Intimate filling for women. The essence of the method, indications, methodology of the procedure

The quality of the intimate side of a relationship is an important component of a normal, happy life.

Violations in the intimate sphere negatively affect a person’s physical and psychological health. This is one of the reasons for the dissolution of relationships between a man and a woman.

Treatment of sexual disorders solves not only the medical, but also often the social problem of a particular couple.

Women perceive the surrounding reality differently than representatives of the stronger sex. Sensual and emotional components are extremely important for the formation of self-esteem and general worldview. This also applies to intimate life.

Satisfaction and quality of sexual relationships in women depend not only on the quality of the contact itself, but also on the emotional and psychological state.

Aesthetic defects of the reproductive organs worsen the quality of intimate life and worldview in general. Moreover, physical disorders of the genital organs provoke pathologies of the urogenital tract. Therefore, correction of the shape and structure of the genitals using minimally invasive procedures is of natural interest to both women and men.

Intimate filling. Definition and essence of the method

Intimate contouring is a correction of the tissues of the external genital organs, allowing them to return volume by introducing hyaluronic acid. The drug is administered submucosally, subcutaneously and intradermally.

Purpose of manipulation:

  • correction of the shape of the genitals after injury, childbirth, illness;
  • correction of physiological disorders, abnormalities of tissue development;
  • correction of age-related changes.

The result of the intervention is the normalization of intimate life, increased self-esteem and improved quality of life in general.

In the past, only invasive surgical procedures were used. They were expensive and required a long rehabilitation period.

Hyaluronic acid is a natural component of human tissue. And at present, gentle methods for introducing biologically compatible gels and fillers based on this biologically active substance have been developed.

Operating principle

The effectiveness of intimate plastic surgery lies in the use of modern drugs - fillers. These are synthetically produced gels that are completely biocompatible with the human body and contain hyaluronic acid, which is a natural component of skin structures. Hyaluronic acid is able to retain a depot of moisture around itself, which rejuvenates tissues by activating natural metabolic and protective processes in the area of ​​filler injection. The filler literally increases and fills the missing tissue volume, keeping it voluminous and elastic for a long time. In addition, hyaluronic filler promotes the synthesis of its own hyaluronic acid and collagen in the manipulation area, which stimulates the activity of its own processes to preserve tissue youth.

Indications and contraindications

All indications for intimate filling are conventionally divided into 3 groups – medical, aesthetic and improving women’s sex life.

Medical indications include the following conditions:

  • asymmetry of the genital organs;
  • gaping of the vagina due to developmental defects, injuries, complications of childbirth, age-related changes, prolapse or protrusion of the vaginal walls;
  • adhesive and cicatricial changes in the genitals;
  • vaginismus;
  • violation of vaginal secretion;
  • atrophy of the mucous membranes – kraurosis;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • inflammatory processes in the urethra and bladder after sexual intercourse.

Intimate filling is indicated for the following sexual disorders:

  • anorgasmia, rare episodes of sexual pleasure;
  • improvement of the psychological state and perception of one’s own body;
  • decreased sex drive;
  • correction of the genital organ in men;
  • premature ejaculation.

As a tool of aesthetic medicine, intimate filleting is performed in the following cases:

  • violation of the elasticity of tissues of the reproductive organs;
  • age-related changes - sagging, prolapse of the vaginal walls;
  • dystrophic processes in the tissues of the labia.


Contraindications to the procedure are divided into absolute, that is, a complete ban, and relative - temporary, which allow intervention after they have been eliminated.


  • intolerance to “hyaluronic acid”;
  • oncology;
  • infectious diseases;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • previous anaphylactic reactions;
  • infections in the genital area;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • minority;
  • some mental illnesses.


  • exacerbation of herpes;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • taking NSAIDs, vitamin C, anticoagulants, omega 6 and 3.

Types of intimate filling

Depending on the object of correction, the following types of this manipulation are distinguished:

  1. Labiaplasty – correction is performed in the area of ​​the labia majora and minora. The physiological labia majora should cover the labia minora and the entrance to the vagina. An open genital slit means free access for pathogenic microorganisms to the internal reproductive organs. The procedure allows you to create a barrier, improve heat exchange in tissues, and reduce the likelihood of an inflammatory process.
  2. Perineoplasty – the object of intervention is the vestibule of the vagina and its walls.
  3. Clitoroplasty – correction of the clitoral area. This allows you to improve secretion production, moisturize the external genital organs, improve sensitivity and quality of sexual intercourse, and enhance orgasm.
  4. G-spot augmentation – indicated for narrowing the vagina. At the same time, contact with your partner improves, which helps improve the quality of sexual contacts. In addition, correction of this zone helps combat urinary incontinence, which manifests itself in a stressful situation.
  5. Age-related changes. Age, childbirth, hormonal changes, and excess body weight lead to sagging tissue. At the same time, there is a thinning of the integument and a decrease in the production of vaginal secretions. The sensitivity of the clitoris is lost, the walls of the vagina become smoother. This condition contributes to the development of atrophic processes in the reproductive organs.

Filling allows you to restore the production of natural secretions and relieve a woman of discomfort in the intimate area.

After the procedure:

Immediately after the manipulation, slight pain may be felt at the injection sites. Swelling in this area may also persist for several days; redness is normal. After the procedure, the doctor will give detailed recommendations for caring for the intimate area during the recovery period. As a rule, it takes 5-7 days.

You can see true results after intimate plastic surgery after 2 weeks. The lasting and natural effect of the procedure lasts for 6-8 months.

Preparations for intimate filling

The choice of drug for manipulation is the prerogative of the attending physician. Popular brands of filler products:

  • BELLCONTOUR GVISK, Switzerland;
  • AMALAIN INTIMAITE, Russian Federation;

The doctor selects the volume of the administered drug individually, but coordinates the dosage with the patient. Recommended dosages are:

  • Clitoral zone – from 0.1 to 0.2 ml;
  • Labia – maximum 4 ml;
  • Vaginal walls – up to 3.0 ml;
  • Vaginal entrance – no more than 1.0 ml;
  • G-spot – 1.5 ml;

The average price of manipulation is 14 thousand rubles for the administration of 1 ml of the product. The cost of each subsequent syringe with a volume of 1.0 ml is 12,000 rubles.

Intimate filleting is not just a medical or aesthetic procedure, but a way to improve the quality of life of both the woman and the couple as a whole.
You can ask questions and make an appointment by calling 77-36-02

How the procedure is carried out:

To perform an intimate plastic surgery procedure, it is necessary to undergo an in-person examination by a doctor to identify indications and select the method and extent of correction. After the first appointment, the doctor will prescribe a series of tests to ensure that the injection procedure is safe. As a rule, this is: a test for HIV, syphilis, microbiocenosis (smear), cytological smear for atypia (oncocytology). You can bring your current tests with you to your appointment. Immediately before the procedure, the doctor treats the correction area with a disinfecting solution and applies local anesthesia (pain relief). Before administering the drug, in the presence of the client, the doctor opens a sterile disposable syringe already filled with filler. The drug is injected with a needle into the skin structures in the correction area. The manipulation is quite comfortable and painless.

The doctor will tell you about possible preparations before intimate plastic surgery at your first appointment.

Rehabilitation course

The rehabilitation course is simple and includes simple tips.

  1. For a week you must refrain from any type of cosmetics.
  2. Visit a cosmetologist daily for a massage so that the drug is distributed correctly.
  3. In order not to provoke swelling, it is forbidden to visit saunas, solariums, and gyms for about two weeks.
  4. The resulting hematomas are treated with special ointments.
  5. A week before and after the procedure, the use of drugs that thin the blood is prohibited.

Before the procedure, it is recommended to carefully read the side effects and contraindications. And only after that weigh all the pros and cons.

Biodegradable fillers

Non-absorbable drugs are a polymer gel made from artificial chemical compounds. These substances are indifferent to body tissues, hypoallergenic and non-toxic. However, complications are the most common with this class of fillers. The fact is that any foreign site in the human body is encapsulated over time, that is, separated from the surrounding tissues by a dense fibrous capsule.

This sometimes happens with bionon-degradable fillers, which means that subsequently seals in the form of subcutaneous cords or nodules may form at the injection site. In this regard, drugs of this group are used in aesthetic medicine very limitedly, as a rule, as part of long-term non-absorbable drugs.


Filling is a therapeutic procedure that can only be performed by specialists in this field.

Step-by-step instruction.

  1. The patient is placed in a chair, in a reclining position.
  2. The place (where the injection will be administered) is treated with an antiseptic (special cream).
  3. The specialist prepares a sterile package with a syringe that already contains the gel.
  4. When the anesthesia begins to take effect, the drug is carefully injected.
  5. The gel fills wrinkles from the inside, thereby smoothing them out.
  6. After the injection, lightly knead the skin for two minutes.
  7. Apply ice to the injection site.

The effect is noticeable immediately after the manipulation; the skin looks moisturized and toned. A repeat procedure is scheduled after a month.

Intimate contouring

When we talk about injection cosmetology, we usually mean the correction of age-related changes, primarily wrinkles. However, the possibilities of this area today are much wider and allow us to solve a variety of, sometimes very unexpected, problems.

Intimate contouring (intimate filling) is the injection of fillers into the female and male genital areas to improve their aesthetics and functionality. With the help of such delicate “beauty injections” you can achieve results comparable to plastic surgery, but without the use of radical and painful surgical methods.

What tasks can intimate filling handle? Are there any restrictions on its use? How much will the procedures cost and can they be hazardous to health?, together with the best specialists in aesthetic medicine, tell you all the details:

↑ Who is intimate correction indicated for?

The appearance and functionality of the genital organs is of great importance for a person; not only the degree of sexual satisfaction, but also general psychological comfort depends on this. With age, due to various external or internal influences, and due to the individual characteristics of the body, the condition of the genital area may worsen.

The traditional way to correct the situation is surgical intervention, but many patients are not ready to take such a radical step or have serious contraindications. In this case, modern non-surgical techniques will be the best option. They allow you to solve many aesthetic and even functional problems painlessly and for a fairly long period - from 6 months to 1 year.

Women should consider intimate contouring if they have:

  • lipodystrophy of the labia majora and minora;
  • asymmetry of the labia, their pronounced hypoplasia (underdevelopment) or aplasia (complete absence);
  • birth and postoperative ruptures and soft tissue defects;
  • dryness (xerosis) of the vaginal mucosa;
  • insufficient availability of the clitoris for stimulation;
  • insufficiently expressed sensations from G-spot stimulation;
  • decreased or absent orgasm and sexual satisfaction;
  • flabbiness and sagging of the external parts of the genital organs;
  • age-related involutional changes (stretching and ptosis of the vaginal walls, decreased muscle tone);
  • involuntary urination due to hypermobility of the urethra;
  • kraurosis (atrophy) of the vulva;
  • aesthetic dissatisfaction with the appearance of their genitals.

Men can resort to these procedures in case of:

  • premature ejaculation;
  • dissatisfaction with the size and shape of the penis.

↑ Intimate filling for women...

Contour plastic surgery in the genital area is used to eliminate a fairly large number of defects and pathologies in the fairer sex:

What are we doing?What's the point?
LabiaplastyCorrection of their shape and volume. Most often, fillers are used to solve the problem of lipodystrophy (lack of subcutaneous fat volume) of the labia majora. Normally, they cover the labia minora - this is a necessary condition for ensuring the barrier function and temperature regime of the vaginal vestibule. The insufficient size is compensated by fillers, which additionally correct defects in the outer lips and rejuvenate them.
ClitoroplastyInjection correction in the clitoral area to improve its stimulation (as a rule, filler is injected not into the clitoris itself, but into the preputial area, see the article “Clitoral plastic surgery”)
G-spot enlargementIt enhances the tactile sensitivity of one of the main female erogenous zones - the Gräfenberg point, which is especially important in cases where, due to the structural features of the vagina, its stimulation is difficult. Additionally, the vaginal diameter narrows to some extent, which also adds pleasure to partners during sexual intercourse.
Correction of urinary incontinence in womenAge-related and postpartum weakening of the vaginal muscles, a decrease in the volume of soft tissues surrounding the urethra, leads to the fact that the pressure in it decreases, and when the muscles of the abdominal wall are tense (coughing, laughing, physical activity), urine flows out. Intimate filling tones the muscles, which increases pressure in the urethra and restores sphincter function.
PerineoplastyInjection correction of the vestibule and vaginal walls to reduce its diameter. This procedure is especially relevant for women after childbirth; their sensitivity in this area is often noticeably reduced.
Correction of age-related involutional changesPregnancy, weight gain or loss, trauma and surgery lead to weakening of the muscles and subsequent ptosis (drooping) of the vaginal walls. With age, there is a natural decrease in the amount of its lubrication, a thinning of the layer of subcutaneous fat, and a decrease in the folding of the walls. Injections of hyaluronic acid (HA) into the genitals provide a lifting effect and also significantly increase vaginal moisture, protecting the woman from atrophic vaginitis.

↑ ... And for men

Non-surgical intimate correction for representatives of the stronger sex can be carried out in the following cases:

What are we doing?What's the point?
Elimination of premature ejaculationAccording to statistics, rapid ejaculation is a problem that up to 50% of men face periodically or constantly. Injections of HA-based fillers are currently considered the simplest and least traumatic method for solving this problem. The filler is injected into the area of ​​the frenulum and coronal sulcus of the penis, which increases the distance between the sensitive genital receptors and the surface layer of the skin. As a result, the duration of sexual intercourse increases markedly. Over time, the filler dissolves, but the psychological attitude towards long-term sexual intercourse can be preserved, and new injections will no longer be needed.
Changing the size and shape of the penisJustified or subjective dissatisfaction with the size of the penis, the presence of curvatures and other defects creates severe discomfort in many men, which can lead to serious functional problems, including impotence. Injections into the soft tissues of the penis allow you to correct its shape, increase the size of the head, etc. Unfortunately, intense friction during sexual intercourse leads to rapid resorption of fillers, so experts do not consider this technique to be quite effective.
  • See also the round table on genital surgery for men with the participation of doctors S. Bakirkhanov, D. Krysin and M. Efendiev

↑ What drugs are used for intimate contouring?

hyaluronic acid are most often used as fillers for the genital area . The main requirements for them are maximum efficiency, the absence of inflammatory or allergic reactions and, of course, increased resistance to chemical and mechanical influences typical of the genitals. Some of the most popular brands include:

  • Bellcontour GVISC produced by the Swiss concern Hyal Intertrade. It has been used in Russia since 2009, designed specifically for the intimate area, and has increased viscosity and elasticity.
  • Restylane Perlane from the Swedish company Q-Med has a fairly dense consistency for a lasting and long-lasting effect, convenient modeling of soft tissues, and replenishing their volume.
  • Repleri No. 3 from the Russian one. The manufacturer claims that this filler, due to its viscosity, has “shape memory” set during injection and allows it to be retained longer.

Patients' own fat can be an equally successful filler for correcting the volume of soft tissue in the intimate area . Lipofilling in this case has a number of undoubted advantages compared to other materials:

  • Completely hypoallergenic.
  • Excellent survival of the fat emulsion at the injection site - with virtually no loss of volume compared to other areas. To correct the labia minora, for example, one procedure is sufficient.
  • The duration of correction results is about 2 years, compared to 6–12 months when using HA fillers.

The third possible type of filler for intimate contouring is silicone or biopolymer non-absorbable gels . They were very popular at the end of the last century, but today they are practically not used due to the risk of possible complications:

  • formation of fibrous capsules at the injection site;
  • difficulties in correcting unsatisfactory results;
  • high probability of filler migration due to high mechanical loads;
  • impossibility of extracting the gel from tissues.

Another disadvantage of biogel is the lack of a positive anti-aging effect on soft tissue, which is characteristic of both hyaluronic acid and fat emulsion.

↑ How the procedure is performed

Like ordinary “beauty injections”, intimate contouring can be performed even in a cosmetology office, provided there is sufficient sterility - however, it is much more often performed by plastic surgeons who have full-fledged treatment rooms at their disposal in well-equipped clinics.

  • Female intimate plastic surgery: the most popular operations. Interview with surgeon S.V. Gagarina
  • What you need to know about intimate plastic surgery? Educational program from Dr. Lisichkina

It is advisable for women to schedule injections a few days before or after menstruation, so that the soft tissues have a normal appearance without characteristic swelling, and also to avoid the risk of developing inflammation. For men there are no restrictions on the time of sessions. In most cases, local anesthesia is used and you can go home immediately after the procedure. Discomfort in the treated area may persist for several days. For some time, you will need to observe simple restrictions:

  • Abstain from sexual intercourse for 10-14 days;
  • Avoid visiting a sauna, cryosauna, bathhouse, swimming pool, solarium, taking hot baths or hypothermia for 2-3 weeks;
  • Limit physical activity for 10-12 days, especially those that promote increased blood flow to the intimate area, such as cycling or an exercise bike.

These measures are necessary to securely fix the material in the tissues, prevent its possible migration and accelerated resorption.

Photo 1 – before and after contour plastic surgery of the labia majora combined with labiaplasty:

Photo 2.3 – before and after lipofilling in the intimate area:

↑ Contraindications, complications, side effects

The restrictions that exclude the possibility of intimate contouring are as follows:

  • individual intolerance to filler components;
  • infectious diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • inflammatory skin diseases in the groin area and any injuries;
  • the presence of permanent fillers in the soft tissues of the genital organs;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • neoplasms of a malignant nature;
  • tendency to form keloid scars;
  • acute febrile condition;
  • exacerbation of systemic chronic diseases;
  • autoimmune diseases, bleeding disorders;
  • psychical deviations;
  • age up to 18 years.

Possible complications and side effects are the same as with conventional cosmetic injections: the likelihood of infection, the formation of granulomas or fibrous areas. They happen infrequently and, as a rule, are the result of a poorly performed procedure. In order to reliably insure against these troubles, it is necessary to approach the choice of a cosmetologist or surgeon extremely responsibly.

Frequent problems encountered by almost all patients include minor itching in the treatment area, redness, swelling, minor hematomas or bleeding - all of them are an adequate reaction of the body to injections and go away on their own after a few days.

↑ How much does intimate contouring cost? Current prices

As with conventional “beauty injections,” the cost of the procedure depends primarily on the amount of filler used. Most of the drug (several ml) is needed for the correction of the labia majora; in other cases, as a rule, 1 ml is sufficient.

Injection correction of the genital area - prices in Moscow (RUB):
Minimum4,700 rub. (Capital Clinic)
Maximum70,000 rub. (clinic “Center for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery of Alexey Dikarev “At the Heights””)
* all prices listed are synchronized with the price list database and are current as of the current date.

Filling with collagen

Preparations made from the patient’s own collagen are used. To do this, a small area of ​​subcutaneous fat is taken, from which fibroblasts are isolated - cells that produce collagen. From this culture, through genetic engineering in the laboratory, collagen is obtained that is absolutely compatible with the patient’s tissues.

The filling procedure is performed on an outpatient basis and takes an average of half an hour. As a rule, anesthesia is not required, with the exception of lipofilling and collagen filling. The extensive experience of the capital's cosmetologists testifies to the success of the procedure, its lasting, sometimes up to ten years, effect, and its safety, in the case of a high level of training of doctors and the use of only proven drugs that have proven their safety, that is, such conditions as are created in Moscow clinics.

What is filling in cosmetology?

This cosmetic procedure is a cross between Botox and mesotherapy. The injection does not affect muscle fibers, but does an excellent job of smoothing out wrinkles. Origin from the English verb to fill, i.e. filling (translation into Russian) means “to fill” or “to saturate.” This manipulation is cheaper than Botox in terms of price, so it is rapidly gaining popularity.

Pros and cons of filling

The cosmetic procedure of filling (which means introducing a foreign body into the body) has not only advantages, but also disadvantages. Let's take a closer look.

Advantages of filling:

  1. The drugs used are certified and therefore considered safe.
  2. No postoperative period.
  3. Helps completely get rid of wrinkles.
  4. Helps to change the shape of the face, as well as breasts, lips, etc. without surgery.
  5. The filling procedure is primarily an instant result.
  6. Just a couple of procedures can transform your appearance.
  7. No seasonal restrictions.

Disadvantages of the procedure:

  1. Swelling of the treated area.
  2. In rare cases, an allergic reaction or complete rejection of the drug by the body occurs.
  3. The injection site may be sore or itchy for some time.
  4. An unqualified specialist can cause an infection. And also administering the medicine poorly. Which will lead to the formation of bumps. Therefore, you should carefully approach the choice of a master.
  5. The effect does not last long, after a year or two the procedure is performed.
  6. Drugs that do not have a resorption effect can cause fibrosis.
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