Hymenoplasty - surgical restoration of virginity (hymen)

  • Short-term hymenoplasty
  • Long-term hymenoplasty
  • Prices for hymenoplasty

The development of aesthetic medicine gives rise to many new plastic surgeries that make it possible to correct deficiencies in the area of ​​the external genital organs.
One such operation is hymenoplasty. Hymenoplasty is a plastic surgery and aesthetic gynecology operation aimed at restoring the hymen ( hymen ). The essence of this intervention is to recreate the natural barrier in the vestibule of the vagina by reconstructing the patient’s own tissues. Thus, the result is achieved without the implantation of foreign tissue, so the restored hymen looks as natural as possible.

What is hymenoplasty? Why do you need to restore your virginity?

The hymen reconstruction procedure involves restoring tissue as close as possible to its original appearance. Hymenoplasty has no medical indications, so its necessity causes much controversy in the world of medicine.

The operation falls within the field of interest of plastic gynecology, which has recently been developing dynamically and becoming increasingly popular. This is one of the youngest areas of medicine that has emerged in response to the changing needs of women. Along with the progress of civilization, many people have a desire to improve their appearance, including changing the appearance of their intimate area.

As for hymenoplasty, it does not have a visible effect of external transformation, but it gives confidence, strengthens the relationship between a man and a woman, and allows you to hide the details of your intimate life that do not concern strangers.

Restoring virginity in St. Petersburg

In general, plastic surgery is associated with indications that can change patients’ lives for the better. Someone, for example, needs facial restoration after an injury, while others believe that after changing the shape or proportions of the nose, the level of capabilities will change and personal life will improve. Both patients of the plastic surgeon are right, although the degree of need for plastic surgery varies.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Which type of hymenoplasty is right for me?

The choice of one option or another depends on the wishes of the patient, her anatomical features, and the activity of her sexual life. All nuances are discussed in detail during a consultation with a gynecologist.

When can you have sex after surgery?

This depends on many factors: the method of restoration, the individual characteristics of the woman, as well as the success of the operation. After short-term recovery, sexual intercourse is possible the next day. After long-term - after 2-3 weeks.

How long will the bleeding last?

Minor bleeding gradually decreases and completely stops by the fifth day after three-layer plastic surgery. After short-term manipulation there should be no discharge.

Is hymenoplasty possible after childbirth?

The birth of one, two or three children cannot become an obstacle to the restoration of virginity. However, in this case, the choice of method depends not only on the wishes of the woman, but also on the condition of the genital tract.

If you want to have surgery, but still have doubts, make an appointment with a gynecologist. During the consultation, the doctor will tell you in detail about all the nuances and help you make a choice regarding the method of surgery. All discussed issues will remain between the patient and the doctor - you can count on complete confidentiality.

Registration at the Miracle Doctor clinic is possible by phone, as well as on the website. You can request a call back. A specialist will call you back in a few minutes and help you make an appointment.

Popular reasons for hymenoplasty

There are several reasons why patients need to restore their virginity; they largely depend on the region of the world where the woman lives:

  • Ethnic and religious considerations. For example, in the Islamic world, virginity is a prerequisite for marriage. At the same time, there is still a tradition of checking for the presence of a hymen, so simply saying that a girl will not be a virgin is an important fact. If the virginity of the future bride is not confirmed, this will cause shame in the family. And usually such a woman faces ostracism or other consequences.
  • The desire to hide the fact of rape or previous relationships. Many men find it unpleasant to know that a girl was in a close relationship before marriage. In many countries, such a relationship will not be an obstacle to marriage, but will be a constant cause for questioning, reproaches and jealousy.
  • The desire to “give a gift” to a partner. Recently, there has been a trend among young women to undergo hymenoplasty, for example, on their 25th birthday, in order to “become a virgin again.”

It's no secret that there are women who make money this way. But it is worth remembering that hymenoplasty cannot be done indefinitely.

In any case, the gynecological surgeon will not read morals about morality; he is not interested in the details of his personal life or the reasons that prompted him to perform the procedure. The only thing that interests the doctor is the possibility of high-quality hymenoplasty.

How is the hymenoplasty procedure performed?


Before carrying out the procedure, no serious preparation is required, but the following rules must be observed:

  • Give up all bad habits for a week,
  • Stop using medications that affect platelets
  • Agree with your doctor on a specific date for the operation.

Stages of the procedure

The doctor selects a method of anesthesia that is suitable for the patient.

After anesthesia, the doctor sews the remains of the hymen together. The sutures dissolve over time and no traces remain.

A few facts about the hymen

The hymen is a fold of mucous membrane located approximately 1.5-2 cm above the vaginal opening. It does not function in the body of an adult woman, i.e. its physiological necessity at the onset of puberty is not justified.

At the same time, much of what is known about virginity to a wide range of people is actually myths. For example, bleeding during the first sexual intercourse is often not related to rupture of the hymen. It may be associated with microdamage to the vaginal mucosa during the first penetration.

Moreover, studies show that about 50% of teenage girls who have already had sexual intercourse have an intact hymen. In addition, there is a group of women who have not had a hymen since birth.

At the same time, it is a medical fact that up to 30% of girls may not experience pain during sexual intercourse and there may also be no blood. The reason for this is the different structure of the hymen itself, as for example in the option numbered 4.

Types of hymen

This means that the importance of this small area of ​​skin is too exaggerated. And it should have been overcome by now, but alas, traditions often turn out to be stronger than common sense.

How the hymen is restored: challenges and real opportunities

There are several different methods for hymen restoration. Which one will be used depends on the opinion of the doctor and the anatomical characteristics of the patient. The doctor’s task is to use methods that are most suitable for a particular patient, with the minimum possible number of complications. Moreover, the operation requires a high level of responsibility from the doctor, because poorly performed hymenoplasty can lead to dire consequences.

The necessary attributes that a girl must acquire after restoring her virginity are: a feeling of obstacle, the presence of blood and pain.

Let's consider the main methods of hymenoplasty used in intimate surgery:

  • Short-term hymenoplasty.
  • Long-term hymenoplasty.

Recommendations in the postoperative period

The risk of complications after virginity restoration surgery is minimal. However, the girl ensures a calm course of the early period after the procedure by following some recommendations:

  1. treat the surgical area according to these recommendations
  2. do not engage in sex or intense sports
  3. refrain from taking a sauna
  4. do not sit in a squatting position
  5. Avoid foods that can cause constipation.

Short-term hymenoplasty

Involves suturing the remnants of the hymen.

  • Pros: cheap, very fast, does not require anesthesia - anesthesia is enough.
  • Disadvantages: lack of guarantees, lack of all necessary qualities - only bleeding is possible, the period of deflowering is up to 24 hours, the fact of the operation is easily detected during examination by a doctor.

Most of the techniques that can be combined with the term “short-term hymenoplasty”, offered in a number of clinics, can, at best, only provide the presence of blood. However, even this is not guaranteed if defloration is carried out 24 hours after the intervention.

The fact is that the tissue that makes up the hymen never grows together and simply sewing its edges together is not enough; after 12-24 hours the threads simply cut through, and after the wedding the girl finds herself in a very difficult situation. Doctors do this either out of ignorance or consciously guided simply by material considerations, because no one will complain, the patient, as a rule, has no time for this.

Also, this hymenoplasty will provide the appearance of blood and pain, but does not guarantee a feeling of obstruction; it is no secret that the vagina stretches even if there was only one sexual intercourse; if the man is experienced, he may suspect deception.

Simple hymenoplasty

Preparing for surgery

Before setting the date for the operation, the doctor will conduct an examination during the consultation and ask the patient in detail about her wishes and the desired result. After this, a standard preoperative examination will be prescribed, which includes blood tests (general and biochemical), a blood clotting test, a smear for flora and an analysis for infections (HIV, hepatitis, syphilis).

A long hospital stay under the supervision of a specialist after surgery is not required. As a rule, after short-term plastic surgery you can leave the clinic within four hours, after long-term plastic surgery - within 24 hours.

Long-term hymenoplasty

Involves suturing the edges of the vagina.

  • Pros: maximum reliability, presence of the full effect of virginity, suturing of the vagina, examination by another doctor is possible.
  • Cons: the price is higher than short-term hymenoplasty. Good anesthesia or general anesthesia is required.

The most effective option for hymenoplasty is long-term three-layer hymenoplasty. In our Center it is performed using a unique technology, and only by one surgeon - A.V. Ivanov.

The procedure involves excision of the hymen tissue and layer-by-layer suturing of the edges of the vaginal vestibule, resulting in the formation of a dense obstruction in place of the hymen. The author's modification involves the use of special threads and a special technique for forming an obstacle. Due to this, the restored tissue looks like a real hymen; another undoubted plus is that the vagina itself narrows.

The operation has no statute of limitations, meaning the effect lasts for any number of years. In addition, the results of hymenoplasty performed by this method are such that no doctor will suspect that any intervention was done.

Long-term hymenoplasty before and after

Virginity restoration surgery

Many girls interested in undergoing refloration are concerned about the technical side of the issue, namely: how to get the service faster, is it possible to come from another city, sew up the hymen and go back the same day, which technique (for a long or short period of time) will suit me and how much it will cost…. Most of these questions about how you can become a virgin again will be answered on this page. So…

Organizational side.

  1. Having decided to use the services of our clinic to regain your virginity, sign up for a consultation with an intimate surgeon by phone or online on the website.
  2. At the reception, express your wishes; After the examination, the doctor will offer you the best option for solving the problem. It is at this stage that the type of hymenoplasty, the category of complexity and, accordingly, the final cost of the service will become clear. If an agreement is reached, you can immediately take the tests necessary for refloration. What tests are needed: • Flora smear; • Blood for HIV, hepatitis, syphilis; • Test for local anesthesia; • Blood clotting test (if indicated).
  3. A date is set for a visit to restore virginity at the clinic, or, if desired, have the operation performed on the same day. The time required in the latter case will be approximately 4-5 hours (preliminary consultation with a specialist, planning, testing, the procedure itself and postoperative observation in a day hospital).
  4. The terms of rehabilitation and recovery after the intervention depend on its type and category of complexity. The least amount of time is required after short-term hymenoplasty - you can benefit from its results even on the same day. With long-term or three-layer suturing of the hymen, everything will heal in at least 2-3-4 weeks, your doctor will tell you more precisely. And only after this period it will be possible to have sexual intercourse.

What are the contraindications

Hymenoplasty surgery (long-term or short-term) or three-layer hymen repair is not recommended for patients suffering from cancer, poor blood clotting, acute gynecological diseases, infections or intolerance to anesthesia. You should not do it during or 1-2 days before the onset of menstruation. Pregnant women also cannot be considered as candidates for refloration.

Short-term hymenoplasty

This method is the simplest - the edges of the hymen are simply stitched together and it is done when the result is needed urgently. It is advisable if the expected “loss of virginity” occurs in the coming days, but no later than 7-10 days after the operation. Later the effect will be lost. Short-term imitation is an excellent option if the date of the intended sexual intercourse is known for sure. If desired, you can simultaneously make a non-surgical narrowing of the vaginal opening with injections of hyaluronic acid - this will allow the walls of the vagina to more tightly cover the male genital organ over the next 8-10 months.

The advantage of short-term hymenoplasty surgery is its price and the absence of the need to stay in the clinic under observation. Sexual intercourse after such hymenoplasty may be accompanied by some pain and moderate bleeding. However, these are precisely the performance indicators that all women who have undergone refloration want to receive.

Cost of services: • hymenoplasty for a short time - 25,000 ₽, • narrowing of the vagina - from 25,000 ₽ (optional); • preliminary examination and anesthesia are paid separately.

Long-term hymenoplasty

When performing this type of operation, a woman who wants to become a girl must have a sufficient amount of remnants of the hymen available. It is from these that a new hymen is formed through surgical techniques and virginity is restored. The category of complexity is determined based on the wishes of the patient and the condition of the tissues of the vaginal opening. Done for a long time, this hymenoplasty, according to reviews, lasts for several years and is best suited for those girls who do not plan intimacy in the coming months.

How much does the service cost: • long-term hymenoplasty - from 30,000 ₽, • narrowing of the vaginal opening - from 25,000 ₽ (optional); • preliminary examination and anesthesia for a fee.

Three-layer hymenoplasty

Restoring virginity using the three-layer method is a type that is performed with almost complete absence of remnants of the hymen; lasts about 3-4 years, maybe in some cases up to 5 years. Technically, this means that a new hymen is formed by a surgeon from three layers of tissue in a woman's vagina. During sexual intercourse, a man cannot possibly guess that it is artificial. “Losing your virginity” can even take months or even years to happen. But preferably no more than 3-4 years. After three-layer hymenoplasty, the photo below shows that the lumen completely disappears even after a long sexual life. After healing, the mucous membrane grows together, and you can safely undergo examination by a gynecologist; he is unlikely to distinguish a sewn hymen from a natural one.

Photos before and after hymenoplasty

Most likely, you do not know what to expect from the operation and therefore before and after photographs are important to understand the expected result. Before and after photos for hymen restoration will show you the real results of the operation in our clinic. Please note that illustrations on this topic are shown for informational purposes only. In each specific case, the final image of the external genitalia will be different, which is due to the individual structural features of the vulva in girls.

Photos of two main types of hymenoplasty

Short termLong-term

Reviews about hymenoplasty

Review #1. “Professional and friendly, the best for this service that Moscow has to offer! The doctors from the gynecology clinic are the most amazing ones I have ever met in my life. At first I was worried about the upcoming virginity surgery, but everything was explained to me in detail and all my questions were answered. Secondly, they made me feel comfortable during the operation, making sure that I did not feel pain. during the first sex everything was the way I wanted! I recommend hymenoplasty for girls who need to regain their virginity and have bleeding during the first sexual intercourse.” — Nailya Z. 28 years old, 2022 Moscow region.

Review #2. “Thanks to hymenoplasty at the Gynecology Clinic on Kutuzovsky, I almost bled on my wedding night with my husband. Based on my religion, I must be a virgin and when I get married, I must show proof of my virginity. The problem was that some time ago I met a guy in college and after some time we had sex. For fear of damaging my hymen, I allowed anal and oral sex, but then we also had vaginal sex... And the next year my parents agreed on a wedding and found a groom for me. I had to fly home to my country to meet my future husband. From girls I know and from their reviews about hymenoplasty, I learned about this clinic. Everything was done for me on the same day, I was even able to go to classes in the evening. Nobody knew anything. The operation to restore virginity was painless and took about half an hour. The male doctor (I don't remember his name) was so kind and understanding. I felt as if I had a friend who cared about me and the complete confidentiality of the procedure... A few months later I got married, and my husband did not suspect anything that I had hymenoplasty. The bed on my wedding night after sex was the best proof of my virginity. I had to show the sheet to my family the next morning and they were so proud that my blood was in it! (The cost for everything turned out to be about 1,000 € at the beginning of 2022)” - Fatima U. 24 years old, Moscow.

Review #3. “I am a Russian Muslim with parents from one of the southern countries of the former USSR. I lost my virginity at 17 years old. My family is very religious and expects me to be a virgin when I get married. And my future husband also expects me to bleed on our first night. My parents know about my lost virginity and we had a family discussion and decided to have my hymen restored. The best reviews about hymenoplasty on the Internet on forums and from friends allowed us to settle on the doctors of the Moscow Gynecology Clinic on Kutuzovsky Prospekt. The staff that worked with me were great. They did not make any judgment and were able to understand the importance of my situation. The doctor explained the entire procedure and subsequent recovery in detail. The doctor did an excellent job with this very delicate situation, my surgery was done and it went well. It was much easier than I expected. I am now 6 months pregnant and very happy with my results. After all, I’m expecting a baby, happily married and happy to say that I bled the first time I had sex with my husband! (The cost of “hymenoplasty + narrowing of the vaginal opening with hyaluronic injections 3 syringes” at the end of 2022 is about 1,350 €)” - Albina R., 22 years old, Moscow.

Reviews about hymenoplasty

Of course, hymenoplasty is a highly controversial treatment option and an ethically controversial procedure, banned in some Arab countries. But of course, the restoration of the hymen has a beneficial effect on the woman’s psyche - she no longer needs to be afraid of judgment and unnecessary questions. Many patients write in reviews about increased self-esteem and increased sexual pleasure for themselves and their partners.

On the medical side, the operation is aimed at temporarily changing the anatomical conditions of the woman's body, therefore, as a medical procedure, it does not have reliable reports comparing the results and effects of the methods used. Therefore, women can rather rely only on anonymous reviews of patients who have undergone a similar procedure and the guarantees of the doctor and the clinic.

Rehabilitation and recovery

The operation is simple and the recovery period does not last long to completely eliminate any complications and side effects. The following conditions may occur as side effects: the appearance of minor bleeding, bruising, discomfort when walking, numbness in the perineal area. However, these symptoms are considered a completely normal reaction of the body of women. During these days, it is recommended to avoid bloating and constipation, avoid eating spices, fruits, vegetables and brown bread. You should also avoid heavy physical activity for a while, especially after three-layer reconstruction surgery, to avoid sudden movements and eat only liquid foods.

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