How to remove rosacea? Experiment on the BBL device, “before” and “after” photos

Rejuvenation at the genetic level. According to research by scientists at Stanford University (USA)*, Forever Young BBL procedures rejuvenate the skin at the genetic level, making skin cells functionally similar to young cells.

Stop skin aging! Sciton's Forever Young BBL is a revolutionary treatment that uses light energy to target the skin to enhance the body's natural ability to fight aging. Forever Young BBL is not only for women and men with pigmented and vascular skin lesions. Patented PREJUVENATION™ technology will keep your skin looking youthful for years to come

Before and after

All results BEFORE and AFTER

Prices for the BBL procedure

Acne treatment (FOREVER CLEAR)

Face15 000₽
Cheeks10 000₽
Cleavage12 000₽
Back15 000₽

Photorejuvenation (FOREVER YOUNG)

Full face with submandibular area30 000₽
Neck24 000₽
Cleavage30 000₽
Face, neck45 000₽
Neck, décolleté45 000₽
Face, neck, décolleté65 000₽

Thermal effect (SKIN TYTE)

Face20 000₽
Neck15 000₽
Cleavage20 000₽
Face, neck32 000₽
Neck, décolleté32 000₽
Face, neck, décolleté45 000₽
Hands15 000₽
1 zone 10x10 cm10 000₽


Skin phototherapy 1 flash500₽
Face18 000₽
Cheeks10 000₽
Neck12 000₽
Cleavage18 000₽
Face, neck25 000₽
Neck, décolleté25 000₽
Face, neck, décolleté35 000₽
Wings of the nose4 500₽
Nose5 000₽
Hands8 000₽
Shoulders15 000₽

Phototherapy for scars

Elimination of scar deformation (depending on size)from 4,000₽ to 12,000₽

View full price list

BBL opportunities at ART Clinic

  • Activates “young” genes
  • Distributes collagen more uniformly
  • Increases skin elasticity
  • Reduces wrinkles
  • Maintains an even skin tone
  • Launches biorevitalization
  • Tightens enlarged pores

In addition to getting rid of the signs of photoaging of the skin, there is a biorevitalizing effect that “awakens the skin”, making it more resistant to cold, wind and other influences.

The BBL procedure is an innovative technique that allows you to stop skin aging. The revolutionary method proposed by Sciton is based on the effect of light energy on epidermal cells. As a result, rejuvenation is triggered at the gene level. The skin becomes smooth, elastic, radiant. All imperfections remain in the past.

Elimination of imperfections and skin rejuvenation

BBL light therapy is effective in solving the following problems:


. BBL successfully eliminates freckles, chloasma, melasma, solar lentigo and other types of age spots from the face, shoulders, and arms. Melanin absorbs light energy and is destroyed without affecting other tissues. After a BBL hyperpigmentation treatment, you will see the spot darken and then lighten over the course of a few days. The deeper the pigment, the more procedures will be required to completely remove it.

Acne and post-acne

. Acne (acne) is a disease that requires an integrated approach to treatment. BBL light therapy with a filter with a wavelength of 420 nm allows you to defeat propionobacteria, which are the main cause of inflammation of the sebaceous glands. As a result, inflammation decreases and the effectiveness of therapy prescribed by a dermatovenerologist increases. In addition, the action of BBL triggers skin renewal processes and effectively fights the consequences of acne: smoothes the skin texture, eliminates post-acne scars.

Vascular pathologies

. The BBL device allows you to perform vascular coagulation - non-invasively, safely and without damaging adjacent tissues. The technology is suitable for removing small and medium-sized vessels and allows treating pathologies such as rosacea, rosacea, port-wine stains, spider veins, and hemangiomas. Since BBL light therapy does not require incisions, the procedure is well tolerated, does not cause pain, and does not require rehabilitation.

Age-related skin changes

. BBL has a powerful rejuvenating effect on the skin, launches the process of natural renewal and allows you to look young at any age. During the BBL photorejuvenation course, wrinkles are smoothed out, enlarged pores are narrowed, skin density and elasticity are improved, and complexion improves. Depending on the initial data and duration of the course, you can “throw off” up to 5 years!

After the first session, the skin looks noticeably fresher, however, the result appears after a course of procedures. Depending on the problem and characteristics of your skin, a BBL phototherapy course may include 5 sessions at intervals of 7-10 days.

In what cases is it worth performing photorejuvenation using the BBL device?

Forever Young BBL phototherapy promotes the activation of genes responsible for youthful skin. In its deep layers, the synthesis of its own collagen starts. The relief is leveled, and the surface becomes resistant to the negative influence of external factors - UV rays, dry air, temperature changes.

Indications for the procedure:

  • loss of elasticity and firmness;
  • visible wrinkles in any area of ​​the face;
  • intense pigmentation;
  • enlarged pores.

Forever Young BBL is a comfortable procedure that takes no more than half an hour. Exposure to broadband light may cause a slight tingling or warming sensation, but there will be no serious discomfort during the procedure. Rehabilitation after photorejuvenation is not required.

Combined treatment protocol

In my practice, I use complex protocols to treat acne, in particular combined exposure to high-intensity broadband light (Joule platform, Sciton, USA) and PRP therapy. In the treatment of acne, I use the BBL™ (BroadBand Light) module; the technique is recognized as safe, which has been confirmed in the scientific literature (Guffey, Wilborn 2006; Maclean et al. 2009).

The patients were prescribed an individual treatment regimen. The intervals between sessions varied depending on the dynamics of the clinical picture.

Blue light (420 nm) had a pronounced antimicrobial effect against a number of pathogens, including Helicobacter pylori, Staphylococcus aureus and epidermidis, Streptococcus pyogenes, Propionobacterium acnes (P. acnes) and many others, both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.

Infrared radiation (560, 590 nm) helped relieve inflammation and improve metabolic and immune processes in the skin through controlled heating of the subepidermal layers of the skin.

Treatment to synergize the effect and optimize the therapeutic outcome was used in combination with diet therapy, selection of competent home care, and the use of topical anti-inflammatory drugs. The patients were recommended home care, dietary supplement therapy (after clinical analysis for microelements), probiotic therapy, and diet were selected.

Clinical case 1

Doctor: Tali Abramova

Patient: Male, 18 years old, Fitzpatrick phototype 1

Diagnosis: 3rd degree acne, nodular form

History: Suffering from manifestations of this disease for three years. According to the patient, he used benzoyl peroxide containing topical medications, which did not improve the clinical picture. From the data of laboratory tests: demodicosis was not detected, the results of general and biochemical blood tests were within normal limits. A slight zinc deficiency and a significant vitamin D deficiency were revealed.



  • Joule platform, BBL BroadBand Light module (Sciton, USA).
  • Filter BBL 420, 560, 590 nm.

Rice. 1.1. The use of high-intensity broadband light BBL Sciton in the treatment of acne. Result before procedures. Photos courtesy of Tali Abramova.

Rice. 1.2. The use of high-intensity broadband light BBL Sciton in the treatment of acne. Result after procedures. Photos courtesy of Tali Abramova.

Rice. 1.3. The use of high-intensity broadband light BBL Sciton in the treatment of acne. Result before procedures. Photos courtesy of Tali Abramova.

Rice. 1.4. The use of high-intensity broadband light BBL Sciton in the treatment of acne. Result after procedures. Photos courtesy of Tali Abramova.

Clinical case 2

Doctor: Tali Abramova

Patient: Male, 21 years old, Fitzpatrick phototype 2

Diagnosis: 2nd degree acne, papulopustular form

History: The disease changes shape, periodically manifests itself in remissions, the patient associates exacerbations with stress. From laboratory tests: demodicosis was not detected, the results of general and biochemical analysis revealed a latent form of iron deficiency anemia.



  • Joule platform, BBL BroadBand Light module (Sciton, USA).
  • Filter BBL 420, 560, 590 nm.

Rice. 2.1. The use of high-intensity broadband light BBL Sciton in the treatment of acne. Result before procedures. Photos courtesy of Tali Abramova.

Rice. 2.2. The use of high-intensity broadband light BBL Sciton in the treatment of acne. Result after procedures. Photos courtesy of Tali Abramova.

Clinical case 3

Doctor: Tali Abramova

Patient: Female, 27 years old, Fitzpatrick phototype 1

Diagnosis: 3rd degree acne, nodular form

History: Suffering from manifestations of this disease for three years. According to the patient, he used benzoyl peroxide containing topical medications, which did not improve the clinical picture. From the data of laboratory tests: demodicosis was not detected, the results of general and biochemical blood tests were within normal limits. A slight zinc deficiency and a significant vitamin D deficiency were revealed.



  • Joule platform, BBL BroadBand Light module (Sciton, USA).
  • Filter BBL 420, 560, 590 nm.

Rice. 3.1. The use of high-intensity broadband light BBL Sciton in the treatment of acne. Result before procedures. Photos courtesy of Tali Abramova.

Rice. 3.2. The use of high-intensity broadband light BBL Sciton in the treatment of acne. Result after 1 procedure. Photos courtesy of Tali Abramova.

BBL Forever Young therapy at ART Clinic

If you are tired of age spots and none of the cosmetics help fight age-related changes, do not waste time, but entrust facial skin care to specialists. You can take a course of Forever Young BBL photorejuvenation procedures in Moscow in our clinic.

For you:

  • comfortable conditions;
  • impeccable service;
  • the best prices and favorable promotions;
  • possibility of payment in installments;
  • online consultations.

Our specialists will help you clarify the cost of a course of procedures and choose the optimal frequency of sessions. Take the first step towards beautiful skin - sign up for a consultation with a cosmetologist at ART-Clinic.

More about the BBL procedure

What happens during the procedure?

Protective glasses are put on the eyes. Usually no local anesthetic is used, but sometimes the doctor may use it for more sensitive areas. During exposure to broadband light, you may briefly feel warmth or short “clicks” from the flashes. The procedure can last from a few minutes to half an hour depending on the area being treated and the type of procedure.

What is the rehabilitation period?

In most cases, the client will be able to return to work, wear makeup, and resume their normal lifestyle immediately after the procedure.

How many procedures are needed?

Forever Young BBL is used as a maintenance procedure after completion of the BBL treatment complex. Procedures are prescribed during a consultation with a doctor; on average, three procedures per year are sufficient.

For which areas of the body can the procedure be performed?

The procedure can be performed in any area of ​​the body. Most often, these are areas that are more susceptible to the harmful effects of the sun: the skin of the face, neck, back of the hand, décolleté and shoulders.

Gentle impact

Gene activation occurs without tissue damage and without triggering repair mechanisms! Most modern rejuvenation procedures are based on technologies that damage tissue. They cause pain and require long-term rehabilitation. BBL eliminates all this!


  • Fresh tan, use of self-tanner
  • Epilepsy
  • Taking anticoagulants
  • Exacerbation of the herpes simplex virus
  • Taking photosensitizers
  • Oral retinoids (six months) or topical retinoids (2 weeks)
  • Tattoos and make-up in affected areas
  • Pregnancy
  • Lactation
  • History of melanocytic skin cancers

See the results before and after

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Clinical Experience on the Joule Platform

Doctor: Victoria Klishko
Patient: Woman, 24 years old, Fitzpatrick phototype 2

Diagnosis: 2nd degree acne, papulopustular form

History: The disease changes shape, periodically manifests itself in remissions, the patient associates exacerbations with stress. From laboratory tests: demodicosis was not detected, the results of general and biochemical analyzes showed a latent form of iron deficiency anemia.

Treatment: Three procedures have been performed so far. Treatment continues.


  • Joule platform, BBL BroadBand Light module (Sciton, USA).
  • Filter BBL 515 8/10–10/12 (100–120 flashes)
  • Filter BBL 420 5/200–6/220–7/240 (120–200 flashes)
  • Filter BBL 560 15/20–20/20 (locally for post-inflammatory spots 80–100 flashes)

Additionally, the SkinTyte 590/695 module (13/15, 6000–7500 per cheek). The module uses the infrared spectrum to deeply heat the collagen of the dermis and stimulate neocollagenogenesis.

Rice. 4.1. The use of high-intensity broadband light BBL Sciton in the treatment of acne. Result before the procedure. Photos courtesy of Victoria Klishko.

Rice. 4.2. The use of high-intensity broadband light BBL Sciton in the treatment of acne. Result after three procedures. Photos courtesy of Victoria Klishko.

Rice. 4.3. The use of high-intensity broadband light BBL Sciton in the treatment of acne. Result before the procedure. Photos courtesy of Victoria Klishko.

Rice. 4.4. The use of high-intensity broadband light BBL Sciton in the treatment of acne. Result after three procedures. Photos courtesy of Victoria Klishko.

Doctor: Victoria Klishko

Patient: Female, 27 years old, Fitzpatrick phototype 2

Diagnosis: 2nd degree acne, papulopustular form

History: Periodic remissions. From laboratory tests: demodicosis was not detected.

Treatment: 5 procedures were performed (once every 2 weeks). Combination with Regen Lab plasma (2 procedures).


  • Joule platform, BBL BroadBand Light module (Sciton, USA).
  • Filter BBL 515 10/12 (100–120 flashes)
  • Filter BBL 420 6/220–7/240 (120–200 flashes)
  • Filter BBL 560 10/15–15/20–20/20 (large glass and locally round)

Additionally, the SkinTyte 590 module (13/15, 7500 per cheek). The module uses the infrared spectrum to deeply heat the collagen of the dermis and stimulate neocollagenogenesis.

Rice. 5.1. The use of high-intensity broadband light BBL Sciton in the treatment of acne. Result before the course of procedures. Photos courtesy of Victoria Klishko.

Rice. 5.2. The use of high-intensity broadband light BBL Sciton in the treatment of acne. Result after a course of 5 procedures. Photos courtesy of Victoria Klishko.

Rice. 5.3. The use of high-intensity broadband light BBL Sciton in the treatment of acne. Result before the course of procedures. Photos courtesy of Victoria Klishko.

Rice. 5.4. The use of high-intensity broadband light BBL Sciton in the treatment of acne. Result after a course of 5 procedures. Photos courtesy of Victoria Klishko.

Doctor: Kaldaeva Marina Olegovna

Patient: Female, 25 years old, Fitzpatrick phototype 2

Diagnosis: 3rd degree acne, papulopustular form

History: Periodic remissions. From laboratory tests: demodicosis was not detected.

Treatment: To date, 2 procedures have been performed (once every 2 weeks). Treatment continues.


  • Joule platform, BBL BroadBand Light module (Sciton, USA).
  • Filter BBL 420 5/240
  • Filter BBL 515 8/10
  • Filter BBL 560 13/20 (spot)
  • Filter BBL 590 ST 10/12 8000 (cheek)

Rice. 6.1. The use of high-intensity broadband light BBL Sciton in the treatment of acne. Result before procedures. Treatment continues. Photos courtesy of Marina Kaldaeva.

Rice. 6.2. The use of high-intensity broadband light BBL Sciton in the treatment of acne. Result after a course of 2 procedures. Treatment continues. Photos courtesy of Marina Kaldaeva.

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