Surgiderm: exploring the capabilities and prices of all fillers from the popular line from Corneal Group

Surgiderm 24 XP (Surgiderm 24XP) - hyaluronic filler is produced by the famous French laboratory Corneal. Injectable preparation of medium viscosity for implantation into the middle layers of the dermis in contouring procedures. Allows you to get rid of nasolabial wrinkles and glabellar folds, wrinkles and creases in the forehead, correct the shape and add volume to the lips. It is actively used to restore the contours of the oval face with mild ptosis.

Features of Surgiderm 24 xp

Compared to other drugs of the brand, Surgiderm 24 xp has a high viscosity - this guarantees a longer lasting effect. The main area of ​​application is eliminating medium wrinkles and increasing lip volume in middle-aged patients (over 35 years old).

Surgiderm contour plastic surgery

If you want to have a beautiful, clear oval face, correct the shape of your lips or eliminate deep wrinkles, Surgiderm is the drug for you. The procedure does not cause discomfort; one procedure is usually sufficient for results. For a consultation, call us or make an appointment with a doctor

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Who is suitable for Surgiderm injections?

The procedure has contraindications:

  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Infectious, aggravated chronic diseases.
  • Skin lesions of various origins - from psoriasis to acne.
  • Oncology.
  • Allergy to Surgiderm components.

If you are taking any medications, tell your doctor. You may have to wait until your treatment is finished. The procedure takes 20-30 minutes. It takes place in several stages:

  • The doctor will treat the skin with an antiseptic and pain reliever.
  • Marks injection areas.
  • Injects the drug into soft tissues. The injections are made with an ultra-thin needle.
  • The doctor will inject the product very slowly, then knead the treated areas. This is necessary so that the drug is evenly distributed in the soft tissues.

At first, the face will not look very attractive. Swelling and slight bruising will appear. This is natural - the injection sites should heal. You will see the real effect in 2-3 days.

Wrinkle contouring

Surgiderm 24 xp is a modern solution for eliminating superficial and medium wrinkles. The homogeneous structure of the gel allows you to achieve excellent aesthetic results: the filler fills the missing volume, due to which a fold has formed on the skin, and the relief becomes smooth and even again.

The gel is injected into the skin fold area using special thin needles with cannulas. If necessary, an anesthetic cream can be used before injection. The effect is visible immediately after the procedure, but the final result can be assessed after a couple of days, when the swelling subsides.

Features of the drug Surjiderm 24XP

Surgiderm 24XP gel is based on synthesized hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin, with a density of 24 mg/ml. The HA in the filler goes through a multi-stage purification process, which makes the filler absolutely safe and eliminates the possibility of rejection and allergic reactions. The drug is completely biodegradable, i.e. Over time, it is completely inactivated by human skin enzymes. The drug also includes a phosphate buffer pH 7.2 - provides a more prolonged effect of the filler.

Surjiderm 24XP gel is produced using a unique patented 3D Hyaluronic Acid Matrix technology, which allows you to combine individual HA molecules into a 3D structure, which provides the filler with high durability while maintaining its softness and elasticity.

Surgiderm line of drugs

The following types of Surgiderm were created in the Corneal France laboratory.

Surgiderm 18 A lightweight biogel that is not popular because it is designed to smooth out barely noticeable wrinkles, and in this case, contouring has many competing procedures. The result is obvious in just six months.

Surgiderm 24 XP Surgiderm XP is ideal for people 30-40 years old. Perfectly smoothes wrinkles around the mouth and nasolabial folds. It is well distributed under the skin and is excreted like all hyaluronic acid-based products - naturally. Retains its properties for up to 12 months.

Surgiderm 30 XP Suitable for people from 40 to 55 years old. Cosmetologists use it to smooth out deep wrinkles, correct the oval of the face and the shape of the nose, and enlarge the lips. Can stay under the skin for up to 12-16 months.

How does the filler injection procedure work?

Surgiderm is injected under the skin using a disposable syringe with a very thin needle into the areas that need to be corrected. For those who do not want to endure pain, there is an anesthetic gel, which is usually not included in the cost of the procedure.

The procedure will take you approximately 30 minutes. Immediately after the session, you can calmly go about your business. There is no rehabilitation period.

For the first 3-4 days, slight swelling and redness are possible.

At our Institute of Plastic Surgery, we promise you an individual approach and will help you regain youth and beauty!

Check out the prices for Surgiderm injections on our website, or check the cost by phone.

Attention! All aesthetic plastic surgeries and most cosmetic procedures are strictly contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women. We also do not perform surgical interventions on people whose weight exceeds 110 kg.

How to increase the duration of filler

After using “beauty injections,” all patients are divided into two groups: “I really liked it and want to maintain the effect for as long as possible” and “I didn’t like it very much, I want to redo everything.” In both cases, there are ways to help achieve the desired result.

Preparations from the Surgiderm series, thanks to innovative creation technology, have a fairly long period of effectiveness . The resulting result disappears as hyaluronic acid breaks down, which occurs under the influence of:

  • hyaluronidase;
  • reactive oxygen species.

Thus, by inhibiting the activity of these substances, it is possible to extend the period of stay of hyaluronic fillers in the body.

For this purpose, you can use creams containing:

  • N-acelylglucosamine;
  • fucose;
  • bioflavonoids.

These substances inhibit the activity of hyaluronidase. The level of active oxygen is regulated by antioxidants. Recommendations for the use of any drugs should be given by a doctor .

To prolong the effect obtained, repeated injections with Surgiderm are often suggested. The lower the concentration and viscosity of the injected gel, the sooner such adjustments need to be made.

In addition, you need to remember that:

  • a more active metabolism in the body (individual characteristics in athletes) leads to faster breakdown of HA;
  • in smokers or those living in unfavorable environmental conditions, the concentration of hyaluronic acid decreases more intensely;
  • visiting a sauna and solarium will facilitate faster elimination of the drug;
  • fillers do not replace any other cosmetic procedures - the need for comprehensive skin care when injecting fillers does not disappear.

Recommendations for facial care after injections should be given by a specialist.!

How is the procedure performed in clinics?

Invasive therapy is always preceded by a preparation period. During the consultation, the doctor collects data on the patient’s health status, allergies, and determines the presence of contraindications.

Determines the objectives of the cosmetic procedure, the type of drug, and the administration regimen. Following simple recommendations will allow you to achieve your desired goals:

  • You need to finish taking your medications a month before;
  • follow a gentle regime for about a week, do not drink alcohol, reduce the amount of salt in the menu;
  • refuse to visit the solarium, swimming pool, sauna, mechanical cleaning, deep peeling;
  • Smoking on the day of the procedure can lead to the formation of hematomas.

You should trust injection rejuvenation to a certified, trained specialist. The cosmetologist talks in detail about the procedure and consequences, the patient signs an informed consent. It is necessary to check quality certificates, expiration dates, packaging is opened in front of the client. The procedure takes place on an outpatient basis and lasts no more than an hour.


  1. Skin preparation is carried out according to the protocol. Cleansing of decorative cosmetics, treatment with an antiseptic solution. A local anesthetic is used, it does not cause allergies and is easily removed from the body.
  2. The drug is administered according to the chosen scheme, the depth depends on the goals of the cosmetological effect.
  3. Repeated treatment with an antiseptic is carried out, the cosmetologist massages the surface of the tissue for uniform distribution.
  4. A restorative mask or regenerating cream is applied to accelerate healing.

Attention! No more than 2 units of the drug are used in 1 session. The cosmetologist’s task is to achieve the most natural result. If greater volumization is necessary, correction is prescribed no earlier than after 2 weeks.

Precautionary measures

During the consultation, the cosmetologist takes an anamnesis to identify possible contraindications:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the composition;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • postoperative period;
  • autoimmune pathologies;
  • tendency to form keloid scars;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • inflammation, acne in target areas.

Important! It is important for patients to follow the rules of preparation and recovery period, not to drink alcohol, and to temporarily stop playing sports. Side effects go away on their own, but if symptoms worsen, you should consult a doctor.

Negative consequences:

  • papules;
  • seals;
  • inflammation;
  • edema;
  • asymmetry;
  • hematomas;
  • itching of the skin;
  • allergic reaction;
  • gel migration.

Lip augmentation surgiderm reviews and types of drugs

Before carrying out lip augmentation with surgiderm, it is worth understanding what drugs are included in this line and what they are intended for. The OB clinic presents to its clients several drugs for facial correction and eliminating age-related changes:

  1. Surgiderm 18 is a low-concentrated drug that will help in the fight against shallow wrinkles; it is also used for biorevitalization after the use of Botox;
  2. Surgiderm 24 is more concentrated. It can be used to combat deeper wrinkles. Sujiderm removes nasolabial folds and folds between the eyebrows so quickly that no one will suspect their existence before the procedure.
  3. Sujiderm lips reviews note the ideal result after using Surjiderm 30. Due to the high concentration of hyaluronic acid, lips become firmer, more voluminous, and the skin looks younger and tighter.

There are also fillers such as Surgilips and Surgilips Plus, which were developed specifically for lip correction. This Sujiderm filler not only makes lips fuller, but allows you to slightly change their contour, as well as get rid of fine wrinkles on the lips. At the same time, the main components of the drug are not excreted for a long time and are resistant to high temperatures.

As a result of using surgiderm, lips not only look better for a long time. A number of metabolic and synthesizing processes are also launched. As a result, the age-related deficiency of hyaluronic acid is significantly compensated. The skin becomes more elastic and elastic.

After using Sujiderm, the lips, neck, décolleté, and back of the hands look young again. The procedure can also be carried out as part of prevention, in which case age-related changes will not manifest themselves very soon.

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Healing period

Restoration of the skin occurs within a week. The first day there is swelling, swelling, redness, and possible thickening with lip enlargement. Gradually the symptoms disappear and after a week you can evaluate the results of the beauty injections. For quick healing and positive results, you must follow the recommendations of the cosmetologist:

  • limit touching the skin, do not use facial expressions to express emotions;
  • if seals form or the gel is unevenly distributed in the lips, you need to knead it 2 times a day, use the back of the toothbrush correctly, manipulation is acceptable if there are no bruises or hematomas;
  • use medicinal or professional series products for washing, apply anti-inflammatory cream morning and evening;
  • protect the skin from exposure to ultraviolet radiation and temperature changes, use sunscreen before going outside;
  • Do not drink alcohol for a week, do not visit the sauna, solarium, swimming pool, play sports, or perform hardware procedures.

How long the effect will be observed depends on the type of drug, the patient’s lifestyle, it lasts from 3 to 18 months.

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