Review of Perfectha hyaluronic acid fillers

Since 2007, the French company for the first time released products based on Perfectha hyaluronic acid in Europe. The filler uses hyaluronic acid, which is obtained biotechnologically. In our country, such technology was introduced and used only in 2011. It is worth examining in detail what properties and features the filler has.

Technology and production features

The production of Perfectha derm is based on the use of new E-BRID Technology, like Otesaly. It allows you to create a gel based on modified hyaluronic acid, which is high-density.

It contains a less modified gel, in which individual fragments are connected to each other by ether bonds. They are formed as a result of the use of special safe means of connecting fragments. Typically, such products use chemical agents that affect the occurrence of allergic reactions in patients. In this case they were not applied.

This technology for producing a drug with hyaluronic acid has acquired properties that distinguish the substance from other products. The drug's properties may be inferior only to Botox. The company Laboratoire ObvieLine was able to bring the product to the international level and compete with products that are aimed at improving facial plastic surgery and its rejuvenation.

How to care for your skin after the procedure?

After the procedure is done, further skin care depends on the patient. By following the recommendations, you can minimize risks, speed up recovery, and also prolong the effect after administering Perfecta Derm gel. So, what you need to do to achieve maximum results:

  • refuse any thermal procedures (sunbathing, beach, solarium);
  • do not use cosmetics for several days, especially foundation;
  • don't massage;
  • do not rub in ointments, even medicinal ones;
  • give up the pool and baths.

Follow the recommendations for three to four days.

After Perfect Derm, the face looks healthier and younger

Properties of the drug

The correct name of the entire group of drugs consists of one word - “Perfectha”. It includes:

  • Perfectha Complement,
  • Perfectha Fine Lines,
  • Perfectha Derm (Normal),
  • Perfectha Deep,
  • Perfectha subskin.

In other words, “Perfectha derm” is the name of only one of the drugs in this series. But in Russia these products bear the same name for the entire line. Characterized by a high degree of purification and being a product of the third generation of drugs, any Perfect Derm filler has a hyaluronic acid density of 20 mg/ml and is characterized by:

  • high biocompatibility with various structural units of the skin;
  • the substance is safe for the body;
  • plasticity and absence of swelling after administration of the drug. Even if minor adverse reactions occur, they are easy to eliminate;
  • skin restoration occurs in a short period of time;
  • additional simulations can be carried out using a small amount of material. The results from the correction will further enhance the result;
  • the results of the procedure are noticeable on the same day, last a long time and accumulate over time;
  • the gel is distributed evenly, which prevents loss of tissue volume throughout the entire period of its presence. This means that the gel is gradually removed from the body, but this happens evenly in all areas;
  • during the process of destruction of hyaluronic acid, release of some of its fragments and molecules, which have a moisturizing and revitalizing effect, and take part in the metabolic process;
  • absence of necessary additional correction after contouring.

Using this technology allows you to:

  • carry out volumetric corrections with a smaller amount of Perfectha filler;
  • increase the duration of the result.

The manufacturer announced another important advantage, namely the absence of post-procedural swelling. This means that the result can be observed immediately after the injections. Additional correction can be carried out in one day. And although it is known from patient reviews that swelling does occur, it is minor and occurs only in 30% of patients.

What complications may occur with the administration of Perfect Derm?

In general, Perfectha Derm beauty injections do not cause side effects or complications . Mild redness, slight swelling and pain in the injection area (especially with injections in the lip area, an area of ​​high sensitivity) disappear within a few hours (sometimes several days).

The procedure takes about 30 minutes and is performed under local anesthesia . Worth considering:

  • Three days before the Perfectha Derm injection, you should stop taking aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. If the skin has been subjected to mechanical, chemical or laser peeling, the skin should be completely restored.
  • In the first days after a Perfect Derm injection, you need to control your facial expressions and do not massage the injection site; Cosmetics can be used only after the condition has stabilized. You can visit a solarium, sauna, or steam bath no earlier than two weeks after the procedure; during the same period you should not sunbathe or apply self-tanning cream.

Indications for use

Perfecta injection products are used for:

  1. correction of nasolabial folds, folds on the bridge of the nose and in the corners of the mouth;
  2. elimination of facial wrinkles, deep and superficial;
  3. correction of old scars,
  4. correction of cheekbones, chin, cheek correction;
  5. correction of the nose, earlobes;
  6. modeling of the nipples of the mammary glands;
  7. contouring the shape and volume of the lips;
  8. filling of intimate areas;
  9. restoration of skin water balance, complete rejuvenation (for any age).

Benefits of use

Taking into account the fact that hyaluronate is a substance naturally present in the human body, Perfectha SubSkin is completely biodegradable and biocompatible with all tissues and is therefore safe. In addition, HA stimulates the formation and synthesis of new collagen and elastin fibers, and due to its plasticity, the gel is evenly distributed under the skin

Perfectha SubSkin filler is characterized by fast and lasting results that last for a long time.

A universal gel filler is used for facial modeling, namely it works in the area of ​​the cheekbones, cheeks, chin, and in the temporal zone. Also, it rejuvenates the surface of the hands. The drug will help restore lost youth, freshness and beauty without the intervention of a plastic surgeon.

Varieties of each drug

NameArea and depth of administration of each drug
ComplementThe product is new and has been used only since 2013. Used to eliminate fine wrinkles in the area around the eyes and lips. Also used for biorevitalization of the entire face. Depth of injection – upper dermal layers.
Fine LinesUsed to sculpt lips and eliminate minor surface defects.
Derm (Normal)Used to eliminate small nasolabial folds, folds in the corners of the mouth and near the bridge of the nose. Also used for lip contouring.
DeepElimination of deep wrinkles around the lips, changing the contour of the nose. Depth of injection – subcutaneous fat
Sub-SkinUsed to contour the lower jaw and cheekbones. Rejuvenation of the skin of the face and hands. Elimination of scars of varying depths. The product is injected into the subcutaneous fat layer or between soft tissues

Each of the products has a different area of ​​application. For this reason, you should first consult with a specialist. Only a cosmetologist or dermatologist can assess the condition of your skin, problem areas and recommend the best substance.

Patient reviews

Elizaveta, 28 years old, wrote:

I was injected with Perfecta Derm without painkillers, that’s what I wanted. There was practically no pain, but the effect was amazing. Removed acne marks and filled in fine wrinkles around the lips. I liked it all very much. And the effect is visible immediately - the skin is evened out. The swelling subsided on the second day, it was a little itchy - there were no more problems.

Valentina, 34 years old, wrote:

I have long wanted to correct the shape of my face and lips, and at the same time remove nasolabial wrinkles. Gel Perfecta Derm coped with this task perfectly! Nothing was spreading anywhere, the gel was in place. The face has changed. One thing: the bruises probably lasted for two weeks. But it was worth it. I’ve been going and couldn’t be happier for the third month now.

Antonina, 60 years old, wrote:

My daughter gave me an unusual anniversary gift and took me to a cosmetologist. Of course, at first I was slightly offended by the hint, and in my life I would never have stabbed myself. I love myself and my age, but my daughter persuaded me so much. They injected me with Perfecta Derm into my nasolabial folds and large wrinkles. Overall, I can say that I am satisfied with the effect. I look younger, my face shines, it’s nice to look in the mirror. True, they promised me that the effect would last six months, but now it’s the third month after the procedure, and it seems to me that the gel has begun to disappear. And so, in general, it’s very good.

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Like every product for facial rejuvenation and contouring, Perfecta also has a number of contraindications. They should be taken into account before carrying out the procedure, as this may cause undesirable consequences. Contraindications include:

  • allergic reactions that may occur as a reaction to the components of the substance;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • acute inflammatory processes in the body, especially on the skin (lichen, herpes, psoriasis);
  • presence of neoplasms (benign and malignant tumors);
  • after treatment for tumors;
  • diseases that affect the tolerance of the anesthesia used during the procedure;
  • various degrees of epilepsy;
  • diseases that affect blood clotting (be sure to do a test first);
  • tendency to form hypertrophic scars;
  • age up to 10 years.

But in comparison with other commercially available analogue drugs, Perfecta has fewer possible side effects during use, is cheaper, has several types that can be used for a specific area of ​​the face and body that requires correction, taking into account the varying degrees of concentration of the active substance in them.

Possible side effects

Practice has shown that the use of Perfectha derm is accompanied by a minimal number of negative side effects. But, unfortunately, each patient is individual, and it is necessary to remember that Perfectha filler can provoke the following complications:

  • swelling and itching;
  • mild soreness;
  • redness of the skin, bruising.

Attention: any negative effects last no more than three days, after which they completely self-destruct. No medical help is needed to eliminate them. The only thing that can be used is cooling compresses to eliminate pain. If after seventy-three hours no positive dynamics are observed, you need to contact a specialist.

Instructions for use Perfectha

The use of the drug perfecta is not difficult. To avoid adverse reactions and poor results, you should contact only qualified cosmetologists. The doctor must have a certificate and permission to use this particular drug. This will mean that the cosmetologist has undergone special training and knows all the intricacies of this procedure.

The instructions that come with the drug indicate the importance of choosing a specific type of needle for injection. This means not only the type of needle, but also its thickness.

The thicker Perfectha gel must be used with larger diameter needles for the injection to be successful. If injections are carried out into the upper layers of the epidermis, it is necessary to anesthetize a certain area. Often, cosmetologists use local anesthesia, which is well tolerated by most patients (most often these are creams or gels). After this, the skin must be disinfected. The doctor then gives the injections.

It is recommended to give several injections and divide the dosage into several parts. This way the substance will be distributed over a large area of ​​skin and will be better absorbed by the body. In some cases, this method of administration avoids an allergic reaction in patients with hypersensitivity.

The procedure for administering the drug lasts approximately 30-40 minutes. After the procedure, the patient remains in a medical facility for several hours under the supervision of a doctor. During this time, the doctor provides instructions on rehabilitation after the procedure. This period is very important, as an adverse reaction may occur that will require medical intervention. The patient must ensure that all rules for the procedure are followed.

Administration technique

The administration of the drug is quite complex; in order to achieve the expected result from the procedure, the doctor must have practical experience, for this reason the choice of a surgeon or cosmetologist must be made consciously.

Perfectha fillers are injected into the upper layer of the epidermis; local anesthesia is necessary, because the injection itself is somewhat painful. Depending on the type of drug and the density of the product, needles of different diameters and sizes are used; the filler is injected mainly into the adjacent layers of the skin.

However, for changes in deeper layers and in the process of using thicker varieties of the drug, administration is carried out in the deep parts of the subcutaneous tissue. A pronounced result is manifested when the drug is administered correctly and the appropriate type of drug is used.

Stages of the procedure

Before starting the procedure, the injection site is numbed. The most commonly used is lidocaine, which begins to act within a few minutes. Anesthetic creams or lotions may also be used. They are used less frequently because they begin to work only after thirty minutes and do not completely anesthetize the skin area, but only dull the pain.

After pain relief, the skin must be lubricated with an antiseptic drug to eliminate the risk of infection.

On average, one session lasts about half an hour. It all depends on the area and location of the correction.

Under no circumstances should you rush the cosmetologist, otherwise the filler may “lay down” unevenly or “go” to other areas!

After the procedure is completed, the skin is again treated with an antiseptic.

Opinion of cosmetologists

On forums, cosmetologists share their experiences on the use of Chinese drugs.

The specialist writes about the need to diagnose compaction as a consequence of filler injection.

The doctor describes the reasons why side effects may have occurred.


Perfectha Derm fillers are the most affordable, safe and most effective way to quickly increase the required volume of tissue in the right places, eliminate scars and other skin defects, rejuvenate the skin of the face, and restore it to its former beauty and freshness.

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General Product Information

For the first time, products under the Perfectha brand were presented on the European cosmetology market in 2007. The noisy and promising premiere of the product was preceded by two years of detailed research and development carried out by the French company Laboratoire ObvieLine. In Russia, the use of drugs of this brand has become officially available since 2011, when the technology for their administration passed mandatory state registration.

In our country, such preparations are in wide demand under the brand “Perfectha Derm”, but it should be remembered that in fact such a name refers only to one of the products offered. All products are characterized by a unique manufacturing technology; for their production, high-density hyaluronic acid is used, which is characterized not only by significant density, but also by a high level of plasticity.

Precautionary measures

There are a number of restrictions for the procedure. The doctor collects information about the client's health status. If necessary, consultation with specialized specialists is possible.


  • individual intolerance;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • postoperative period;
  • oncology;
  • chronic, autoimmune diseases;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • violation of the integrity of the integument;
  • tendency to form keloid scars.

Side effects:

  • granulomas, compactions;
  • painful sensitivity;
  • swelling;
  • hematomas;
  • inflammatory process;
  • tissue scarring;
  • facial asymmetry.

The risks of side effects can be reduced by following all medical recommendations.

It is also important to choose a qualified specialist and read people’s reviews. Following the technique will help avoid negative consequences.


Carrying out rejuvenation using injections is an expensive pleasure. The exact price of such a procedure is determined by many factors, including the specific type of composition injected, its quantity, the location of the problem area and the experience of the specialist performing the injections. You can find out more about the approximate prices for products of this kind in the table below:

ProcedurePerfectha DeepPerfectha Fine LinesPerfectha Sub SkinPerfectha Derm
Cost (rubles)From 13 000From 7000From 18 000From 10 000
( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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