Types of cosmetology: pros and cons of various services and procedures, indications and contraindications for them

From this article you will learn:

  • Modern cosmetology and its types
  • Main types of cosmetology and their advantages
  • Hardware type of cosmetology: procedures and their approximate cost
  • Medical type of cosmetology: procedures and their approximate cost
  • Aesthetic type of cosmetology: procedures and their approximate cost
  • When should you use different types of cosmetology?
  • Where in Moscow to sign up for this or that type of cosmetology

Currently, there are a huge number of cosmetology offices, salons and clinics that offer a wide range of means and methods of rejuvenation, healing and beauty. Because of such diversity, making the right choice can sometimes be very difficult. To do this, you need to know what types of cosmetology, types of cosmetics and devices exist.

Modern cosmetology and its types

Modern cosmetology is a complex science that includes the knowledge of specialists, the latest products, preparations and devices. The results of research in this area indicate that with the right choice of procedures and cosmetic products appropriate to the client’s age and time of year, it is possible to regulate and control metabolic processes in skin cells, slow down aging and delay its external manifestations.

So, now we can distinguish two modern areas of facial cosmetology: medical and decorative.

Decorative cosmetology is aimed at eliminating a person’s external imperfections, while medical cosmetology helps fight skin and hair diseases using conservative and surgical methods of therapy, as well as prevent their occurrence. The range of cosmetic products and methods in this area is constantly increasing.

In cosmetology, there are several other different areas: laser, therapeutic and hardware. Each of them has its own advantages, disadvantages, capabilities and features, but all of them will definitely help you look attractive, well-groomed and young.

Therapeutic cosmetology is the broadest field. It includes medical and cosmetic procedures aimed at treating problematic, pigmented skin. This type of cosmetology also includes methods for correcting wrinkles, tightening the facial contour, changing the shape of the lips, getting rid of excessive sweating and mesotherapy.

So, cosmetology is a field of medicine that is constantly developing and improving. She deals with skin problems, eliminating cosmetic imperfections of the dermis and caring for it.

The effectiveness of vector lifting

Biomaterials that dissolve over a long period of time are used as threads for the frame: mesothreads, polycaprolactone, polylactic acid.

This drug performs several functions at once:

  • Gives a lifting effect.
  • Starts the process of cell regeneration.
  • Creates a frame that prevents the skin from sagging.

Unlike mesotherapy, vector lifting can provide a positive effect for up to 4 years.


  • Viral diseases.
  • Inflammatory processes in the injection area.
  • Tendency to the appearance of keloid scars.
  • Lactation and pregnancy period.

Main types of cosmetology and their advantages

Hardware cosmetology

In hardware cosmetology, there are a lot of types of facial procedures aimed at healing and rejuvenating the skin. Each of them is performed using a special device and cosmetics. This type of cosmetology uses the latest developments and drugs appearing in medical practice.


  • Virtually painless procedures, minimal discomfort during them.
  • Fast and noticeable results.
  • Possibility of use in aesthetic and hardware cosmetology.
  • Individual selection of procedures taking into account the age group, skin type and general condition of the client.
  • High efficiency.
  • Non-interference with the structure of the epidermis and dermis.
  • The versatility of the procedures and the possibility of combining them with other cosmetic procedures.

Laser cosmetology

This type of cosmetology is part of the hardware direction, where various lasers are used to carry out procedures. Laser beams, penetrating into the skin cells, affect them with light and thermal energy, as a result of which dead cellular elements are removed from the epidermis and dermis. The peculiarity of the laser is that it can influence cells selectively, destroying only those that are already damaged and not affecting healthy ones.

The advantages of this type of cosmetology:

  • No surgical intervention.
  • Possibility of adjusting the depth of penetration of laser beams.
  • Minimal thermal damage.
  • Quick visible results.
  • Possibility of clear and local impact.
  • Easy and fast rehabilitation.
  • The versatility of procedures and a wide range of their applications in cosmetology.
  • Providing a bactericidal effect.

Medical cosmetology (therapeutic)

This type of cosmetology is a set of procedures that are aimed not only at eliminating aesthetic defects, but also at combating various diseases. Prevention and treatment of pathologies, elimination of cosmetic defects are carried out using various therapeutic measures.

Advantages of the medical type of cosmetology:

  • No side effects or complications after the procedures.
  • Minimal damage to the skin.
  • A safe way to eliminate aesthetic imperfections without surgical intervention.
  • Effective prevention and fight against extra pounds and cellulite.
  • The ability to slow down the aging process in skin cells.
  • Fast and easy rehabilitation.
  • Possibility of removing tumors.
  • Solution to the problem of excessive sweating.
  • Treatment of baldness and prevention of hair loss.

Aesthetic cosmetology

There is also aesthetic cosmetology, the types of services of which are aimed at solving problems that do not threaten the client’s health and do not require the intervention of a doctor. These techniques will help get rid of various minor external defects that cause emotional discomfort to a person and develop complexes. This could be moles, an unsightly shape of the nose or eyebrows, heavy hair growth on the legs or arms, etc.

Advantages of aesthetic cosmetology:

  • Fast, noticeable and long-term effect.
  • Individual approach to each client.
  • Visible results when correcting external imperfections.
  • Relieving clients of self-doubt and complexes.
  • Possibility to avoid surgical interventions.

Now we should discuss in more detail the types of cosmetology and consider the most popular and popular procedures.

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Thread technologies


The main task of reinforcing threads (3D mesothreads) is internal rejuvenation of skin structures. The reinforcement threads are small and smooth, they are made from medical suture material PDO (polydioxanone), biocompatible with the human body. Polydioxanone causes fibroblasts to move from a passive state to an active state and synthesize type 1 collagen (the same type is produced in us at the age of 15-16). With a certain method of installing mesothreads, polydioxanone enhances blood microcirculation, which gives a lipolytic effect, that is, the removal of excess fluid from the body. This, in turn, leads to a reduction in tissue volume, smoothing of the skin, and elimination of the “orange peel” effect (cellulite). Therefore, in addition to facelifting, 3D mesothreads can be used in any area where a quick and safe tightening is needed. This could be the skin of the abdomen, sagging after pregnancy or a strict diet, the décolleté area, hips, buttocks, inner surfaces of the shoulders or thighs.


Lifting threads are used for non-surgical facelift. Once upon a time they were made of gold, but the metal does not dissolve in tissues, and the constant presence of a foreign body under the skin is dangerous to health. Modern threads are made from self-absorbing materials, they are safe and provide a long-lasting tightening effect. Thus, Italian Dermafil threads are made from surgical material caprolactone, which is completely absorbed in the body and eliminated from it naturally. During production, double cross-polymerization of caprolactone is carried out using Double R2 technology. Thanks to it, the skin is completely renewed due to the formation of new collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid.

The effect of non-surgical plastic surgery is achieved due to a special design. Designed in a herringbone shape with very small, almost invisible notches (“teeth”), these threads, when inserted under the skin, are attached using the “teeth” to the soft tissue. Thus, they form a supporting frame that tightens the contours of the face. The notches prevent the movement of fabrics and threads to other areas. The special structure allows you to obtain an instant lifting effect and maintain it for a long time - from 3 to 5 years.

Hardware type of cosmetology: procedures and their approximate cost

The following types of devices are used in hardware cosmetology:

  1. AC pulse generators.
  2. Devices for laser and photoepilation.
  3. Cavitation devices - small cavities are formed in adipose tissue under the influence of ultrasound or some other type of energy. This reduces the amount of fat in the body.
  4. Laser radiation generators for lifting.
  5. Coagulators literally dissolve blood vessels visible on the skin, as well as age spots and a number of other defects.
  6. Vacuum roller massagers are used for massage of the whole body and its individual parts.
  7. Electric field generators for electroporation: pores are formed in the lipid layer of cells. This procedure helps get rid of cellulite and wrinkles, and also helps to correct the shape of the face. Such generators are also used for hair removal.

There are other devices that are now used in various types of hardware cosmetology for the face and body. Every year the list is replenished with new models, and old ones are modified and modernized.

Hardware cosmetology offers the following types of procedures.


The main task is to remove fatty tissue from various parts of the client’s body. Fat is removed from the chin, neck, chest, abdomen, thighs, etc.

There are several types of liposuction:

  • Tumeniscent.

The oldest and simplest way. A special cannula is inserted into the problem part of the body and fat is removed through it. There are several different execution techniques. A number of complications may develop: relapse, infection, sagging skin. The procedure is performed under anesthesia. This method of liposuction is used only for severe fat deposits.

  • Ultrasonic method.

A cannula is also inserted into the skin, but the fat is not pumped out, but destroyed using ultrasound. There are also technologies where nothing needs to be injected into the skin, for example, percutaneous liposuction, but its use is only possible with minor fat deposits. In addition, this method stimulates the synthesis of internal collagen and makes the skin more elastic.

  • Using a laser.

This method of liposuction, used in various types of cosmetology, is very similar to the previous one, only a laser is used instead of ultrasound. It is considered more effective due to more complete breakdown of lipid cells.

  • Radio wave.

For such liposuction, high-frequency radio waves are used. In addition to the fact that fat deposits are reduced during the procedure, the skin is also tightened.

Indications: local fat deposits that cannot be removed through surgery.


  1. Severe chronic diseases.
  2. Fever.
  3. Contraindications to the use of painkillers.
  4. Period of exacerbation of common diseases.
  5. Malignant neoplasms.

The cost of this cosmetic procedure depends on the area of ​​treatment. The most expensive liposuction is the abdomen, back, hips and legs. But it will be cheaper to remove fat from the chin, arms, buttocks and knees.

The price also depends on the type of cosmetology and the clinic where the session is performed.

Here are the approximate costs of different types of liposuction:

  • Tumenescent - from 15,000 to 30,000 rubles.
  • Laser – about 25,000 rubles per body area. The price may be higher or lower depending on the zone.
  • Radio wave – approximately 30,000 rubles.
  • Ultrasonic – 20,000 rubles per zone.


Using this procedure, used in various types of cosmetology, it is possible to remove dead skin cells, which will lead to an increase in its elasticity and tone, and an improvement in appearance. Peeling also normalizes water exchange in the epidermis and dermis, making the face look younger.


  • Vacuum peeling.

A special nozzle pumps air. This causes the skin pores to open, and waste products and other toxic metabolic products are removed through them. There are no contraindications to the procedure, and no complications are observed. With the help of some portable devices, vacuum peeling can be done even at home. The average cost in the salon is about 1,500 rubles. Disadvantages: weak effect.

  • Cryotherapy.

Due to exposure to cold nitrogen, blood vessels first spasm and then dilate. As a result, metabolism improves. On average, cryotherapy costs 1000 rubles. Contraindications – open wounds, burns in the treated area, skin diseases, allergies to low temperatures.

  • Gas-liquid peeling.

The skin is exposed to a special mixture of liquid and gas. The effect is similar to that of vacuum peeling, but it is more noticeable and long-lasting. The price of one session is 3000 rubles.

  • Aqua peeling.

This procedure, used in various types of cosmetology, consists of sending a mixture of saline and oxygen to the face under high pressure. After aqua peeling, the skin is cleansed, moisturized, and its layers are quickly regenerated and renewed. The specialist determines contraindications individually for each patient. The cost of the service is from 500 rubles.

  • Laser peeling.

Laser peeling helps renew the surface layers of the skin, remove pigmentation, wrinkles, scars and scars. The main complication is tissue burns. Contraindications: sensitive skin, presence of moles, dermatitis. The cost of the procedure is about 5,000 rubles.

  • Ultrasonic peeling.

Ultrasound damages and destroys intercellular connections that are formed due to salt deposits and a number of other pathological reactions of the body. This procedure also stimulates cell growth. Contraindications include sensitive or oily skin, as it can contribute to the development of complications. The ultrasonic peeling procedure lasts quite a long time. During this procedure, you may need injections or local application of certain medications (for example, muscle relaxants). Cost – 2000 rubles.

  • Radio wave peeling.

Using radio waves, skin cells are heated, causing cellular elements in the area of ​​wrinkles, scars and scars to evaporate. This procedure is carried out in a course. The cost of one session is 3000 rubles. There are no contraindications and, as a rule, there are no complications.

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Lifting is a concept that is synonymous with the word “rejuvenation”. During this procedure, the collagen structure is restored and deposits are removed. There are a number of methods for obtaining such a result, starting with injections and ending with the interventions of plastic surgeons. The safest of all these methods is hardware lifting.


  • Radio wave.

Radio wave lifting provides many different effects. The most important of them is the removal of dead skin cells. There are no contraindications, no complications or side effects observed. The cost of the procedure is from 2500 rubles.

  • Laser lifting.

The effects are the same as with the radio wave method, but this procedure is more painful and the rehabilitation period is longer. But the result lasts much longer. It is important that a specialist choose the right dosage regimen for you, otherwise you can only worsen your skin condition.

Depending on the area being treated, the cost of this procedure starts from 4,000 rubles. Contraindications: skin pathologies, severe chronic diseases, fever, pregnancy.

  • Ultrasonic lifting.

By changing the dose of ultrasonic radiation, you can, in addition to the peeling effect, also get a lifting effect. During the procedure, the skin is cleansed, its cells are better supplied with oxygen (due to dilatation of blood vessels) and lymph, which helps the body fight infections. The price depends on the affected area. Treatment of the entire face costs about 30 thousand rubles. Contraindications are the same as for the previous type of lifting. There are no complications if the session is performed correctly.

Read material on the topic: Lifting problem areas: a breakthrough in cosmetology or ordinary advertising


The indication for the procedure is the presence of unwanted hair. Hardware cosmetology for the body offers the following types:

  • Laser hair removal.

The result of this procedure is stable and durable. The effect can last up to five years. However, the price of laser hair removal is quite high. Hair removal in the upper lip area costs 2,000 rubles, and from the thighs - 10,000. The procedure is usually performed in courses.

Contraindications: skin diseases, diabetes mellitus type I or II, infectious pathologies, herpes, varicose veins, fresh and strong tan, malignant neoplasms. In addition, laser hair removal is practically ineffective for gray and very light hair in the treated area.

Main complications: dermatitis, burns.

  • Photoepilation.

This procedure, used in hardware cosmetology, leads to the fact that the hair is destroyed along with the root under the influence of thermal energy. The effect of photoepilation is not as lasting as when using laser techniques.

Contraindications: acute chronic diseases, fresh tan, hormonal disorders, pregnancy, lactation, menstruation, age under 18 years.

Main complications: dermatitis, burns.

The cost of one session is 1000 rubles.

  • Electrolysis.

Electrolysis is a procedure aimed at destroying hair follicles as a result of exposure to electrical impulses. Contraindications – fever, sensitive skin, neuroses and all those related to photoepilation. The advantages of this method are low price, getting rid of unwanted hair forever. Electrolysis is a fairly lengthy and painful procedure. Price – 25 rubles per minute of session.

  • Ultrasonic hair removal.

Ultrasonic hair removal is a quick and painless method of getting rid of unwanted hair. There are no contraindications to the procedure, but it is better to consult a cosmetologist before it. Price – 1000–3000 rubles.


Facial massage causes physiological arterial hyperemia, blood flow to the skin in this area increases. This effect helps relieve fatigue, reduce wrinkles, get rid of excess fat deposits, and fight infections. In addition, there are a large number of active points on the face, the impact of which contributes to overall vigor.

The massage is carried out using special devices in the form of a marker. The masseur moves them over the face. Such devices have advantages over conventional hand tools. They are able to affect even such hard-to-reach places as the area around the eyes, eyebrows and nose.

Contraindications to the procedure: benign and malignant tumors on the face, skin diseases, pregnancy.

Main complications: acne, hematomas, sagging skin.

The procedure is done in a course of up to 10 sessions, the cost of one is about 2,500 rubles.

Read material on the topic: Facial massage against wrinkles: 10 effective techniques

Lymphatic drainage

Skin vessels are often constricted due to exposure to dust, cosmetics, and low temperatures. Lymphatic drainage can solve this problem. Indications for the procedure are dull, flabby, dry skin, puffiness, cellulite, dark circles under the eyes. The main effect is improvement of metabolic processes in cells.

There are a number of ways to perform lymphatic drainage:

  • Vacuum.

This method, used in hardware cosmetology, involves pumping air onto the skin. This activates metabolic processes in it. Vacuum lymphatic drainage is used to get rid of cellulite.

Contraindications: complicated and aggravated chronic pathologies, malignant neoplasms, infections, venous diseases.

Complications after the procedure: hematomas.

Price – about 2000 rubles.

  • Using microcurrent.

Weak electrical impulses affect the skin, causing the cells of the epidermis and dermis to awaken and become active. Contraindications are the same as for vacuum lymphatic drainage. Complications: burns. The cost of the procedure is about 1000 rubles.

  • Pressotherapy.

Using a special cuff or suit, the area of ​​the client’s body to be treated is covered and compressed air is supplied. It mechanically “pushes” the area of ​​influence. Contraindications are the same as for previous methods. Complications – hematomas. The price is low, about 400 rubles per session.

Read material on the topic: Hardware cosmetology clinic: the most popular procedures

Figure correction

Many techniques have also been developed to slim the body: from traditional massages and wraps to hardware techniques.

The unique Israeli hardware system Cellu Program makes it possible to get rid of deep fatty deposits that cover internal organs with a dense layer - liver, heart, stomach, kidneys, creating a significant load on these organs and leading to diseases.

High-frequency ultrasonic waves freely penetrate to a depth of 8-9 cm and dissolve abdominal fat. After this, it is eliminated from the body through the lymphatic system. This process is called visceral lipolysis. At the same time, the system uses low frequency ultrasonic waves. They penetrate the surface layer to a depth of 3 cm and dissolve subcutaneous fat deposits. In this case, Cellu Program works like classic ultrasonic liposuction.

No other system can cope with the difficult task of getting rid of internal fat deposits. Diets, fitness or other exercises and workouts, even the most intense ones, cannot do this. Meanwhile, eliminating abdominal fat is not just about losing body weight. This improvement and improvement of the functioning of internal organs is the key to the health and youth of the whole organism!

Body correction with the Cellu Program is so effective that in just 3-4 sessions you can reduce your waist size by 4-8 cm and your body weight by 5-7 kilograms!

And the elite Italian device Endosphere will help you get rid of cellulite once and for all.

The device operates on the principle of deep vibration and compression. It “squeezes out” excess fluid from tissues, activates blood circulation and lymph flow, accelerates metabolic processes, and eliminates congestion. The device adapts to the patient’s body, is safe and its effects leave no traces. It gives excellent results by affecting fat deposits on the back, hips, buttocks, inner surface of the arms and legs. It is in these places that “orange peel” most often forms.

The skin becomes smoother and more elastic even after one procedure. And after a course of treatment, cellulite will disappear, and body volume will decrease by 2 sizes at once.

Medical type of cosmetology: procedures and their approximate cost

Medical cosmetology offers the following types of services:

1. Electrocoagulation is a method of removing formations such as papillomas, moles, rosacea, warts, tattoos, etc. from the surface of the skin.

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and involves cauterization of soft tissues with high-frequency current.

Estimated cost:

  • up to 0.25 cm in size - from 650 rubles and above;
  • up to 0.5 cm in size – from 800 rubles;
  • more than 0.5 cm – from 1,300 rubles.

2. Ozone therapy is a healing procedure used in medical cosmetology, which consists of introducing a mixture of oxygen and ozone into the skin through injections. Ozone stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, neutralizes free radicals, retains fluid in skin cells and helps reduce wrinkles. The procedure is used to treat acne, rosacea, cellulite, remove spider veins and stretch marks.

The price of a session can range from 500 to 5000 rubles. On average, ozone therapy can be done for 1.5–2.5 thousand rubles in a good, proven clinic.

You can increase the elasticity and rejuvenate the skin of the oval face for 500–3000 rubles, the chin for 400–2500 rubles, and the neck for 400–2000 rubles.

Typically, experts recommend comprehensive ozone therapy for the skin of the entire face and neck. This procedure is more profitable than treating individual zones. The cost varies from 1200 to 3000 rubles.

Ozone therapy is carried out by:

  • Taking ozone baths – from 250 to 400 rubles per session.
  • Intravenous administration of ozone solution - from 500 to 2500 rubles.

Another popular procedure used in medical cosmetology is ozone therapy for baldness, herpes, and bacterial eczema. These diseases can be cured by rubbing ozonated oil into the problem area. Prices for the service vary widely: from 50 to 2000 rubles, depending on the problem, area of ​​treatment and clinic.

3. The injection type of cosmetology offers techniques that involve the subcutaneous injection of botulinum toxin and hyaluronic acid. This helps smooth out deep wrinkles, correct the shape of the lips and the shape of the face.

4. Spa treatments are used in medical cosmetology to rejuvenate, strengthen and heal the body. They are based on the effect of a combination of sea water, rich in minerals, with healing mud, salt and algae.

How much do spa treatments cost? It is very difficult to give average values ​​as an example, since the price depends on the class of the beauty salon, the type of service and the cosmetics used to provide it.

All establishments are conventionally divided into three levels: economy, middle and premium. It is logical that in high-quality centers that use expensive Swiss, French, Israeli or Belgian cosmetics, prices will be quite decent. Prestigious studios give preference to local brands that produce natural handmade products. In middle and economy class salons, as a rule, inexpensive cosmetics (algae, salt, dirt) are used.

Prices in premium-level establishments start from 15 thousand rubles for a complex procedure that lasts 2.5-3 hours. It includes a therapeutic bath, peeling, wrap and massage. It will be more profitable to do the procedure “for two”, because the price will increase not two, but one and a half times.

In middle-class salons, the same complex will cost 8–10 thousand rubles per person.

A “spa bachelorette party” will cost about three to five thousand rubles per person, provided that at least four girls apply for the service.

An economical procedure that includes a massage, wrap or mask and manicure will cost about two thousand rubles for 1.5 hours, and a two-hour complex for two people will cost about 6 thousand rubles.

5. Cryotherapy is a procedure used in medical cosmetology, which helps solve a number of aesthetic problems using artificial cold (dry ice, liquefied oxygen or nitrogen). Advantages: ease of implementation, accessibility, effectiveness, absence of pain during the session.

In large salons and clinics, special devices are used to carry it out. Hardware cryotherapy is much more expensive than, for example, removal of papillomas using refrigerated medical instruments.

The cost of the procedure is greatly influenced by the size and number of formations.

Approximate prices for cryodestruction:

  • Up to 0.5 cm using the device - from 300 rubles.
  • More than 0.5 cm using the device - from 600 rubles.
  • Up to 0.5 cm using tools treated with liquid nitrogen - from 60 rubles.
  • More than 0.5 cm using tools - from 120 rubles.

6. Photorejuvenation is a procedure for rejuvenating and healing the skin. To carry it out, intense pulses of light are used, which activate the processes of restoration and regeneration in the dermis.

Photorejuvenation helps get rid of pigmentation, spider veins, and sagging. This technology also tightens pores, evens out the complexion and improves its color.

Read material on the topic: Cryotherapy in a beauty salon - transformation with the help of cold

Aesthetic type of cosmetology: procedures and their approximate cost

Types of the most popular and in demand services:

  1. Permanent makeup is a procedure that helps change the color and shape of the lips, the contour of the eyebrows, and the shape of the eyes by subcutaneously injecting special pigmented substances. The method masks flaws and emphasizes the advantages of appearance. With its help you can hide scars and scars, create a mole, etc.

The price for this type of service depends on the complexity of the work, the area being treated and the class of the beauty salon. The average cost is 2000 rubles.

  1. Contour plastic surgery is a procedure used in aesthetic cosmetology. With its help, patients can change the contours of their lips, chin or entire face, and smooth out wrinkles through the injection of drugs containing hyaluronic acid.

The price of contour plastic surgery depends on the type of drug used, the volume of its administration (in milliliters) and the treated area, and also depends on the qualifications of the specialist and the class of the clinic. The minimum cost is around 10,000 rubles (minor wrinkles). To sculpt lips and remove shallow nasolabial folds costs 13,000–15,000 rubles, and to correct cheekbones or chin costs about 30,000 rubles.

  1. Mesotherapy is a procedure for getting rid of cosmetic imperfections by introducing a variety of bioactive substances through injections. This type of service helps reduce wrinkles, remove stretch marks, cellulite, scars, acne marks, etc.

The price of this procedure, used in aesthetic cosmetology, depends on a number of factors, such as:

  • mesotherapy program;
  • size of the treated area;
  • volume and cost of components of the introduced mixture;
  • number of sessions.

Clinics usually indicate the price for 1 ml of the drug. As a rule, this amount is enough to treat any one area. It is more profitable to do a course of procedures, because in this case the cost of mesotherapy is reduced by 10–15%.

You can see the approximate prices in the table.

Read material on the topic: Facial mesotherapy procedure: pros and cons

Before you try a new procedure

Before deciding on one of the very popular and expensive procedures, experts advise learning as much as possible about it, including reading reviews from professional cosmetologists and beauty salon clients. It is equally important to analyze whether this particular procedure is suitable for your skin type. Well, in order not to overpay, you can try to find a cheaper alternative.


  1. Jessica Lindsay, Metro News (2019) – What is a jade facial roller and what are the benefits?
  2. Robert Jepson, Today's Skincare (2016) – The Pros and Cons of Chemical Peel.
  3. Forever Clinic – Laser carbon facial wrinkle reduction (black & white doll).
  4. Dana Oliver, HuffPost Life (2016) – Here's Why Gold-Infused Skincare May Not Be Worth the Hype.
  5. American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) – Platelet-Rich Plasma for Cosmetic Facial Procedures – Promising Results, but Evidence Has Limitations.
  6. Cocoon – No Needle Mesotherapy.
  7. Medcosmetologiya.com – Thread lifting or threads for face lift.
  8. Soheyb Timar. Hair Anatomy and Material Science / Archives of Pharmacy Practice. – 2022. – P. 104-117
  9. EstPortal – Prostaglandins for the growth of long eyelashes
  10. ELLE.ru – Anti-pollution cosmetics: who needs it and why?
  11. Lori Keong, The Strategist (2018) – What Does Snail Slime Actually Do for Your Skin?

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When should you use different types of cosmetology?

When to resort to the help of various types of cosmetology, each person decides for himself. You just need to know and remember that any problem with skin, nails and hair must be solved in order to avoid possible complications and aggravation of the pathological process. So, under what circumstances should you seek help from a cosmetologist?

1. In what cases should you contact a cosmetologist if you have diseases.

An unscheduled visit to a specialist will be required if:

  • You have system-wide pathologies (diabetes mellitus types I and II cause significant harm to the skin, nails and hair; thyroid diseases lead to excessive oily or dry skin; allergies can trigger inflammatory processes on the body, face and scalp).
  • You have acne (ill-informed and untimely acne treatment contributes to the formation of scars at the site of inflammation, which are almost impossible to remove).
  • Hirsutism (increased facial and body hair) should also be treated under the supervision of an endocrinologist, dermatologist and cosmetologist.
  • Papillomas, warts, keratomas or new moles have appeared.
  • Worrying about changes in the feet that bring discomfort and pain due to joint pathologies or wearing uncomfortable shoes.

2. In what cases should you contact a cosmetologist to eliminate cosmetic defects?

Some types of problems are purely aesthetic in nature and are not pathological processes. When they arise, each person must decide for himself whether he wants to get rid of any external defects or not. You can consult a doctor if:

  • There are noticeable scars left after operations and injuries.
  • Stretch marks appear on the skin as a result of a sharp decrease in body weight or after pregnancy.
  • Pigmentation has formed.
  • You experience allergic reactions to decorative cosmetics (permanent makeup will help solve this problem).
  • Early wrinkles or other age-related changes in the skin of the face have appeared.

3. When to contact a cosmetologist for the first time.

This question should arise even before signs of inflammation and aging of the skin are detected, because the prevention of skin diseases and the prevention of age-related changes should be addressed from a young age. To monitor the condition of the dermis, you need to visit a specialist at least once a year.

4. When to take your child to a cosmetologist.

Parents should think about this question if:

  • The child has congenital aesthetic defects.
  • He constantly experiences skin irritation.
  • The child begins puberty.

Read material on the topic: Depigmenting peeling: everything you wanted to know about it


Well-groomed hair is the key to success. But, unfortunately, for some people they are not too thick by nature, while for others they begin to fade and fall out during life. After all, our hair is exposed to constant stress - either winter cold or summer heat, and absorbs toxic emissions. A Clinic performs comprehensive computer photo and video diagnostics using the AramSD camera and the TrichoScience software package. This is necessary in order to assess the condition of the hair and scalp, the degree of activity of the sebaceous glands, and genetic predisposition to alopecia (baldness).

In addition, “A Clinic” uses microelement analysis according to the method of Professor Skalny, mycological and bacteriological studies of the scalp. Before prescribing a course of treatment, the doctor studies in detail how much the body is saturated with iron, what is the condition of the thyroid gland and the level of sex hormones in the patient. In certain cases, spectral analysis is done. It shows which components are in excess in the hair and which are clearly not enough. Based on the diagnosis, therapy is prescribed - from injection to laser. Modern technologies activate the body's hidden resources, awakening dormant hair follicles and stimulating the growth of new hair without surgical transplantation.

Where in Moscow to sign up for this or that type of cosmetology

Nowadays, you no longer have to spend a lot of time performing complex and unpleasant procedures at home. It is much easier to seek help from real professionals - the Veronika Herba beauty and health center, equipped with effective and modern equipment.

Why clients choose Veronika Herba Beauty and Health Center:

  • This is a beauty center where you can take care of yourself at a reasonable cost, while your face and/or body will be treated not by an ordinary cosmetologist, but by one of the best dermatologists in Moscow. This is a completely different, higher level of service!
  • You can receive qualified help at any time convenient for you. The beauty center is open from 9:00 to 21:00, seven days a week. The main thing is to agree with your doctor in advance on the date and time of your appointment.

Sign up for a consultation with a specialist by phone +7 (495) 085-15-13

, and you will see for yourself!

A little history

Cosmetology as a branch of medicine appeared a long time ago, back in the heyday of Ancient Egypt. It was in the hot country of Africa that the first skin care and hair coloring products appeared. A cosmetics directory was also compiled here, the author of which was Queen Cleopatra herself. To understand how influential cosmetologists of that time were, their right to touch the body of the pharaoh is evidenced. Even the closest and most intimate and nobles of Ancient Egypt did not have such an honor. In the modern world, advanced equipment, all kinds of oils and masks, massages and peelings help solve cosmetic defects. All techniques and preparations are harmoniously combined and improved, which helps clients prevent the appearance of defects or cope with existing imperfections.

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