Phonophoresis: indications, contraindications, home use

In the fight against signs of aging and fading of facial skin, modern cosmetology uses various hardware techniques. Particularly popular is the method of ultraphonophoresis, a method in which various cosmetic or medicinal preparations are introduced into the deep layers of the skin under the influence of high-frequency ultrasound. Thanks to the action of ultrasonic waves, the ability of skin cells to absorb active substances from cosmetics and medicines increases. In addition, ultrasound itself triggers a “cellular massage”, which activates cellular metabolism, increases the permeability of the cell membrane, improves blood circulation and lymphatic drainage.

The ultraphonoresis procedure stimulates the synthesis of hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin, improves cellular respiration, and improves metabolism.

What is this procedure, the essence

With the help of phonophoresis the following occurs:

  • acceleration of recovery processes;
  • injection of drugs into the skin by ultrasound;
  • stimulation of metabolic reactions and blood circulation;
  • enhancing the effect of medications.

Ultrasound with vitamin complexes, through a special apparatus used for phonophoresis, penetrates heated tissues to a depth of 6 cm. With this effect, the work of enzymes and the production of biologically active components are enhanced. During the procedure, the facial skin is covered with therapeutic serum or oil, after which it is treated with ultrasound.

Thanks to ultrasound and medications, the skin:

  • deeply moisturized;
  • refreshed;
  • acquire tenderness and softness.

The cost of phonophoresis usually ranges from 700-2200 rubles.

The price depends on:

  • the number of required treatment courses;
  • region;
  • size of the affected area.

Phonofrez for the face.
In addition to cosmetology, phonophoresis is also used for the treatment of diseases.

Skin diseases

  • psoriasis;
  • dermatitis;
  • eczema.


  • radiculitis;
  • hernias;

  • osteochondrosis.

ENT organs

  • sinusitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • rhinitis;
  • otitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • sinusitis.


  • gout;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • meniscopathies;
  • arthrosis;

  • bursitis.


  • inflammation of the trigeminal nerve;
  • neuritis;
  • neuralgia.

Gynecological diseases

  • urethritis;
  • tubular infertility;
  • adnexitis;

  • mastitis;
  • menstruation disorders;
  • adhesions in the pelvis;
  • chronic inflammation of the appendages and uterus;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • primary infertility.

In cosmetology, the combination of ultrasound with the administration of drugs is appropriate for:

  • skin cleansing;
  • cellulite;
  • normalization of microcirculation;
  • swelling;
  • obesity;
  • the presence of scars and scars.

Phonophoresis for the face (reviews can be found on websites and forums dedicated to it) heals the skin with ultrasonic waves and medicinal preparations. With its help, there is a chemical and physical effect on human integument. At the same time, this procedure saturates the skin with oxygen and increases its elasticity. Phonophoresis, which is a type of non-invasive mesotherapy, can be performed not only in salons, but also at home. At the same time, it is used three times a week, 20 minutes a day.

Indications for phonophoresis at home are:

  • appeared 2nd chin;
  • withered or mature skin;
  • blurry facial contours;
  • wrinkles that have become very noticeable;
  • clogged and dirty pores;
  • dry, due to age, facial skin;
  • fatigue and lack of freshness of the skin;
  • seborrhea;
  • lymphatic swelling;
  • oily skin;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • acne and acne;
  • inflammation;
  • keratinized and rough areas on the skin.

Indications and contraindications for ultrasound treatment

Cosmetologists use ultrasound for a wide variety of dermatological problems, such as:

  • the presence of wrinkles and skin changes associated with age;
  • acne of non-inflammatory and inflammatory nature;
  • rosacea;
  • cellulite manifestations;
  • skin defects (scars and scars);
  • presence of unwanted hair;
  • presence of pigment spots.

Most often, cosmetologists use ultrasound therapy to help get rid of acne. This is a very common occurrence.

Despite the safety of ultrasonic waves, such exposure has a number of contraindications. This therapy is not recommended for:

  • oncological diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • the presence of implants, pacemakers, prostheses in the body;
  • tuberculosis;
  • vegetative neurosis;
  • inflammatory processes, purulent rashes on the skin;
  • severe general condition of the body;
  • thrombophlebitis.

In addition, the ultrasound procedure should not be performed immediately after radiation therapy.

The presence of certain contraindications depends on the area on which the procedure is planned (on the face or on the body).

Ultrasound treatment of the face should not be performed if:

  • facial nerve paralysis;
  • the presence of gold and platinum lifting threads implanted into the skin;
  • available polymer-based fillers;
  • recent operations on the eyeball;
  • sinusitis or sinusitis in the acute stage;
  • neuralgia of the trigeminal and oculomotor nerves.

Contraindications to ultrasound therapy on the body include:

  • the presence of stones in the biliary tract and genitourinary system (gallbladder, kidneys, hepatic ducts);
  • the presence of an intrauterine device (when performing the procedure in the uterine area).

Mechanism of action

There is a certain algorithm for performing phonophoresis:

  1. The face is cleaned of cosmetics and dirt with napkins or an antibacterial gel.
  2. Next, a cosmetic concentrate or serum is applied to the skin.
  3. Then, with the device turned on and the attachment (manipula), the skin is carefully treated, following all the massage lines. At the same time, the intensity and frequency of the ultrasound are also gradually changed.

  4. After 10-30 minutes of treatment, the skin is moisturized with cream.
  5. The patient is left to rest for a while, and then sent out of the clinic or salon.

Who should choose physiotherapy for acne?

The patient cannot choose procedures on his own; this is done by the doctor, based on the diagnosis, symptoms, and clinical picture as a whole. For example, do you know what pimples on your face are called? If the rash is mainly represented by comedones and there are few of them, the dermatologist may recommend, along with the main treatment, also undergoing physiotherapy. But if we are talking about papules and pustules (inflammatory elements), most injection and hardware techniques will become inaccessible to you.

A dermatologist deals with the problem of acne. He selects medications for the main treatment and can recommend physiotherapy as an auxiliary therapy. The main treatment may include topical antibiotics, for example, Clindovit® gel6,18. The main active ingredient in its composition is clindamycin6. It exhibits antibacterial activity against many strains of Propionibacterium acnes6. The drug reduces the level of free fatty acids on the skin6.

Clindovit® gel is recommended to be combined with azelaic acid (for example, Azelik® gel) or benzoyl peroxide to reduce the risk of antibiotic resistance28.

Positive effects on the skin

Phonophoresis has the following positive qualities:

  • formation of an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • improving the general condition of the skin;
  • evening out the tone of the face and getting rid of dark circles under the eyes;
  • increased blood flow to the affected area;
  • saturating the skin with oxygen;
  • enhancing tissue restoration.

Pulsed ultrasound vibrations will be appropriate for:

  • treatment of children;
  • sensitive skin;
  • internal pathologies that require gentle therapy;
  • presence of acute pain;
  • rosacea.

Continuous ultrasound is used for:

  • recovery from skin pathologies;
  • getting rid of scars and hyperpigmentation;
  • hematoma therapy;
  • eliminate dark circles in the lower eye area;
  • striae.

Phonophoresis for the face (reviews about it are usually left by satisfied clients) introduces various medications into the skin through ultrasound. It also accelerates biochemical reactions and stimulates the body's recovery. At the same time, the connective tissue is warmed up and loosened to absorb medicinal substances.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of phonophoresis for the face:

  • Fast and long lasting effect.
  • Acceptability of use for any age.
  • The procedure can be performed at home.

  • No pain or harm in the process.
  • Possibility of combination with other physiotherapy procedures.
  • No negative effect on the body.
  • Formation of active drug concentration in the area of ​​influence.
  • Relieving pain and inflammation.
  • Strengthening the absorption capacity of the skin.
  • Improvement of leukocyte activity.
  • Acceleration of cellular recovery.
  • Micromassage effect.
  • Non-invasive.
  • No burns or redness after the procedure.
  • Possibility of frequent use.
  • An excellent alternative for injections.
  • Help in the treatment of many diseases.
  • Instant regeneration and no side effects.

Disadvantages of the ultrasound procedure:

  • Presence of contraindications.
  • High price of treatment course.
  • Weak impact.

Devices for carrying out the procedure at home

For home phonophoresis, lightweight devices with low power and a small set of functions are produced.

The most convenient and portable ultrasonic machines include:

Brand Price
Venko E+ 08 From 3.5 thousand rubles.
Delta From 15 thousand rubles.
Delta Combi From 19 thousand rubles.
Venus Ultra 3 From 10 thousand rubles.
Yuemes-04 From 7.5 thousand rubles.

Phonophoresis for the face (reviews about the procedure are found both from new clinic patients and from regular ones) is an indispensable assistant in the fight against skin imperfections. It is a special device that slows down aging and treats acne.

Cost of ultrasound procedures

Many patients respond positively to ultrasound facelift. In their comments, women note the painlessness and effectiveness of this procedure. Some patients do it several times. After the sessions, the oval of the face is tightened, wrinkles and a double chin are eliminated.

The cost of this service in beauty salons in Moscow is 40–110 thousand rubles. The price is influenced by a set of additional procedures and volumes of lifting.

Recommended articles on the topic:

  • How to increase skin elasticity: vitamins, exercises, creams and salon treatments
  • How to remove wrinkles on the face: the most effective methods
  • Microcurrent facial therapy is a beneficial treatment for your skin

Patients who have undergone ultrasonic facial cleansing notice that ultrasound also eliminates oily shine. The cost of this service in Moscow beauty salons is 2-3 thousand rubles, it depends on the establishment and the level of its technical equipment.

In Russian regions, ultrasound cosmetic procedures are cheaper (20–85 thousand rubles). The price is determined taking into account the volume of the lift. The cost of facial cleansing is 500–1500 rubles.

The number of cosmetic procedures using ultrasound is constantly growing. Indications for their implementation are cellulite, defects and poor skin condition, bright pigmentation, excess hair. The main advantages of ultrasound therapy are high efficiency and long-term preservation of the results obtained.

Why clients choose Veronika Herba Beauty and Health Center:

  • This is a beauty center where you can take care of yourself at a reasonable cost, while your face and/or body will be treated not by an ordinary cosmetologist, but by one of the best cosmetologists in Moscow. This is a completely different, higher level of service!
  • You can receive qualified help at any time convenient for you. The beauty center is open from 9:00 to 21:00, seven days a week. The main thing is to agree with your doctor in advance on the date and time of your appointment.

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Execution technique

To achieve a pronounced effect from phonophoresis at home, it is recommended to adhere to the following instructions:

  1. At the initial stage, problem areas are identified and the choice of treatment composition is determined.
  2. Before treatment, the selected areas are cleaned with micellar water or warm soapy water.
  3. After disinfection, clean areas are thinly coated with a bioactive agent. After this, they begin to move an ultrasonic nozzle over them. The movements should be circular. The sensor delay time over each zone is about 15 seconds.

  4. After ultrasound treatment, the skin is additionally moisturized. To do this, apply cream or nourishing serum to it.

How often can I do it?

A home treatment course using phonophoresis can consist of 15 procedures, which are carried out every day or every other day. Therapy is usually repeated after 4 months.

As a result of exposure to ultrasound on facial skin:

  • becomes smooth;
  • loses cosmetic defects and wrinkles;
  • gains aesthetics and youth;
  • gets rid of inflammation and swelling;
  • regenerated;
  • deeply cleanses and moisturizes;
  • looks fresh and rested.


After 2 applications of phonophoresis, a positive effect is already noticeable. After a full course of therapy, facial skin becomes completely transformed.

The long-term effect of using phonophoresis is expressed in:

  • normalization of the sebaceous and sweat glands;
  • disappearance of swelling and wrinkles;
  • increased muscle tone and smooth skin texture;
  • immediate removal of toxins;
  • improved microcirculation.

As a result of using phonophoresis for the face, the following are observed:

  • reduction of pore sizes;
  • removal of edema;
  • freshness and smoothness of the skin;
  • the most even tone and relief;
  • reduction of deep and expression wrinkles;
  • disappearance of comedones;
  • tightened facial oval;
  • elimination of pain and inflammatory impulses;
  • inhibition of negative processes;
  • increased concentration of nucleins;
  • improved trophism and skin turgor;
  • muscle and connective tissue tone.

Medicines together with ultrasonic waves:

  • relieve migraines;
  • increase local blood flow;
  • moisturize and nourish tissues;
  • have a prolonged effect, lasting several days;
  • trigger recovery reactions;
  • scars resolve;
  • improve local immunity and lymphatic drainage;
  • restore cellular functions;
  • stimulate tissues to rejuvenate;
  • cure acne;
  • improve metabolism;
  • accelerate enzymatic reactions;
  • improve membrane permeability;
  • fight rashes and oily skin;
  • recovering after plastic surgery;
  • tighten pores;
  • relieve skin from irritation and hypersensitivity;
  • protect covers from withering and dryness.

From patient reviews, it is known that phonophoresis does not cause any pain or harm. The help of such a procedure is very important for the skin. After all, after just a few sessions, the face regains its lost irresistibility and beauty. But along with the positive aspects of the technique, we should not forget about the contraindications with which it is so full.

Facial rejuvenation: the most effective procedures - TOP best

With age, metabolism slows down, the production of fibrillar proteins and hyaluronic acid decreases, and hormonal levels change. The latest cosmetological Anti-age technologies help slow down the fading of the skin of the face and body. What rejuvenation procedures are the most effective and have a good effect on the condition of the dermis, according to experts from the International Society of Aesthetic Medicine (UIME), will be discussed in the article. Purpose of anti-aging methods To understand which procedure is best to do to rejuvenate the face, you need to know that anti-aging techniques are aimed not only at combating wrinkles. The main goal of non-surgical correction is to slow down the aging process and create favorable conditions for the skin, under which degenerative changes have a minimal impact on their condition. What happens in the body during skin rejuvenation sessions:

  • swelling is eliminated well - excess fluid is removed from the intercellular space;
  • the production of fibrillar proteins is activated - a natural collagen framework is created, wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • cells are saturated with vitamins, nutrients, oxygen; cellular nutrition processes (tissue trophism) and metabolism are normalized;
  • the dead stratum corneum is removed - exfoliation stimulates skin renewal;
  • The tone of muscle fibers decreases - the corners of the lips and eyes rise, deep creases and folds disappear.

Anti-aging techniques help normalize the oval of the face, reduce jowls and bags under the eyes. The complexion also improves, the relief is smoothed, the double chin disappears, the cells are saturated with moisture. Effective anti-aging procedures To the question: “Which procedure is best for facial rejuvenation?” It’s impossible to give a definitive answer. Each technology has not only pros and cons, but also certain indications and contraindications. Therefore, what is “good” for one person may be harmful to another. To achieve maximum results, when choosing one or another Anti-age technique, you need to take into account many points:

  • current condition of the skin;
  • patient history;
  • general condition of the body, presence of contraindications;
  • individual characteristics - hypersensitivity, skin type, color type, etc.;
  • associated dermatological problems;
  • lifestyle, bad habits;
  • desired effect.

In addition, which procedure is best done for rejuvenation depends on the patient’s age and the severity of signs of aging.
Also, when choosing a manipulation, it is necessary to take into account that it should not only be effective (eliminate age-related changes well), but also be highly safe. The best methods, recognized as the most effective for maintaining youthful and healthy facial skin, are used by doctors at the Galamed Center for Cosmetology and Aesthetic Medicine. Let's consider the features and advantages of the most relevant ones. CO2 fractional laser resurfacing If you are planning to undergo facial rejuvenation and are wondering which procedures are effective, most cosmetologists will put CO2 fractional laser rejuvenation first in the ranking. This hardware technology triggers natural rejuvenating processes (neocollagenesis) by awakening “dormant” cells that synthesize collagen and elastin.

Advantages of the technique:

A wide list of indications: wrinkles, folds of any depth, post-acne, sagging skin, scars, etc. Can be used on any area of ​​the body - face, décolleté, arms, buttocks, etc. Short rehabilitation period of 4-9 days. Positive dynamics are noted after the first session. Gentle effect and long-lasting results up to 5-6 years.


relatively high price, anesthesia is required, resurfacing cannot be done in the spring-summer season due to high solar activity, it is necessary to take good care of the injured skin in the first days after exposure.

Contour plastic with fillers

Contour plastic surgery is a minimally invasive injection technique that allows you to restore youth and beauty without a surgeon’s scalpel.
The method involves injecting a gel-like filler under the skin through a puncture. With the help of filler, you can correct the oval, chin, cheeks, cheekbones, eliminate the nasolacrimal groove, nasolabial folds. Modeling with hyaluronate-based fillers effectively replenishes tissue volumes lost with age, eliminates asymmetrical features, evens out wrinkles, and fights lipodystrophy and soft tissue ptosis. Advantages of contour plastic surgery:

  • modern fillers are made from biocompatible, biodegradable material;
  • the result of the correction is visible immediately after administration of the drug;
  • the resulting effect is as natural as possible;
  • recovery period - about 3 days;
  • the active components of the filler stimulate your own collagenogenesis;
  • duration of effect 12-18 months;
  • you can make a re-correction.

The filler injection process is absolutely safe and painless.
To eliminate discomfort, local anesthetics are used. In rare cases, the drug may cause an allergic reaction. Plasmolifting An innovative technology that revitalizes tissue and triggers cellular renewal using the patient’s own autologous plasma containing platelets in high concentration. After several sessions, facial wrinkles are eliminated, the skin becomes moisturized, and its texture is smoothed. Special substances contained inside blood platelets (growth factors) inhibit the aging process by activating the mitotic activity of cells and stimulating the production of fibrillar proteins.

Advantages of plasma lifting:

  • no risk of infection;
  • does not cause immune reactions;
  • compatible with other cosmetological methods;
  • accelerates regeneration after aggressive techniques (dermabrasion, chemical peeling, etc.).

Microcurrent therapy

Microcurrent therapy is a therapeutic and preventive physiotherapeutic method used in cosmetology to eliminate signs of skin aging.
The therapeutic effect is achieved due to a weak low-frequency electric current on all layers of the dermis, subcutaneous tissue, muscle fibers, and vascular walls. This effective technique helps to tighten aging skin, eliminate hyperpigmentation and wrinkles. Advantages of the technique:

  • no discomfort during manipulation;
  • normalizes biological processes at the molecular level;
  • non-invasive;
  • intracellular metabolic processes are accelerated;
  • improves the absorption of cosmetic and medicinal products through the dermal layers.

Microcurrents are one of the basic cosmetology techniques. It is aimed at regenerating cells from the inside. With its help, an excellent lifting effect is achieved, fine wrinkles, pigmentation, and lymphostasis are eliminated.

Ultrasonic phonophoresis

Ultraphonophoresis is the introduction of active cosmetic substances deep into the skin using high-frequency ultrasonic waves.
Depending on the drugs used, anti-inflammatory, anti-edema, and rejuvenating effects can be achieved. The result is achieved by warming up tissues, normalizing trophism, and cellular respiration. Ultrasound stimulates local blood circulation and activates metabolic processes in cells. Advantages of the technology:

  • safety, painlessness;
  • can be used as an express procedure, since the result is clearly visible after 1 session;
  • combined with other anti-aging techniques;
  • Suitable for any skin type.

What is the most effective facial rejuvenation procedure for a specific clinical case will a cosmetologist tell you. You can make a choice and create the optimal Anti-age program during a free initial consultation at our clinic in Maryino at the Galamed cosmetology center, which you can sign up for online on our website or by phone.

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