Anti-pigmentation creams: effective whitening agents

One of the parameters of an impeccable appearance is an even and healthy complexion. Good skin without any makeup will look beautiful and give its owner confidence in her appearance. But the skin has many “enemies” - these are external factors that negatively affect the condition of the skin. A common problem is pigment formations - various spots and freckles, which do not always add romance to the image. Masking the problem does not solve it, and to achieve a truly decent result, it is necessary to use specially developed compositions in the form of whitening and lightening creams.

Composition of creams for whitening facial skin

Certain ingredients that are included in such creams have a whitening effect. You can be sure that the chosen product will help cope with the problem if the ingredients include elements from this list:

  • glycolic acid (accelerates skin renewal processes);
  • arbutin;
  • Tretinol (provokes exfoliation and cell renewal to remove layers with excess melanin);
  • various fruit acids;
  • beta-carotene;
  • vitamin C, etc.

Typically, such products contain components that are responsible for reducing the risk of an allergic reaction. Additional components are aimed at overall improvement of the condition of the skin and provide the best comprehensive result.

What is melanin, why is it needed and types of pigmentation

Skin pigmentation is one of the physiological types of skin protection, along with sweating, sebaceous glands, etc. A group of substances under the general name melanin is responsible for changing the color of the skin. There are many melanins, and they are difficult to clearly classify due to their complex, variable chemical structure.

In general, melanin is the product of a chain of oxidative reactions of the amino acid tyrosine. One of the places where melanin production is located is the dermal cells. More precisely, melanocytes. Why is melanin formed in response to UV? Due to the properties of short-wave radiation, dark skin absorbs it better, i.e. The radiation energy does not have such a strong effect on skin cells. And fair skin is more vulnerable - UV destroys the membrane structures of cells and affects DNA.

In small doses, UV is only beneficial for the skin: it accelerates regenerative processes, has an anti-inflammatory effect and much more. Surely many have noticed how acne and boils go away under the influence of tanning. But excessive doses of the same sunbathing have a detrimental effect on the skin. Pigmentation can be:

  • age;
  • ultraviolet;
  • allergic;
  • congenital.

People whose melanin production mechanism is disrupted or completely absent (for example, albinos, red-haired people with milky-white skin) are especially susceptible to atypical pigmentation. It is a known pattern that if a tan does not apply well, then such a person often develops spontaneous local changes in the color of the skin - moles, freckles, chloasma (focal facial hyperpigmentation with fuzzy edges), lentigo (classic age spots). It is recommended to consult with a specialist (dermatologist, therapist, cosmetologist) before starting a course of reducing atypical pigmentation with specialized creams. If only because the area of ​​pigmentation is modified cells.

Is it possible to remove age spots and freckles with cream?

The process of skin pigmentation is inextricably linked with the active production of melanin in the skin layers, therefore, to reduce its activity it is necessary to act in two directions:

  • reduce the intensity of melanin production;
  • speed up the process of skin renewal in order to quickly get rid of the layer of cells that have already undergone changes.

Due to their composition, high-quality whitening creams are capable of performing both tasks. At the same time, it is preferable that they have UV filters among their ingredients - this prevents the subsequent occurrence of the problem. Thus, with the right approach and reasonable choice of cream, it can be used to significantly lighten and even remove unwanted areas of pigmentation on the face.

What whitening creams are there: a review of the best products

Creams with a whitening effect are often referred to no longer as ordinary cosmetics, but as medical cosmetics. Often such compositions are made with the addition of a large number of natural ingredients, which eliminate unwanted areas of pigmentation. Choosing a specific product is the main difficulty for the consumer, so we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the list of the most popular creams with a whitening effect.

Natura Siberica daytime

The cream is presented in a convenient and bright bottle with a dispenser, which allows you to use it as economically as possible. All products from Natura Siberica are based on natural ingredients and this cream is no exception. It is based on the following ingredients: Arctic cloudberry - helps whiten the skin and stimulates metabolic processes to slow down the aging of the skin; snow cladonia is responsible for nutrition and toning; turmeric root extract effectively brightens the skin, helps remove freckles and other pigmentation, and also deeply nourishes the skin and gives it elasticity; Siberian ginseng is necessary to accelerate metabolic processes and blood microcirculation.

Pharmacos Belita-Vitex intensive

The main purpose of this product is to actively whiten the skin with the elimination of uneven tone, freckles and other pigment formations. In addition, the cream has an anti-inflammatory effect, tones the skin and significantly improves its appearance, giving it freshness. The ingredients also include an ultraviolet radiation filter that performs a protective function. The product is sold in a plastic tube, is easily applied to the skin, and is consumed economically.

Effective product Floresan “White Linen”

The whitening line for facial skin includes several products, one of which is a day cream cocktail. It is released in a standard 100 ml tube. The product contains vitamin C, cucumber extract and fruit acids, which together correct the production of melanin and thereby contribute to the disappearance and prevention of age spots. The ingredients also contain a natural sunscreen that helps protect your skin from harmful rays. Flaxseed extract has an additional positive effect by nourishing the skin and restoring its firmness and elasticity.

Lakshma Maxxi will help whiten skin from pigmentation

This cream is a specialized product that eliminates any unwanted pigmentation on the skin and makes scars and other damage less noticeable. The product is manufactured in the USA and is intended for the most delicate skin, including intimate areas. It contains no alcohols or parabens, so it does not provoke allergic reactions. The manufacturer claims that the product is effective not only for any type, but also for any skin color. This cream shows excellent results from its use, but this is also reflected in the cost - it is quite high.

Lightening cream Alen Mak Achromin

The product is released in a regular tube with a screw cap, volume – 45 ml. The action of the cream is aimed at reducing any type of skin pigmentation: freckles, age spots, the formation of discolored areas after prolonged exposure to harmful solar radiation, etc. The composition spreads easily over the skin and has a light, unobtrusive aroma. But it is worth considering that the product has a greasy structure, and therefore it is better to apply it a couple of hours before the planned release. The cream is famous not only for its effectiveness, but also for its affordable price.

Iris cosmetic Cucumber moisturizer

The Belarusian-made cream is offered to customers in large volumes - 100 ml - and at an affordable price. The product has a light texture that is pleasant to use daily for comprehensive facial skin care. The composition includes various useful microelements, mineral salts and organic acids that moisturize and tone the skin. The whitening effect is achieved due to the inclusion of elements of cucumber juice, but it is worth noting that this function is performed by the cream gently, without being too aggressive. Therefore, to achieve a clear result, long-term systematic use is necessary.

Choosing whitening creams for age spots

Pigment spots occur for several reasons:

  • Age . Senile lentigo is a special form of hyperpigmentation in which spots appear on areas of the skin that were previously susceptible to intense exposure to UV rays;
  • Genetic features . For red-haired girls and natural blondes, freckles are almost a natural feature. But not everyone likes them, especially since during the sunny period of the year they change their intensity from invisible to brightest;
  • Exposure to UV rays . Under sunlight, melanocytes in some areas of the body and face begin to produce melanin in too large quantities;
  • Hormonal changes . Childbirth, onset of puberty, pregnancy, etc.

Face whitening
Regardless of the reason for the appearance of spots, you can reduce or completely remove them from the skin with the help of cosmetic products that suppress melanin synthesis.

Welltox (Velltex, Welltex, Wattah)

– whitening and moisturizing cream with a unique molecule – amelain. Contains white clay, tocopherol, rosemary oil. With long-term use, it helps reduce old pigment manifestations and normalizes melanin synthesis. By the way, you can make a similar mask at home with no less effectiveness.

Xian Li or Qian Li

widely used to treat hyperpigmentation. It is produced by a factory in China. Among the components there are plant extracts (ginseng, Chinese mushroom and others), moisturizing components. As an analogue, you can try Snazii or Faiza Beauty Cream.

Qian Li
Achroactive Max Whitening Cream (Achroactive Max)

. It is a universal product that effectively lightens the skin, including areas with signs of hyperpigmentation. The active ingredient is ascorbic acid. The effect will be noticeable only with regular use (twice a day) for a month. If this composition does not work, purchase Astramin with hydroquinone (Astromin).

Achroactive Max Whitening Cream
Dimore (Dimore)

- the most affordable Chinese cream with a terrible name: “Freckle Killer”. Its principle of action is based on “burning out” melanin traces using plant extracts. Consists of ginseng extract, pearl powder, nucleic acid. Its more famous analogue is Cainiya.


– an excellent cream for the skin around the eyes that needs whitening and treatment of age spots. It is sold only in pharmacies (and not all of them); it can also be ordered on the manufacturer’s website. It is used to normalize melanin production, treat lentigo and other abnormalities.

Thai whitening pearl cream Kuan Im Pearl Cream (Kuan)

– an effective product for bright melanin spots. Contains visnum subnitrate, salicylic acid and additional components. Quickly removes the effects of sun exposure, spots after childbirth and even senile lentigines.

Kuan Im Pearl Cream
Miracle Glow (Miracle Glow)

– high-quality whitening agent for pigmentation. Contains the proprietary Omegalight complex, linoleic acid and some plant extracts. Refers to pharmaceuticals, i.e., cosmetics with a medicinal effect. To achieve the effect, it must be applied twice a day, rubbing into the epidermis until completely absorbed.

Miracle Glow
Phytomedica (Phytomedica) from the company Siberian Health

- a cream that will protect against tanning and also destroy the formed melanin compounds. It has SPF 30, which helps protect the body from UV rays. Like other cosmetics of this brand, the cream is completely natural, without synthetic compounds. If it doesn’t work, try Anti-Freckle Bark.

La Beaute Medicale from Skinolite (aka Lightton)

– this professional whitening cream is made in Russia and is sold in pharmacies. It consists of a whole list of active ingredients: acids, vitamins, mineral compounds, plant extracts. Whitens from the first use, suitable for frequent use.

La Beaute Medicale by Skinolite
Vichy Bi-white Reveal (Vichy)

- excellent medicinal composition. It has a double effect: it neutralizes melanocytes and removes melanin compounds from the body. Capable of dissolving old age spots. An analogue for pinpoint problems is Vichy Idealia PRO. As more affordable analogues, you can use Garnier Light (Garnier) or L'Oreal White Perfect (Loreal).

Vichy Bi-white Reveal
Niacin Alpha 5.0

– this product strengthens the fibers of the epidermis, which prevents aging, deeply moisturizes and nourishes the skin, and also brightens it due to arbutin and niacinamide. May cause allergies, so it is important to conduct a susceptibility test before use. If your skin has a negative reaction, we recommend buying it instead

Uriage Depiderm Intensive

Derma House Melastop Whitening Cream (Melastop)

– there are simply excellent reviews about this whitening and moisturizing cream. The main active ingredient is a company secret, but it is known that it has not only brightening, but also nutritional properties. Slightly more affordable, but has a similar effect Retinol Forte from Gigi (Zhizhi) with retinol.

Derma House Melastop Whitening Cream

How to use a whitening cream

When using lightening creams, you must follow a few simple rules:

  1. before use you need to do an allergy test;
  2. the best time to use such compositions is autumn and winter;
  3. Before each exit to the street, it is recommended to additionally treat the skin with compounds with a high protection factor from solar radiation;
  4. a noticeable whitening result can only be achieved by systematic use of the recommended course;
  5. Before applying the product to the skin, it must first be cleaned;
  6. The time of application of the composition depends on what kind of cream is used - day or night.

How to make bleach at home

To prepare a whitening composition with your own hands, you do not need any complex ingredients, only what can be easily found in any store. A very popular recipe made from natural yogurt. It requires: 100 ml of the main ingredient, 10 ml of natural lemon juice and 2-3 almonds. The nuts are ground in a coffee grinder, then all the ingredients are mixed and applied to the skin in a thin layer. This homemade cream performs several functions at once: nourishes the skin, exfoliates dead skin cells and, of course, brightens.

Video recipe for a good DIY whitening product

It is quite possible to prepare an effective facial care product at home; the most important thing is to take into account the peculiarities of your skin and the specifics of the problem that you have to deal with. This video describes in detail the recipe for a baking soda-based peeling product, which gives a noticeable brightening effect.


Yana: I tried so many creams, I didn’t like any of them: some because of poor results, some because they were inconvenient to use. Now I have switched to homemade cosmetics and it seems to me that there is no better whitening composition than a mask with lemon juice.

Valentina: I have been using Belit for a long time. It is inexpensive but very effective. I have almost completely overcome my numerous freckles!

Margo: My friends brought me Lakshma Maxxi cream and I am delighted with it. Really high quality and effective product. Of course, it’s expensive, so I’m just glad that they gave it to me. I recommend this cream to anyone who wants to get rid of pigmentation on their face.

List of whitening body creams

Lakshma MAXXI (Lakshma MAXI)

is an American-made smoothing cream that is used to lighten intimate areas. Consists of kojic acid and arbutin. This tandem of lightening compounds is completely safe for use on delicate areas. In addition, the product is used to eliminate pigmented postpartum spots, freckles and others.

Lakshma MAXXI
JoyDrops Genital Bleaching (JoyDrops)

– another good cream for whitening the bikini area. Replaces similar professional procedures. Provides long-lasting effect even after stopping use. Its active ingredients are wheat extract and pea extract. Approved for use during lactation.

JoyDrops Genital Bleaching
Pannamas Lightening Under Arm Cream

– a good and inexpensive cream for whitening armpits. Consists of multivitamins and plant extracts that have a brightening effect. Significantly reduces spots after surgery and childbirth, approved for use in the bikini area. Actively used for acanthosis nigricans.

Pannamas Lightening Under Arm Cream
Bioaqua Pink Privates (Bioaqua)

presents a soft cream for whitening elbows, knees, nipples and any other areas of the body. It has a cumulative effect; the manufacturer recommends using the product for two months to achieve the effect.

Bioaqua Pink Privates
A cream with lactic acid is suitable for the face and body – Secret key Snow white cream (Secret Key)

. It is enriched with collagen and moisturizing formula. It has a pronounced anti-allergenic property and is often used for urgent whitening. Not used for intimate hygiene.

Secret key Snow white cream
Isme (Isme)

– cream for age spots, whitening intimate areas, inner thighs and buttocks. Can be used by men for cosmetic procedures. Contains green tea and citrus extract.


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