Hymenoplasty: two methods to restore virginity

Hymenoplasty is the surgical restoration of the hymen, called the hymen. If the operation is performed correctly, gray hair recovery will not be detected by the future husband, or even by the gynecologist.

You can have hymenoplasty without publicity and unnecessary questions at the Diana Clinic, where gynecologists guarantee correct attitude towards patients and the absence of pain and complications. The restoration of the hymen is carried out so that during the first sexual intercourse, as happens with most women, blood is released and the man does not have the idea that the girl is no longer a virgin.

Why restore the hymen

The content of the article

The hymen is a thin membrane that blocks the passage into the female genital tract. The presence or absence of a hymen does not affect health in any way, so there are no medical indications for restoring the integrity of the hymen. At the same time, this operation is very popular in St. Petersburg.

Hymenoplasty is performed for various reasons:

  • Girls do not want to reveal details of their personal lives, not wanting to hear reproaches and insults. Often they want to start a relationship with a blank slate.
  • Married women also restore their virginity by giving an unusual gift to their beloved man for their wedding anniversary or other events. In this case, temporary restoration of the hymen is practiced. Some are operated on several times.
  • Features of the national mentality. Girls brought up in strict traditions are afraid of publicity of infidelity and shame.
  • Hymenoplasty is often done after rape. This allows you to forget what happened and cut off unnecessary conversations.

The reason for restoring virginity is a personal matter for the patient. The gynecologist’s task is to maintain sensitivity and maintain the confidentiality of any procedures.

Indications for hymenoplasty

There are no medical indications for restoring virginity: the operation is performed at the request of the patient, as a rule, in connection with religious norms, moral ideas, or for personal reasons.
Women resort to surgery to hide the experience of intimacy and to diversify sexual relationships with their spouse or partner. There is no need to talk about the reasons for going to a plastic surgery clinic: this is a private matter for the woman or couple. Restoring virginity may be recommended if a woman needs help in overcoming negative experiences in intimate relationships. By erasing the past and restoring the body to its original state, hymenoplasty has a profound psychotherapeutic effect. It may turn out to be incomparably more pronounced than psychoanalytic or psychological sessions.

How to restore virginity: options to choose from

A gynecologist can offer 2 options for hymenoplasty: short-term (short-term) recovery and long-term. The patient decides which method to choose, based on her goals.

Short-term restoration of the hymen

This method is good if intimate contact will take place very soon. This operation can be done several times, but each time it becomes more difficult to connect the hymen. We have to move on to other, more complex methods.

During the operation, the remaining hymen is sewn together with self-absorbing threads. This is done immediately before the wedding or other significant date, since after two weeks the stitches will dissolve and everything will be as it was. It is impossible to completely restore the natural hymen, since its tissues do not grow together. If the hymen is stitched, bleeding occurs from the stitches torn during intercourse.

The procedure for restoring virginity is carried out under local anesthesia, does not require preparation and does not require post-operative recovery.

Long-term hymenoplasty

The technology is called three-layer hymenoplasty. During it, the mucous membrane is restored and the vestibule of the vagina is narrowed so that a man feels an “obstacle” during sexual intercourse. The new hymen is formed from the vaginal mucosa. The hymen remains for an unlimited amount of time.

The intervention is complex, so it is often done under general anesthesia. But healing occurs quickly - in two to three weeks. The threads dissolve, and as a result a new whole hymen is formed.

The operation is carried out after passing the tests. You cannot perform such an operation for untreated sexually transmitted infections, since such an operation cannot be performed for untreated sexually transmitted infections. You will need to provide at least blood, urine and vaginal swabs.

The procedure is carried out immediately after the end of menstruation.

Just like natural, artificially recreated hymen can turn out to be more or less elastic. Therefore, sometimes the first sexual intercourse after surgery is painful and accompanied by severe blood loss, which further creates the illusion of naturalness.

This method can restore virginity even after childbirth. And although it is difficult to understand why, the operation is in demand. In this case, surgeons not only restore the hymen, but also sutured the vagina so that it becomes like that of a nulliparous woman. If there is not enough mucous membrane, it is taken from the inside of the cheek.

Indications for surgery

There are the following indications for hymenoplasty:

  • the girl’s voluntary desire to restore the lost hymen;
  • if the loss of virginity occurred due to negligence;
  • recovery from a sports injury;
  • moral values ​​(applies to some peoples and faiths).

Also, an indication for surgery may be the congenital absence of a hymen in a girl, but this is extremely rare.

A voluntary desire can arise if a young woman regrets an event that happened with the wrong person. Some girls decide to restore their virginity at the request of a young man, to diversify their sex life or for marriage. The fact of defloration can bring moral discomfort, and the girl wants to redo everything again.

Types of hymenoplasty:

  • short-term;
  • long-term (three-layer);

Short-term – surgery to restore the hymen for a short period of time, usually up to 5 days. As a result, an obstacle is created at the entrance to the vagina and blood discharge appears during sexual intercourse. This type of hymenoplasty is performed quite quickly and a few days before planned sexual intercourse. The process occurs by stitching together existing pieces of the hymen. The edges are connected with a thin fishing line and as a result makes a passage into the vagina, which allows you to obtain the natural state of a virgin.

Long-term or three-layer hymenoplasty involves the use of denser sewing. In this case, after sexual intercourse, the threads with which the hymen was sewn may begin to come out. To avoid this kind of embarrassment, control is carried out by a gynecologist. Here the result lasts up to 5 years. In order for sexual intercourse to succeed the first time, it is necessary to have sex no earlier than three weeks after the operation.

Three-layer hymenoplasty is performed under general anesthesia. The surgeon sutures the vaginal walls to form an hourglass diaphragm in the vestibule of the vagina. The surgeon leaves a small hole for menstrual blood. The internal sutures dissolve within 2-2.5 months, which determines the duration of the operation before sexual intercourse. The sutures are located on both sides of the membrane and “fall off” themselves after 5-15 days.

How to keep your virginity after surgery

During this period, you should not lift weights or swim in open waters, where you can get an infection. You need to wash yourself with a weak pink solution of potassium permanganate or another septic tank as prescribed by your doctor.

After long-term recovery of the hymen, you should see a gynecologist in 2 weeks so that he can evaluate the results of the operation and see if everything has healed well. Then the woman will be sure that at the right moment everything will go as it should.

When performed correctly, the operation is safe, so you need to carefully select a clinic and gynecologist who practices hymenoplasty. Experienced doctors at the Diana Clinic will perform the operation efficiently and safely.

Types of hymenoplasty

The results of such an operation can last for a short period of time or for several months/years. Based on this feature, short-term and long-term hymenoplasty are distinguished, which differ from each other in the technique of the operation and the intended purpose:

  • short-term hymenoplasty is a minimally invasive method of surgical restoration of the hymen (for a period of 2 weeks);
  • long-term hymenoplasty is a surgical restoration of the hymen, ensuring long-term preservation of the hymen until its integrity is damaged.

Preparation for hymenoplasty. Tests before hymenoplasty

So, you have decided to have hymenoplasty.

. You must first visit a gynecologist-surgeon, perform an examination and discuss the nuances of the upcoming operation (when to do hymenoplasty, for how long, type of virginity restoration, cost of hymenoplasty), and also undergo the necessary preoperative examination:

  • General (clinical) blood test.
  • Blood test for group and Rh factor.
  • Consultation with a therapist, examination by a therapist.
  • ECG (electrocardiogram).
  • Radiography.
  • Blood chemistry.
  • Blood test for HIV.
  • Blood test for syphilis (RW, Wasserman reaction).
  • Blood test for hepatitis B and C.
  • Flora smear.
  • Hemostasiogram, coagulogram (analysis of the blood coagulation system).

Carrying out hymenoplasty at the Hymenoplasty Clinic

Short-term hymenoplasty, long-term hymenoplasty, three-layer hymenoplasty, restoration of virginity are performed at the Hymenoplasty Clinic on ANY DAY of the menstrual cycle except menstruation days.

Menstruation itself does not interfere with HYMENOPLASTY and does not affect the quality of the newly formed hymen. But microtrauma to the vaginal mucosa during menstruation increases the risk of developing endometriosis of the vulva and vagina.

At the Pyatigorsk Hymenoplasty Clinic, short-term hymenoplasty, long-term hymenoplasty, and three-layer hymenoplasty (virginity restoration) are performed ON THE DAY OF APPLICATION and by appointment.


After hymenoplasty using the long-term hymenoplasty method in our Clinic, a 22-year-old girl. The complete illusion of the "ABSOLUTE VIRGIN"

The operation to restore virginity in our Clinic is carried out under effective local anesthesia, that is, NARCOSIS IS NOT REQUIRED.

Local anesthesia involves treatment with an anesthetic and injections of anesthetic using FINE needles.

DURATION OF ANESTHESIA is 45-60 minutes.

After the anesthesia wears off, the injection sites do not hurt!

Restoration of virginity in the Hymenoplasty Clinic in Pyatigorsk is performed by well-known and RECOGNIZED SPECIALISTS in the North Caucasus with extensive successful experience in the field of short-term, long-term and three-layer hymenoplasty and an assistant.

THE DURATION of hymenoplasty depends on the complexity of the case and ranges from 30 to 60 minutes.

After hymenoplasty, the girl EASILY returns to ORDINARY LIFE.

After hymenoplasty WE WILL SHOW YOU the newly formed hymen in a control PHOTO.

AFTER HYMENOPLASTY we will teach you how to properly perform hygiene procedures and tell you in detail about some of the restrictions.

NO additional processing or RETURN VISIT is required for follow-up inspection.

After hymenoplasty using the long-term hymenoplasty method, 3 months later. Note the EXCELLENT tissue fusion

ONLINE information about hymenoplasty before and after can be found by calling 8 (800) 500-52-74.

BOOK ONLINE for hymenoplasty in Pyatigorsk here.

REGISTER online for hymenoplasty here.

Sign up for hymenoplasty

Hymenoplasty before and after in questions and answers

Question: Before hymenoplasty, are there any restrictions on having sexual intercourse? E.K., Moscow. Answer: When using a condom, there are NO RESTRICTIONS to having sexual intercourse.

Question: Will there be pain and bleeding after hymenoplasty? Z.N., St. Petersburg. Answer: After hymenoplasty in our Clinic there is NO PAIN or bleeding.

Question: Can I sit after hymenoplasty? Kh.Sh., Nalchik. Answer: Your plastic surgeon will tell you in detail how to sit after hymenoplasty immediately after performing hymenoplasty at the Women’s Health Resort Clinic.

ONLINE information about hymenoplasty before and after can be found by calling 8 (800) 500-52-74.

BOOK ONLINE for hymenoplasty in Pyatigorsk here.

REGISTER online for hymenoplasty here.

Sign up for hymenoplasty

Question: I WANT to restore my VIRGINITY long-term, but it is very expensive. Is it possible to do long-term hymenoplasty cheaper? O.V., Krasnodar. Answer: Our prices are based on the high qualifications of the doctors of the Women's Health Resort Clinic, the high cost of professional threads for cosmetic surgery and the GUARANTEED reliable result of long-term and short-term hymenoplasty.

We use SPECIAL METHODS, developed by us, which allow us to achieve the best FUNCTION of the newly formed hymen with long-term hymenoplasty, and with short-term hymenoplasty - to achieve good RESISTANCE to a man.

We do not impose excessive examinations or unnecessary visits!

As a result, hymenoplasty in our specialized Hymenoplasty Clinic is NOT MORE EXPENSIVE than in other general medical institutions.

Question: Where to do three-layer hymenoplasty? A.Ya., Nizhny Novgorod. Answer: Three-layer hymenoplasty is performed at the Hymenoplasty Clinic in Pyatigorsk tel. (calls within Russia are free), or +7 (928) 022-05-32 (for international calls). ALL days of the week, WEEKENDS and HOLIDAYS.

Question: Where is the hymenoplasty clinic in Pyatigorsk located? Is it possible to have hymenoplasty on the same day of treatment? V.E., Rostov-on-Don. Answer: Hymenoplasty Clinic in Pyatigorsk, Admiralsky 6A, tel. 8 (800) 500-52-74 (calls within Russia are free). Hymenoplasty on the DAY OF APPLICATION all days of the week WITHOUT WEEKENDS!

Girls from Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, St. Petersburg, Krasnodar, Nalchik, Makhachkala, Saratov, Astana, Almaty, Anapa, Aktau, Kislovodsk, and other cities of Russia, near and far abroad come to us with questions about restrictions before and after hymenoplasty.

The hymenoplasty clinic is open all days of the week, seven days a week:

Monday - Friday from 8.00 to 20.00, Saturday, Sunday, holidays from 8.00 to 17.00.

Hymenoplasty in Pyatigorsk on the day of treatment and by appointment by multi-channel telephone (calls within Russia are free), or +7 (928) 022-05-32 (calls from anywhere in the world).

ONLINE information about hymenoplasty before and after can be found by calling 8 (800) 500-52-74.

REGISTER online at

BOOK ONLINE for hymenoplasty, hymen restoration in Pyatigorsk here.


Features of long-term hymenoplasty

This is a more complex intervention that requires deep anesthesia. During the operation, the surgeon isolates the muscular, mucous and submucosal layers from the vaginal tissue, and then stitches them together.

Recovery after long-term hymenoplasty takes 1–3 weeks. Sexual rest must be maintained for 2 to 4 weeks. The long-term method allows you to restore the hymen for an unlimited time.

Regardless of the chosen method of hymenoplasty, the result of the operation is as natural as possible. If the surgically restored hymen is damaged during sexual intercourse, a slight discharge of blood from the vagina occurs, and a feeling of obstruction is created.

Features of short-term hymenoplasty

As noted earlier, both methods of surgical restoration of the hymen have specific technical characteristics. Short-term hymenoplasty is performed by matching residual hymen flaps. As a result of stitching the flaps together with the edges, a full-fledged hymen is formed with a hole in the center with a diameter of 0.6 - 1 cm.

In this case, the surgeon uses transparent suture material; the knots are tied on the inside of the hymen and are not visible from the outside. The operation lasts approximately 20 - 40 minutes and can be performed without anesthesia, since the remnants of the hymen do not have nerve endings and there is no pain. However, in most cases local anesthesia is still used.

Rehabilitation takes 7 – 10 days. Planning for short-term hymenoplasty is carried out on the basis that intimacy should take place in the next 8 to 14 days.

Rehabilitation period

During the rehabilitation period, women are advised to avoid physical activity and sudden movements. A number of hygiene procedures should also be followed. Be sure to douche with antiseptic drugs. One of the main conditions for three-layer hymenoplasty is planning the intended sexual contact and surgery. The optimal time for sexual intercourse is 2-3 months after surgery (this is due to the density and elasticity that the hymen reaches by this time).

If sexual intercourse occurs later, for example after 5-6 months, there is a danger of the hymen becoming hardened to the point that surgical intervention may be required to rupture it. Therefore, it is important to discuss all the nuances in advance with the surgeon.

What should you not do after hymenoplasty?

If short-term hymenoplasty was performed, the rehabilitation period ranges from several hours to one day. At this time, complete rest is needed, and then she can return to her normal life. Typically, short-term hymenoplasty is performed 1–2 weeks before the planned natural defloration.

With long-term hymenoplasty, the recovery period takes an average of 1 month. Only after it has passed can you be sexually active. Within 1 week after surgery you cannot:

  • visit swimming pools, saunas and baths;
  • take hot baths;
  • hypothermia or overheating;
  • exercise;
  • lift weights;
  • use tampons.

If side effects occur, you should immediately contact the clinic.

What you need to know about hymenoplasty?

Hymenoplasty is a surgery to restore the hymen, also known as virginity restoration. There are two methods of recovery - short-term for 7-10 days and long-term, in which the result lasts up to 3 years. Both methods allow you to return the hymen in the most natural form.

How is hymenoplasty done?

Hymenoplasty is performed by a surgeon who restores the hymen. The doctor sews the tissues together so that they block the entrance to the vagina. In short-term hymenoplasty, the surgeon uses the remains of the hymen. Pieces are used if they remain in the vagina and are not too thin. The doctor sews them together so that they form a single septum in the vagina, leaving holes for the passage of menstrual blood. Long-term hymenoplasty uses tissue from the vaginal mucosa. The surgeon separates the upper layer of the mucous membrane at the entrance to the vagina and stitches the individual pieces together in the same way as when working with the remains of the hymen.

Short-term and long-term hymenoplasty - differences:

Suitable for : Short-term: girls who began to be sexually active 2-3 months ago. Long-term: for women who have given birth and are sexually active and who lost their virginity a long time ago. How it's done. Short-term: under local anesthesia. Long-term: under general anesthesia, at the patient’s request - under local anesthesia. How long does the operation take? Short-term: 20-30 minutes. Long-term: 40-60 minutes and 1-2 hours under medical supervision after the intervention. How long does recovery take? Short-term: 5-7 days. Long-term: 2 weeks. Abstinence period after surgery. Short-term: 3-5 days while the threads dissolve. Long-term: 30 days while the threads dissolve. Consequences. Short-term: does not cause disruptions in the menstrual cycle, does not affect the ability to give birth. Long-term: swelling and numbness 2-3 days after the intervention, minor pain may persist for up to 7 days. First sexual intercourse after recovery. Short-term: with bleeding, almost painless. Long-term: with bleeding, may be slightly more painful than the first defloration.

How long does the effect of the operation last?

The duration of the effect depends on the type of surgery performed. With short-term hymenoplasty, the effect lasts for 15-20 days, after which the threads dissolve and the tissues separate. With long-term hymenoplasty, the effect lasts up to three years.

Is it possible to determine that a girl had hymenoplasty?

It is impossible to distinguish the restored hymen from the real one during sexual intercourse. After restoration, it has the same elasticity; the sensations during defloration for a man are no different. The gynecologist can determine that the girl underwent surgery during the recovery period, when the threads have not yet dissolved. The doctor is obliged to maintain medical confidentiality, so restoring virginity is completely confidential.

Indications and contraindications

There are no medical indications for the operation; it is performed at the woman’s request. Contraindications include:

● sexually transmitted diseases, HIV infection, hepatitis;

● violations of the vaginal microflora;

● blood clotting disorder;

● acute stage of viral infection with high fever;

● pregnancy, including at an early stage;

● treatment with anticoagulants.

Why you should see an experienced doctor

Contacting an inexperienced doctor risks the fact that the threads may separate ahead of schedule and the hymen may rupture. Complications are also possible: pain after surgery, swelling and inflammation.

You should undergo hymen restoration with an experienced surgeon:

● The doctor will tell you about recovery methods and help you choose the right one. ● Conduct a comprehensive examination before surgery and, if necessary, refer for preliminary treatment. ● He will select appropriate anesthesia and monitor your condition during the period of recovery from anesthesia. ● Ensures the confidentiality of contacting the clinic and performing the operation.

HymenoplastyOperative gynecology


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