The skin under the eyes has become flabby reasons, how to tighten it, effective remedies

Why does this happen and what to do if your eyelids droop

The cause of the phenomenon is age-related changes. Over time, the skin loses its elasticity and tone, and folds begin to form on it. This is caused by an age-related decrease in the synthesis of elastin and collagen - the two main structural proteins that form the skin framework. For the skin of the eyelids, which are particularly thin, even the slightest loss of these connections immediately manifests itself as ptosis (drooping and/or sagging).

Of course, such a violation requires correction. Indications for it are:

  • too massive eyelids, forming a “tired” face;
  • enlarged folds of skin formed by the upper eyelids;
  • drooping of the lower eyelids with the formation of “bags”;
  • accumulation of fatty deposits in the periocular area;
  • moving the corners of the eyes downwards.

These are cosmetic reasons that do not objectively harm human health. Nevertheless, it is sometimes necessary to correct sagging eyelids for medical reasons, since this disorder can lead to:

  • entropion (turning of the eyelids);
  • exophthalmos (protrusion of the eyeball).

When bags under the eyes ruin your look

If the main problem that worries you is bags under the eyes, our doctor will definitely recommend checking the health of some organs: this kind of unpleasant phenomena may indicate a metabolic disorder, fluid retention in the body. Often, swelling can be removed simply by adjusting your diet and reducing the amount of liquid you drink.

If you can’t cope with the situation, modern hardware cosmetology and mesotherapy can also be a solution: when the volume of the hernia under the lower eyelid is small, it is often enough to support the skin to make the bags disappear. Our doctor may recommend using several methods at a certain interval - this way you can achieve the greatest effect.

What to do if the upper or lower eyelid droops

There are non-surgical measures that will help with mild prolapse:

  • Thoughtful eye makeup using predominantly light shades and giving the eyebrows the correct shape. These methods will not correct sagging eyelids, but will help make it less noticeable.
  • Using cooling ice masks on the skin around the eyes. Such masks lead to some reduction in ptosis due to the narrowing of blood vessels and a reduction in tissue swelling.
  • Healthy sleep , as well as sufficient hydration of the skin around the eyes.
  • Injection cosmetology with the introduction of botulinum toxins or fillers.

Factors leading to premature aging of the eyelid skin

Cosmetologists identify several main reasons that provoke premature aging of the skin of the eyelids:

  • Facial expressions. A person blinks, squints, laughs, frowns, smiles, is surprised - any emotion is accompanied by the movement of muscles in the eye area, which pull the skin along with it. This is a natural factor that simply cannot be eliminated.
  • Improper eyelid skin care. Excessive stretching, sleeping with makeup, randomly rubbing the eyes in the morning, sleeping with your face in the pillow, using inappropriate products - all this negatively affects the condition of the skin of the eyelids, as a result of which the first wrinkles appear.
  • Gravity. Another natural reason is that under the influence of gravity, ligaments, muscles and skin stretch and weaken. However, they remain firmly fixed to the bones, resulting in a “sagging” effect and wrinkles appear.
  • Impact of external factors. Heat, cold, wind, snow, rain, high concentration of harmful substances in the air - all this dries out the face and leads to the appearance of the first cosmetic defects.
  • Internal problems in the body. An unbalanced diet, lack of sleep, pathologies of internal organs - all this affects the condition of the skin.
  • Smoking, alcohol, overwork, chronic stress are factors that need no introduction. They not only accelerate premature skin aging, but also significantly shorten life expectancy.

Surgical correction

The most effective way to get rid of drooping eyelids is plastic surgery. Blepharoplasty can remove ptosis, excess skin around the eyes, and fat deposits on the eyelids.

At SM-Plastika, this intervention is carried out in a day hospital using general or local (as appropriate) anesthesia. This procedure lasts 2-3 hours depending on the volume:

  • correction of sagging upper eyelids with possible muscle plastic surgery;
  • elimination of under-eye bags by plastic surgery of the lower eyelids;
  • circular blepharoplasty, in which the appearance of the entire periocular area is corrected, often combining it with muscle tightening.

If the changes are mild, our surgeons can tighten the skin of the eyelids using transconjunctival blepharoplasty. The advantage of this gentle operation is that it is performed through microscopic punctures on the inner surface of the eyelids. In addition to shortening the rehabilitation period, this technique guarantees the absence of any traces of surgical intervention on the skin.

Folk recipes

Even if you have a whole arsenal of cosmetics to combat sagging skin on your dressing table, sometimes looking into the refrigerator is also very useful.

From the simplest ingredients you can make many combinations that help fill the epidermal cells with moisture, valuable substances, acids and vitamins.

Lotions, lotions, masks for elasticity of the skin around the eyes, when used regularly, can become natural substitutes for industrial creams. The main thing is that all the ingredients are fresh and the face is cleaned of any remaining dirt and makeup.

Nourishing mask

Take the yolk of one egg and 1 tsp. apricot oil, add freshly squeezed aloe juice. Before this, the aloe leaf should lie in the refrigerator for 2 weeks - this way it will reveal more of its beneficial properties. Apply the mixture along the massage lines, without touching the moving eyelid.

Lotions for irritated skin

With age, the sensitive skin of the eyelids becomes more and more difficult to “calm”; it becomes thinner and needs special delicate care. To achieve a smooth and matte finish, we need dried cornflower flowers. Prepare a decoction of them: pour boiling water over a few tablespoons, leave to steep in a thermos for 20 minutes, strain and use after cooling.

Toning mask

The combination of raw potatoes and fresh parsley will help relieve signs of fatigue and tighten the skin of the eyelids. To do this, you need to chop one potato and add 1 tsp to it. freshly squeezed parsley juice. The mixture is applied to a layer of gauze, then to the eyes for 20 minutes.

Super mask with gelatin

Gelatin masks for elasticity of the skin around the eyes have always been famous for their ability to push out wrinkles and even out the relief. Take some gelatin, pour 2 tbsp. l. cold water and leave to swell. Heat in a water bath, add 1 tsp. milk, 1/2 tsp. grape seed oils.

Clay and cucumber mask

Take 1 tbsp. l. pink clay, combine it with still mineral water to a thick consistency, add 1 tsp. heavy sour cream and a little cucumber juice. This mask tones, increases elasticity, relieves irritation, and smoothes out the network of fine wrinkles.

Nourishing banana mask

Mash half a ripe banana and add 1 tsp. softened butter. Keep the mask on your face for no more than 20 minutes, otherwise the banana will turn black and will only cause harm. The skin will become soft, velvety to the touch and elastic.

Surgical interventions for eyelid rejuvenation

Plastic surgery has in its arsenal a proven, low-traumatic technique that will help cope with the aging of the eyelids and restore them to their original appearance. It's called blepharoplasty.

The intervention involves removing excess skin and fatty tissue. The manipulation can be carried out both on the lower and upper eyelids, or separately. The result of the operation is simply impressive: the eyelids become tightened again, the eyes open up. Rehabilitation after blepharoplasty – 6-12 days. Already 1.5-2 months after the operation, the final result of the intervention is visible.

The most suitable method for eyelid skin rejuvenation can only be chosen by specialists. In some cases, hardware cosmetology is sufficient, in others surgical intervention is indispensable. Therefore, you should only contact trusted specialists whose competence and experience there will be no doubt about.

What is it like, proper care for the skin around the eyes

Some representatives of the fairer sex are of the opinion that the fight against wrinkles should begin only after they appear. But ideally, everything is different; you should start taking care of the delicate skin of the eyelids at a young age, at about 25-30 years old. At this time, the skin undergoes changes, which negatively affects its elasticity, tone and appearance.

The multi-step system is the ideal method for caring for the skin around the eyes. A woman's makeup bag should have a variety of care products.

Basic care procedures:

  • Cleansing
  • Toning
  • Nutrition, hydration
  • Massage
  • Use of vitamin complexes

Let's look at each step.


To perform a massage for sagging skin under the eyes, you will need ice cubes. To prepare them, you need to use a herbal decoction based on chamomile, sage and calendula flowers.

It is necessary to gently wipe the lower eyelids with ice from the outer corner of the eye to the bridge of the nose, without making sudden movements. The duration of the procedure is about 1-2 minutes. After the massage, the skin should dry on its own. After 20 minutes, it is recommended to apply nourishing cream. To get a positive result from a massage, you need to perform the procedure daily.

The procedure is not performed in winter.


Non-surgical ultrasonic SMAS lifting Ulthera® System is a modern alternative to surgical circular skin tightening in just 1 procedure! Its main advantage is the absence of a postoperative rehabilitation period. The rejuvenation effect increases within 3-4 months and lasts up to 1.5 years. SMAS-lifting Ulthera®System is a scientific reality available to all GMTClinic patients.

This method is indicated for age-related ptosis of the upper eyelid, bulging subcutaneous fat in the lower eyelid area, drooping eyebrow tails, and the presence of crow's feet. SMAS-lifting Ultherapy® is an alternative to surgical tissue tightening, because the device works at the same depth as surgeons, but without anesthesia and a scalpel. Plus, in addition to tightening, altera therapy improves the quality, density and elasticity of the skin.

Professionalism, brilliant mastery of the SMAS-lifting technique, as well as the number of grateful patients, who are increasing every month, brought GMTClinic two prestigious awards from the manufacturer ULTHERA SYSTEM company Merz Aesthetics. The Ulthera® System has received the "Best Device in Aesthetic Medicine" award and is considered the gold standard for non-surgical eyelid surgery and periorbital rejuvenation.

Indications for Ulthera®System non-surgical blepharoplasty:

  • small wrinkles around the eyes, “crow’s feet”;
  • bags and circles under the eyes;
  • hernias, wen;
  • swollen, heavy upper eyelids;
  • drooping outer corners of the eyelids.

Eyelid skin rejuvenation using aesthetic cosmetology methods

Modern medicine has a number of non-invasive methods for rejuvenating the skin of the eyelids:

  • Injection rejuvenation. An individually selected cocktail of microelements, vitamins, enzymes, and acids is injected under the skin. The procedure helps get rid of wrinkles, age spots, makes the skin firmer and more elastic.
  • Chemical peeling. A special composition is applied to the skin, which removes dead cells, launching regenerative processes in the dermis.
  • Hardware rejuvenation. It involves heating the subcutaneous layer with high-frequency current using a special device. Restores skin elasticity, smoothes out fine wrinkles.
  • Contour plastic. It involves filling deep wrinkles in the eye area with special fillers based on hyaluronic acid, which instantly have a rejuvenating effect.
  • Laser rejuvenation. It consists of destroying the top layer of skin with a fractional laser to stimulate the formation of new cells. The procedure also helps get rid of age spots.

How to get rid of drooping eyelids

Look at the anatomical picture of the eye. The orbit is covered by the orbicularis muscle, which forms a ring. It works like a camera shutter. We often provoke wrinkles in this area with static facial expressions, for example, when we squint from bright light, concentrate our attention on something, or experience tension when working with gadgets. With age, the orbicularis muscle gradually narrows and pulls toward the nose, visually reducing the size of the eyes.

Some researchers directly associate age-related reduction in eye shape with so-called “mental aging”: a narrow view of what is happening, loss of interest in new things. Remember how wide-set children's eyes are, and how they have a limitless outlook on life! So let’s keep our eyes open to beauty, youth and self-confidence!

Exercise “Glasses” strengthens the entire eyelid area. Opens your eyes, reduces facial wrinkles and crow's feet, and weans you from the habit of squinting. When I have little time in the morning, this is what I do. Execution time is 30 seconds.

How to do. Place your fingers on the area around the eyelids. Like big glasses, wide, fashionable. The task is to place your fingers so that they fix the outer edge of the muscle and straighten it. Check that there are no “holes” between your fingers and your face. Find the position of best contact. The fingers lie tightly, but do not press!

We open our eyes wide, then squint (raising the lower eyelid). You can feel the movement (constriction) of the muscle under your fingers.

We do it 10–15 times in dynamics: we open our eyes and squint.

Next, we linger for 10 seconds in static position: we squint and hold.

Result. Hands off. Look at yourself in the mirror and evaluate the result. Even after the first execution, your gaze will become more open. The effect of this exercise is cumulative. After performing it, the skin around the eyelids may become lighter.

If you see red spots or fingernail marks, it means you pressed hard. Reduce the pressure (less tension in your hands - less pressure), don’t be overzealous, on a five-point scale, click “three”).

Lifehack. If your forehead moves during the exercise, try to isolate it with an elastic bandage or scarf, and do not forget to remove it immediately after the exercise. Also, to control the mobility of the forehead, you can try positioning your hands in such a way that you can hold your forehead with your fingers.

How to tighten eyelids at home

Wrinkles and sagging in the eyelid area are often attributed to thin skin. Such skin really stretches, especially due to swelling, mechanical pressure and friction, and daily incorrect care when applying cream. In addition, with age, the shape of the orbicularis oculi muscle and neighboring muscles changes under the skin. They weaken and put pressure on the eyelids. All together visually makes the eyes smaller and they look sunken. Therefore, we add an exercise to lift the temples and corners of the eyes.

The temporalis muscle affects the position of the corner of the eye and puts pressure on the side of the eye. Decreasing in size, it pulls the corner of the eye and eyebrow down, covers the eye, reduces peripheral vision, and gives a sad expression to the face. Look at the anatomical picture. The temporoparietal muscle is located on the lateral surface of the skull.

How to do. Place your palms to your temples, as in the photo. The base of the palms is in the temporal fossa (the fossa is formed when the mouth opens). Pull your arms slightly towards the top of your head.

Close your eyes slowly and tightly. 10–15 times in dynamics (blinking).

Stay static for 10 seconds (with your eyes closed).

As you perform the exercise, you will feel the muscles moving under your palms.

Result. Take your hands away and compare the sensations. Look in the mirror. Do you see? Often, after the first execution of the exercise, the corner of the eye and the tip of the eyebrow rise, as you do now.


In the photo below you can see that the upper eyelid is heavy and lies in a fold on the eyelashes, covering the corner of the eye. I looked like this almost eight years ago, at 32. I was young, energetic, and everyone around me said that I was inventing problems for myself.

During my immersion in the topic of natural facial restoration, I realized that there are people who show age-related changes earlier than their peers. Now I know for sure that if I had not done face fitness, then by the age of 40 my eyes would have been even heavier and my eyes would have looked even smaller.

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