Hardware body correction: types of procedures and their features

From this article you will learn:
  • Indications and contraindications for hardware body correction
  • Top 6 procedures for hardware body correction
  • Figure correction devices

Hardware body correction is popular these days. High demand is driven by efficiency. Particular results can be achieved by combining procedures with well-designed sports training.

Hardware techniques, like medals, have two sides. In the article we will analyze their pros and cons, talk about contraindications of such methods of figure correction, and also talk about the most popular procedures.

Introduction to hardware massage

Additional devices are used for massage effects. If initially the sessions were carried out exclusively for therapeutic purposes, today the scope of application has expanded significantly:

  • cosmetology;
  • figure correction;
  • fight against cellulite;
  • removal of edema;
  • acceleration of rehabilitation processes in sports;
  • increasing performance indicators (efficiency during active physical activity) and general body tone;

For work, specialists use compact devices, which makes the massage therapist mobile. It can provide services anytime anywhere.

An important condition is a comfortable position for the client and ensuring complete relaxation.

Among the positive effects of hardware body massage:

  • relieving muscle pain and discomfort;
  • removing excess fluid from the body, relieving swelling;
  • improving metabolism, which is very important for normalizing weight;
  • regulation of metabolic reactions at different levels;
  • normalizing blood flow and vascular tone;
  • increasing immunity.

This is just the “tip of the iceberg”. Sometimes the results after completing the course are more like a miracle if you read customer reviews. It is interesting that many centuries (and even millennia) ago, massage therapists actively used improvised equipment in their activities.

In Ancient Greece, so-called scrapers were actively used, which were wooden sticks made in the shape of a sickle.

The ancient Romans introduced bar charts, wooden devices shaped like an arc with coils attached to the ends. They rotated during the massage, which helped enhance the beneficial effect.

Ancient Rus' was no exception. Remember the good old classic - a broom in a bathhouse. In essence, this is also a hardware massage.

Closer to the 19th century, hardware technologies began to gradually develop.

A therapist from Sweden, Per Ling, came up with the “progenitors” of modern massage devices that were used in the practice of healers. At that time they were very bulky, so they did not become widespread worldwide. Modern medicine has been able to completely correct this error.

Every year new “apprentice devices” appear for massage masters.

How to choose cosmetology equipment for figure correction

The question of purchasing equipment for cosmetic procedures arises both for beauty industry specialists and SPA salon owners, as well as for those who prefer to take care of their body exclusively at home. Many large brands produce special “lightweight” mini-versions of popular devices for beginners, intended for use at home, and also provide cosmetology equipment with detailed instructions for use. What should you pay attention to when choosing devices for figure correction?

  • The manufacturer of the equipment has permits for the manufacture and sale of cosmetology equipment, as well as quality certificates.
  • Term and conditions of warranty service for the device.
  • Complete set and the need to purchase additional parts, attachments, and consumables separately.
  • Difficulty in learning how to operate the device (availability of instructions, specialized literature, training courses, master classes).
  • Payback of the device (calculated based on the average cost of the procedure in professional salons).

Types of hardware massage


Before the hijama session, a back massage is performed, after which the skin is generously lubricated with olive or black cumin oil. There are three types of hijama:

  • Dry is similar to a regular massage with glass jars. It differs in that the cups are placed at certain points corresponding to the disease.
  • The sliding type is carried out using vacuum cans with a pump to create reduced pressure.
  • The wet type of hijama is capillary bloodletting. Cups are placed on problem areas of the skin. After a few minutes they are removed, and small incisions are made at the installation site. Then the banks are returned.

Indications: gynecological diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, high blood pressure. Contraindications: low blood pressure, anemia, cirrhosis, heart failure.

Why is massage on a machine better?

Its key feature is its long-term effect on areas of the body with the desired and uniform intensity. The device (apparatus) is capable of working as long as it is required. It will not get tired and will not stop (there is no human factor).

The huge advantage is that it can be adjusted depending on the situation, pressure and other parameters.

For massage therapists who want to offer their services, this is also beneficial, since with regular use of the equipment it quickly pays for itself. The cost of hardware massage is much higher than manual massage (about 3-4 times, or even more).

Body tissues can be worked at deep levels, which is almost impossible to do with manual techniques.

The presence of built-in protection completely eliminates side effects (for example, bruises) and guarantees 100% patient safety without discomfort.

In the process, collagen and elastin actively begin to be produced, microcirculation improves, so talk about prolonging youth and beauty is not an empty phrase, but a real fact.

High intensity of impact is ensured.

It is important:

Despite the many advantages of the technique, you should remember the contraindications. These technologies cannot be used if the client is diagnosed with rosacea, has spider veins, or has a severe problem of weak capillaries. This does not mean that you should give up massage altogether - you can find experienced specialists on the 7hands website who will give you a soft stroking massage.

There are other contraindications, which we will discuss in more detail below.

Duration of one session and number of recommended procedures

Therapeutic massage can be carried out with a break of up to six months. Cosmetic centers offer a standard set of manipulations, designed for 10 visits. For back diseases, medical massage is recommended to be carried out in courses with regular repetition and physiotherapeutic procedures.

  1. For osteochondrosis, 7 to 15 visits every six months are recommended. No more than 20 minutes at a time.
  2. For radiculitis - from 10 to 15 sessions every four months, you can rub the body for 7 to 30 minutes.
  3. For scoliosis, classes are held every other day for a month. The duration of one session is 30-50 minutes.
  4. Symptoms of intervertebral hernia are relieved with a medical massage lasting 15-30 minutes. It is possible to relieve your back in 10 visits.

Indications and contraindications for hardware massage

Indications for taking a course of hardware massage from a practicing master (it is necessary to have documents confirming his competence, since your health is at stake). Read this article about what procedures a massage therapist can perform without education.

  • If you have chronic fatigue and neuritis, you can correct the situation by normalizing not only your physical, but also your psychological state.
  • The presence of excess weight and pronounced cellulite, since the process not only has a direct effect on the skin, but also “accelerates” the metabolism, which explains the bright long-term effect.
  • Help with varicose veins.
  • Lymphostasis of the extremities, both upper and lower.
  • Osteochondrosis and arthritis.
  • Hardware massage helps alleviate conditions associated with Parkinson's disease.
  • Wide range of gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Breathing pathologies.
  • Paralysis of limbs.
  • Prescribed in the complex treatment of postthrombophlebitic disease.
  • Disturbances in the functioning of the pelvic organs (gynecology).
  • Recovery period after bruises, injuries, sprains.
  • Muscle spasms.
  • Disruptions in the functioning of the circulatory system, the presence of hematomas.

If we consider additionally cosmetic indications, there will be many of them:

  • edema (fluid stagnation);
  • loose and sagging skin, lack of turgor;
  • the appearance of wrinkles;
  • the presence of scars and stretch marks on the skin.

Contraindications in the form of the “other side of the coin” are also present.

  • During pregnancy, especially in the later stages (2nd and 3rd trimester), it is worth holding off on such procedures.
  • Diseases of thrombosis and thrombophlebitis.
  • Despite the fact that massage will be useful in the initial stages of varicose veins, at stages 2 and 3 it can be harmful, so consultation and prescription from your doctor is required.
  • Exacerbations of chronic diseases and any acute conditions of the body.
  • Viral diseases.
  • Any kind of damage to the skin in the places where the massage will be performed.
  • Internal (hidden) bleeding.
  • For open wounds and fractures.
  • The recovery period after surgical interventions, especially in the acute stage.

Let us make an important note: hardware massage of the back or any other areas of the body has its own set of indications and, accordingly, contraindications in each specific case, so we strongly recommend that you consult with your doctor before taking the course.

This way you will avoid any kind of aggravation of the situation, since you still need to take into account the type of hardware massage and its specifics (down to the devices used).

The importance of good lymphatic drainage.

The lymphatic system is an extensive and vital system of our body. Lymph, which flows through lymphatic vessels, collects fluid and debris that accumulates between cells and tissues. When malfunctioning of the lymphatic system occurs, the body cannot normally remove harmful toxins, and they accumulate in the tissues. In such cases, pressotherapy can be useful in achieving this important function.

Good lymph flow contributes to:

  • better oxygen supply to organs and tissues;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • breakdown of adipose tissue;
  • increasing regeneration and elasticity of the skin;
  • strengthening the immune system (lymphocytes are also transported in lymph).

That is, you will not only become healthier, but also improve your appearance.

Let's sum it up

This area is very in demand and popular, as it can provide a stunning effect if you turn to a real specialist. The massage even uses areas that cannot be worked on with your hands, so lymph flow and blood flow are activated, and your well-being improves.

Using the 7hands.com service, you can find certified massage therapists with good reviews in a few clicks.

You can find out everything you need from the profile “card,” which provides the necessary information that can influence your decision.

If you are a master, with the help of our platform you will find clients interested in your services.
We will be glad to see you among our users. 1 thousand 5.0 Rate this article Published: 06.25.2021

What are the alternatives?

Alternative hardware correction tools:


Manual techniques. This category includes anti-cellulite, lymphatic drainage, restorative manual massage, corrective stimulation of problem areas with dry brushes, scrubbing.


Nutrition. In the case of excess weight, we are talking about diet. If your body weight is normal, you need to balance your diet.


Physical exercise. Sports, walking, any kind of active pastime. Each person is individual. Strength training is not for everyone, but without basic physical activity, your overall health and therefore your appearance will deteriorate.


Care products (creams, tonics, masks, wraps). Some cosmetics affect the surface layers of the epidermis. There are drugs with deeper action. The main purpose of care products is to moisturize and nourish epidermal cells. They are unable to correct intense manifestations.

As mentioned above, diet and exercise do not always give the desired results. People have different body types and complexions. Some excess simply does not want to “go away” without additional impact. For one it is the belly, for another it is “ears” on the hips, for the third it is “wings” under the arms. Fortunately, the possibilities of modern hardware cosmetology offer convenient, effective and harmless solutions.

Why do clients choose the Idealist clinic?

We are visited and recommended for the following reasons:

  • We use exclusively ethical, effective methods without deception and false expectations
  • We have official certificates and licenses that guarantee clients safety and protection from the law
  • We recruit specialists with medical education, proven work experience and reviews
  • We use certified American equipment
  • We select an approach to meet the client’s needs individually

The goal of our center is to make every client healthier, more beautiful and happier. Join us and enjoy the beautiful reflection in the mirror every day.

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