AHA facial peeling: review, instructions for use, composition and reviews

Even the best and highest quality cream will not be able to show its best properties if the skin is not thoroughly cleansed beforehand, and the Premium peeling with AHA acids, which we will look at today, copes with this task perfectly. It is not enough to simply wash your face twice a day. Cosmetology experts recommend doing special peelings once a week. According to the manufacturer, the procedure of its products allows you to achieve excellent results in a short time: refresh and smooth the skin, eliminate imperfections and achieve a healthy dermis.

Effect on skin

Peeling with AHA acids has a beneficial effect on the skin. The reason for this is the effect on the scales in such a way that the connection between them is destroyed. The components contained in the drug relieve inflammation and blackheads. They clean out the pores. Acids prevent bacteria from multiplying and saturate tissues with oxygen. The procedure has numerous reviews about the effectiveness of the result.

Reviews from cosmetologists

Dorofeeva Ekaterina Aleksandrovna (St. Petersburg), cosmetologist, 35 years old, 10 years of experience.

“People increasingly began to come to our salon for peeling procedures. I have already tried a lot of different products, but I chose the line of products from Premium. In particular, peeling with AHA acids at a concentration of 8% copes with its tasks perfectly. It is easy to apply, no side effects were noticed, and everyone is happy with the result. Evens out skin tone, removes acne spots, perfectly exfoliates dead cells and promotes regeneration processes. Some clients have already found out what this product is and are doing peeling at home.”

Olga Nikolaevna Grishina (Ekaterinburg), dermato-cosmetologist, 40 years old, 14 years of experience.

“Once a girl came to us - her acne was not going away, plus she had acne and oily skin. Premium peeling with AHA acids was used as one of the means of complex therapy. The procedures were carried out once a week. I believe that this is one of the most effective products of its kind. With its help, it was possible to relieve the patient of post-acne and even out the color and surface of the skin. The product also contributed to the effective treatment of acne.”

Pavlova Alexandra Yuryevna (Novosibirsk), cosmetologist, 41 years old, 16 years of experience

“We have been using professional peelings based on fruit acids in our practice for a long time. Delicate peeling Premium has become our favorite. Now it is quite difficult to get it. But every client to whom we performed procedures with Premium 8% was satisfied with the result. After the procedure, the skin became smooth, fine wrinkles smoothed out, and age spots disappeared. We continue to use this product, so far I can’t say anything bad about it.”

Types of peeling

AHA facial peeling can be performed using various fruit acids:

  • glycolic;
  • apple;
  • dairy;
  • wine;
  • lemon

The choice of peeling type depends on your skin type. These acids are included in the composition of the products. There are special cosmetics that allow you to perform the procedure at home. The concentration of acids in them is no more than 20%, since if this threshold is exceeded, you should be observed by a cosmetologist. Premium peeling with AHA 8, Regeneration AHA 10% (or 20%), Premium Homework AHA 8% or Mizon AHA is suitable for home use. All products are available in gel form, which is convenient to apply.

Home and salon treatments can cleanse your skin and make it healthy. The best results come from a professional who chooses the appropriate type of peeling.

Operating principle and effectiveness of peeling with aha 8 from Premium

Chemical peeling with fruit acids is considered one of the most effective skin care procedures. It is used for aging skin, acne, to eliminate scars, hyperpigmentation and seborrhea. Salon peeling Premium is able to even out the color of the skin surface, its microrelief, and also lighten even the most stagnant pigment spots.

The procedure using such a product is considered delicate. The concentration of chemical acids here is low, so you don’t have to worry about getting severe irritation. This peeling contains two main elements:

  • AHA acids are a combination of fruit acids that moisturize, restore the skin, and have an enhancer and keratolytic effect.
  • Sodium pyrrolidone carboxylate is an amino acid that protects the skin surface from dehydration, accelerates metabolic processes at the cellular level and improves the skin's resistance to negative environmental influences. In addition, this component is able to restore lipid balance and increase skin elasticity.

These and other components in the composition perfectly exfoliate dead skin cells, and Premium cosmetics are, of course, the best peelings. If you want to revitalize and smooth the skin surface, remove acne spots or stubborn pigment spots, give your face freshness and smoothness, then this is exactly what you need.


AHA peeling has many positive reviews due to its advantages:

  1. Substances affect only those areas of the skin to which cosmetics were applied.
  2. The product is non-toxic.
  3. Many people tolerate acids well, and the risk of allergies is minimal.
  4. There is no addiction.
  5. The product can be used for many years.

According to reviews, AHA peeling is easy to do at home. To achieve this, cosmetic companies produce many products that, when used correctly, can produce the same effect as in the salon. There are many of these acids, and each of them has its own properties. Some perfectly moisturize the skin, others eliminate dead cells, rejuvenate and improve elasticity. Many women are satisfied with the results of the procedure.

Reviews from women

As you can see, professionals speak about this product only in a positive tone. But we also studied reviews of Premium peeling from ordinary users. Those who have used this remedy at home note its effectiveness. Of course, if you study the reviews for a long time, you can find negative comments. But they are largely associated with the incorrect use of peeling, in the presence of contraindications, etc. Reviews note that Premium peeling perfectly cleanses pores, helps fight post-acne and perfectly removes the stratum corneum of the skin. The declared properties from the manufacturer appear to be true.


Surface cleansing products may contain one acid or a combination. In addition, the compositions are enriched with vitamins and components that enhance the effect. Typically peeling includes:

  1. Glycolic acid. It is obtained from sugar cane and green grapes. The component has a pronounced effect due to its low molecular weight. The component penetrates deeply through the epidermal barrier, providing an internal and superficial effect. The substance has a bleaching effect.
  2. Lactic acid. The component is present in fermented milk products, apples, grapes, blueberries, and tomato juice. In addition to the exfoliating effect, tissue hydration occurs.
  3. Malic acid. Present in many fruits, apples, tomatoes. The component has a stimulating effect and accelerates metabolism.
  4. Tartaric acid. Found in overripe grapes, oranges, and old wine. The component exfoliates dead cells, whitens the face, and moisturizes the epidermis.
  5. Citric acid. It is found in citrus fruits. The component has a high molecular weight among AHA acids and is considered a natural antioxidant. It lightens the skin.

Salicylic acid is not an AHA acid, but is often used as an additional component to speed up the removal of the stratum corneum. The component is found in birch bark and plant leaves. Has an antiseptic effect, neutralizes fungi.


If you choose the right composition of an AHA peel, you can obtain the following results:

  1. Acceleration of metabolism in cells.
  2. Normalization of water-fat balance.
  3. Elimination of imperfections of the epidermis.
  4. Skin softening.

If a composition with a high acid content is used, then dead cells are exfoliated, and a low content levels the surface and increases the permeability of the epidermis. Products with 25% acid content are used only by specialists. There are no age restrictions, since the procedure is well accepted by everyone.

After an AHA peel, the skin becomes sensitive to ultraviolet radiation, so it must be performed in winter or autumn. Acids must be diluted; they are not used in their pure form. It is important that the product does not get on the mucous membranes. Before the event, you need to familiarize yourself with the composition, expiration date and ask for a quality certificate. Women who have already performed the procedure are advised to do this.

Facial peeling Premium PEELING WITH AHA 8% - reviews

Hello girls!

This winter I used this product and now I want to share my impressions with you. To begin with, I will report that my skin is very capricious - the problematic T-zone has an oily sheen and enlarged pores, and the “periphery” zone of the face is a bit dry, but pimples often break out. And, to be honest, I was even afraid to use this peeling, but I decided to take a risk, I really wanted to get rid of post-acne and improve my complexion (and the manufacturer promises to lighten stagnant spots, freckles, even out the complexion and skin microrelief).

The peeling has a gel-like consistency, has a pleasant floral scent, is easy to apply and is very economical (the entire course of 20 procedures took 1/3 of a jar and about three months of time). Doesn't sting, hardens quickly.

The next day after the first use there was no peeling, as if I had not applied anything. After the second application, pimples slowly began to appear, unusually large ones, and after them new red post-acne spots appeared. But after two or three weeks, this effect wore off and the new nasty spots also quickly disappeared, but the old ones lasted “until the last,” so to speak.

The next “bright moment” was the peeling of the skin on the forehead and the subsequent appearance of terrible irritation there and the further effect of “thickening the skin” (this is somewhere in the second month of use). The skin was red, irritated, and itchy (scrubs and rolls, naturally, only made things worse). So I washed my forehead separately with a soft gel with aloe, but what really helped calm the skin was the “soothing night cream” from the same Premium. But in the end, these sufferings were not in vain - the wrinkle on my forehead decreased a little, which I didn’t even expect). By the way, peeling cannot be applied to such irritated areas of the skin, and in the future I avoided this area when applying the gel.

I’ll add that before going out I used cream with SPF 15 - that was enough for me, but I often also used foundation. Despite the rather sunny Moscow winter this year, I did not receive any burns or new freckles as a reward. But, of course, if you plan to spend a lot of time outside, it is better to purchase a cream with a higher degree of protection, because the skin becomes much more sensitive than usual.

In general, I will say that I was satisfied - old spots disappeared, my complexion became more even. Small pimples are still popping out, but the blackheads have lightened a little, and the pores seem to have narrowed a little (but I have more products prepared for this attack). I will be happy to repeat the procedure next winter!

Enjoy your use and be even more beautiful!


AHA peeling with fruit acids has many positive reviews. The procedure eliminates acne, age-related changes in the epidermis, and solves various problems. Peeling should be performed in the following cases:

  1. Aging of the skin, the appearance of wrinkles, age spots.
  2. Decreased firmness and elasticity of the skin, the appearance of folds.
  3. Deterioration of complexion.
  4. Dryness of the epidermis.
  5. Hardening of the stratum corneum.
  6. Oily skin.

The procedure copes with such problems, improving the condition of facial skin. As can be seen from the reviews, AHA peeling is considered more effective than many other similar activities.


AHA fruit peel should not be performed if:

  • allergies to the components of the product;
  • sensitivity of the epidermis;
  • violation of skin integrity;
  • the presence of herpes or purulent inflammation;
  • prolonged exposure to the sun.

It is important to follow safety rules during the procedure. Especially when used at home. It is important to choose a product that has an acid concentration of no more than 15%. In other cases, there will be no positive result; the epidermis will be damaged.

Precautionary measures

Due to the low percentage of acids in the peeling composition, the recovery period goes unnoticed (exceptions include people with thin, sensitive skin prone to irritation. They may experience symptoms of “chapped skin”).

Homework peeling with 8% AHA is not recommended for use on dry, irritated skin. It is important to ensure the tolerability of the composition by conducting an allergy test (a small amount of the composition is applied to the back of the forearm and observed for 24-48 hours. The absence of any signs of inflammation, itching, peeling indicates the absence of an allergic reaction)

Side effects:

  • Dermatitis, skin irritation;
  • Persistent hyperemia;
  • Allergic reaction;
  • Chemical burn (in case of exposure violation).


  • Herpetic eruptions on the face;
  • Violation of the integrity of the skin;
  • Atopic dermatitis;
  • Hives;
  • Fresh facial burns;
  • Individual intolerance to individual components of the drug;
  • Infectious diseases in the acute phase;
  • Fever of any origin.

How do they do it?

Peeling gel with AHA acids gives a positive effect after the first procedure. This is confirmed by numerous reviews. A pronounced effect is observed in the form of cleansing, rejuvenation and improvement of the skin after 5 sessions.

Cleansing includes several stages:

  1. Preparation. The patient is examined by a specialist. It determines the skin type, its characteristics, and identifies the goals of the event. Based on these nuances, a product is prepared in which the concentration of fruit acid should be at least 30%. The product contains vitamins A and E. With their help, the skin is toned and toxins are quickly removed. Hyaluronic acid provides hydration and lipid protection.
  2. Cleansing. Makeup is removed with a special milk or toner, and a degreasing and disinfectant is used for the skin. This is necessary to protect against inflammation, redness, hyperpigmentation and reduce the risk of infection.
  3. Application of the product. Cosmetics are applied in an even layer, and the exposure time is determined.
  4. Removing a tool. Fruit acids are not washed off with water. This may cause skin burns. A neutralizer is used for removal.
  5. Recovery. To avoid negative consequences, appropriate procedures should be followed after this. For this purpose, products with a moisturizing and soothing effect are used. You should use sunscreen. The face must be protected from negative environmental factors.

To ensure high effectiveness, the amount of acid in the product is increased and the duration of exposure is reduced. If you follow all the tips, then after a few months you will be able to eliminate many problems. This is evidenced by numerous reviews.

Rules of application

Pre-peeling preparation includes the following steps:

  • Makeup remover;
  • Skin cleansing;
  • Toning;

The procedure itself is as follows: the product is applied to dry skin in a thin, even layer using circular massaging movements, avoiding the area around the eyes and mouth. After 5-10 minutes, the composition is washed off generously with water. Finally, the skin is dried with a disposable napkin.


Immediately after washing, apply a moisturizer or serum (for example, with hyaluronic acid) to the skin. After the serum, a nourishing cream is also applied.

Throughout the course, be sure to use sunscreen (SPF at least 30)

Course duration

It is recommended to cleanse 2 times a week. A standard course consists of 20 procedures, the maximum number of courses per year is 4.

Since the acid content in the preparation is not high, it can be used at any time of the year, but be sure to apply sunscreen.

The average cost of one jar (100 ml) is 800 rubles; 20 procedures usually take 1/3-1/4 of the volume. Thus, the cost of the course varies between 270-200 rubles.

Home procedure

Peeling can also be done independently. Various means are used for this. As reviews show, the following cosmetics have an excellent effect:

  1. Faberlic Expert Re-Surface Active. The company's experts, using modern technologies, have produced a product for skin revitalization. Peeling can serve as a replacement for salon procedures; moreover, it exfoliates dead cells and evens out the skin texture. The product should be applied and rinsed off with warm water after 10 minutes.
  2. Gentle facial peeling “Natura Siberica”. The product gently exfoliates the skin, tones and restores the epidermis. It should be applied with massage movements and then rinsed off with water.

Whatever peeling product you use, you must read the instructions. After all, if you do not follow safety rules, you can harm your skin.

Using Home Remedies

To perform peeling, you can prepare your own products:

  1. You will need pineapple pulp (200 g), which must be mixed with papaya pulp (100 g), and then add honey (2 tbsp.). Apply the product for 3-5 minutes.
  2. You need pineapple pulp (200 g), banana and kiwi. The components must be mixed and applied to the face for 10-15 minutes.
  3. You need rosehip oil and olive oil (3 tbsp each), lemon juice (2 tsp). The mass must be heated and can be applied to the face for 5-7 minutes.
  4. You should take red currants (1 cup) and sour grapes (0.5 cups). Products are crushed separately. The finished mass must be filtered and can be applied to the face. The duration of the procedure is up to 12 minutes.

Thus, AHA peeling is an effective procedure that can be performed in the salon or at home. If everything is done correctly, the result will definitely please you.

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