Librederm has revealed the best lines of its cosmetic products

Decorative cosmetics do not hide age-related and dermatological problems. Stores offer creams, gels, emulsions that support beauty. Cosmeceuticals from the Libriderm company are sold in pharmacies. Manufacturer's products preserve and restore skin structure.

The main problem of our time is not the lack of cosmetic products, but their excess. Stores offer dozens of products to improve skin condition. But the number of products that do not contain harmful substances can be listed on one hand.

Pharmacies sell medicinal hypoallergenic cosmetic products. One of these is Librederm. The products from this manufacturer successfully restore the epithelial tissues of the face and deep layers of the dermis.

About the manufacturer Librederm

The global cosmetics industry is represented by the famous brand Vichy, and dermatology Nimue. Russian women trust these foreign brands. But it is worth considering the high cost of such products.

Modern domestic industry is actively developing. The manufacturers' results are pleasantly surprising. Among the well-known brands on the market, Libriderm products are offered. Represents a unique combination of two sectors – cosmetics and medicine. Librederm is a completely Russian development, which affects the availability and low cost of the products.


Buyers in reviews on online resources claim positive results after using the products. And after advertising with the participation of stars, cosmetics gained fame abroad. Acceptable pricing policy, decent quality got the job done. A company focused on the latest scientific knowledge in pharmaceuticals and cosmetology has announced itself to the world. Only original products are displayed in pharmacy windows.

Who is the cosmetic product for?

BABY baby products are hypoallergenic, quickly absorbed, and help the baby's sensitive skin from the first day of life. Regenerating, protective creams, wipes, shampoos, used for diaper rash and irritation.

For representatives of the puberty period, from 15 to 20 years, an alcohol-free line has been developed. Supports the skin during hormonal changes in the body.

Preventive cosmetology after 25 years prevents signs of aging. The properly developed Mezolux Libriderm line helps slow down the aging process without radical salon procedures.


Anti-wrinkle collagen products are intended for women 35-45 years old. After 30, the skin loses its main building material, consisting of collagen. The body does not produce specific protein on its own in the required volume. The comprehensive Libriderm program restores elasticity, reduces wrinkles, and gives the skin a healthy appearance.

After 50 years, facial care should be comprehensive. For rejuvenation, creams and concentrates are used together. When developing age-related care products, scientists took into account hormonal changes.

The products of the Hyaluronic for men collection are intended for men.


Diana, 45 years old.

I usually use anti-aging cosmetics in a higher price segment, but recently I decided to give a budget domestic manufacturer a chance. I tried the 3D Hyaluronic Fillers line. In terms of nourishing and moisturizing the skin, there are no complaints about these Libriderm creams; the face looks well-groomed. But the promised stunning anti-aging effect did not appear.

Alina, 34 years old.

I have been using the Anti-Age “Collagen” collection for three years now, if not more. Due to my age, I don’t need particularly powerful anti-aging facial products, so for now I’m completely satisfied with it. The skin is soft, moisturized, elastic, small wrinkles are almost invisible.

Popular lines of cosmeceuticals Libriderm

The first wrinkles appear after 20-25 years. Aging is brought closer by environmental conditions and stressful situations. To take care of your appearance, you change your lifestyle. They take an integrated approach - select cosmetics, engage in moderate physical activity, eat right, and add collagen products to the daily diet. Daily caring procedures help delay the appearance of wrinkles for a long time and prolong youth.


The collection consists of four unique instruments:

  • creams for the décolleté, face and body;
  • anti-aging cream for the care of the area around the eyes;
  • protecting, nourishing and restoring hand cream;
  • hair care.

The products restore elasticity, reduce the symptoms of aging, increase the body's production of collagen, and replenish the lack of vitamin C and folic acid.


The most popular line of the brand, if you look at the rating, is Hyaluronic. The amount of hyaluronic acid decreases with age, so the body loses elasticity, wrinkles and excessive dryness appear.


Moisturizing hyaluronic serum-activator is one of the working tools. Performs three actions: moisturizes, restores cells, thereby improving appearance. A unique combination of components strengthens the barrier function and normalizes metabolism. The composition prevents moisture loss and increases the production of enzymes that help restore hyaluronic acid.


According to reviews on the Internet, women highly appreciated the Libriderm hyaluronic collection. Moisturizers eliminate dryness and dull, lifeless appearance of skin. Hyaluronic acid penetrates the dermis, retaining water molecules and replenishing the lack of moisture. The cream is completely absorbed and leaves no traces.



Taking care of hair is not easy, especially long hair. Detergents with hyaluronic acid and argan oil care for dry and normal hair, but damaged by coloring.


  • hyaluronate hydrates;
  • aloe vera juice gel;
  • Argan oil.

The shampoo contains a specially developed formula without sulfates and harmful substances. Aloe vera extract has been added to prevent hair loss. Argan oil protects against ultraviolet radiation and adverse weather conditions.


Libriderm fluid conditioner works great. Collagen, elastin and hyaluronate have been added to the main components of the spray, containing silk proteins. The combination of beneficial substances provides natural shine, softness and hydration. After washing your hair, the liquid is distributed along the length of the hair. For dry, brittle hair, use conditioner two or three times a day.

According to reviews on the Internet, Libriderm detergents cope with problems 100%. Cleanses hair but does not add volume.

What are wrinkles from a medical point of view?

A wrinkle is essentially a change in the skin under the influence of a variety of factors. Anatomically, the skin is divided into three layers:

  • epidermis;
  • dermis;
  • hypodermis.

We are interested in the dermis. This layer contains collagen fibers, which, when arranged, form a mesh. This mesh maintains the normal condition of the skin, making it elastic. Collagen is a natural polymer. It, like any protein, can be independently produced and broken down. This is the essence of the origin of wrinkles.

Schematically it looks like this:

  • a healthy, young cell produces collagen once every 10 days using intercellular mechanisms;
  • Collagen fibers are arranged in the usual pattern in the form of a mesh, contributing to the normal functioning of the skin;
  • after a 10-day period, the fibers disintegrate and are naturally destroyed, making room for new ones.

This is a variation of the normal process. But we have the problem of wrinkles, which occurs at the primary stage. That is, skin cells do not synthesize protein and, as a result, the intercellular substance does not have a framework, the dermal layer of the skin becomes flabby, and the epidermis simply repeats the pattern of the previous layer.

Vitamins A and E for skin

Vitamin A takes part in biochemical processes throughout the body. The main purpose of retinol is to help with collagen production. A specific protein is considered the source of youthful skin. With a deficiency of vitamins, collagen is not produced in the required quantity, which is why wrinkles, pigmentation and other signs of aging appear. The low molecular weight of retinol helps the vitamin penetrate cells and initiate regeneration, which is why the substance is used in anti-aging products. With a lack of vitamin A, cracks form on the skin, hair falls out, nails break, and acne appears.

Vitamin E (tocopherol) is required for the body to absorb retinol. Tocopherol is an antioxidant, therefore slows down aging and activates the production of estrogen. The vitamin has a beneficial effect on the skin, reduces swelling, promotes the balance of water and lipids, and improves blood circulation in the vessels. The Libriderm company has developed the “Aevit” collection, designed to regenerate and tone tissue.


Dermatologists and cosmetologists advise using AEVIT to protect the outer covering of the body from environmental influences. Particular attention should be paid to the skin in winter. The protective agent is chosen depending on the age and type of tissue. There are several products in the Aevit line.

  1. Lipstick for protection and gel for nourishing lips with vitamins A and E.
  2. Regenerating and toning nourishing mask.
  3. Shampoo that restores damaged hair.
  4. Hand cream with protective properties and softening effect.
  5. Six types of hand products for any problem (in mini packaging).
  6. Cream for bruises and swelling around the eyes.
  7. Nourishing face cream to restore freshness to tired skin.

The creators of cosmetics, for a positive result, recommend using the drugs for several months.

The favorite product in the Aevit collection among Internet users is the face cream. Clients report positive results. The composition contains highly concentrated extracts of edelweiss, raspberry, and rosemary plants. Herbs together with vitamins protect the skin from oxidative stress, have a regenerating, tonic, slow down aging, refreshing, and protective effect from UF rays.

The cream helps to cope with the following problems:

  • sensitive, thin skin;
  • dehydration, lack of hydration;
  • excessive secretion of the sebaceous glands, acne, rash, redness;
  • mature, aging skin.

Cream with retinol helps smooth the skin and removes pigment. Constant use of Aevit cream replenishes collagen in skin cells, so fine wrinkles disappear. To improve results, it is recommended to use the product for two months and then take a break.

Some users have bad reviews about the eye cream. The manufacturer promises to affect dark circles and puffiness, but in reality only significant hydration is felt. The cream has a watery consistency and is easily absorbed, but leaves a hard, sticky film on the skin.

How to use the cream

According to the product quality certificate, the manufacturer guarantees that Libriderm slows down skin aging, aging and dryness. Expression wrinkles are almost completely eliminated.

Let's study the technique of applying the cream:

  1. Before applying the cream base, the surface of the face must be cleaned;
  2. Before applying the cream base, the surface of the face should be slightly damp;
  3. Apply a little cream to your palm and spread over the eyes, forehead and neck. Rub in with massaging movements. After a minute, the product will be completely absorbed.

In the summer, together with Libriderm cream or serum, you need to add a means of protection against exposure to ultraviolet rays.

Stem cells collection

The Librederm Stem cells line helps eliminate deep wrinkles - designed for aging skin. Consumers talk about good texture and low product consumption.

The composition contains: cranberry and pomegranate extracts. Natural ingredients inhibit the aging of the upper layer of tissue, support collagen synthesis, and eliminate wrinkles. Metabolism molecules extracted from stem cells of grape roots and shoots protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation. Creams stimulate and increase the lifespan of cells.

Cream effectiveness

Libriderm brand cream began to be called a substitute for well-known anti-aging injection procedures. This is a kind of fast-acting “beauty injection”. A cream containing hyaluronic acid is classified as an age-related product.

The action of this cosmetics shows quick results. This is explained by the fact that hyaluronate is able to smooth the skin surface and wrinkles disappear.

Let us note in fairness that the effect of such a cosmetic product is not long-lasting, so there is no need to hope that just lubricating the skin once will make it always young. The filler cream will have to be used constantly to maintain the desired effect.

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