Hardware rejuvenation cosmetology: types of procedures and indications

From this article you will learn:

  • Advantages of hardware cosmetology
  • Indications for such procedures
  • The effect of hardware cosmetology rejuvenation
  • Types of hardware cosmetology rejuvenation
  • Hardware rejuvenation cosmetology at home

Hardware rejuvenation cosmetology works, and this has already been proven by many specialists. Yes, your face will not change dramatically immediately after the first session, but slight changes will become noticeable. To rejuvenate one hundred percent, you should take a whole course.

There are various devices available on the market for home use. They captivate with their cheapness. But, as we know, cheap does not mean effective. Therefore, we advise you not to waste your money, but to immediately sign up for a specialized clinic. Choose which procedure you want to use, they are described in detail below.

Advantages of hardware cosmetology

Modern modern technologies in medicine make it possible to preserve the youth of the face and body for many years. One of these successfully used methods is hardware cosmetology for rejuvenation, based on the use of special equipment. The advantages of this method:

  • painlessness of absolutely all procedures;
  • high level of performance;
  • long-term preservation of the obtained effect;
  • short rehabilitation;
  • absence of scars, scars and other defects on the skin after manipulation;
  • a small list of contraindications;
  • the admissibility of combining several methods simultaneously.

Specialized cosmetology clinics carry out effective anti-aging measures using modern devices.

Ultrasonic lifting

Ultrasonic lifting is an alternative to a circular surgical facelift. Ultrasonic waves are applied to the skin. They penetrate to a depth of 4.5 mm and reach the muscle complex. Ultrasound stimulates the contraction of collagen fibers. Thanks to these contractions, support for the facial muscles is formed like a mesh.

Ultrasonic lifting can be done at any time of the year - exposure to the sun is not prohibited.

Compared to the long recovery period after a surgical lift, recovery comes quickly - there will be no redness on the skin, you can immediately return to normal life. The result lasts for 2-3 months or more.

Indications for such procedures

Hardware cosmetology involves the use of professional medical equipment to influence the skin using:

  • electromagnetic emitters;
  • ultrasonic devices;
  • laser;
  • light pulses;
  • vacuum.

During the procedure, special preparations in the form of gels and lotions are also used. The result of the manipulations is skin cleared of dead cells, scars, pigmentation and inflammation, and clean pores.

The procedure is recommended if necessary:

  • carry out figure correction;
  • remove wrinkles and stretch marks;
  • cleanse the skin;
  • make pigment spots lighter or remove;
  • eliminate scars left after operations;
  • remove tattoos;
  • eliminate unnecessary hair on the face and body;
  • remove spider veins and other skin defects;
  • strengthen the hair roots on the head.

The procedure is contraindicated in:

  • malignant neoplasms;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • low blood clotting rate;
  • individual intolerance to the drugs used.

Home conditions will not allow you to get a lasting effect from the procedure. Therefore, to achieve a longer-lasting result, experts advise contacting a professional clinic. Employees will provide detailed advice on all issues related to methods of influence.

Figure correction devices

The results of hardware body correction performed in different clinics and salons may differ, since specialists work there using different equipment. Most often used:

To get a good and lasting result from hardware body correction, it should be carried out in full courses. At this time, you need to eat right, drink a lot of water and do not forget about mandatory physical activity.

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  • This is a beauty center where you can take care of yourself at a reasonable cost, while your face and/or body will be treated not by an ordinary specialist, but by one of the best professionals in Moscow. This is a completely different, higher level of service!
  • You can receive qualified help at any time convenient for you. The beauty center is open from 9:00 to 21:00, seven days a week. The main thing is to agree with your doctor in advance on the date and time of your appointment.

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The effect of hardware cosmetology rejuvenation

The main advantage of the hardware rejuvenation method, which does not require surgical intervention, is the long-term preservation of the result. As a rule, the effect of the procedure is more obvious than that of expensive lotions, masks and creams. Hardware cosmetology is especially needed for facial rejuvenation after 50 years.

Depending on what type of procedure is chosen, the following results can be obtained:

  • pleasant rejuvenated appearance;
  • absence of aesthetically unattractive defects on the skin of the body and face;
  • corrected problem areas of the figure;
  • skin devoid of swelling, wrinkles, stretch marks, scars, sagging;
  • beautiful oval face and attractive body shape;
  • clear skin without tattoos.

Immediately before the procedures, the specialist consults the patient in detail on the choice of method of exposure and the desired effect. In addition, the cosmetologist develops an individual program aimed at maximum results.

Pros and cons:

The modern beauty industry offers a huge number of methods for rejuvenation and correction of existing skin imperfections. Their purpose is the same - to make us younger and more beautiful, to get rid of pigmentation, wrinkles, enlarged pores and other unpleasant imperfections in appearance. Each method has its own advantages, each of them has its fans.

Of course, among those who have tried these methods, there are opponents of both one and the other, but one must understand that this is a purely subjective opinion based on one’s own experience. And there are several reasons for this, to which we will devote just a few words:

Agree, life makes its own adjustments and today it is the attractive price for cosmetology services, and not the safety and quality of services, that in most cases is decisive for making a decision. And this circumstance causes us extreme concern.

* In our publications, we proceed from the postulate that you, as a Client (patient), receive high-quality advice, undergo a preliminary examination, when providing services to you, high-quality certified materials are used, original devices and medical equipment are used, and all SanPiN standards are observed ( Including the service is provided by a conscientious specialist with appropriate education, impressive experience, and strictly adheres to the procedure flow chart).

Types of hardware cosmetology rejuvenation

Today, many types of rejuvenation procedures using hardware cosmetology have been developed for the face and body. Let's look at the most common and effective of them.

Anti-aging and preventive techniques

  • Photorejuvenation . Helps stimulate protein synthesis, as a result of which the skin becomes denser and fine wrinkles are smoothed out. The procedure involves exposing skin tissue to light waves of a certain length.
  • Laser . Stimulates accelerated collagen production. The resulting effect is strengthening the skin framework, smoothing out skin unevenness, and tightening the oval of the face.
  • Smooth rejuvenation. It is a more delicate laser technique. However, despite this, the laser express rejuvenation method gives a quick effect. After the procedure, no rehabilitation is required, unlike alternative laser techniques. Minor redness and swelling caused by the laser are virtually eliminated. This method is recommended for people who value personal time. Laser beams evenly heat the skin tissue, removing swelling and fine wrinkles. After the procedure, pores are narrowed and age spots are lightened.
  • 3D and 4D rejuvenation. They are also laser techniques. In this case, three or four impact programs are combined. During the procedure, lifting, laser resurfacing and laser skin rejuvenation are performed. The effect becomes fully noticeable after a few days and lasts for a year and a half.

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  • Neodymium rejuvenation. An absolutely painless procedure. The effect consists of instant tightening (FT laser lifting), coagulation of spider veins, and lightening of age spots. No rehabilitation is required after exposure.
  • Erbium rejuvenation , so-called cold grinding. Used to treat delicate areas such as the skin around the eyes and lips. Thanks to the very fast action of the erbium laser, there is no heating of the deeper layers of the dermis. Superficial laser resurfacing is safe and allows you to smooth out wrinkles, eliminate shallow scars, improve skin color, increase blood flow, and exfoliate dead cells.
  • Spot rejuvenation. In this case, the laser beam is split into thin beams. The resulting laser grid acts fractionally on the skin. The method allows you to make the oval of the face clearer, eliminate post-acne defects, lighten pigmented areas, and tighten sagging skin.
  • Laser FT peeling. It can be cold superficial and hot deep. This procedure is performed on a Fotona device.

Methods used for medicinal purposes

  • Bacteria that cause acne are formed as a result of a decrease in the skin's protective forces. With the help of FT laser treatment, you can not only get rid of acne and post-acne, but also significantly increase the skin's resistance to external factors and accelerate its regeneration processes.
  • Complex microcurrent therapy and lymphatic drainage involve the effect of weak current discharges on the skin. The results of treatment are no swelling, improved skin tone, increased intracellular metabolism. In addition, after the procedure, the complexion becomes even and smooth.
  • Phototherapy promotes the destruction of melanin under the influence of light pulses. As a result, age spots disappear, and shallow scars resolve.
  • Using FT laser to remove spider veins. Under the influence of the beam, damaged capillaries are destroyed. The laser glues the vessel, which subsequently dissolves, and the asterisk disappears.
  • Smoothing scars with laser . Thanks to the beam, the defect becomes less noticeable. The skin in these areas is evened out, approaching the color of the surrounding area.

Methods for correcting the figure and improving the beauty of the body

  • Laser liposuction that destroys fat cells. This method is a less traumatic analogue of surgical liposuction. If areas with adipose tissue occupy small areas, the procedure is performed under local anesthesia. First, a microincision is made on the skin, and a laser lipodestructor is inserted through it. Laser flashes destroy fat cells, which are then removed using a vacuum.
  • LPG massage to eliminate swelling and cellulite. During the session, among other things, fat deposits are burned, resulting in a slim and toned figure. To avoid possible stretching of the skin, a tight-fitting suit is required for vacuum roller massage.
  • Ultrasound therapy, or cavitation, during which ultrasonic waves destroy fatty tissue. It is removed from the body naturally. This is actually a non-surgical liposuction method.
  • Shock wave therapy (SWT) is used for body contouring, as well as for the treatment of diseased joints and during the post-traumatic rehabilitation period. During the session, sound waves of a certain length are directed to problem areas, thanks to the impact of which the blood circulation process is significantly improved, fat cells are removed, metabolism is normalized, and the skin becomes elastic and smooth. UVT therapy corrects skin imperfections such as cellulite, helps reduce weight, eliminate stretch marks and smooth out scars.
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  • The electrolipolysis method involves inserting electrodes (thin needles) under the skin. Under the influence of electrical impulses, adipose tissue is broken down, excess water and harmful toxins are removed. The procedure helps get rid of cellulite, tightens and smoothes the skin.
  • Myostimulation method - low-power pulsed current affects muscles and tissues. The procedure helps improve skin and muscle tone, improve blood flow and reduce weight.
  • Laser and photoepilation are used for hair removal, and the effect of the manipulations is indefinite. The procedure involves exposing the hair follicle to light waves and a laser, causing it to be destroyed. The process is labor-intensive and requires special diligence and meticulousness. However, the result will not disappoint at all.

The number and type of procedures required in each individual case are determined by the cosmetologist. The specialist will examine the client’s general health and the degree of complexity of the problem. To obtain the desired result and consolidate it, cosmetologists recommend undergoing treatment courses. The effect is visible after the first session; to maintain it for a longer period, 2–4 procedures are necessary.

VIII Vacuum-roller method

This hardware method combines the effects of dosed vacuum and roller massage. Today, there are several types of such devices on the market for cosmetic services, mainly differing from each other in attachments, more or less pronounced computer processing of the programs offered, as well as the presence of additional therapeutic components, for example, a laser.

The effects obtained when using vacuum roller massage include: improved microcirculation, increased lymph outflow, activation of metabolism, increased oxygen supply to tissues and, as a result, improved nutrition of the skin and underlying tissues.

Vacuum roller massage has also become indispensable in rehabilitation therapy after cosmetic surgery, especially after liposuction. As a rule, after aspiration of excess fat, overstretched skin is left, which no longer needs to fit large folds of fat. And even if she had satisfactory tone and good contractility before the operation, it doesn’t hurt to help her. In addition, swelling remains in the liposuction area for some time, and the remaining accumulations of blood and dilapidated adipose tissue can temporarily create even unevenness on the surface of the body. Under the influence of a vacuum-roller massage, blood circulation in the area of ​​surgery is significantly improved, swelling is reduced, hematomas are resolved, and the breakdown products of destroyed fat cells are removed.

Hardware rejuvenation cosmetology at home

Recently, there has been an increase in demand for hardware cosmetic treatment. Thanks to the increased popularity of such procedures, devices designed for home use have begun to appear on the market. They are sold in specialized stores that sell medical equipment. Another purchasing option is through an online store. However, it is necessary to study all the pros and cons of such devices.

This is quite a profitable purchase, since the device will last for more than one year. Despite the high cost of a high-quality device, it quickly pays for itself. After all, one such portable unit can serve not only the owner, but her family and friends.

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