Xeomin injections

"Xeomin" is a drug for botulinum therapy, an analogue of "Botox". This is a second generation product, higher quality and safer. But the success of the procedure depends not only on the drug. The professionalism of the doctor is of great importance. At the BL clinic, only experienced and attentive dermatologists perform injection cosmetology. The likelihood of a medical error is minimal. The clinic is located in Moscow, in the North-Western Administrative District, not far from the Oktyabrskoye Pole metro station.

Why is Xeomin so effective?

"Xeomin" is a new generation botulinum toxin medical product manufactured by the German company.
It entered the world market relatively recently, but has already received approval from the US Food and Drug Administration and other countries. Russia was no exception - and today many patients who want to preserve their youth have the opportunity to do this with the use of Xeomin. As already mentioned, the drug is the only one today that contains only active neurotosin without complex proteins. This became possible thanks to a special cleaning technology developed at the enterprise. Thanks to the latest formula, the drug "Xeomin" is one of the safest in cosmetology. It is a product that has high biological activity and practically does not contain foreign protein, which is an undoubted breakthrough.

The mechanism of action of the drug is as follows: after its administration, botulinum toxin, enclosed in a capsule, binds to the membrane of the nerve cell and penetrates the nerve ending. Before splitting, it enters the cytoplasm and suppresses the activity of the hormone acetylcholine, which transmits nerve impulses. As a result, new nerve endings develop, which allow muscle activity to be restored.


Xeomin is another representative of drugs from the group of botulinum toxins type A, along with Botox and Dysport, which are used in cosmetology to correct expression wrinkles in the eye area, in the corners of the mouth, on the forehead and between the eyebrows.

The name of the drug comes from the word " xeno"

", which means "
alien, foreign
." The creation of this drug was based on a new formula, which endowed it with the highest biological activity with a lower content of foreign protein. Thus, it is a second generation of botulinum toxin type A. Unlike analogues (Botox and Dysport), the proportion of protein in a Xeomin bottle is 0.6 ng. Since 2001, the drug has been produced by the pharmaceutical company Merz.


  • expression wrinkles;
  • deep folds in the facial area;
  • crow's feet around the eyes;
  • correction of eyebrow shape;
  • elimination of increased sweating.


Among the main advantages it should be noted:

  • minimal immunogenicity
    (allows us to minimize the likelihood of developing antibodies after administration of the toxin; to date, no cases of the body's insensitivity to it have been recorded);
  • stability
    (retains its properties for 48 months even at room temperature, which simplifies its storage and transportation, unlike analogue drugs, which are placed in freezers or refrigerators to maintain activity);
  • low molecular weight
    (only 150 kDa with increased tropism, that is, the ability to be attracted to muscle receptors.

Xeomin cleaning scheme:

Mechanism of action

At the moment, 7 serotypes of botulinum toxin are known, but serotype A is well studied and actively used, which acts as the main component of drugs to eliminate the consequences of excessive activity of the facial muscles. Penetrating inside the synaptic plaque, which is located on the muscle fiber, the toxin has a blocking effect on the specific protein SNAP-25. The latter is responsible for transporting vesicles containing acetylcholine, which ensures muscle contraction. As a result of disruption of this chain, the nerve impulse does not reach the muscle, and it temporarily stops contracting. The effect becomes noticeable within 2-3 days after the injection, gradually manifesting itself and reaching its climax after about a week. The restoration of muscle contractions occurs gradually, due to the growth of new nerve endings. On average, this process takes from 3 to 6 months, after which the procedure must be repeated to maintain the achieved effect.


  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • fever;
  • acute stage of infectious diseases;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • age less than 18 years;
  • neurological diseases associated with impaired neuromuscular transmission.

Possible side effects

Sometimes after the procedure, phenomena such as pain and a local inflammatory reaction in the injection area, hematomas are possible, and in rare cases, a headache may occur.

Read more:

Botox and Xeomin. What's better? Comparison of Botox and Relatox drugs.

When is Xeomin used?

Xeomin injections are effective for correcting different types of facial wrinkles:

  • horizontal on the forehead;
  • eyebrows;
  • around eyes;
  • "rabbit";
  • "purse string";
  • drooping corners of the mouth;
  • chin;
  • on the neck and décolleté area.

Xeomin injections

Xeomin injections are injections of a new generation drug into the patient’s problem areas. It is mainly used to effectively eliminate facial wrinkles. Many women have heard about Botox, and some have even personally experienced side effects from using this drug. Xeomin is an improved product, a follower or successor to Botox, but without its disadvantages. Xeomin also contains botulinum toxin, but does not have protein impurities or preservatives. Due to the absence of unnecessary harmful substances, the drug becomes extremely effective and absolutely safe - it does not cause allergic reactions.

The use of xeomin in cosmetology has become popular due to its positive qualities - the face after injections does not acquire the effect of a “mask”, does not lose its liveliness, naturalness and mobility.

How the drug works

When it gets under the skin, the drug blocks the movement of neuromuscular fibers. The muscles are paralyzed for a certain time and are not used when the skin moves. At the same time, their nutrition and blood supply are not disrupted - the muscle tissue is simply relaxed, but does not stop working. As a result, facial wrinkles not only do not appear again, but also gradually smooth out on their own.


The composition effectively solves visual problems and defects on the skin, which, unfortunately, can appear at the age of 25-40 years:

  • Small wrinkles near the eyes - “crow's feet”
  • Cheek correction
  • Marionette wrinkles
  • Wrinkles on the chin
  • Wrinkles between the eyebrows and on the forehead
  • Folds near the mouth
  • Nasolabial wrinkles
  • Hands
  • Skin problems on the décolleté and neck.

How does the procedure work?

First, a preliminary meeting will be required, at which the cosmetologist will examine the patient, make sure that there are no contraindications for the procedure, assess the situation and, based on the data obtained, tell you how much of the drug will be needed to eliminate the problem. Together with the client, the doctor agrees on the areas for correction.

Then, during the session, the specialist will disinfect the injection area and make several injections into the correction area. This is almost imperceptible, but if the patient has a low pain threshold, the doctor may apply a local anesthetic to the skin. In terms of time, the correction procedure with xeomin takes no more than half an hour. After the session, the patient can go home or to work. No rehabilitation required.

Number of procedures and frequency

To obtain excellent results, as a rule, one procedure is sufficient, especially if there has been prior agreement with the doctor. Depending on the patient’s age and skin condition, the results obtained last from four to six months. As for the initial age threshold for correction, you can start xeomin injections at almost any age, because the drug can also be used as a preventative against the appearance of wrinkles.

What results can you expect from Xeomin injections?

Xeomin injections are made using very thin needles. They help to introduce the drug into any hard-to-reach area, which is not always possible with other procedures. (or: The thinnest needles allow you to introduce the drug into any hard-to-reach area, which is not always possible during other procedures). Xeomin injections will help you get rid of any wrinkles in the shortest possible time - both minor and deep skin creases.

With the help of injections, you can correct the oval of the face, remove folds on the neck and décolleté, in the inner corners of the eyelids and “crow’s feet”. Expression wrinkles disappear, and the face does not take on a “frozen” appearance. The effect can last up to six months.

About the drug

Xeomin is one of the latest innovations in the field of beauty cosmetology. This is an effective anti-wrinkle remedy that can compete with other conventional drugs. And thanks to its advantages, it is ahead of them in terms of effectiveness.

Why us

Our regular customers are already accustomed to the fact that we are happy to surprise them with new products in the field of skincare cosmetology. For new clients, we inform you about the main advantages of performing procedures in our clinic:

  • The Xeomin we use in our work is an absolutely high-quality, safe, certified drug. It is guaranteed to be effective in use.
  • The high qualifications of our cosmetologists will allow you to get the intended result. We will help your dream of an eternally youthful face and beautiful skin come true.
  • Comfortable atmosphere, friendly clinic staff - all this makes a visit as comfortable and enjoyable as possible for clients.
  • An individual approach to each patient, tact, and friendliness in communication are the credo of our clinic. And most importantly, the safety of the services provided for the health of clients.
  • Affordable prices for services, high quality of our work - this is not what we say about ourselves, but the feedback from our clients.

Contact our clinic and you will personally learn about the advantages of procedures and techniques.
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Number of sessions in the Xeomin course

Since age-related changes manifest themselves differently in everyone, the number of injections of the drug can only be determined by a cosmetologist based on the results of the examination. When calculating the number of Xeomin injections, he will take into account the area to be treated and the dose of the drug. The approximate number of injections and dosage of Xeomin can be seen in our table.

Correction zone Number of injections Xeomin consumption
Forehead 10‒15 injections from 10 to 20 units
Lips 1 injection on each side from 2 to 4 units
Eyes 3–5 injections for each eye from 16 to 24 units
Between the eyebrows 3-4 injections on each side from 10 to 20 units
Neck, décolleté 3 injections on each side from 60 units
Armpits 30 injections from 100 to 200 units

It is important to understand that Xeomin is a gentle drug, and therefore the effect of its administration is less pronounced. At the same time, it is as safe as possible, so the risk of developing allergies or side effects is much lower.

What are the advantages of Xeomin?

The opinion that using an old, proven device is more expedient than a new one is not always correct in cosmetology. The fact is that this area of ​​medicine is actively developing, so new drugs are often more gentle, safe and effective than those that have been used for many years. All this can be said about Xeomin.

So, for example, unlike Botox and Dysport, this material has fairly simple requirements for storage conditions. If the former need to be stored and transported only at low temperatures, room temperature is suitable for Xeomin, at which it is stored for up to two years. Even a diluted drug retains its characteristics throughout the day, while “Botox” and “Dysport” require administration immediately - otherwise side effects cannot be avoided. Other advantages of Xeomin are as follows:

  • The risk of developing an allergic reaction is practically reduced to zero due to the absence of complex proteins;
  • Addiction to the drug is also minimal;
  • Due to its minimal molecular weight, the drug acts directly on the facial muscle, which allows you to preserve natural facial expressions, eliminating wrinkles;
  • The risk of drug displacement in tissues is eliminated.

At the same time, it is important to understand that in terms of the duration of the effect, Xeomin is inferior to Botox. Its duration of action does not exceed four months.

What are beauty injections? "Xeomin": features of the drug

"Xeomin" is a class A botulinum toxin produced in Germany. It acts in the same way as Botox: it temporarily paralyzes facial muscles at the injection site. Due to this, existing wrinkles are smoothed out and new ones are not formed. But Xeomin injections are different from Botox injections.

Advantages of the drug:

  1. Hypoallergenic. The rejection reaction is provoked by proteins, but they are not included in the product.
  2. Undemanding to temperature conditions. "Xeomin" does not lose its properties, even if the transportation conditions were not ideal.
  3. No addiction. Tolerance to Botox develops much faster.
  4. Clearly limited areas affected by the procedure. "Xeomin" does not migrate in tissues; it only affects problem areas. Neighboring areas may sag only because the doctor gave the injection incorrectly.
  5. You will need smaller Xeomin injections. The price of the procedure will be lower than when using Botox or analogues - despite the fact that the cost of the drugs is almost the same.

This product also has disadvantages:

  1. Injections give a less lasting effect than their analogues. It evens out only superficial, shallow wrinkles, since facial expressions are almost completely preserved. Xeomin is mainly used to correct emerging wrinkles in young patients.
  2. Not used to treat excessive sweating.

Xeomin does an excellent job:

  • with radial wrinkles around the mouth;
  • "crow's feet" in the corners of the eyes;
  • interglabellar, transverse and longitudinal wrinkles on the forehead.

The product smoothes shallow nasolabial folds well, but if the defect is pronounced, it is better to use another method.

What is the procedure for administering Xeomin?

Xeomin anti-wrinkle injections are slightly painful, so the procedure itself is quite comfortable. On average it lasts from 10 minutes to half an hour. Anesthetic creams and gels are used extremely rarely - at the request of the patient, if he has a low pain threshold.

It is important to understand that the procedure is preceded by an examination by a doctor, taking a medical history and undergoing diagnostics (if necessary) in order to identify the presence of allergic reactions and side effects. During the process, the doctor determines the dosage of the drug and the number of sessions required to achieve the desired effect.

Directly on the day of the procedure, markings are made, which allows you to determine the points at which injections will be performed.

The procedure is as follows:

  • disinfection of the injection area;
  • carrying out injections according to a pre-selected scheme and technique;
  • carrying out secondary disinfection;
  • applying a soothing mask (if necessary).

The patient remains under the supervision of a doctor for 30 minutes so that he can determine how the drug is absorbed. If everything is in order, he is sent home.

Restrictions after Xeomin injections

After the administration of Xeomin, for 48 to 72 hours it is prohibited:

  • sleep on your stomach;
  • tilt;
  • apply decorative cosmetics to the treated area;
  • massage the skin.

Within 14 days it is prohibited:

  • exercise;
  • visit saunas and baths;
  • visit solariums and beaches;
  • take antibiotics;
  • consume alcohol.

It is important to understand that immediately after the procedure there may be slight swelling and hardening in the areas where injections were given. Also, minor pain symptoms may appear. All this will completely disappear in two or three days.

“Xeomin” – it’s possible to make your skin smooth in 1 session

Before the injection, the doctor will find out if there are any contraindications to the procedure. These include:

  • skin diseases in the treatment area
  • glaucoma;
  • oncology;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • infectious diseases and chronic ones in the acute stage;
  • allergy to botulinum toxins;
  • damage to the nervous and muscular systems, leading to muscle weakness;
  • poor blood clotting.

If you are being treated with antibiotics, the procedure will have to be postponed until you have fully recovered. During the session the doctor:

  1. Mark the injection areas.
  2. Clean your face and treat it with an antiseptic.
  3. Will administer the drug. The thinnest needle is used for injections, it will not hurt. But if you are afraid of injections, tell the doctor about it - he will treat the skin with an analgesic.

The session takes from 20 to 40 minutes.

How much do Xeomin injections cost in Moscow?

We invite you to familiarize yourself with our prices, which are presented in the table below. From it you will receive data on the cost of administering one unit of the drug, and also learn about the approximate number of units required to achieve the desired effect.

Xeomin injection type Number of units Price in rubles
Xeomin injections from 10 to 20 units 330 rubles
Xeomin injections into the forehead from 2 to 4 units check with our specialist
Xeomin injections around the lips from 16 to 24 units check with our specialist
Xeomin injections around the eyes from 10 to 20 units check with our specialist
Xeomin injections between the eyebrows from 60 units check with our specialist
Xeomin injections into the neck from 100 to 200 units check with our specialist
Xeomin injections into the armpits from 10 to 20 units check with our specialist

It is important to understand that the final cost is affected not only by the dose of the drug, but also by the number of sessions that need to be completed. If you want to know the exact figure, we recommend that you contact our cosmetologist.

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