Face massage. Goals and indications for the procedure

A classic facial massage can transform the skin, improving its color, tone, moisture, and texture. Even if you don’t do it, you need to know its basics every day when you apply cream or wash your face.

We tell you all the most important things about classic facial massage to protect you from mistakes.

As a bonus, we give unique recommendations on how you can intensify the massage in order to also achieve an anti-aging effect: smooth out wrinkles and tighten your oval shape

What is a classic facial massage

Massage is the oldest way of influencing body tissues using hands. It appeared among primitive people as a reflex reaction to pain. If some part of the body was bothered, damaged, or injured, then there was an automatic urge to stroke it, knead it, or rub it.

For several thousand years, massage has been used to treat dislocations, spasms, and pain; return the body to physical shape; sharpen the figure.

A separate story is facial massage. Also known since ancient times, it is designed to solve cosmetic problems: improve appearance and fight signs of aging.

In its classic version, facial massage is based on a gentle effect on the skin. Movements are smooth and superficial. The calculation is made primarily to treat the skin; deeper tissues are minimally affected.

Spanish reaffirming facial massage

This type of facial massage actively affects the human vascular nervous and muscular system. The effects of massage are aimed at overall skin health.

This massage is indicated for:

  • dry skin;
  • muscle atony;
  • rosacea;
  • loss of tone.

This facial massage is done using the entire arm, including fingers, palms and even elbows. The skin is enriched with oxygen, becomes more elastic, and toxins are eliminated.

Duration of 1 session is 40 minutes. The recommended course is 8-10 times, at intervals of 2-3 days.

On a note!

An individual approach to each patient and massage techniques may vary at each session.

Technique and features

Classic facial skin massage is performed using a gentle and enveloping technique, which is determined by the following features:

  • The procedure is done only with the fingertips, which move across the face with smooth, sliding movements. No force is used.
  • The basic technique is stroking with periodic pressure. Patting and vibration are also used.
  • The face itself remains motionless; there is no need to use the facial muscles: frown, open your mouth, blow, wrinkle your nose, etc.
  • To make it easier to glide and reduce friction, the skin is moisturized with cream or oil before the procedure.

Natural helpers for home massage

To carry out a facial massage at home, it is very important to use products with a natural composition, because during the procedure, beneficial substances penetrate deeply into the skin, providing a tonic effect.

We present to you a selection of such products from 4fresh experts.
[:product:orta0040:] This is the secret remedy of Thai massage masters. It is especially suitable for mature skin, having a tonic and rejuvenating effect on it.

The oil can also be used for oily skin.

[:product:orta0041:] If you have dry and sensitive skin, then the oil from this collection with jasmine, jojoba and sweet almond will suit you.

Essential oils and vitamins moisturize dry skin well and soften it during a massage.

[:product:orta0042:] For normal to oily skin, massage oil with green tea, jojoba and sweet almonds is suitable.

The oil has a cleansing and toning effect, helps even out complexion and tightens pores.

[:product:arom0025:] It is very convenient to take with you on trips and long journeys.

It is based on grape seed oil, as well as rosehip extract, beeswax and more.

This is an excellent assistant for damaged skin, which will help cope with acne, remove impurities and harmful substances, increase skin elasticity and make it several years younger.

[:product:arom0144:] Consists only of natural coconut, olive oils, almond extract, aromatic essential oils and other healthy ingredients.

This is an excellent product for sensitive skin and skin prone to irritation.

[:product:arom0140:] Suitable for inflamed skin. It perfectly soothes and relieves inflammation. This product is suitable for skin prone to allergies.

The oil perfectly tones, smoothes and helps cope with stubborn wrinkles.

[:product:tean0082:] For mature skin, the multilamellar modeling face cream “Agate Maghreb”, which contains precious argan oil, is especially suitable.

It is thanks to him that the skin becomes smooth and elastic. The massage cream perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin, and also saturates it with many useful elements and vitamins.

[:product:skin0012:] But for an express procedure, a self-heating massage cream mask from Skinlite is suitable.

It will help tighten and cleanse your facial skin in just a couple of minutes. Simply apply the product to your face, gently massage it along the skin lines and wash off the mask after one minute. The effect will not take long to arrive!

And remember - it is quite possible to maintain youthful freshness for a long time! All in your hands. The main thing is not to forget that care should be regular, and the products should be correctly selected for your age and skin type.

Massage lines for face and neck

The main rule that must be followed in order not to cause harm when performing a classic facial massage: “Move along the massage lines!”

Massage lines are vectors along which the skin resists stretching three times stronger than along others. If you massage your face and neck taking them into account, the skin will not stretch or sag.

It is not difficult to remember massage lines.

  • Basically, they go from the center of the face to the periphery - this is how we move along the forehead, cheeks, lower jaw
  • We massage the upper eyelid according to the same principle (from the inner corner of the eye to the outer), and the lower - vice versa (from the outer to the inner).
  • We walk along the nose from bottom to top.
  • The neck has its own directions. Along its front part we move from bottom to top, and along its side – from top to bottom.

Performing a cosmetic facial massage in a salon

When carrying out a cosmetic procedure, the specialist performs movements strictly along massage lines. In this case, the area around the eyes is not involved. The master should not stretch or compress the epidermis too much, gather the skin into folds, or cause pain. If the specialist does not adhere to these rules, then it is recommended to interrupt and go to another salon.

Here are the permissible movements of a massage therapist:

  • smoothing the epidermis;
  • tapping;
  • kneading the skin with fingertips;
  • vibrating movements;
  • stroking.

Each movement is repeated five times. To see positive dynamics, you need to perform 10 sessions in a row. After this, take a break and repeat the manipulations.

Indications for the procedure

Classic facial massage is suitable for those who want to improve the quality of their skin.

Not everyone talks about it, but this procedure has limited functionality. It is more aimed at young rather than mature skin, since it does not provide a full anti-aging effect.

Rejuvenating massage is a different story; it is based on different techniques. We'll tell you more about it, but later.

For now it's classic. What problems can he cope with:

  • dull color,
  • decreased skin turgor,
  • excess oiliness, rashes,
  • dryness, flaking
  • scars, scars.

Classic massage can also be prescribed for therapeutic purposes. With its help, problems of pinched nerves and loss of facial symmetry due to neurological diseases are solved.

Indications for use - when you need to do a classic massage

  • Decreased skin tone - a feeling of thinness, flabbyness, fatigue, dull color.
  • Equally, dryness or swelling of the skin - both are usually associated with disturbances in the circulation of natural body fluids, and classical massage normalizes them. Seven troubles - one answer.
  • Expression wrinkles - correcting the tone of the skin and facial muscles can smooth them out or at least reduce their severity before the changes take hold.
  • Just prevention of change. This is a truly broad indication - strictly speaking, it is suitable for every person who would not want his face to start aging before he does.

Benefits of the procedure

A well-executed classic massage improves the appearance of the skin.

How it works?

The procedure activates blood flow and lymph outflow in the dermis and subcutaneous fat. And this means that:

  • nutrition of skin cells will improve from the inside, their regeneration will accelerate, the main “building material” of the dermis, collagen, will be renewed,
  • sebum secretion and water balance are normalized,
  • due to the accelerated flow of lymph, swelling and looseness of the skin will be reduced (but to specifically combat fluid stagnation and swelling, special, stronger techniques are needed - lymphatic drainage).

Chiroplastic facial massage

Chiromassage (translated from Latin “hiro” - hand) is a set of manual actions performed by a massage therapist to obtain a cosmetological or therapeutic effect. The technique was created at the beginning of the 20th century by naturopathic doctor V.L. Ferrandis.

This procedure has a pleasant relaxing effect and does not cause pain. Thanks to a large number of techniques and methods, each massage session is different from the previous one. Due to the absence of an addictive effect, the positive impact of the procedures is enhanced.

The procedure is actively used as facial skin care. Massage stimulates blood circulation in case of vascular disease (rosacea), restores facial contours, improves skin tone, removes dead skin cells, and saturates tissues with oxygen.

  • Chiroplastic massage (Basic option). The effect of a basic facial massage manifests itself in the form of normalization of the sebaceous glands and active cell regeneration. As a result, skin rejuvenation occurs, toxins are eliminated, muscle fatigue and swelling are eliminated.
  • Chiroplastic massage (Lifting option). The lifting effect of the procedure manifests itself in slowing down the aging process. When massaging the face, restoration processes are stimulated, cell regeneration occurs, and the skin is enriched with oxygen.

The massage lasts 40 - 50 minutes, the recommended course is 8-10 sessions, with intervals of 2-3 days.

Effect of the procedure

  • fresh, healthy, radiant color,
  • increasing skin tone and turgor,
  • smoother texture: acne marks, scars will be reduced,
  • reduction of oily shine,
  • solution to the problem of peeling,
  • slight reduction in expression lines and less pronounced crease lines,
  • Puffiness will subside, swelling and bags under the eyes will decrease.

In addition to the aesthetic effect, a good mood and relief from fatigue are attached. Although the work is not on the body, but on the face, the procedure still has a relaxing and calming effect.

Cosmetologists can still promise a lifting effect, but you shouldn’t count on noticeable changes. Classic facial massage CANNOT:

  • tighten the cheeks and oval,
  • remove jowls and double chin,
  • raise the upper eyelids and corners of the lips,
  • smooth out wrinkles, creases, nasolabial folds.

In order to fight all these age-related changes, it is not enough to work only with the skin. It is also necessary to influence the muscles, fascia, and deep-lying vessels through which lymph and blood flow. And this requires more powerful massage techniques that get to the root of the aging problem.

Read about how to do anti-aging massage after one chapter.

Everyone wants to stay healthy and attractive for as long as possible. A cosmetic facial massage will help with this. This procedure slows down the aging process of the skin and can be performed at any age. Facial massage can be performed on patients with any skin type - it increases its elasticity, tone, and accelerates blood circulation.

Cosmetic facial massage involves applying pressure (either with the hands of a specialist or with special devices) to the skin. After the session, the person feels as calm and relaxed as possible. Of course, massage is beneficial when it is performed professionally. Therefore, it is better to sign up for a facial massage in Cheboksary at a reliable clinic with a qualified specialist.

Advantages of a cosmetic facial massage at Lecardo Clinic

Lecardo Clinic is a modern medical center in Cheboksary, which has gained popularity among residents of the city and beyond. Cosmetic facial massage is performed here by experienced specialists who have undergone the necessary training and have extensive practice. Therefore, you will definitely be satisfied with the resulting effect. In addition, you will be able to appreciate the following advantages of visiting this clinic:

  • affordable prices for services;
  • service by a team of professionals;
  • using the most effective massage techniques;
  • use of modern equipment and tools;

These are not all the benefits that Lecardo Clinic patients receive. You can find out more about everything by calling the phone number.

How is cosmetic facial massage performed?

Typically, a massage clinic offers patients several techniques for performing the procedure. It may be different for each person. The most commonly used types of cosmetic facial massage are:

  • classic, in which the massage therapist strokes and rubs the skin lubricated with oil or cream. This massage is beneficial for everyone, without exception, regardless of skin type and age. To make the effect as noticeable as possible, 10 sessions are required. This course must be repeated at least twice a year, and then the skin will look younger and healthier;
  • plastic, the technique of which involves intense impact on the skin and muscles through strong, frequent pressing movements. The massage is performed along the main lines and is recommended for loss of skin tone, puffiness of the face or strong facial folds on it. As a rule, a course of 10-15 procedures is prescribed.
  • pinch facial massage also has indications for this – comedones, seborrhea, hyperkeratosis, etc. The duration of the session depends on the skin type - the thinner it is, the shorter the exposure time should be. The massage technique involves pinching, stroking, and kneading. To achieve maximum effect, you need to complete the full course (the duration will be determined by a specialist).

What is cosmetic facial massage

Cosmetic facial massage, with the correct technique and full course, gives a visible effect after just a few procedures. During the procedure, receptors in organs and tissues are irritated, impulses enter the central nervous system and a response occurs. Also, during the massage, skin cells begin to produce highly active substances that have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and nervous system. As a result, blood circulation and metabolic processes in tissues are activated, they are better saturated with oxygen. In addition, the outflow of lymph and venous blood flow improves, and the functioning of the sweat and sebaceous glands is normalized.

Cosmetic facial massage promotes mechanical cleansing of the skin, resulting in increased elasticity and improved color. Blood circulation improves. Relaxing tense muscles and toning overly relaxed ones.

Who needs a cosmetic facial massage?

It is recommended for people to register at the clinic for a course of procedures:

  • with age-related skin changes (wrinkles, decreased elasticity, dehydration, sagging, etc.);
  • with an unhealthy complexion, a tendency to edema;
  • those who want to tighten their facial contours and get rid of a double chin;
  • those who care about their appearance and want to keep their facial skin toned even in the absence of obvious problems.

Do you need any preparation for a cosmetic facial massage?

Preparing your facial skin for a massage involves thoroughly cleansing it, steaming it, and applying oil or cream (depending on your skin type).
This is done 15 minutes before the main procedure and helps saturate the skin with the substances and microelements it needs, protecting it from excessive stretching. Thanks to this, the effect of the massage is at least doubled. No other preparation is required before a cosmetic facial massage. come back

Benefits of classical massage

Although classical massage is not very effective in the fight against age, its basics are useful for every woman to know, no matter how old she is. It is especially important to learn massage lines.

We need this knowledge several times a day when we perform daily beauty rituals. But many do not understand basic things, so they make mistakes, for which they have to pay with youth and beauty.

  • How do you apply cream (gel, emulsion, serum, oil, squalane) to your face? It is correct to do this, taking into account the massage lines: move from the middle of the forehead to the temples, from the nose → to the ears, from the chin → along the contour of the lower jaw → to the earlobes.
  • Do you treat the area around your eyes correctly? Do you remember that the rule “from center to periphery” only works for the upper eyelid? And along the lower one we move in the opposite direction. We use patting movements.
  • The neck – we also often take care of it incorrectly. Follow the massage lines when applying cosmetics to it: from the front from bottom to top, from the sides from top to bottom.
  • When applying cream to your face and neck, use classic techniques: stroking, rubbing, patting, circular movements. This will warm up the skin and help the cosmetic product penetrate into its deeper layers. Did you feel the warmth? Massage and cosmetics work.
  • How do you cleanse your face? Do you wash your face with gel/cream/foam or wipe it with hydrolate/micellar water/milk? In both cases, do not forget about the massage lines.
  • When you rub your neck with a washcloth while showering or taking a bath, do you remember the directions of movements?
  • Have you already become acquainted with the trendy method of exfoliating dead cells and lymphatic drainage - drybrushing (massage with a dry brush)? Here, in general, massage lines should be followed very strictly: the effect on the face is powerful, and violation of the technique can stretch the skin.

Moreover, the basic principles of classical massage are also taken into account when creating original techniques.

For example, MelAnnett's rejuvenating techniques are based on deep treatment of facial tissues, muscles and fascia are affected, so the movements are strong and intense: we squeeze, knead, pull, grind, press, pinch. But at the same time, the classics also come in handy: massage lines are followed, and at certain stages classical techniques are used (stroking, kneading, patting, vibrations).

How to do a sculpture massage?

Thanks to deep treatment of muscles and fascia, it makes the oval of the face clearer. In order to avoid slipping of fingers, use special wax or talc. First, the skin of the neck and chin is tightened, and then the remaining areas are massaged. When performing a sculptural massage, three techniques are used sequentially:

  • Tingling;
  • Vibration;
  • Intense pressure.

The entire face is treated for half an hour.

The deep layers of the skin are affected using a pinch massage. It cleanses pores, fights acne, normalizes the production of sebaceous glands, and improves lymph flow. The duration of one procedure should not exceed thirty minutes.

Students of the School of Masters study facial massage techniques for two main reasons: they want to start performing the procedure for their clients or they want to become younger and more beautiful themselves: without cosmetologists, injections and plastic surgeries. Do you also have such desires? We are waiting for you at online or offline training courses!

Author of the article:

Practicing: 27 years, Teaching: 20 years

Self-massage at home: which one to choose

Do you want to help your face transform with a massage, but don’t know where to start?

First, choose self-massage, that is, knead your face yourself at home.

On your own, you take care of your face systematically and systematically, day after day. You understand him, you know what he needs, and you see the results in the mirror. In addition, self-massage is convenient (it is always at hand) and free.

Which techniques should you choose?

Classic self-massage of the face is a good option, but you need to remember that its capabilities are limited. As we have already said, it is designed to improve the condition of the skin, and not for rejuvenation, so it is more suitable for young girls.

We recommend that women of any age opt for deep self-massage. Its functionality is much wider. It solves the same problems as classic massage, only it also fights age-related changes: wrinkles, creases, nasolabial folds, jowls, extra chins, swollen ovals, ptosis of the upper eyelids, drooping corners of the lips, swelling, bags under the eyes.

Effective rejuvenating self-massage gets to the causes of aging, works not only at the skin level, but also:

  • at the level of muscles and fascia (myofascial techniques): eliminates muscle spasticity, restores their healthy tone, returns them to their natural length and elasticity,
  • relieves long-term stagnation of lymph, improves lymph drainage (lymphatic drainage techniques).

At the same time, you can start doing anti-aging self-massage as early as you like, even at 18-20 years old (the main thing is that the body is already formed by this moment). After all, deep tissue treatment not only eliminates age-related changes, but also prevents them. The sooner you start, the longer you will remain young and beautiful.

MelAnnett is considered the guru of anti-aging facial massage (and natural rejuvenation in general) in our country. Her online beauty marathons have already attracted millions of participants, and everyone has results.

If you’re not yet in the know, then it’s better to start working on yourself with the basic “SmeloNET” marathon. Here you will master the best self-massage techniques, including myofascial and lymphatic drainage. By completing a marathon, you will acquire a lot of useful habits that will prolong your youth for many years.

Benefits of cosmetic facial massage

Both cosmetic massage performed in the salon and the procedure at home bring benefits. The main thing is to regularly perform the appropriate manipulations. Only under this condition will massage give the following results:

  • metabolic processes occurring in cells are normalized;
  • blood microcirculation improves;
  • facial muscles are toned;
  • the epidermis is saturated with oxygen;
  • the elasticity of the skin increases;
  • facial contours are aligned;
  • wrinkles disappear;
  • age-related changes slow down;
  • dead epidermal cells are removed;
  • the so-called double chin is eliminated;
  • swelling of soft tissues disappears;
  • subcutaneous fat decreases.

Preparing for a massage

Preparing for manual self-massage is very simple. It can be done anywhere, no special conditions or equipment are required.

Are your hands still there? This is the main thing. Clean facial skin and clean hands.

At first, while you are still getting to know your face, it is better to practice in front of a mirror. Once you get used to it, you won’t need it anymore. You can do self-massage in front of the TV, in a bathhouse, on the beach, in public transport, even at work (if you are willing to sacrifice makeup).

The only thing you need to take care of before self-massage is cleansing. There should be no makeup, dust, sweat, or sebum on your face. The most convenient and gentle option is to wipe the skin with a cotton pad soaked in hydrolate (plant distillate). For this, you can choose one of the Beauty365 hydrolates: mint, sage or lavender (look for them at www.beauty365.ru). If you are not doing the procedure at home, use wet wipes.

For deep self-massage, nothing else is required. We perform it on dry skin for better contact with the hands.

After the procedure, we saturate the face with a cosmetic product. Warm skin will be ready to absorb everything it needs. Natural remedies will be especially useful: oils, squalane, balms. Look for them in the line of the brand www.beauty365.ru

If you still do a simple classic massage, then before it you need to moisturize the skin with cream or light oil. This is required for hand glide and smooth movements.

Is it worth it?

Facial massage can be performed both in special medical clinics and at home, independently. But in any case, it all starts with determining why you need to carry out this procedure (although it will be enough for us that it simply relaxes the mind, muscles and helps to escape from the everyday hustle and bustle) and find out the condition of your skin.

What can be an indication for massage?

  • Swelling of the face
  • Dry skin
  • Expression and age wrinkles
  • Double chin
  • Excessive sebum secretion
  • Uneven facial contour

If your job involves stress and tension, a massage won't hurt either.

It is not recommended to do a massage if you have irritated skin or any skin diseases, otherwise there is a risk of greatly worsening the situation.

Contraindications and precautions

Can everyone do self-facial massage? Not everyone, but there are few restrictions.

The procedure is contraindicated if there are local skin problems in the acute stage: acne, rosacea, abrasions, injuries, burns, bites, herpes, eczema.

Local vascular disorders are also limiting: rosacea, fragile blood vessels.

In case of damage to the facial nerve and other neurology, it is better to consult a doctor. He may prescribe a therapeutic massage.

General health matters too. You should refrain from self-massage in the following cases:

  • elevated temperature,
  • severe hypertension,
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases,
  • severe inflammatory processes,
  • oncology,
  • blood diseases,
  • cerebral circulatory disorders.

How to do self-massage at home

Would you like to try some rejuvenating self-massage techniques right now? We have prepared a selection of exercises from MelAnnett that are designed to solve various problems. Start by working on the areas that concern you the most.

TOP 10 anti-aging massage techniques from MelAnnett:

  1. Express facial skin lifting
  2. Elimination of eyebrow creases
  3. Elimination of wrinkles on the forehead
  4. Fighting bags under the eyes and crow's feet
  5. Smoothing nasolabial folds with tongue massage
  6. Raising the upper eyelids and opening the gaze
  7. Raising the corners of the mouth
  8. Fights wrinkles around the mouth and adds volume to lips
  9. Elimination of excess chins
  10. Giving the nose a neat and well-defined shape

Indications and contraindications for facial massage

The procedures are performed in the presence of dull, sagging skin, bags and bruises under the eyes, wrinkles, pronounced nasolabial folds, and “crow’s feet.” They prevent and stop skin aging.

Sessions are canceled if there are contraindications:

  • High temperature;
  • Respiratory viral infection, including covid;
  • Herpes;
  • Neuritis of the facial nerve;
  • Acute period of acne;
  • Dermatitis;
  • Oncological pathology, regardless of tumor location;
  • Benign and malignant neoplasms of the facial skin;
  • Protruding moles;
  • Papillomatosis;
  • Pigmented formations (nevi).

In most cases, you can begin performing procedures after complete recovery.

Results, photos before and after facial massage

Look at the results the participants of the MelAnnett beauty marathons managed to achieve.

With the help of competently performed anti-aging self-massage of the face, in 2-3 weeks you will see a younger self in the mirror.

What will you achieve:

  • wrinkles, folds, creases will be reduced and completely gone,
  • the skin will become elastic, smooth, even,
  • swelling, bags under the eyes, looseness will be eliminated,
  • cheeks will be tightened, nasolabial folds will be smoothed out,
  • a perfect clear oval without bulldog cheeks will be “drawn”,
  • the double chin will be erased, the “angle of youth” will be restored,
  • eyebrows, upper eyelids will rise, eyes will open,
  • the corners of the mouth will rise, the lips will become fuller,
  • the nose will acquire an elegant appearance (due to the removal of excess fluid), its pecking tip will rise (relieving spasms of the lateral muscles of the nose),
  • The complexion will improve and even out.

Lymphatic drainage facial massage

The effect passes through the lymphatic system. At the end of the massage session, a moisturizing mask is applied (according to your skin type).


  • sagging skin;
  • expression wrinkles;
  • swelling;
  • dark circles under the eyes.

The massage lasts 30 minutes, the recommended course is 10-12 times. The interval between sessions is 2-3 days.

On a note!

Contraindications – herpes, problems with the circulatory system, trigeminal neuralgia, infectious diseases.

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