Mesotherapy of thighs, legs and buttocks as a modern way to solve aesthetic skin problems

Mesotherapy is a technique for intradermal and subcutaneous administration of medications in ultra-low doses in order to achieve a therapeutic or preventive effect. This method is based on the pharmacological action of the drugs used, stimulation of biologically active points and reflexogenic zones of the skin.

Mesotherapy sessions for the thighs and buttocks are carried out primarily to combat cellulite and excess fat deposits. For injection in this zone, mesotherapy cocktails are used containing extracts of artichoke and Asian centella, caffeine, L-carnitine, organic silicon, gingko biloba and other substances. After injection, they spread from the injection site to the surrounding tissues, melt fatty areas, tone blood vessels, and reduce swelling.

Body mesotherapy in rejuvenation programs

Many are accustomed to identifying mesotherapy and biorevitalization, which is a particular type of this rejuvenating technology, with the fight against age-related changes affecting the skin of the face.
In fact, the possibilities of the technique are much wider, as are the indications for its use. Body mesotherapy allows you to restore the elasticity, tone and turgor of integumentary tissues on any part of the body. Strictly speaking, there are no restrictions on the use of the method; it can be used to improve the appearance of any anatomical area. The effectiveness of a course of procedures depends solely on the experience of the cosmetologist, the choice of drug and the adequacy of assessing the indications for the use of this injection technique.

Most often, a course of body mesotherapy is used to rejuvenate the skin and solve local aesthetic problems in the following anatomical areas:

  • décolleté area;
  • anterior abdominal wall;
  • hips;
  • buttocks;
  • dorsum of hands;
  • shoulders.

One of the most popular areas of body mesotherapy is abdominal rejuvenation. Problems of an aesthetic nature in the form of stretch marks, sagging or wrinkled skin are typical for women who have given birth; the likelihood of such cosmetic defects increasing with age. A course of procedures based on the intradermal administration of special preparations stimulates regeneration processes at the cellular and tissue level, thereby restoring the lost qualities of the dermis (elasticity, hydration) and helping to improve the figure.

Over the years, similar problems can appear on the hips, as well as in the buttock area. Due to weight fluctuations or age-related changes, the skin here may become less elastic. In combination with an increase (or decrease after weight loss) in the volume of fatty tissue, this leads to the appearance of unaesthetic folds and “sagging”. The clarity and conciseness of the contours is disrupted, the figure becomes much less attractive.

Almost all women from a certain age experience wrinkling of the skin on the back of their hands. As you know, even with ideal facial skin condition, a woman’s true age is often revealed by her hands. Wrinkling of the hands does not add attractiveness; moreover, it can negatively affect a woman’s socialization. A course of anti-aging injections will help restore the appearance characteristic of a young age.

Similarly, the décolleté area can reveal a woman’s true age. Constantly wearing “closed” clothes is not the best solution, especially if a woman wants to look attractive and sexy. The introduction of special preparations based on embryonic growth factors, amino acids, vitamins and hyaluronic acid successfully solves this aesthetic problem.

Summarizing the above, body mesotherapy is indicated for rejuvenation of any anatomical area in the presence of the following skin changes:

  • decreased elasticity;
  • decreased hydration, dryness and lethargy;
  • rugosity;
  • the presence of stretch marks and postoperative scars.

Answers on questions

How long does the effect of mesotherapy on legs and buttocks last?

The result after a mesotherapy procedure can last for about six months or even longer. The period depends on the patient’s lifestyle, his diet and the presence of sports.

How often do you need to repeat a course of mesotherapy?

As needed. To maintain the effect, many people need to take the course once every 6-9 months.

Will the procedure help against old stretch marks on the skin?

Yes. To do this, you should contact a cosmetologist who will be able to select the components and create the desired meso-cocktail that will allow you to achieve the maximum possible effect.

Mesotherapy in figure rehabilitation after childbirth

A separate group of indications for mesotherapy should include figure rehabilitation after childbirth. It is important to understand that figure rehabilitation is a multifaceted and complex process, in which it is very important to correctly place the emphasis. All layers of tissue that form the anterior wall of the abdomen require restoration. The deepest layer is represented by muscles and aponeurosis; Above the muscles there is subcutaneous fatty tissue, and the most superficial layer is the skin.

When drawing up a body rehabilitation program after childbirth, it is necessary to take into account the degree and specificity of changes in each layer of tissue of the anterior abdominal wall. Physical exercises are used to strengthen the muscle layer. If they are not effective enough, or if there is a separation of the rectus muscles, you can resort to plastic surgery and perform minimally invasive endoscopic abdominoplasty. During the operation, the plastic surgeon sutures the rectus abdominis muscles and solves the aesthetic problem caused by their discrepancy.

As for the skin, it is impossible to restore its elastic properties with plastic surgery. Yes, abdominoplasty partly solves the problem by excision of excess covering tissue, but women rarely decide to resort to such radical measures. Moreover, safe and painless abdominal mesotherapy is an excellent alternative.

Injections of rejuvenating cocktails contribute to the rapid renewal of the cellular composition and intercellular substance of the dermis. As a result of the activation of physiological regeneration processes, the elasticity and firmness of the skin returns. Skin sagging disappears. Body mesotherapy successfully solves the problem of stretch marks - unaesthetic stretch marks on the anterior abdominal wall.

Body mesotherapy is an effective way to rejuvenate the skin of the abdomen, which can and should be used in comprehensive body rehabilitation programs after childbirth to quickly restore beauty, youth and sexuality!


  • allergies and individual intolerance to the drug;
  • renal and hepatic failure;
  • the presence of inflammation and infection, rashes at the sites of intended injections;
  • a period of less than 1 month from the moment of “aggressive” effects on the skin (skin resurfacing, deep chemical peels, plastic surgery, etc.);
  • severe diseases of the heart, blood vessels, endocrine system;
  • malignant formations;
  • diseases of the circulatory system, blood clotting disorders;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Mesotherapy for weight loss

Another interesting area of ​​​​application of this technique is the fight against fat traps and excess accumulation of adipose tissue. Mesotherapy for weight loss is indeed effective, but only with an adequate assessment of the indications for its use.

It is important to understand that if there is a significant excess of subcutaneous fat tissue, one cannot rely solely on the injection technique. Its possibilities are not limitless, otherwise there would simply be no people left in the world who are puzzled by the problem of excess weight. In the fight against extra pounds, it is necessary to use an integrated approach. Dosed physical activity is needed, it is important to follow a diet low in carbohydrates and fats. The key point is changing the balance between calorie expenditure and calorie intake in your favor, that is, towards energy expenditure.

What place does body mesotherapy for weight loss take in this comprehensive program? It can be used to achieve two goals at once. Firstly, to accelerate fat burning in the so-called problem areas. For most women, such areas are the front wall of the abdomen, especially in its lower parts, the outer surface of the thighs, and buttocks.

Secondly, injections of mesotherapy cocktails are needed for rejuvenation and rehabilitation of the skin, which may become flabby after weight loss. In the process of losing weight, the volume of fatty tissue is sharply reduced. In this case, the skin area does not change, which is why there is a relative excess of it. Hence the flabbiness, which negatively affects the overall aesthetics of the figure.

Now let's talk about these areas of mesotherapy for weight loss in more detail. To combat excess adipose tissue, special preparations are used - lipolytic cocktails, or lipolytics. They contain substances that first destroy adipocyte membranes and then convert fat depot triglycerides into an emulsion. This emulsion is easily removed from the problem area through the system of lymphatic and blood vessels.

The composition of mesotherapy drugs for weight loss, as a rule, includes sodium deoxycholate - it is this organic compound that is responsible for the destruction of fat traps. The second key component is phosphatidylcholine. Phosphatidylcholine acts as an emulsifier and facilitates the elimination of broken down fat from the problem area.

Mesotherapy lipolysis is effective in combating fat traps in the lower abdomen, thighs, and buttocks. Since the drugs (lipolytics) contain active substances that can destroy living cells, injections should be performed by a qualified cosmetologist with extensive experience in conducting such procedures. It is unacceptable to do such procedures in beauty salons!

The next point in the comprehensive figure rehabilitation program for excess weight problems is restoring the elasticity of the dermis. A very important point, the importance of which many people underestimate in the initial stages of losing weight. Meanwhile, if excess fat can be dealt with through physical exercise and low-calorie diets alone, then it will be impossible to restore skin turgor and tone without professional help.

As a result, after successfully losing weight, many are faced with the fact that they are separated from their ideal figure by sagging skin in problem areas. The tone of the dermis is reduced, it is sluggish, wrinkled, and unaesthetic. In such a situation, mesotherapy cocktails come to the rescue, stimulating active physiological regeneration.

Mesotherapy of the thighs, abdomen or buttocks is the final chord that separates a good weight loss result from a great one! Rejuvenating injections normalize the balance of nutrients and accelerate self-healing. The growth factors they contain increase the proliferative and synthetic activity of cells. Cells begin to actively divide. Their number increases, and each produces new molecules of collagen, hyaluronic acid, elastin and other components of the intercellular substance.

The result of these changes at the cellular and tissue level is skin hydration, strengthening of the collagen-elastin framework, increasing its turgor and elasticity. These changes contribute to the full rehabilitation of the figure after losing weight or successfully solving the problem of local fat deposits.

Reviews from real people

Kira, 33 years old, Orel:

I am a cosmetologist by training, and I regularly perform mesotherapy at home. I also prepare a lipolytic cocktail myself, since I have a lot of experience. I really like the result. A friend is going to take a course in the spring to prepare her body for summer, for short shorts.

Inna, 29 years old, Omsk:

I recently purchased a mesoscooter and started using it actively. I buy the drug at a regular pharmacy. It turns out quite cheap, but very effective. I'm very pleased with the result. My thighs have noticeably tightened and my cellulite has gone away.

Svetlana, 25 years old, Ufa:

I had mesotherapy done by a cosmetologist. Of course there is an effect, but it was very painful. Especially the first procedure. But for the sake of toned and elastic legs, you can endure the pain and turn a blind eye to the cost of the procedure.

Body mesotherapy for cellulite

Even an ideal body mass index does not guarantee that a woman will not face the problem of cellulite. The reason for the formation of “orange peel” is a violation of lipid metabolism with the formation of individual cells of adipose tissue at the level of subcutaneous tissue. These cells are limited by connective tissue, which is why the skin acquires a characteristic “cellulite” appearance.

Getting rid of cellulite thighs or buttocks is not easy. Physical activity is ineffective even in combination with diet, since isolated fat cells do not participate in overall fat metabolism. Low-calorie diets simply don't work on them. Massages and various wraps offered by beauty salons and spa centers are not very effective.

Local administration of anti-cellulite mesotherapy cocktails copes with the task much more successfully. The substances included in the composition penetrate into cellulite cells and provoke the destruction of fat deposits. The effect increases during the course of procedures, by the end of which the woman sees ideal - smooth and radiant - skin in place of the “orange peel”!

According to cosmetologists and reviews from their patients, mesotherapy is one of the most effective ways to combat cellulite.

Features of the procedure

To perform mesotherapy injections, the patient is placed in a prone position on his stomach. The surface of the skin of the treated area is cleaned and disinfected using antiseptics. If necessary, an anesthetic cream is applied to it, providing an analgesic effect and a comfortable procedure for the patient.

For the area of ​​the buttocks and thighs, a pinpoint injection technique is used using a syringe and an ultra-thin needle. Most often this is a technique of deep dermal papules or infiltration, in which the depth of injection of the drug is 3-4 mm. To eliminate scars and stretch marks, injections are made directly into them, pointwise or by linear injection. On average, one treatment course includes 8-10 sessions with a weekly interval between them.

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