Myostimulation of body muscles: indications, contraindications and features of the procedure

Shaping body contours is a great opportunity to quickly get rid of problem areas and modulate the body you have long dreamed of. Procedures for shaping contours in our center are carried out using the drug FUTURA ULTRA PRO.

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About the procedure

Body biostimulation is a hardware technique of simultaneous impact on the skin, muscle, fat and connective tissues of the body using a complex of methods, including electrical stimulation, light radiation and ultrasound.
Biostimulation procedures for the body and face are carried out using the universal device Ultratone Futura Pro

, which combines more than 150 thousand hardware techniques. This allows several manipulations to be carried out during one procedure, depending on the purpose of its implementation, as well as to activate the body’s reserve capabilities.

The programs are selected by the doctor performing the procedure individually for each client; they can be divided into several groups according to goals and results.

Weight loss and body contouring program:

  • reduction in body volume;
  • weight loss;
  • elimination of cellulite deposits;
  • increasing tone and strengthening muscles.

Program to improve muscle and skin tone:

  • strengthening muscles, increasing their performance;
  • skin lifting;
  • formation of correct posture.

Sports training program:

  • improving muscle reaction and endurance;
  • muscle stretching;
  • muscle recovery after intense physical activity.

Detoxification program:

  • improving the function of the lymphatic system;
  • acceleration of lymphatic drainage and removal of toxins;
  • restoration of body skin structure.

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If you are interested in the prospects for rejuvenation, lifting and regeneration of the skin, your choice is the latest biostimulation system developed by the British company Ultratone Professional - the Futura Pro hardware complex


Since we are always for you to receive only the best in our clinic, we will mention briefly: this truly revolutionary system is protected by three patents; Before the scientists and developers of Ultratone Professional, no one in the world had created such a perfect hardware complex.

What does the Futura Pro system include?

Futura Pro

- the only system in the world that allows you to perform biostimulation procedures on the face and body (simultaneously or in turn, as you wish), microcurrents and ultrasound, and even chromotherapy. In this case, for example, you can simultaneously do biostimulation of the body and microcurrent therapy of the face - the system allows this.

The device is equipped with an intelligent computer program that controls the progress of the procedure and sensitively listens to your body.

There are so many programs that can be run on Futura Pro, combining the capabilities of the devices included in the system, that you will be surprised to hear this figure: 150,000!

One hundred and fifty thousand therapeutic, rehabilitation, sports and aesthetic programs can be carried out using this smart system!

Because you use a number of techniques in combination, your results improve and the effect is pleasing to the eye. For example, the revolutionary Futura Pro system allows for non-surgical face and body lifting at the same time. In combination with LPG massage

this allows you to perfectly tighten and strengthen the skin after weight loss, smooth it and reduce the appearance of cellulite.

What is the basis of the impact of the Futura Pro system?

The basis of the effects of Futura Pro is a complex biostimulation system that has no analogues in the world of hardware cosmetology. This is the combined effect of an electric field, ultrasound and light, which allows you to activate natural physiological and biochemical processes in tissues, and not only the epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous fat are involved, but also muscles, and they can be stimulated in a targeted manner, directing efforts on the necessary areas! A session on the Futura Pro system is comparable in effectiveness to a four-hour workout!

You may ask: what will be left of my muscles after four hours of intense work? And we will answer you: the programs are surprisingly gentle and delicate, their effect on tissues is deeply thought out; for example, if the system works on muscles, such a component of the program as powerful lymphatic drainage will definitely be included to relieve you of muscle pain after the procedure.

In what other cases, besides lifting, will Futura Pro treatments help you?

  • The system solves the problem of excess weight and local fat deposits;
  • Biostimulation reduces the appearance of cellulite - even its most complex forms;
  • Futura Pro restores the shape of the figure that it had before childbirth and restores tone and elasticity to the skin;
  • The system allows you to beautifully contour the muscle relief;
  • If you play sports, the system allows you to unload your muscles after serious training;
  • Correcting the figure, improving the shape of the breast, treating puffiness, improving skin hydration - the Futura Pro system can handle all these tasks. The range of possibilities of the system is unlimited.

While working on the body, let's not forget about the face:
Hardware treatment of puffiness, correction of nasolabial folds, toning and tightening of muscles, lifting - the Futura Pro system carries out these tasks with ease.

Progress of the procedure on the Futura Pro multifunctional system

The doctor enters the patient’s parameters into the program - his age and gender, height, weight and volume of problem areas. After processing, the system recommends a number of procedure algorithms that are suitable for this particular patient with his combination of parameters.

For example, if the task is to reduce body volume, make the waist thinner and tighten the buttocks, the system can recommend the following algorithm:

  • drainage for detoxification purposes;
  • stimulation to burn fat deposits;
  • drainage to remove breakdown products of fatty deposits.

The beauty of the Futura Pro system is that it allows you to achieve a result in thirty to forty-five minutes that would require about two hours of exposure to several devices, and it would be impossible to perform all these procedures in one session - this would overload the body .

Absolute and relative contraindications

Contraindications for sessions will be exacerbations of chronic diseases, accompanied by fever and acute infections, as well as skin diseases in the affected area, the presence of a pacemaker and cancer. In addition, the procedures are contraindicated in stages II and III of hypertension and in the presence of gynecological diseases, as well as during pregnancy. Age under 18 years will also be a contraindication.

There are also relative contraindications

for carrying out procedures. These are vascular diseases, epilepsy and episyndrome, etc.). In this case, the possibility of carrying out the procedure is discussed with the doctor during the consultation.

How many procedures should you be aware of?

The optimal course is 10-12 procedures; procedures have a cumulative effect.


To achieve the best results, it is recommended to combine hardware methods of figure correction with a balanced diet, so as not to successfully overeat the calories you just lost on Futura Pro!

Details of the procedure and its results

The impact occurs with the help of sensors and attachments with which the biostimulation device is equipped.
Adjustment of the intensity of their work is controlled by a doctor. The patient does not experience any particular discomfort during the procedure. The duration of the procedure varies from 30 minutes to an hour. Biostimulation is carried out in a course; the number of sessions required for the patient is determined by the doctor. Biostimulation makes it possible to use different methods of hardware cosmetology on those areas of the body that need correction. The programs specified, depending on the goals of the procedure, eliminate the mistakes of the cosmetologist: the specialist only regulates the intensity of the effect, focusing on the patient’s sensations.

Programs aimed at weight correction will be more effective

while following a diet; sports programs will help you recover from physical activity; rehabilitation programs will help relieve pain and improve motor activity.

The Ultratone Futura Pro device, on which biostimulation procedures are carried out, belongs to the so-called “smart machines” - its programs independently monitor the progress of the procedure. However, no matter how intelligent the device is, it must be operated by a cosmetologist who has been trained to work with the device.

You can select a clinic and specialist for body biostimulation using our portal.

Below are clinics and experienced doctors who perform biostimulation of the body in Moscow and Russian cities. You can find out the cost of stimulation of the skin and muscles of the body, contraindications, ratings and reviews, and also make an appointment online.


Prices for biostimulation using the Futura Pro device on the body

Futura Pro body: Stretching2100 ₽
Futura Pro body: Deep muscle tone2600 ₽
Futura Pro body: Antispasm2100 ₽
Futura Pro body: Anti-cellulite program2500 ₽
Futura Pro body: Endurance2750 ₽
Futura Pro body: Detoxification and circulation2100 ₽
Futura Pro body: Lymphatic drainage2100 ₽
Futura Pro body: Breast lift2100 ₽
Futura Pro body: Lifting and skin tone2500 ₽
Futura Pro body: Losing weight after childbirth2400 ₽
Futura Pro Body: Slimming and Weight Loss2750 ₽
Futura Pro body: Toning after childbirth2000 ₽
Futura Pro body: Deep muscle tone2200 ₽
Futura Pro body: Ultrasonic massage, phonophoresis3100 ₽
Futura Pro body: One whole body program3000 ₽
Futura Pro body: 1 zone therapy2100 ₽
Futura Pro body: Individual body electrode kit2850 ₽
Futura Pro body: Course of 10 body treatments - 10% discount and an individual set of body electrodes as a gift

Indications and contraindications for body biostimulation

Like any procedure that can have a complex effect on the body, biostimulation of the body using a device has a number of indications and contraindications.

Indications for its implementation:

  • blood stagnation due to a sedentary lifestyle;
  • muscle atonicity, regardless of the cause;
  • cellulite deposits;
  • overweight;
  • sagging skin.

Biostimulation of the body also has a number of contraindications. Among them:

  • the presence of malignant tumors;
  • use of a pacemaker;
  • hypertension;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • elevated temperature;
  • acute and chronic infectious diseases.

Has a solution been found?

Ultratone Professional Corporation presented to the world its unique and completely revolutionary development, which is successfully used for effective weight loss .

Here's how to lose weight with Liposonix:

But the range of Futura Pro capabilities is much wider. What can this amazing device do?

The device helps:

  • When correcting the figure;
  • Gets rid of extra pounds;
  • Treats cellulite;
  • Forms new contours;
  • Creates a new breast shape or improves it.

The range of capabilities of the biostimulator also includes functions such as lymphatic drainage, detoxification and massage (moisturizing).

To achieve maximum aesthetic effect after the procedure

Reducing body volume is one of the necessary conditions for achieving the effect of figure correction, and from this point of view, a modern diet is in many ways the key to success. Therefore, to achieve the best results, it is recommended to combine hardware methods of figure correction with a balanced diet.

You need to know that:

One of the main obstacles to achieving positive body contouring results through exercise is the time required to activate the necessary muscle groups.

Often, even long-term training does not allow sufficient use of all muscle groups responsible for the formation of the external contours of the body. For example, abdominal muscles require tedious and time-consuming physical exercises, with the help of which women can tighten their stomachs and men can realize their dream of having the coveted six-pack abs. Sometimes people spend hours training the wrong muscle groups and get frustrated when the desired effect is not achieved.

Using Futura Pro , each muscle can be stimulated individually. This allows the specialist to select programs directly for those muscle groups that are responsible for the shape of a specific area of ​​the body, and instantly activate them.

During physical exercise, muscles use approximately 50-60% of their potential; Futura Pro allows you to realize 80-90% of your muscle potential and keep your muscles active for longer.

Thus, the advantage of physiotherapeutic methods of body correction is the ability to instantly activate the necessary muscle groups without stress and effort.


In Europe, Futura Pro is considered the most effective tool for solving figure correction problems, and in 2005 Futura Pro was recognized as a real discovery in the world of modern cosmetology.

How is the Cellular Electroaesthetics procedure performed?

The first stage includes traditional French aesthetic lymphatic drainage massage techniques with hands and machine maniples, which improve lymph circulation and provide detoxification.
Eliminating toxins allows cells to be better saturated with oxygen, recover more easily, and also fully absorb each active ingredient from the formula of professional Biogeni cosmetics. After toxins and excess fluid leave, the skin immediately takes on a healthy appearance and even tone.

By treating the scalp, the device, through microcurrent effects and massage, awakens dormant hair follicles, promotes the growth of new hair, and also inhibits the process of hair loss.

The second stage is nourishing and strengthening the skin with the help of professional Biogenie cosmetics. A noticeable lifting effect appears immediately, reducing sagging and wrinkles. The entire cycle ensures an optimal regeneration process, as well as treatment of various dermatological problems.

Useful video

To learn about what salon procedures will help you lose weight and strengthen your body, watch this video:

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