Facial muscle lift as a modern way of rejuvenation

The desire to maintain attractiveness and slow down the process of age-related changes is absolutely natural for every person. And the person in this matter is given special attention. It is this that first reveals the age of a person and especially a woman. Over the years, the skin inevitably loses its elasticity, the shape of the face deteriorates, wrinkles appear, natural folds deepen and other undesirable changes occur. In such situations, as well as in a number of others, in particular if you want to increase the volume of your lips, facial contour correction with fillers can help.

What is facial contouring?

Facial contouring is a modern non-surgical method for correcting age-related changes, asymmetry, scars and adding volume to those parts of the face where it is lacking. It involves the use of special fillers with different compositions, which are drugs administered subcutaneously, intradermally or periosteally by injection. To perform them, ultra-thin needles of 27-30 G are used.

The essence of the method is to introduce a gel-like filler directly under the wrinkle, thereby creating a kind of depot of the drug. Thanks to this, it seems to push the tissue out, which leads to the smoothing of wrinkles, folds, and scars. If the task of contour plastic surgery is to create additional volume of the lips, cheekbones, temples, and chin, then the drug is administered evenly over the entire area of ​​the corrected area of ​​the face.

With the help of modern fillers it is possible to obtain an immediate effect, namely:

  • improve facial contour and restore its clarity by eliminating tissue ptosis;
  • reduce the depth of nasolabial folds and tear grooves;
  • smooth out wrinkles and creases, including deep ones in the area between the eyebrows, forehead, and around the mouth;
  • adjust the size of cheekbones, cheeks, temples;
  • eliminate signs of facial asymmetry;
  • smooth out dystrophic scars and scars, including post-acne;
  • eliminate dark circles and hollows under the eyes;
  • increase the volume of the lips and improve their shape, raise the corners;
  • correct the shape of the nose (straighten the back even if there is a pronounced hump, improve the shape of the wings and tip of the nose);
  • increase the volume of the chin, which is especially important for men.

Contour plastic surgery for the purpose of rejuvenation should be performed no earlier than 35-40 years. But to correct facial asymmetry, scars and add volume to lips or cheekbones, it can also be used at a younger age.

Today, facial contouring is a worthy alternative to plastic surgery and more traumatic cosmetic procedures. Its advantages include:

  • absolute safety, especially when using biodegradable fillers;
  • instant result that can be assessed immediately after the procedure, although the final effect is formed 1-2 weeks after contouring;
  • duration of the effect (in most cases, the achieved result lasts 1-2 years);
  • obtaining a natural effect, so others will never guess that the youth of the face is maintained with the help of a doctor;
  • no need for anesthesia, which sharply reduces the number of contraindications for facial contour correction;
  • no risk of scarring;
  • the ability to solve a large number of problems in one session: enlarge lips, correct cheekbones, eliminate wrinkles, etc.;
  • the simplest and shortest rehabilitation period possible.

At the same time, contour correction of the face with fillers is indeed one of the safest procedures. It has an extremely small number of contraindications, including:

  • acute infectious diseases and exacerbations of chronic diseases;
  • inflammatory processes in the area of ​​correction;
  • the presence of permanent (non-absorbable) fillers in the tissues;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • psychological disorders;
  • taking antiplatelet agents and anticoagulants;
  • oncological diseases;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • tendency to form keloid scars;
  • allergy to any of the filler components.

Contouring is not recommended if you have recently undergone facial resurfacing or chemical peeling.

Advantages and disadvantages of non-surgical facial muscle lift

Based on numerous customer reviews, a list of advantages has been formed:

  1. The above methods of facial muscle tightening are comfortable and painless. No anesthesia required.
  2. Reducing the risk of complications. No surgical intervention. There are no scars left and infection is excluded.
  3. This method does not require recovery time (rehabilitation) compared to surgery, and does not interfere with the normal rhythm of life.
  4. The ability to perform procedures all year round, since the top layer of skin is not damaged.
  5. High results are achieved. The facial skin becomes elastic and smooth and retains the effect for 1–1.5 years.

Any method, along with its advantages, also has disadvantages that you need to know about in order to take them into account when non-surgically lifting the facial muscles.

Procedures are prohibited in the following cases:

  • during the period of activation of infectious skin lesions (acne, etc.);
  • in the presence of chronic diseases, as well as general ones in the acute stage;
  • in the presence of pacemakers and metal implants;
  • in the presence of formations (tumors) at the sites of the procedure;
  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Read material on the topic: How to shape the contour of the face: all possible ways

Features of facial contouring

The procedure should be performed only by a highly qualified cosmetologist or dermatocosmetologist with a higher medical education. Carrying out contour plastic surgery by a specialist who has only completed courses, etc., is dangerous, since without a thorough understanding of the structural features of facial skin and other features, it can harm the patient or at least get a result that is not what he expected.

Before carrying out contour correction, the doctor will definitely find out from the patient what effect he wants to get and what problems with the facial skin concern him most, whether he had to do contour plastic surgery before, and if so, what drugs were used for this and what result was obtained. The doctor will definitely conduct a thorough examination and find out if there are any contraindications for the use of fillers. In some cases, to exclude them, it is necessary to undergo certain tests or obtain advice from specialists.

After this, the cosmetologist selects the date when the procedure will be performed. The day before, you should minimize physical activity and stop drinking alcohol. If the patient is taking any medications, the doctor must be informed about this, since taking certain medications during facial correction with fillers can increase the likelihood of hematomas, edema and other undesirable effects.

Directly contour plastic surgery is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • cleansing the facial skin of decorative cosmetics and impurities, treating with an antiseptic;
  • marking the places where fillers are introduced, indicating the puncture point and the direction of needle movement;
  • application of topical anesthesia to the skin in the affected area in order to reduce the severity of unpleasant sensations (mainly carried out only if the selected filler does not contain an anesthetic);
  • opening the drug in the presence of the patient;
  • introduction of the gel using a pre-selected technique according to the applied markings;
  • treatment with an antiseptic and a light massage to evenly distribute the filler at the injection site.

The average duration of contouring is 40-120 minutes.

For each patient, the cosmetologist selects not only the drug individually, but also the needle. The thinner the needle, the less painful the injection will be and the lower the risk of hematoma formation and other undesirable consequences. But despite these advantages, the thinnest needles are not capable of introducing dense fillers. Therefore, they are used only for working with soft gels, which are usually used to correct superficial wrinkles and the lip area.

To smooth out more pronounced wrinkles, fillers with a higher density will be required. For their introduction, needles with a large diameter are used. Such fillers will take longer to dissolve, but their administration will be accompanied by greater discomfort for the patient.

After this, the doctor explains in detail the features of facial care and schedules a consultation in 1-2 weeks. It is important not to ignore it, since this is exactly the time it takes for fillers to distribute evenly in tissues, and a repeat consultation will allow you not only to evaluate the achieved effect, but also, if necessary, adjust it by adding filler or, conversely, introducing an enzyme for its partial resorption.

In general, facial care after contour correction with fillers is no different from that after mesotherapy, biorevitalization, etc. Therefore, patients are recommended:

  • for 24 hours after the procedure, avoid any touching of the face, especially in the affected area, and sleep on the stomach or side (it is ideal to sleep on the back the first night);
  • for 2 weeks, protect your face from exposure to ultraviolet radiation and use sunscreen with high SPF;
  • refuse to visit the solarium, bathhouse, sauna, swimming pool for 2 weeks;
  • Avoid serious physical activity for 3 days and refuse massage, including self-massage of the face.

In most cases, all traces of injections disappear within 1-2 days. But a little more recovery time will be required when performing lip correction. In this case, the rehabilitation period may increase to 3-5 days, since the delicate skin of the lips and the peculiarities of their blood supply greatly increase the risk of hematoma formation at the puncture sites.

How to achieve instant results in a few days

Sometimes there are cases when it is necessary to very quickly tighten up the oval of the face and give the skin a fresh look, for example, before an important event where you want to shine with beauty. And this is quite possible! It will be necessary to carry out a set of special useful procedures that will allow you to present your beautiful appearance without embarrassment.

Contrast massage to improve skin tone

A massage with water at a contrasting temperature will help quickly improve the contour, tone the muscle structure of the face, refresh and make it more expressive. To carry it out, prepare 2 bowls of water - one should contain cold salted water, the other should contain regular warm water. Soak a terry towel in cold water and apply it to your face for a few seconds, then dip the towel in a bowl of warm water and repeat the procedure. Change the temperature 8-10 times.

Gymnastics for face lift

There are a number of simple exercises that can, in just a few days, slightly transform the appearance of your face, make its contour clearer, and remove signs of fatigue and lack of sleep. By performing special gymnastics, you can use all the muscles of the face, as a result of which they become toned, blood circulation improves, and metabolic processes are accelerated:

  • “Surprise” exercise. Try to open your eyes as wide as possible for a few seconds, pronouncing the sound “U” with tension, and then close your eyes sharply, rearranging your lips for the sound “I”. Alternate facial expressions 6-8 times. After this, relax your muscles and sit with your eyes closed for a few minutes;
  • “Puffing up the cheeks” exercise. Inhale deeply through your mouth, then hold your breath while puffing out your cheeks. Place your palms on your cheeks so that your fingers are on your ears. Press your palms lightly, providing resistance with your cheeks. Slowly release air from your mouth through slightly parted lips. Repeat the exercise 8-10 times. If, when performing this exercise, tension occurs at the base of the tongue, then the muscles of the chin are also involved;
  • Exercise "Kisses" Smile as wide as possible, and then purse your lips. Repeat the movements 20–25 times. The purpose of this exercise is to increase the tone of the muscles that control lip movement.

Video: anti-aging exercises for the face

Milk ice

Cosmetic procedures using ice help to very effectively tone, refresh, and smooth out creases in the epidermis. Due to contact with ice, the skin temperature sharply decreases, as a result of which the blood vessels narrow. With their subsequent expansion, blood flows into them more intensely.

Milk ice is an easy-to-prepare and instantly effective rejuvenating product for facial skin.

Ice cubes with milk have a double beneficial effect on the skin. After all, milk, containing a large amount of potassium and calcium, stimulates the production of collagen, which gives the skin firmness, elasticity, and firmness. The vitamin A it contains eliminates dryness and flaking, and vitamin B6 works on the formation of new skin cells. Upon contact with the epidermis, after providing a tonic effect, the cold cubes begin to melt, turning into a healthy liquid that is intensively absorbed into the skin. By performing such a simple and short procedure, you will quickly give your skin a fresh, radiant look.

Video: quick facelift in a couple of days


Contour correction of the face with fillers can be carried out in different ways. At the same time, the technique of administering the drug directly depends on what goals are being pursued. The most effective and frequently used are the following:

  • Linear-retrograde technique. It is used to smooth out deep wrinkles and correct the lower third of the face, in particular to eliminate wrinkles above the upper lip. It consists of inserting a needle parallel to the skin at the site of formation of a wrinkle or fold along its entire length. The injection of the drug is carried out at the moment of its reverse stroke, which ensures complete filling of the crease with filler.
  • Fan technique. It has much in common with thread lifting or thread lifting, since it involves the introduction of fillers from one point along lines diverging in different directions. This technique allows you to fill the deficit in facial tissue volume.
  • Bolus technique. It is used to increase the volume of the cheekbones, chin, eliminate nasal wrinkles and smooth out the nasolacrimal groove. It consists of inserting a needle strictly perpendicular to the surface of the skin and injecting filler at the periosteum.
  • Net. This technique involves introducing filler along lines that intersect each other at right angles. It is most effective for correcting mild to moderate wrinkles, including those on the forehead, cheeks, marionette lines, nasolabial folds, etc.
  • One injection technique. It involves the use of a microcannula, which is a thin and very flexible tube with holes on the sides and a blunt end. Thanks to its use, it is possible to minimize the degree of trauma to facial tissues, since there will be only one puncture in each area that needs correction. By redirecting the cannula, the doctor delivers filler through it to the required places, and since it is quite flexible, moving the cannula inside the tissues does not lead to injury to the blood vessels, which makes facial correction even safer and more painless. At the same time, the use of a cannula ensures the most accurate distribution of filler within the tissue, which guarantees a natural result. Therefore, this technique is used very often, especially for the correction of the brow ridges, temples, cheekbones, bridge of the nose, and the area around the mouth.

How much does a neck lift cost in a beauty salon?

If we talk about the cost of a chin and neck lift, the price of the procedure depends entirely on the correction method. Home exercises, massages and masks are the most economical.

Prices for thread lifting in Moscow and St. Petersburg range from 16,000 to 200,000 rubles. The final cost is determined by the condition of the skin, the number and quality of threads, the size of the surface being treated, the type of anesthesia and the qualifications of the cosmetologist performing the procedure.

Regardless of whether a hardware neck lift or surgery is needed, the price will largely depend on the scope of the intervention and the time spent.

The elasticity of the skin is lost under the influence of age-related changes, as well as due to smoking, excess weight and sunlight. To prevent ptosis, it is recommended to completely abandon bad habits. It is also worth paying attention to home procedures, the effectiveness of which is directly related to the regularity and systematicity of their implementation.

If severe ptosis interferes with external attractiveness, you should not abandon hardware correction methods and plastic surgery. However, the choice of rejuvenation method should occur together with a specialist (cosmetologist or plastic surgeon) and taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient’s body.

Why clients choose Veronika Herba Beauty and Health Center:

  • This is a beauty center where you can take care of yourself at a reasonable cost, while your face and/or body will be treated not by an ordinary cosmetologist, but by one of the best cosmetologists in Moscow. This is a completely different, higher level of service!
  • You can receive qualified help at any time convenient for you. The beauty center is open from 9:00 to 21:00, seven days a week. The main thing is to agree with your doctor in advance on the date and time of your appointment.

Sign up for a consultation with a specialist by phone +7 (495) 085-15-13

, and you will see for yourself!

Fillers and their features

All fillers used for contouring can be divided into the following types, depending on their composition:

  • collagen-based fillers;
  • fillers based on hyaluronic acid;
  • fillers based on poly-L-lactic acid;
  • fillers based on calcium hydroxyapatite;
  • fillers based on polymethyl methacrylate microspheres.

Today, fillers based on hyaluronic acid are the most popular because they are characterized by a high level of safety, ease of administration, effectiveness in correcting various imperfections in appearance and provide good volume.

The duration of preservation of the effect of facial contouring depends on the drug used for it. Thus, with the help of products based on hyaluronic acid, it is possible to obtain a result that will last for about a year, and preparations based on calcium hydroxyapatite or polylactic acid will give an effect for 2 years. When using collagen-based products, the effect lasts 6-8 months.

Permanent fillers last the longest – 10 years or more. But today they try not to use them, since they do not dissolve and in the future they can only be removed surgically.

Fillers based on hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is a polysaccharide constantly produced by skin cells to maintain skin tone and normal moisture. Gels based on hyaluronic acid are sterile, viscoelastic preparations that completely dissolve in tissues over time. Thus, they are biodegradable, which makes them absolutely safe.

All of them act comprehensively and not only provide effective and, most importantly, instant correction of facial skin imperfections, but also stimulate the processes of synthesis of their own collagen and elastin fibers at the injection sites. At the same time, they additionally produce a moisturizing effect, which improves the color and texture of the skin, making it radiant, velvety and absolutely healthy.

There are several types of fillers of this type, differing not only in manufacturer, but also in viscosity. In this case, the choice of a specific one is primarily determined based on which area of ​​the face needs correction. Thus, high-density fillers are used to eliminate deep wrinkles and folds of the skin, products with medium viscosity are selected to create the desired volume of the cheeks, cheekbones, and chin, and the softest ones are used to correct the area around the lips and eyes.

The most popular hyaluronic acid fillers are:

  • Restylane (Sweden) - created on the basis of incompletely hydrated hyaluronic acid of animal origin, which is isolated by bacterial fermentation. The concentration of the active substance in it is 20 mg/ml. The fact that the filler is not fully hydrated means that during the first 24 hours of being in the tissue it will absorb moisture. The consequence of this will be an additional increase in volume, which the doctor must take into account when administering. Restylane is usually used to correct nasolabial folds, marionette lines, post-acne, lifting the tip of the nose and correcting its overall appearance. The line of drugs includes several representatives: Touch, Lip, Sub-Q, each of which has its own viscosity, and therefore its area of ​​application.
  • Perlane (Sweden) is a filler that can be classified as a member of the Restylane line of drugs, but it is distinguished by significantly higher viscosity and density while maintaining the same concentration of hyaluronic acid. It is used to correct deep wrinkles and skin folds, and the effect lasts for about 9 months.
  • Juvederm (USA) is one of the most popular fillers based on hyaluronic acid, also obtained by bacterial fermentation. Unlike Restylane, it is completely hydrated, so the final result is formed almost immediately after contouring. The line of drugs includes many fillers, the main ones being Juvederm Ultra and Juvederm Ultra Plus. Both of them contain 24 mg/ml hyaluronic acid, but they differ greatly in density. Therefore, the second one, as it is denser, is used to correct deep wrinkles and scars, and the first one is used to eliminate moderate imperfections and correct the appearance of the lips.
  • Belotero (Switzerland) is considered a “smart filler” that is able to independently distribute itself evenly in tissues. This property will ensure the absence of discomfort and the feeling of a foreign body in the face. The product line includes 3 options: Soft (20 mg/ml), Balance and Intense, each containing 22.5 mg/ml hyaluronic acid.

Collagen based fillers

Collagen is a natural component of human skin that maintains its elasticity and strength. Normally, its amount is about 70% of the dry mass, and there are more than 11 types of collagen, slightly different in their structure and functions. The main ones are collagen types I and II. That's why they are used to create modern fillers.

Depending on the origin of collagen, collagen is classified as porcine, bovine, human, or bioengineered. Today, genetic engineering is most often used to produce such fillers, as well as the innovative Glymatrix technology.

Collagen-based fillers have been used in cosmetology since 1981. But in Russia they are not popular due to the short duration of preservation of the result. But they are absolutely hypoallergenic, and are much less likely than others to provoke the occurrence of edema and local hemorrhages.

The main representatives of drugs in this group are:

  • CosmoDerm 1 and CosmoDerm 2 (USA) - they are based on human recombinant collagen, which is obtained by cultivating fibroblasts (skin cells that produce collagen) in laboratories. These preparations contain 35 mg/cm3 and 70 mg/cm3 of collagen, respectively, and a 0.3% lidocaine solution. Therefore, CosmoDerm 1 is usually used to eliminate superficial wrinkles and scars, in particular smokers' wrinkles around the mouth, and CosmoDerm 2 is used to solve more pronounced problems, including smoothing the skin texture due to post-acne.
  • CosmoPlast (USA) – contains 35 mg/cm3 of collagen and glutaraldehyde. The presence of the latter component ensures a slower breakdown of the filler in tissues, which makes it possible to use it to correct deep wrinkles and scars. In particularly difficult cases, it is combined with injections of hyaluronic acid-based fillers.
  • Evolence (Israel) is one of the latest and most advanced collagen-based fillers to enter the market. It contains completely purified pork collagen types 1 and 3 with a concentration of 35 mg/cm3 and is ideally compatible with human collagen. It is obtained using Glymatrix technology, which implies the production of collagen with a 3-dimensional structure, which significantly increases the effectiveness of contour correction using it. Evolence filler is the only drug of its kind that ensures that the effect is maintained for 12-18 months. It is produced in 2 variations, which allows you to choose a product for correcting wrinkles of different depths, changing the contour of the red border of the lips and changing their shape.

Poly-L-lactic acid fillers

Polylactic acid is a synthetic, absolutely biologically compatible polypeptide that does not cause allergic reactions. It consists of microspherical particles of poly-L-lactic acid and is obtained in laboratory conditions. This compound is the basis of Sculptra filler (UK).

It is difficult to call it a filler in the traditional sense, so many cosmetologists call it a skin stimulant. Poly-L-lactic acid provokes the formation of new collagen in the skin, which ensures gradual smoothing of wrinkles and restoration of the previous volume of soft tissues. The effect of its administration can be compared with lipofilling, i.e., the introduction of one’s own fat suspension in the area of ​​volume deficiency.

Therefore, the effect of contouring is not observed immediately after the procedure, as when working with other fillers, but only after 4 weeks. In this case, the cosmetologist needs to very strictly control the amount of the drug administered to avoid overcorrection. Sculptra filler must be injected regularly every 4-6 weeks until the desired results are achieved. This causes the high price of contour plastic surgery and the impossibility of predicting the final cost in advance. To speed up the desired effect, Sculptra is often combined with other fillers.

Poly-L-lactic acid fillers work best in pre- and postmenopausal women who are receiving hormone replacement therapy. If hormonal levels are not corrected, the drugs will work worse. For men, Sculptra gives good, long-lasting results.

This type of filler is used for:

  • increasing the volume of the cheekbones;
  • replenishment of tissue deficiency in the cheek area;
  • correction of nasolabial folds;
  • smoothing out deep wrinkles, scars, etc.

Working with such fillers requires a lot of experience and special training.

Fillers based on calcium hydroxyapatite

Calcium hydroxyapatite is a synthetic analogue of bone tissue that is completely hypoallergenic and does not lead to the development of adverse effects. The most famous filler of this group is Radiesse (USA). It consists of microsphere particles of 30% calcium hydroxyapatite, the size of which is in the range of 25-45 microns. These microspheres are distributed as a suspension in a gel carrier. It acts as a base and dissolves 2-3 months after administration.

From this moment, skin cells directly interact with microspheres of calcium hydroxyapatite, which leads to activation of fibroblasts and the formation of their own collagen in the area of ​​influence. Therefore, the drug is used for contour plastic surgery:

  • nasolabial folds;
  • cheekbone;
  • cheeks;
  • marionette wrinkles;
  • eliminating scars, etc.

Calcium hydroxyapatite provides a visible cosmetic result and at the same time remains in the tissues much longer. Fillers based on it are used more often to correct the face of mature patients and with a pronounced lack of soft tissue volume.

How to increase skin tone?

There are no skin problems that can be solved without moisturizing. The skin loses its tone if there is insufficient hydration.

Initially, it is necessary to eliminate the moisture deficit, so you should follow these rules:

  • strengthen the barrier functions of the skin. Then the epidermis will not lose fluid. If the integrity of the stratum corneum is compromised, then the water will evaporate faster;
  • watch your drinking. Every person is required to drink enough fluid so that the skin does not suffer from water deficiency. Otherwise, cosmetics will not give any positive results.

Hardware cosmetology

Nowadays, hardware beauty procedures are widespread. Yes, they really give good results, but at the same time they greatly harm the body. And, before you run to the cosmetologist’s office, try to use the means at hand to restore your former beauty.

Microcurrent therapy

Small impulses pass to the deep levels of the epidermis, causing irritation and muscle tension. And to restore skin tone, relaxation is necessary. As a result, you will simply “pump up” your facial muscles, but will not get rid of the problem.

RF-lifting Aluma

A gel is applied to the skin, which makes the epidermis invisible to the rays. Using a vacuum, the skin is pulled in and impulses pass through it. they heat tissues, destroy collagen and lay down new ones. Just imagine how stressful this is for the body!

Biostimulation FUTURA PRO

This procedure was invented for the lazy. It is used to pump up muscles without physical activity. You lie there and the current does everything for you. But this is not suitable for the face - we need to relax the muscles, relieve spasm, return the muscles to their natural length, and not pump them up. And this device will only cause new clamps.

The result of the procedures depends on the quality of the devices and the abilities of the cosmetologist. Finding a quality clinic is difficult. In addition, the procedures are addictive and if at the beginning you only needed 1-2 courses a year, then over time the effect will begin to end within a month.

At the “Flourish” marathon, a whole block is dedicated to facial rejuvenation. Self-massage, gymnastics and exercises that are aimed at maintaining the face in ideal condition. Join us and extend your youth!

Injection methods

In pursuit of beauty and eternal youth, girls are ready to do anything. Even for injections. They are not afraid of swelling, negative reactions and pain. Meanwhile, everything is not as wonderful as cosmetology clinics advertise.


Biorevitalization is a procedure for introducing hyaluronic acid into the upper layer of the epidermis using injections. Usually 3-4 sessions are needed several times a year. The danger of the method lies in the fact that the body stops secreting its own hyaluronic acid and now you can no longer live without “beauty injections”.

The needles touch the blood vessels and disrupt their function. Therefore, after the procedure, you will have to lock yourself at home for at least 5 days, because there will be bruises and swelling.


Mesotherapy is the introduction of a whole cocktail of substances under the skin. . Cosmetologists recommend starting to inject these products at the age of 18, when the epidermis has not even fully strengthened yet.

Very often, patients experience an allergic reaction. They also note that the procedure is as painful as possible.

Ozone therapy

Ozone therapy is the introduction of ozone into the dermis. And ozone is a gas that can be very toxic to humans.

Instead of agreeing to injections, try to allocate at least 10-15 extra minutes in the morning and evening to take care of your face and then you will be able to cope with all the shortcomings on your own.

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