Skin Active cream with hyaluronic acid: instructions for use for the face, composition, analogues and reviews

Uniqueness of the cream

Skin Active is a face and body cream that has a pronounced regenerating, protective and moisturizing effect. This pharmaceutical preparation contains hyaluronic acid, lactic acid and fatty acids, as well as a vitamin complex necessary to maintain healthy and youthful skin. The product is suitable for daily use and can easily replace even more expensive skincare moisturizers.

The scope of application of the presented cream is quite wide. It can be used to eliminate age-related skin changes, treat dermatitis, restore the epidermis after peeling, combat dehydration, irritation and peeling, and treat rosacea. This product is also often used for skin care during hormonal therapy.

Regular use of the presented drug makes it possible in just a few months to improve the tone of the face, return it to a healthy color, remove the first small wrinkles and prevent their further appearance. Also, the presented drug makes it possible to get rid of dry skin (even thin and sensitive). It can also be used on other areas of the body, including elbows and knees, to combat dryness, irritation and flaking in these areas. The cream is suitable for both women and men.

This product should not be used only by people who are personally sensitive to its components. In order to avoid side effects from its use, before starting to use the product, it is better to consult your dermatologist on this issue.

Reviews from cosmetologists

Active skin cream is used in many cosmetology centers because it has gained great popularity among cosmetologists and patients. Dermatologists and cosmetologists say that this product is truly the most effective in the fight against damaged and dry skin. It gives the first signs of results immediately after the procedure, does not cause side effects such as rashes and is easily tolerated by any skin structure.

Active skin cream for the face is recommended for use at any age, as it quickly promotes skin restoration, and is often used after mechanical damage to the facial skin. All clients are satisfied with the results obtained and regularly visit cosmetology centers, entrusting their face to the best specialists.

Doctors confirm that the cream does not cause any allergic reactions, is easily tolerated and does not provoke side effects. This is one of the safest products on the cosmetology market.

Composition and properties of the cream

Complex cosmetic product Skin Activ with a healing effect on the skin is available in soft tubes of 75 grams.

The active substances are three natural ingredients that can support the moisture retention mechanism in skin cells:

  • Hyaluronic acid: is produced by the pharmaceutical industry in powders and granules, with high or low molecular weight content. Sterilized solutions of this acid are used for the production of cosmetic and medicinal preparations. The process of natural biosynthesis provides the body with this substance in sufficient quantities.
  • Urea or organic urea (2%): solid crystalline, white, water-soluble powder. Regulates the water balance in epithelial tissue cells, reduces the evaporation of moisture from the skin surface.
  • Lactic acid: is released during the fermentation of fermented milk glucose through an enzymatic reaction. It activates the action of hyaluronic acid, cleanses the skin of dead cells, softens and moisturizes its surface.

The main components of the complex cream are also:

  • Vitamins PP, A, E promote the absorption of nutrients, improve the tone and structure of the skin, and stimulate its renewal.
  • Depanthenol 3% is a medicinal product that contains provitamin B5, has a beneficial effect on aging skin, restores damaged cells and promotes their regeneration process.
  • Vegetable oils (olive, avocado or peach) are a lipid base for moisturizers, maintain the water-fat balance in skin cells, and maintain the integrity of the protective barrier of the epidermis.

Additional chemicals make up a small percentage of the total. They combine components, form a soft cream consistency, and provide long-term storage without loss of moisturizing and healing effect.


This remedy is well known to people suffering from atopic dermatitis and eczema. It helps both during periods of exacerbation of the disease and during remission.

Skin-Active cream is used in cases where the skin:

  • very dry, flaky;
  • susceptible to allergic dermatitis;
  • suffered from prolonged exposure to the sun or solarium;
  • every day is tested by makeup or an aggressive environment (for example, working in a dusty workshop);
  • requires recovery after cosmetic and medical procedures (therapy with drugs containing hormones, cleansing, peeling);
  • needs the prevention of rosacea (this is the name given to the appearance of red “streaks” on the skin due to problems with blood vessels).

Skin-Active is used not only by the fair sex, but also by men (for example, for dermatitis), due to the fact that the cream moisturizes dry skin well without leaving any traces of oily sheen on it.

The effectiveness of Skin Active cream

One of the main active ingredients of the product is hyaluronic acid.
The cream belongs to the category of parapharmaceuticals, is a cosmetic product with a complex of natural substances and has a therapeutic effect. Designed for special care and healing of weakened skin, replenishing the water balance in its tissues. High efficiency of application is ensured by the properties of hyaluronic acid. It has the physical property of binding and retaining water molecules for a long time in the surface and subcutaneous layers. Maintaining optimal moisture content in the epidermis prevents the aging process of cells and the formation of wrinkles. Deep in the dermis, moisture maintains the structure of the fibers of organic extracellular proteins collagen and elastin, which provide strength, firmness and elasticity to skin tissue.

Cream SKIN-ACTIVE composition

Active ingredients: hyaluronic acid, panthenol, vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin PP, urea, olive oil, avocado oil.

Healthy skin

In normal condition, the skin provides a number of functions, the main one of which is to protect the internal environment of the body from adverse environmental factors. This task is provided by the skin barrier, consisting of a lipid film located on the surface of the skin and the stratum corneum of the skin. The stratum corneum consists of dead cells (horny scales), closely welded together by lipids. This structure of the skin barrier protects against the penetration of any external irritants into the body, including allergens, bacteria, and viruses.

The skin barrier also plays an important role in maintaining normal skin hydration levels. It prevents the loss of intradermal moisture. Moisture is distributed in the epidermis and stratum corneum of the skin and retained with the help of a complex of substances that make up the natural moisturizing factor.

Causes of dryness and irritation

Dry skin is accompanied by a complex of symptoms, such as roughness, flaking, decreased elasticity and firmness (loose skin), a feeling of tightness, and microcracks. Against this background, skin sensitivity often increases, leading to irritation, redness, and itching. The main cause of dry skin is hereditary predisposition. Dry skin is accompanied by a complex of symptoms, such as roughness, flaking, decreased elasticity and firmness (loose skin), a feeling of tightness, and microcracks. Against this background, skin sensitivity often increases, leading to irritation, redness, and itching. The main cause of dry skin is a hereditary predisposition due to insufficient function of skin cells. As a result, the functioning of the skin barrier is disrupted, a deficiency of lipids and natural moisturizing factor substances occurs, and the stratum corneum is “loosened.” Intradermal moisture is not retained and evaporates from the surface of the skin. In addition to hereditary predisposition, there are a number of external reasons leading to dryness:

  • improper skin care, for example, chemical exposure due to frequent use of soap or shower gel, other cosmetics, household detergents;
  • climatic features of the environment: high or low temperature, insufficient air humidity, strong wind, prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • aggressive environmental factors: tobacco smoke, car exhaust gases and industrial emissions.

Dry skin can also be a symptom of skin diseases (dermatitis, psoriasis, ichthyosis, etc.) and internal diseases (hypothyroidism, intestinal malabsorption, oncological and hematological diseases, hypovitaminosis, hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, chronic renal failure).

How to deal with dry skin

Based on the mechanisms of dryness, the fight can go in three directions:

  • moisturizing the skin with special moisturizers;
  • strengthening the skin barrier with lipids in creams and emulsions;
  • improving skin cell function to increase lipid production to build the skin barrier and produce skin natural moisturizing factor substances.

What is included?

Before using a cream, many are interested in the composition of the product, as well as the presence of natural ingredients in it. Skin active contains hyaluronic acid, which effectively fights various formations on the skin, helps the cream cope with its intended purpose, providing the skin with smoothness, elasticity and a beautiful appearance.

The cream consists exclusively of natural ingredients, and therefore gives the desired results in the shortest possible time after use. Among the components are:

  • Vitamin PP – protects the epidermis from external irritants;
  • Depatenol 3% - consists of a large amount of vitamins necessary for proper nutrition of the skin;
  • Fat base - allows you to create a maximum protective layer for the skin;
  • Fatty acids, ceramides;
  • Urea 2%.
  • Lactic acid – deeply moisturizes the skin, has beneficial components;
  • Hyaluronic acid is an excellent moisturizer for the skin and combats dryness.

These natural ingredients make the face cream as effective and efficient as possible. Its effect is observed immediately from the first days of use. The procedure for applying cream to the face for the purpose of complete cleansing can be carried out at home; it does not require the presence of certain tools and materials for the procedure.

Contraindications and additional information

Skin Activ cream is a drug that practically does not cause allergies (hypoallergenic), but the possibility of human hypersensitivity to any natural ingredient in its composition should not be excluded.
Before use, it is suggested to conduct a trial test for allergens. A thin layer of cream is applied to the inside of the arm or elbow. If after 40 minutes there is no redness, rashes, or itching, the cream can be used without fear. It is not recommended to use the cream for severe dermatitis (psoriasis, etc.).

Long-term use of the cream leads to the skin becoming accustomed to its properties, so it is better to alternate its use with other moisturizers.

Storage conditions must be observed. The temperature should not be higher than 25 degrees or lower than 5 degrees Celsius. Failure to follow the rules leads to decomposition of the creamy mass and loss of the inherent properties of hyaluronic acid.

All Skin Activ products can be purchased in the pharmacy related products department. The price is affordable for the mass consumer. The use of these products is safe for human health.

How does Skin Active work?

The face cream, reviews of which are mostly positive, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. Girls who have already tried the drug note that it has several unique properties and performs several functions at once.

1. Light consistency. Very little cosmetic composition is required, since it is perfectly distributed over the skin and is instantly absorbed into the deep layers of the epidermis. At the same time, the cream does not become covered with an unpleasant greasy film.

2. Eliminates irritation. After application, the product instantly eliminates itching and burning that may occur after washing.

3. Moisturizing and nutrition. The drug normalizes all metabolic processes. As soon as you apply the cream to your face, you will feel how it is saturated with moisture and beneficial components.

4. Protection. After the product is absorbed, an invisible film is formed on the skin, which protects the dermis from the effects of pathogenic microorganisms and viruses.


And all this is achieved without the presence of alcohol, parabens, petrochemical products, dyes and synthetic fragrances. Women who prefer natural cosmetics will gratefully appreciate such care from the manufacturer.

Features of use

One tube lasts approximately four months if used sparingly. The cream is quickly absorbed and leaves no traces. Therefore, you can safely use it as a base for makeup without fear of clogging your pores. Toning products and powder last just fine on this cosmetic product. This is an excellent budget replacement for expensive special bases. However, the manufacturer itself does not indicate such information on the Skin Active packaging.

The cream has extremely positive reviews of its effectiveness. After application, you can immediately feel how the skin receives good saturation, nutrition and hydration. Girls note that the results are visible to the naked eye after about a week of constant use. The capricious epidermis stops peeling, small wrinkles disappear. The oval face acquires more toned features. The skin becomes more beautiful, with a uniform and expressive tone. This is more noticeable if before the cream it had a dull color and redness. The result is a rested and fresh look, a soft and smooth face. Such positive changes will be noticeable even to others.

It is noteworthy that the cream has a cumulative effect and really cares for the epidermis on the face. While similar cosmetic preparations only mask imperfections. When the product runs out, you don’t have to buy the tube again, and the results will last for several more months.

Recommendations for application

To achieve a visual, health-improving, cosmetic effect and the desired accumulation of hyaluronate in the tissue cells of the skin, Skin Active cream instructions for use recommend applying it as follows:

  1. In the warm season, the procedure is carried out twice a day (morning, evening). The cream is applied to clean skin immediately after washing. This is necessary so that the cream is better absorbed and a protective gas-tight film is formed. A small (pea-sized) amount of product is applied to the face, avoiding the area around the eyes, then rubbed in with light circular movements.
  2. With the onset of cold weather, the number of procedures is reduced. The cream should be applied once a day, preferably in the evening. This is due to the fact that moisturizing components freeze in the cold.
  3. After application, a slight tingling sensation may occur on the skin, which quickly passes.
  4. You should start using the cream from the age of 25-30, at the first signs of loss of skin tone and the appearance of light wrinkles.
  5. For dry and irritated body skin, manufacturers recommend using Skin Active emulsion. Available in 250 ml plastic bottles. The liquid form of the cream has the same composition. The moisturizing emulsion can be applied to all parts of the body. Should be used after taking a shower or bath on steamed skin.

Instructions for use of cosmetic product

Compliance with the recommendations for use of Skin Active cream is mandatory. This will avoid clogging of the sebaceous glands and the formation of rashes. The optimal time to use the product is morning and evening (before bed). It is during these hours that restoration processes in the dermis and epidermis are most active.

The optimal time for application is before bedtime. How to apply the cream correctly:

  • clean your face with warm water and soap or any cosmetic cream, dry;
  • remove the required amount of cream from the tube and spread it in a thin layer on the skin;
  • Lightly rub in the product using circular massage movements.

Skin Active is used to intensively moisturize hands and other areas of the body with dry skin. But it is not intended for use around the eyes. The cream contains cosmetic oils that are too heavy for such thin skin. The duration of use of Skin Active is not limited. It can be used for daily care and applied under decorative cosmetics.

The product can be used for a long time until a sustainable effect is achieved


There have been no cases of overdose of Skin Active in dermatological and cosmetological practice. A pathological condition is impossible even with prolonged use of the cream.

Side effects

The ingredients of the product are metabolized in the dermis and epidermis and do not penetrate the bloodstream. Therefore, the risk of developing systemic adverse reactions is completely excluded. But negative manifestations from the skin are possible.

Allergy is indicated by swelling, redness, irritation of the epidermis, small rash, itching, and pain. It is necessary to wash off Skin Active and take an antihistamine (Loratadine, Suprastin). Then you should definitely seek medical help.

If you have symptoms of an allergy to the cream, it should immediately be thoroughly washed off the skin with running water.

special instructions

Immediately after applying Skin Active, a slight burning sensation may occur. As a rule, it is short-term and does not require discontinuation of the drug. But only when the burning sensation is not accompanied by irritation.

If the cream is prescribed for therapy, the skin condition should be monitored. The absence of noticeable improvements is a signal to consult a doctor. He will clarify the diagnosis and, if necessary, prescribe a drug with other active ingredients.

Contact your doctor if there are no noticeable results from using the cream for a long time.

If there is an increased production of sebaceous secretions that is not accompanied by dryness, the use of cream is not advisable. In this case, it is better to use Skin Active emulsion. Thanks to its more liquid consistency, it does not clog pores and does not provoke water-electrolyte imbalance.

Pregnancy and lactation

Skin Active is not characterized by teratogenic and mutagenic effects. Therefore, it is absolutely safe for pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Storage conditions and periods

The shelf life of medicinal and cosmetic products is 2 years. But after opening the tube, Skin Active should be used within 2-3 months. It should be stored at room temperature out of direct sunlight.

Young children's access to the drug should be limited. If the cream separates, changes color or smell, do not use it.

Composition and beneficial properties

Among the components of the cream, experts especially highlight hyaluronic acid - a natural polysaccharide that is involved in the regeneration of damaged tissues, making them elastic and the skin elastic.

The acid has the property of attracting water and thus moisturizing the epidermal cells. The same functions (there is never too much moisture!) are performed by lactic acid.

In addition, the cream contains:

  • oils – olive and peach (their task is to restore damaged skin);
  • vitamin PP (it helps synthesize substances that create a kind of “protective barrier” for the skin);
  • vitamins A, E and C (provide the healing properties of the cream);
  • dexpanthenol (this substance is involved in the regeneration of the skin and relieves irritation);
  • urea (thanks to it, the cream is well absorbed and moisture is retained inside the skin).

The unique composition of Skin-Active cream not only participates in the treatment of skin diseases, but also helps protect against them in the future - it protects the skin from viruses and pathogenic microorganisms, eliminates burning and itching, and therefore prevents scratches and abrasions that are inevitable when scratching .
Cosmetologists note that the cream is perfectly absorbed and does not contain artificial dyes, fragrances, or petrochemical products.


The product, which has won the hearts of many women, has a large number of analogues. If you want to purchase a moisturizer, you can purchase almond, coconut, or jojoba oils. If you are planning to purchase a cheaper analogue, then you need to choose it based on the active substance. In the product in question, these are hyaluronic acid, panthenol, vitamins A, E, PP. Products containing these substances, according to their instructions for use, will be:

  • LundenIlona products;
  • Bioderma Atoderm;
  • Dietary supplement Coenzyme Q 10 Forte;
  • Bioderma Sebium;
  • Bioderma Hydrabio;
  • Bioderma Sensbio;
  • VOM gel;
  • Revidox;
  • Endau;
  • HepiDerm;
  • Daylong Actinica;
  • Qi-Clim;
  • Laura Evalar.

Action of the cream

After the cream is applied to the skin, a thin protective film is formed on it. It is imperceptible on the face and does not interfere with the supply of oxygen, however, it acts as a barrier to the possible introduction of pathogenic microorganisms. The active components of the cream increase the processes of intracellular metabolism, since the cream is able to act on the deep layers of the skin and activate its own regenerative capabilities there.

The numerous beneficial properties of this cosmetic product are as follows:

  • Provides skin nutrition and hydration of its deep layers;
  • creates protection from an alien environment;
  • normalizes intracellular metabolism;
  • relieves itching and dry skin;
  • Absorbs well without leaving a greasy shine after application.

The action of the cream allows you to use it for a long time, maintaining the normal condition of the skin throughout this period. However, it is also quite effective in case of emergency, when the skin suffers from excessive dryness or burns.

The principle of action and effectiveness of Skin Activ cream

The cream has a pleasant texture and is quickly applied to the skin, forming a protective film on the face. Skin Active products are gentle on any skin type, protecting it from various damage and changes in structure. The mask, which remains on the face, is not felt at all, but is an excellent barrier to protect the skin from rashes and irritation.

The cream is able to act deeply under the skin, activate all processes, and restore damaged tissue integrity. Regular use of the cream gives amazing results, restores and protects from repeated damage.

The principle of operation is based on the following useful properties:

  • Moisturizing the deep layers of the skin;
  • Normalization of intracellular metabolism;
  • Maximum skin nutrition;
  • Preventing dry skin;
  • Relieving skin from itching;
  • Excellent absorption of the product prevents the skin from becoming oily.

We invite you to watch a detailed video on how to care for skin after acne:

The great advantage of the cream is that it retains its effect for a long time and does not require regular repeated procedures. It is effective enough to combat various age-related changes at any age and maintain the existing skin structure. Prevents dryness and burns after procedures.


Although Skin-Active cream is called hypoallergenic, it can still cause an allergic reaction in some people. Individual intolerance will be the only contraindication when using this drug.

The question usually arises: are there any restrictions during pregnancy?

Cosmetologists explain that, in principle, there are no contraindications (unless there is an allergy) - the drug from the surface of the skin enters the blood in minute quantities and does not pose a danger to either mother or baby.

However, a different kind of problem arises. During pregnancy, a woman experiences serious hormonal changes throughout her body, and there have been cases when, against this background, the use of a cream with hyaluronic acid provoked in the future an allergy to this substance and, accordingly, to any drugs made with its participation.

And since hyaluron is a traditional component of anti-aging drugs, the woman deprived herself of the opportunity, for example, to start using them after 10 years.

And another piece of advice from doctors: any drug can sooner or later become addictive and become less effective. To prevent this from happening, you need to give the body a rest even from such a high-quality drug as Skin-Active, and temporarily switch to another one that has approximately the same properties.

Tips for use

“Skin Active” is a cream, instructions for which are always included. However, the manufacturer does not indicate all important information in the description. Girls who are already familiar with similar compositions are happy to share their experience in reviews.

1. If you have never used hyaluronic acid or other components that are part of the product, it is worth conducting an intolerance test. Apply a little cream to a small area of ​​skin on the elbow or forearm. If after this there is no itching, irritation and redness, then Skin Active is suitable for you.

2. Cream with hyaluronic acid can be applied day and night only in the warm season. In autumn and winter, it is better to use it before bed and not to go outside after that. When exposed to cold, hyaluronic acid turns into crystals. This will not be beneficial, since you can easily freeze the skin that is moisturized before going out.

3. Creams with hyaluronic acid are also not recommended for use before the age of thirty. The young body itself produces this substance in sufficient quantities. And by receiving hyaluron from the outside, the skin can simply become lazy and age prematurely.

If you follow these tips, you can avoid serious problems that will spoil the beauty of your face and cause a lot of trouble.

Skin Active cream with hyaluronic acid

Skin Activ is a complex parapharmaceutical medicine that belongs to therapeutic and prophylactic cosmetics. The cream contains active components that provide nutrition to facial skin cells, moisturize it and retain fluid inside the cells, thereby ensuring the skin's moisture balance. Natural components not only reduce itching and irritation, but also prevent diseases of the epidermis, forming a protective layer that resists adverse environmental factors.

Skin active emulsion has a light consistency that is easily absorbed without leaving a glossy effect. The cream contains vitamins that will help improve metabolism, prevent the aging process, activating the regeneration of the skin. They also protect the skin. Skin active cream with hyaluronic acid is sold in every pharmacy, so every woman can evaluate the capabilities of the emulsion. Reviews from most customers about this product are, in most cases, positive.

Composition and release form

This product is produced both in the form of a cream placed in a 75 ml laminate tube, and in the form of an emulsion in a 250 ml plastic bottle. Skin-active contains many active natural ingredients that make the cream a universal remedy in the fight against dryness, inflammation, and aging of the skin:

Component Its properties
Olive oil, avocado oil Natural oils maintain water-fat balance, provide skin protection, creating a light protective layer.
Vitamin PP, vitamin A, vitamin E Activate the synthesis of active components that create effective external protection of the epidermis. Accelerate metabolism, slow down the aging process.
Fatty acid Contribute to reliable protection of the inner layer of the dermis.
Depanthenol 3% Normalizes metabolism, water balance, restores inflamed skin: softens, soothes, starts skin regeneration processes.
Urea 2% The effect of urea is to accelerate the absorption of the active components of the emulsion, normalizing the water-lipid balance of the epidermis.
Hyaluronic acid The best skin moisturizer. Hyaluronic acid retains the optimal amount of moisture in cells.
Lactic acid The main effect is a gentle exfoliating effect. It allows the skin active cream to be used even by people with the most sensitive skin and to moisturize the skin in winter.

Indications for use

Burning and dryness are the first signs to use products that moisturize the skin tissues of the face. However, the indication for use is not limited to irritation and excess moisture in skin cells. The presence of hyaluronic acid, vitamins, urea, panthenol expands the range of application of the product. You can use a cream or emulsion if:

  • you have skin prone to peeling;
  • after exposure to the cold, signs of dryness and skin irritation appear;
  • you often wear heavy makeup, work in a dusty room;
  • you went for peeling, cleansing, therapy with external hormonal agents;
  • you have a tendency to rosacea, or you suffer from it.

Composition and release form

Skin Activ is a delicate white cream without any specific odor. It is dense enough to form a protective film on the surface of the epidermis. And at the same time, it is light, quickly penetrates the skin, and immediately has a therapeutic effect.

The manufacturer packages Skin Active in 75 ml plastic tubes. Each of them is enclosed in a cardboard box along with detailed instructions for use.

The active composition of the product is represented by the following ingredients:

  • hyaluronic acid;
  • urea;
  • lactic acid;
  • fat-soluble vitamins A, E, D;
  • panthenol;
  • olive and avocado oils;
  • niacin.

Substances that exhibit pronounced therapeutic effects are used as auxiliary components. These are ascorbic and citric acids, allantoin, squalane. They enhance and prolong the effect of active ingredients, promote their rapid penetration into the dermis and epidermis.

Hyaluronic acid in the cream provides hydration and smoothing

Pharmacological properties

Almost all Skin Active ingredients have a powerful positive effect on the condition of the skin. Hyaluronic acid is a glycosaminoglycan that is part of connective, epithelial and nervous tissues. It is the main component of the extracellular matrix, responsible for the elasticity and strength of the skin.

Therefore, course use of the cream allows you to tighten it while eliminating fine wrinkles. Skin Active with hyaluronic acid also has other beneficial properties:

  • retention of water molecules, prevention of moisture evaporation;
  • protection of the skin from the introduction of infectious agents of bacterial, fungal, viral origin;
  • eliminating the feeling of dryness, itching, tightness;
  • relief of inflammatory processes occurring in all epidermal layers;
  • acceleration of intracellular metabolism and regeneration by improving blood circulation;
  • saturation of tissues with useful biologically active substances and oxygen;
  • exfoliation of keratinized scales from the surface of the skin.

The use of Skin Active causes the skin to moisturize and improve its color. Unsightly greasy shine, irritation, rashes and red spots disappear. Resorption of small scars is observed, which often remain after squeezing out blackheads and pimples.

The drug successfully fights skin changes, both age-related and caused by external factors

Skin Active ingredients promote collagen production. It fills voids in the intercellular matrix, increasing skin elasticity. This effect allows you to get rid of facial wrinkles and reduce the depth of nasolabial folds.

Indications for use of the cream

Thanks to the cream, a woman feels attractive, she remains in a good mood, which also has a favorable effect on her appearance. What needs to be done for such changes to happen to each of you? There is nothing complicated - you just need to go to the pharmacy and buy yourself this amazing product in the form of Skin Active cream.

It is recommended to use it if such shortcomings are noticed as:

  1. dry skin of the face and neck, accompanied by peeling, tightness and often itching;
  2. identification of the first signs of aging in the form of fine wrinkles, as well as the appearance of sagging;
  3. loss of elasticity of the upper layer of skin from the influence of unfavorable external conditions;
  4. recovery from sunburn, after peeling;
  5. restoration of the epidermis after a course of treatment of certain types of dermatitis;
  6. preventive actions against rosacea, or for skin care in the presence of this disease.


Maria, 44 years old, Petrozavodsk

I will leave my positive review about Skin Active cream. I live in a large city, so the environmental situation leaves much to be desired. Previously, the skin was constantly peeling, irritated, and felt tight. Skin Active quickly eliminated all these signs of increased dryness.

Oksana, 32 years old, Volgograd

Skin Active cream did not suit me at all. Still, it is too thick for oily skin and quickly clogs pores. But the liquid emulsion of the same name is ideal for me. It perfectly moisturizes, eliminates flaking and greasy shine.

Skin Active cream (review) from 240 RUR


An effective remedy to combat peeling, irritation and premature aging of the skin of the face and body.



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  • Efficiency
  • Hypoallergenic


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