Injections for the buttocks: a hit in Moscow clinics

Every girl dreams of having an ideal figure, and rounded buttocks are an important part of it. However, not everyone has attractive shapes by nature, so in some cases they resort to using various techniques for correcting the gluteal region.

You can get toned, rounded buttocks not only through surgical correction: there is also a method of buttock enlargement using injections of hyaluronic acid. When making a choice between one or another method of buttock enlargement, it is worth studying in detail all the advantages, features and disadvantages of the method, as well as the features of the drugs administered.


Macrolane (Macrolan) is a drug based on hyaluronic acid. It is used for contouring of various areas of the body, including the buttock. This product has no analogues on the cosmetology market and is currently a unique drug, which is why its price is an order of magnitude higher than other products.

Hyaluronic acid is a polysaccharide found in the human body. It ensures the normal functioning of all joints, support for turgor and skin elasticity. If there is a lack of hyaluronic acid, these tissues undergo degenerative changes. For cosmetic use, a synthetic analogue of this substance is used.

The main physiological role of hyaluronic acid is to maintain an optimal level of tissue moisture, since its molecules have the ability to combine with water, making the water thicker, preventing evaporation. However, hyaluronic acid molecules are absorbed quite quickly, which is why their regular replenishment is very important. In the absence of hyaluronic acid, the skin becomes flabby, sags, wrinkles form, that is, typical age-related changes occur.

The drug Macroline, used in contour correction, is produced in two forms:

  • VRF 30 – used for injection directly into deep areas with fairly dense tissue, allows you to increase the volume of the buttocks;
  • VPF 20 – used for injection into the superficial layers of the skin; The consistency of this drug is more liquid, it smoothes the skin, but is not suitable for adding volume to the buttocks.

Hyaluronic acid preparations have been used in cosmetology for quite a long time to correct age-related skin changes, allowing you to get a smooth, beautiful face. The drug Macroline was recently developed; its advantage is the ability to make the buttocks toned and firm without surgery and a long recovery period.

Clients who decide on this method of correction should be aware that buttock augmentation with Macroline injections does not provide as long-lasting an effect as surgery, since hyaluronic acid is absorbed over time. The volume of the buttocks will gradually decrease to its original state. That is why after a certain time it is recommended to correct the shape of the buttocks.

Macroline can be used not only for correction of the gluteal region: it is used for non-surgical breast correction, including in the presence of visible sunken contours after installation of implants. This allows you to achieve a more natural result.

Advantages and disadvantages

The use of hyaluronic acid preparations has a significant advantage: this substance is found in the human body, therefore it is not a foreign element. In most cases, Macroline is well tolerated, without rejection reactions.

Also, correction using Macroline has the following advantages:

  • The correction is carried out under local anesthesia, as it is minimally invasive. General anesthesia required for surgical operations is not needed, therefore, contraindications and adverse reactions are minimized.
  • After the injection of hyaluronic acid, no visible marks are left because no incisions are made.
  • The rehabilitation period is short, and there is virtually no pain during the recovery period.
  • The risk of complications is minimal, especially when correction is performed by an experienced plastic surgeon and with a detailed preoperative examination, and there are no contraindications.
  • Temporary effect of the procedure. If the patient does not like the result, if with larger buttocks she does not look as attractive as she would like, there is nothing to worry about, because after a certain time the drug dissolves and the body takes on its previous shape. The client will be able to decide what shape she wants to have and whether it is worth using implants in the future.

Despite the obvious advantages, hyaluronic acid injections also have a number of disadvantages:

  • In some cases, the ability of the drug to dissolve over time becomes a serious disadvantage, because the procedure is expensive, and clients want to get a long-lasting result. But enlarging the buttocks with hyaluronic acid injections does not give this effect, because the drug dissolves quite quickly. Frequent adjustments are necessary to maintain sufficient effect.
  • If the drug is administered incorrectly, especially in large quantities, hyaluronic acid can migrate under the skin, resulting in the formation of noticeable skin bumps. When a large amount of the drug is administered, the skin may sag under its weight. However, these disadvantages are minimized by choosing a qualified specialist.
  • For a long time after injections of hyaluronic acid, implants cannot be installed, since it is necessary to wait until the drug is completely eliminated from the body.
  • With regular administration of hyaluronic acid in large quantities (and to increase the volume of the buttocks, a lot of the drug is needed), a gradual addiction develops, and the body reduces the production of its own hyaluronic acid, which can negatively affect the overall appearance: the elasticity and turgor of the skin is lost, it dries out, wrinkles form .

Even if the client is convinced of the need for hyaluronic acid injections and wants to try this type of correction, a preliminary examination is required before carrying out the manipulations: a series of laboratory tests to identify contraindications. Only after the examination can you begin any body correction procedure. If there are contraindications, the procedure is canceled, because both cosmetic defects and more serious complications are possible.

How to prepare the ampoule and syringe?

Medicines and preparations in ampoules are usually produced in the form of a liquid solution or dry powder. Let's look at preparing the ampoule in both cases.

The main rule when giving an injection is to thoroughly wash and disinfect your hands to eliminate the risk of introducing infection into the patient’s body. It is highly advisable to use sterile gloves, which should also be wiped with a disinfectant.

Preparation of the ampoule and syringe with the drug:

  • Take the ampoule and shake it gently by tapping it lightly with your fingers. All the drug should flow down from the tip of the ampoule.
  • Then wipe the ampoule with a disinfectant. Using a special file, which is in the package with the medicine, file the tip of the ampoule. Usually there is a special colored notch at the site of the cut. If there is no notch, focus on the place where the tip of the ampoule passes from the narrow part to the wide one. If you are afraid of accidentally getting hurt, it is better to wrap the tip of the ampoule with a paper napkin, and then carefully break it off.
  • Prepare your needle. Typically, needles of a certain length and diameter are used for such injections. If you are unsure about choosing the right needle, it is better to check with your doctor or pharmacist. Place the needle and cap tightly onto the syringe. Remove the cap from the needle and immerse the syringe in the ampoule with the drug. Fill the syringe with the required amount of medicine, focusing on the division scale.
  • Turn the syringe over with the needle facing up. Gently press the plunger of the syringe to release all the air. Make sure that there is no air in the syringe with the medicine so that the injection does not harm the patient.

Let's consider the procedure if the medicine in the ampoule is a dry powder. This powder is pre-diluted with a special solution, which is best purchased in advance at the pharmacy. Carefully read the instructions for the medicine and select the right solution for it, or ask a specialist for help.

Preparation of powder for injection:

  • Purchase water for injection from the pharmacy in advance. Draw the required amount of water with a syringe and needle.
  • Disinfect the ampoule with powder well. Carefully pierce the cap with a syringe and needle to fill the ampoule with water for injection.
  • Shake the ampoule so that the consistency of the drug becomes homogeneous. Then draw the required amount of medicine into the syringe. It is more convenient to do this by turning the ampoule upside down.

After this, be sure to replace the needle with a new one. For further injection, you should not use the needle that was previously used to pierce the rubber cap and draw the solution with the drug. The needle may become dull and create discomfort for the patient during the injection process.


Before performing buttock augmentation using Macroline injections, a consultation with a plastic surgeon is required. The specialist must be informed about the presence of any chronic or acute diseases, or intolerance to any drugs.

Macroline injections are contraindicated in the presence of the following conditions:

  • Intolerance to hyaluronic acid;
  • The presence of a burdened allergic history, especially anaphylactic shock in the past;
  • The presence of ptosis of the gluteal region, since in such a situation the gel migrates;
  • The period of pregnancy, natural feeding (during this period, no invasive cosmetic interventions are performed);
  • Childhood;
  • Autoimmune pathology (administration of the drug for autoimmune diseases can cause severe complications);
  • Connective tissue diseases;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Infectious processes;
  • Blood clotting disorders.

Only in the absence of contraindications can a specialist recommend injection correction of the buttock area.

Possible complications

When increasing the volume of the buttocks with hyaluronic acid injections, some complications may develop:

  • Pain syndrome: after the administration of Macroline, pain may persist when pressing in the area where the drug was administered, but in rare cases severe pain persists for a long time.
  • Severe swelling. Typically, minimally invasive correction techniques do not cause severe swelling, but in rare cases this is possible; swelling can persist for several days. This condition is not dangerous, but the effectiveness of the procedure is somewhat reduced because the skin is stretched and the buttock area becomes not as firm as the client desires.
  • When the procedure is performed by an unqualified surgeon in clinics where insufficient attention is paid to the sterilization of instruments and the requirements of asepsis and antisepsis, infectious complications are possible. This consequence can be mitigated by the correct choice of clinic and specialist.
  • After administration of the drug, lumps may remain in the injection area, which will normally resolve within a few days or weeks while the gel is distributed subcutaneously. If the seals persist for a longer period of time, you should definitely visit a specialist.

How to give an injection in the buttock?

Carefully determine the place where you will inject. You can do this as follows. Imagine and visually divide the buttock into four equal parts. So, the outer upper part will be the place for the correct injection. Under no circumstances should you inject into other parts of the buttock, as there is a risk of hurting the sciatic nerve and blood vessels.

Actions when giving an injection:

  • The patient needs to lie down on a sofa or bed. It is best to lie on your stomach or side. The main thing is that the body muscles are relaxed and the lying position is comfortable. You should not give the injection while sitting or standing.
  • Disinfect the future injection site. Remember that before the procedure, hands must be washed and treated with an antiseptic.
  • The medicine must be drawn from the ampoule using a needle and syringe in the manner described earlier. Resolutely enter the corner into the designated place. Hold the syringe straight so that the angle relative to the injection site is 90 degrees. Place the needle three-quarters of the way into the buttocks.
  • Press down on the syringe plunger at the same speed. Smooth administration of the medicine will avoid the appearance of a dense formation.
  • Soak a cotton swab with disinfectant. To disinfect the wound, press the cotton wool to the injection site and safely remove the needle. Lightly massage the injection site with a cotton swab so that the injected medicine is better distributed and does not cause bruising.

Use this instruction in exceptional cases when it is not possible to contact specialists with medical education. If you feel afraid at the sight of a needle and syringe or are worried that you may harm your health, it is better not to inject yourself.

“Paramedic Help” provides professional injections at home. Nurses will provide a high-quality subcutaneous, intramuscular or intravenous injection. Send a request for an injection and our specialists will contact you as soon as possible.

Progress of the procedure

Before enlarging the buttocks with the help of Macroline stakes, the doctor conducts a detailed conversation with the client, and a preoperative examination is carried out to exclude negative reactions in the future. Before the procedure, the doctor applies markings to the skin in the area where the drug is administered. This allows you to predictably obtain the optimal effect.

Since the injection of hyaluronic acid is quite painful, because the tissues in the injection area are injured, local anesthesia is performed before it is performed. The drug is injected quite deeply using thin needles. The entire procedure lasts about an hour, after which patients must remain under medical supervision for some time. If there are no complications, you can go home the same day.

After the intervention, moderate pain in the area of ​​drug administration, slight swelling, and hematomas are possible. If these phenomena are too pronounced, you should consult a doctor. During the rehabilitation period there are certain recommendations and restrictions: it is necessary to wear compression garments, but this is not mandatory; After the procedure, you cannot massage the buttock area, as migration of the gel is possible.

How to give an injection?

An intramuscular injection is an effective way to administer a drug to provide a quick therapeutic effect. A specialist with a medical education can choose the right drug and give an intramuscular injection. To ensure that the procedure is painless and safe for the patient’s health, entrust the administration of injections to the professionals of Paramedic Help.

If it is not possible to seek medical assistance in administering an injection, you can try to do it yourself. Read the instructions provided carefully and follow the necessary steps consistently.

Start by preparing your work area. It is important that everything is at hand: syringes, sterile needles, ampoules, disinfectant, paper napkins and cotton wool. Disinfect a large and fairly deep bowl or plate in advance. It is convenient to put all the prepared tools in it.

Efficiency of Macrolane gel administration

The effect of the procedure for correcting the volume of the buttocks with Macroline lasts for a period of about two years, for a longer period - extremely rarely. Sometimes the achieved effect disappears after a few months, and then correction is necessary. If the client wants to get a more lasting result, it is advisable for the plastic surgeon to recommend a different method for correcting the volume of the buttocks. However, a significant advantage of injection correction is the opportunity to test the result, evaluate how comfortable it is with such volumes, and decide on further tactics.

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