Combined use of the PLASMOLIFTING TM method with injection and hardware correction methods


Oreshnikova Maria Vladimirovna

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is a modern cosmetological technique with which the effect of skin rejuvenation is achieved through injections of the patient’s own plasma. Plasma is the liquid part of blood. Using your own plasma eliminates incompatibility problems and minimizes the risk of allergic reactions.

Plasmolifting: the essence of the method

Plasmolifting stimulates natural regeneration processes in problem tissues. This is achieved by injecting platelet-rich plasma into them. Platelets ensure blood clotting; this is their main function. However, scientists later discovered that platelets also have another function: they not only participate in the creation of blood clots (thrombi) that prevent bleeding, but also produce substances that promote the healing of damaged tissue. It is this property of platelets that allows one to obtain a therapeutic effect from the plasma lifting procedure.

Plasmolifting accelerates regeneration processes (restoration of lost tissue structure). After the plasma lifting procedure, the skin tightens, its hydration and elasticity increase.

Preparation for the procedure

Your doctor will tell you in detail how to prepare for facial plasma lifting during your preliminary consultation. Typically, it is advisable to adhere to the diet and restrictions 2–3 days before the scheduled procedure.

Basic recommendations before facial plasma lifting:

• Eliminate heavy, fatty, salty, spicy foods from the diet. It is recommended to enrich the menu with healthy foods rich in vitamins, micro- and macroelements. These include: fresh fruits, vegetables, berries, herbs, lean meat, fish, dairy products, whole grain cereals. The diet before facial plasma lifting should be balanced according to BJU. • Establish a drinking regime. During the day, it is advisable to drink 1.5 - 2 liters of regular table water without gas. You should avoid strong coffee and tea. • Reduce the intensity of physical activity. • Have a good rest and sleep.

What not to do before facial plasma lifting:

• drink alcohol and smoke; • carry out cosmetic procedures that involve trauma to the skin; • take drugs from the group of anticoagulants (blood thinners); • sunbathing.

During the consultation, many patients are concerned with the question: is it possible to eat before plasma lifting of the face? If the manipulations are scheduled for the morning, it is advisable to refrain from eating and organize dinner 8–12 hours in advance. If the procedure is planned to be carried out in the afternoon, then it is advisable to organize the last meal 2 – 3 hours in advance. Doctors advise choosing light, healthy, nutritious meals.

How is plasma lifting performed?

Plasmolifting in the clinics of JSC Family Doctor

The procedure consists of several stages. First, blood is drawn from the patient. Blood is taken from a vein in an amount of 9 to 36 ml. The platelet-rich plasma is then separated using a special centrifuge. Finally, the rejuvenation procedure itself is carried out: using injections, the resulting plasma is injected into problem areas of the skin. The injection technique is similar to conventional mesotherapy. The total procedure time is approximately 1 hour.

The course consists of 2-4 procedures. The interval between procedures is 2-3 weeks.

Plasmolifting can be used to eliminate skin problems in any area, including the face, neck, décolleté, scalp, etc. In order to undergo the plasma lifting procedure, you need to make an appointment with a cosmetologist.

Indications and contraindications

Plasma therapy is recommended for patients with the following facial skin problems:

• decrease in tightness, elasticity, firmness; • signs of photoaging; • wrinkles, folds, creases; • hyperpigmentation; • acne of varying severity; • peeling, excessive dryness; • scars, scars, post-acne; • unhealthy color; • bags and dark circles under the eyes; • enlarged pores. Conditions and diseases for which it is contraindicated to resort to the • technique: pregnancy, breastfeeding; • malignant and benign formations in the affected area; • oncological processes of various localizations; • autoimmune pathologies; • acute viral or infectious diseases; • chronic pathologies in the acute stage; • damage to the integrity of the skin in the area of ​​intended treatment; • severe form of arterial hypertension; • decompensated diabetes mellitus; • diseases of the hematopoietic system; • severe mental disorders, central nervous system diseases; • hormonal and endocrine disorders.; • allergy to anticoagulants; • critical days.


46. ​​Is it dangerous to inject plasma into the décolleté and chest area?

Not dangerous. The PLASMOLIFTING method does not have any effect on hormonal status and does not lead to mutations. 47. Is it possible to tighten the breasts using plasma lifting?

No, only breast surgery will help here. 48. At what time is it recommended to carry out plasma lifting for women (is it dependent on the period of the menstrual cycle)?

It is recommended to do procedures between menstruation. 49. How long should I wait after stopping breastfeeding to start plasma injections?

From 4 to 6 months.

Advantages of hardware procedures

Thus, thanks to hardware effects, it is possible to stimulate the natural reserves of the skin. Laser, photo or RF exposure improves the functioning of fibroblasts - the main skin cells that synthesize collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid molecules. As a result, the skin becomes denser, more elastic, and tightened. Hardware techniques help achieve a lifting effect, smooth out fine wrinkles and make deeper ones less noticeable, remove age spots and spider veins.

As a rule, hardware procedures have a cumulative effect. Simply put, immediately after the procedure you will already be able to see the first effect of rejuvenation. But it will reach its maximum gradually. In a few weeks, your face will be completely transformed.

Gutsenko Liliya Anatolevna


Which procedures cannot be combined?

You cannot combine procedures during which one zone is affected by multidirectional factors. Thus, ultrasonic cleaning causes vasospasm, so it cannot be combined with procedures that dilate blood vessels. And, conversely, before and after myostimulation (which dilates blood vessels), it is strictly not recommended to apply cooling agents (constrictors of blood vessels). It is not recommended to combine electrical procedures that affect the same area. For example, darsonval, microcurrents and skin resurfacing do not combine. Ultraviolet radiation is incompatible with microwave therapy, thermal procedures, galvanization, massage in the same area.

At what age is combination therapy recommended?

Each person has a different type and stage of aging. Therefore, the signs of aging manifest themselves differently in everyone and at different ages, depending on the changes that are currently occurring in the tissues. Based on this, the method for correcting age-related changes in the face is selected strictly individually in accordance with which layer of facial tissue and in which area requires intervention. After all, the effects differ for each type of aging and different layers of tissue.


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Alla Vasilievna 12/20/2021 01:18:05

To relieve knee pain, I take Diclofenac (tablets or suppositories). Do I need to refrain from taking this drug before the plasma therapy procedure? If YES, then in how many days? Thank you

Show answer

KHOLIKOV Timur Vyacheslavovich 12/20/2021

Good afternoon For severe pain, it is recommended to take painkillers. During the consultation, we will adjust the treatment and select the best option.

Simultaneous exposure

It is unacceptable to conduct plasma lifting and biorevitalization sessions one after another.

A competent combination of these techniques gives a high-quality result, because the two substances improve the absorption of each other in the body.

The combination of rejuvenation technologies occurs in two stages. First, three to four plasma lifting procedures are performed at intervals of a week, the course takes about a month. Another week is spent on skin restoration, after which the patient attends a contouring session using hyaluronic acid.

Skin care courses can be supplemented with mesotherapy procedures. This technology is also based on injections, but it is not natural components that are injected into the skin, but chemical cocktails. In some cases, mesotherapy causes allergic reactions, so consult your doctor before you begin such treatments.

Biorevitalization or plasmolifting: Which is better?

Biorevitalization and plasmolifting are two injection cosmetic procedures that are aimed at rejuvenating facial skin and combating age-related changes.
These methods are used in aesthetic cosmetology clinics to eliminate deep wrinkles on the face in the area of ​​the eyelids, forehead and nasolabial folds, as well as to combat low turgor and dry skin. Biorevitalization together with plasmolifting can also be performed as an additional procedure for accelerated recovery after chemical peeling or laser rejuvenation. These two methods are similar to each other and can even complement each other to achieve better results. But what are the differences between them? What is better to choose: biorevitalization or plasma lifting? Let's take a closer look at each of the cosmetic facial procedures so that you can make your choice.

What other combinations are there?

The gold standard in aesthetic medicine is botulinum therapy and injection contouring, since the first solves the problem of facial wrinkles, and the second solves skin creases. The following scheme is also used: thread lifting, botulinum therapy and contour plastic surgery. For example, thread lifting Resorblift (France), which allows you to act on several layers of skin. But since after installing the threads, facial rest is necessary for some time, with very active facial expressions, you can first carry out the botulinum therapy procedure. Well, fillers will fill in existing wrinkles.

If the patient has an excess of horny skin cells, facial cleansing is first prescribed. This can be either atraumatic HydraFacial cleaning or chemical peeling. It is necessary to remove excess keratinized structures, enhance metabolic processes in tissues and eliminate pigmentary pathology. Then other problems are solved: facial wrinkles and dermal creases are eliminated using injection methods - contour plastic surgery in combination with botulinum therapy. In Russia, the most common type of aging is the deformation type, which is the most difficult to correct. This type of aging is characterized by the formation of jowls, a double chin, bags under the eyes, general puffiness and changes in oval shape. In case of such problems, the fat imbalances of the face (double chin, jowls) are first corrected. Next, if necessary, botulinum therapy is performed, then threads are placed in the lower third of the face.

Stages of plasma therapy

Plasma therapy for the face is carried out in several stages:

  • initial consultation with a dermatocosmetologist;
  • venous blood sampling;
  • placing the tubes in a special centrifuge to separate enriched plasma from the blood;
  • skin make-up remover;
  • injection of platelet plasma into pre-designated areas;
  • bactericidal treatment of the dermis.

The procedure does not exceed 30-40 minutes and does not require general anesthesia. Local anesthesia can be used to relieve sensitivity during manipulation.

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