

Other contraindications that need to be taken into account to avoid side effects:

  • impaired blood circulation;
  • skin tumors;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • hernias;
  • infectious diseases;
  • inflammation of the veins;
  • some endocrine disorders;
  • the first days of menstruation;
  • pregnancy;
  • varicose veins;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • acute chronic diseases;
  • individual intolerance;
  • some diseases of the nervous system;
  • oncology.

Are there any contraindications?

According to doctors, LPG massage actions are prohibited for the following problems:

  • tumors and hernias;
  • diseases of the heart, nervous, endocrine and circulatory systems, other chronic diseases;
  • infection with viruses and bacteria;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • thrombophlebitis, varicose veins in advanced stages.

It is temporarily contraindicated to perform the procedure during menstruation, with general malaise, high body temperature, skin lesions, or immediately after surgery.

LPG facial massage

The operating principle of vacuum roller (LPG) massage is based on the effect of vacuum on problem areas of the face and mechanical kneading of subcutaneous fat with a roller. The process uses the same apparatus as for the body. Only the nozzles change.

Problems that the technique solves:

  • insufficient skin density (it increases by more than 50%);
  • wrinkles (their depth is reduced by almost 25%);
  • subcutaneous fat (its volume is reduced by almost half);
  • sagging skin;
  • deficiency of own collagen and elastin.

How is the procedure done?

The massage does not require pain relief or any medications (however, they can sometimes be used). The face is treated three times for 15 minutes in succession: forehead, cheeks to lip level, chin and lower jaw. The cosmetologist moves the attachment along massage vectors.

Still have questions? You can ask them during a consultation with our cosmetologist. Clinic address: St. Petersburg, st. Chernyakhovsky, 53 m. Ligovsky Prospekt

Recommendations before and after the procedure

Before LPG facial massage, you need to drink 0.5 liters of water, remove makeup, wash your face and dry it thoroughly. The procedure is carried out on clean skin, but special cosmetics can be applied according to indications.

After the procedure, sensitive skin is prone to redness and swelling may form. Within a day, such manifestations disappear. There are no other unwanted effects. You can use cosmetics, sunbathe, play sports, visit a bathhouse, solarium, etc.

Technique for performing endermolift

The impact during the procedure is performed using a manipulator, which is used for cosmetic procedures on the skin of the body and face. The skin fold is captured by parallel rollers using pulsating vacuum. Mechanical vibrations arising from such an effect on the skin and subcutaneous fat affect several planes simultaneously: horizontal, vertical and the one along which the handpiece moves.

During the procedure, the patient is placed on a couch face up or down (depending on the area of ​​the body that will be treated during the procedure). Throughout the session, you can turn, talk and strain your muscles, this will not affect the effectiveness of the endermolift. Visible changes after LPG massage were noted in the hips, back, abdomen, sides, shoulders, décolleté, neck and face.

Cellu M6 Integral is one of the innovative professional-level devices that is used in medical applications. The procedure is carried out in an endodermological suit, which prevents excessive stretching of the skin and ensures sufficient hygiene of the massage, allowing it to be performed on various areas of the skin covered with hairs or subject to sweating.

LPG body massage

This technique allows you to see the result after the first session: reduction in volume, swelling, etc. After 6 sessions, the appearance of cellulite is noticeably reduced, the figure is modeled. To ensure that the achieved results last longer, maintenance procedures are recommended once a month.

Issues that will be resolved:

  • local fat deposits, “fat traps”;
  • manifestations of cellulite;
  • excess body volume;
  • sagging skin;
  • unaesthetic silhouette;
  • swelling;
  • scars, stretch marks;
  • toxins in the body;
  • reduced lymph flow, congestion due to a sedentary lifestyle;
  • pain syndrome;
  • muscle spasms;
  • damage to ligaments and muscles;
  • long-term recovery after physical activity.

This technique also has a neurosensory effect, therefore improving coordination and posture.

How is the procedure done?

The specialist marks the areas that need to be treated. The operating mode of the equipment is selected individually. The session takes place in a special individual suit.

The nozzle (handle) has rollers rotating at different speeds and an aspiration (vacuum) system.

The nozzle is moved over problem areas in the direction of massage vectors. Four techniques are used: rocking, twisting, grinding, sliding. No anesthesia is required because there is no discomfort. The combination of vacuum and rollers provides deep treatment of problem areas.


Lipolytic massage

The main goal of lipolytic massage is not weight loss itself, but the overall health of the body. Thanks to the course of procedures the following is achieved:

  • improving blood and lymph circulation in the problem area;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes, as a result of which fat “burns”;
  • anti-cellulite effect. The “orange peel” effect disappears. The skin is cleansed and renewed.

It is impossible to say in advance how much weight you will be able to lose with the help of massage. The individual characteristics of a person (general constitution, diseases of internal organs, state of the endocrine system) are of great importance. You should not expect that your weight problem can be solved with just a massage. In many cases, it is necessary to consult a doctor - an endocrinologist, nutritionist, or gastroenterologist. However, as part of an integrated approach to the problem of excess weight, lipolytic massage is an appropriate and effective measure.

In any case, massage allows you to achieve visible improvements that will last for a considerable time.

Reviews, before and after photos

To understand the effect of the technique, look at several photographs of women who tried lpg for the face. We will also provide some useful reviews from the popular resource otzovik.com:




If the skin has undergone age-related changes, applying lift massage will be a very useful type of hardware cosmetology. It can correct skin imperfections already caused by aging and become a means of preventing them.

It is used if:

  1. Deep wrinkled folds have formed on the skin - it doesn’t matter whether they are facial or age-related;
  2. The oval of the face has undergone undesirable changes;
  3. The skin has become loose;
  4. There is a threat of obesity or a double chin;
  5. The skin of the face became swollen, bags formed in the eye area, the skin acquired an unhealthy shade;
  6. There are bruises, scars and cicatrices on the skin.


Excess weight accumulates in the form of fat and connective tissue. Fat cells increase in size, and connective tissue grows around them. These growths can impinge on nerve endings, increasing tissue soreness, which manifests itself during massage of particularly sensitive areas (for example, the inner thighs).

To obtain a tangible and lasting effect, it is necessary to conduct a course of massage procedures. Usually, after the first two sessions, a visual decrease in volume is observed, but you should not stop there, since this result is achieved mainly due to improved lymph outflow, and the fight against fat mass is still ahead. Usually at least 6 massage sessions are required. In some cases, it is recommended to undergo 10-15 sessions. The optimal frequency of the procedure is 2-3 sessions per week.

After the massage, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids. Since massage lowers blood pressure and has a sedative (calming) effect, you need to be careful when getting behind the wheel, or it is better to hold off on driving. You should not drink coffee or take drugs that stimulate the nervous system.

What is hidden behind the letters "LPG"

The developer of the method is the Frenchman Louis-Paul Guitey. The initials of his full name became the name of the method. After the car accident, Louis was deprived of the ability to move normally. Every day he was forced to resort to special exercises and massages in order to experience a minimum of hardship. He constantly thought about how to get rid of the damage. And so he began developing a device that would allow the body to recover from the effects of injuries. But the system he invented was also used to reduce stretch marks, heal facial skin and get rid of “orange peels”.

You can often find such names for LPG massage as:

  • Liftmassage;
  • Non-surgical LPG face lift;
  • LPG endermology;
  • Endermolift;
  • Cosmechanics;
  • Endermological lipomassage.

To carry out all these procedures, a device manufactured by LPG Systems is used. Some other companies are trying to copy or improve this device, but the original is better than the copy and it is difficult to believe that their equipment is effective.

For LPG massage of the body, face, and décolleté, different attachments are used. These are Endermolab, Integral, Lift, Keymodule Cellu M6. The models are constantly being improved and currently look like this:

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