Can I use facial oil instead of cream?

Many women love to use natural oils in facial care, and I already have an article and video on this topic.

And recently I had the opportunity to talk with Yulia Gagarina and ask her several important questions on the topic of using natural oils in home skin care: what rules should be followed when choosing an oil, is it possible to mix different oils with each other and much, much more.

Yulia is a chemical technologist, developer of EcoLife brand cosmetics and author of interesting articles that are regularly published in professional magazines. And many of you are already familiar with Julia from my article about micellar water.

Watch the video on YouTube:

The benefits of natural oils for facial skin

All oils obtained by pressing or distilling plant biomass contain organic acids, biologically active protein complexes, vitamins and antioxidants.

The chemical composition and relationships of these main active components are varied and unique, like the world of trees, flowers and herbs itself:

  • Olive oil is the leader in the concentration of polyunsaturated fatty acids of the omega class;
  • the oil product of cocoa beans incomparably revitalizes the skin with caffeine;
  • pressing of wheat germ is a champion in the content of youth vitamin E.

A rich set of active fat-soluble substances , interacting with skin cells, prevents dehydration, normalizes fat metabolism, smoothes wrinkles, relieves inflammation, disinfects, heals damage, rejuvenates and promotes cellular regeneration. They are great instead of face cream.

The benefits or harms of vegetable oils for the face - advice from a cosmetologist

Vegetable oils can cause dry skin!


Rosehip oil, Miranda Kerr's favorite remedy, according to the tabloids, is one of the most nutritious. It is an excellent remedy for restoring damaged areas of the skin, promotes its renewal and healing: it helps to resolve scars, burns, acne spots, it is even recommended for the treatment of eczema. To moisturize the skin in general, it may be too oily, especially if your skin is not prone to dryness, but it is suitable for spot use - on those same scars - or as an additive to existing cosmetic products.

Margot Marron

Natural rosehip oil contains the highest amount of essential fatty acids of any known oil, which are important for the healthy functioning of cell membranes. Antioxidants in the oil - including ascorbic and retinoic acids, lycopene, lutein, rubixanthin, xanthophyll and zeaxanthin (carotenoids) - restore skin elasticity and radiance.

Features of cosmetic use

Before using any oil, you should check whether it will cause allergies.

To do this, place a drop of the drug on the most sensitive area - the inner surface of the wrist. If redness or rash occurs on sensitive skin, do not use this product.

Nutrient oil formulations, as a rule, are used no more than twice a week in courses lasting one to two months. They are applied to thoroughly cleansed, well-moisturized skin in small quantities:

  • for dry use – up to five drops;
  • for normal – up to three drops,
  • for oily and combination skin – from one to three drops.

When using vegetable oils in the care of non-oily skin on a regular basis, as an evening meal, be sure to first apply moisturizing cosmetics - cream or toner.

As a result, a fat barrier will be created on top of the moisture-saturated skin, preventing dehydration.

Oil washes

You can practice oil washes that cleanse your face of sebum accumulations: apply three to five drops of shea butter to moistened, steamed skin and cover with a heated damp cloth. After 3-5 minutes, wipe the face, repeat the same steps twice and apply moisturizing cosmetics to the skin “washed” in this way.

To expand the spectrum of action of oils, they are purposefully used as a duet of a base fatty component and an additional essential component.

Vegetable oils for problem skin care

Plant esters are most in demand when caring for problem skin when drying is required.

Natural oil in its pure form is indispensable for caring for problematic skin with eczema or psoriasis, in which a damp environment is contraindicated.

In all other cases, oil extracts with constant use sooner or later form a film that disrupts the natural processes of skin metabolism - primarily, the skin's breathing mechanisms.

Argan oil instead of face cream:

Jojoba oil properties and use for facial wrinkles

Jojoba is often called “liquid gold”, because it has very valuable cosmetic properties.

Extracted from jojoba beans. This plant is very hardy thanks to the wax that coats the pores of the plant during hot summer days and cold nights. It is this wax that prevents the process of moisture evaporation. Its vitality is beneficial to any human body.

It is one of the best emollients and is considered more effective than even spermaceti oil.

It contains amino acids, which in their structure resemble collagen. And, as you know, it is responsible for the elasticity of the integument.

The product is also rich in vitamin E, which has restorative properties, which is very effective in the fight against wrinkles.

This product is especially good for those with dry and sensitive skin.

Mask recipes


  • 2 tbsp. jojoba
  • 25 drops sandalwood
  • 25 drops of patchouli.

Mix and apply for 10 minutes, avoiding the eye area. Then rinse with warm water.

For deep wrinkles


  • 5 ml (1 tsp) wheat germ oil
  • 5 ml avocado
  • 5 ml jojoba.


  • 3 drops rose damask
  • 2 drops of neroli.

Mix the specified amount of all ingredients in a glass container. Pour the mixture into a dark glass bottle and can be stored for 3 months in the refrigerator.

Apply a thin layer locally onto wrinkles, tapping the mixture in with your finger. Avoid the area around the eyes to avoid swelling. Leave for 15-20 minutes and then blot with a napkin.

This procedure can be carried out up to 3 times a day for 1.5-2 months. Next, it is better to change the recipe to another so as not to become addictive.

Lifting mask with whitening effect

  • 1 tbsp. jojoba
  • 1 yolk
  • 1 tsp liquid honey
  • 1 tbsp. lemon juice (do not add for dry skin).

In a glass bowl, mix the yolk, honey and lemon juice. Pour warm jojoba into the mixture (hold the spoon over the fire). Apply for 15-20 minutes and wash with warm water.

The right choice: what is the difference between a natural product and a fake one?

You can choose quality skin care products based on the following guidelines:

  • Reputation of the manufacturer and supplier a. REFERENCE: In the domestic market, the top 13 trustworthy companies include Iris, Touche Flora, Galenopharm (basic extracts), Vivasan, Aura Cacia, Glorion, Primavera life, Bergland ", "Agroselprom" (basic extracts), "Karl Hadek", "Dr Taffi", "Balm Balm", "Eone".
  • Price range and level . The cost of different products can and should differ significantly due to differences in the cost of raw materials and the complexity of processing technologies. Thus, Indian-made coconut oil costs from 200 rubles per 100 ml, and the same volume of African shea butter will cost 500 rubles. High-quality argan oil cannot cost less than 1500-2000 rubles per 10 ml. Damask rose oil extract costs no less than $20 per milliliter.
  • Packaging and storage . All high-quality natural preparations are bottled only in dark glass bottles with tight lids, usually equipped with dispensers. The exception is coconut oil, which can be stored in a transparent container, but even this should not be exposed to a sunny display before being sold.
  • Information on labels and accompanying documents will also help determine which oil to choose. Preference should be given to the “unrefined virgin product”, which retains a maximum of natural substances.

The bottle must have a label with a picture of the plant and its correct Latin name.

Labels such as “100% pure aromatic” or “for external use only” indicate that the product is not natural.

Extracts that do not exist in nature - strawberry, pear, lily of the valley, etc., are also the result of purely chemical creativity.

  • Additional signs of the authenticity of an essential product are the complete, without a greasy trace, evaporation of a drop of it from the surface of the paper, as well as a change in aroma at the same time - after all, natural essential oil contains a whole bunch of substances that evaporate at different rates. The synthetic aroma, on the contrary, does not change, but only weakens as the drop dries.

The best facial oils: TOP 11 Videos



If you have ever used the popular Moroccanoil oils, then you are familiar with the miraculous properties of argan oil firsthand - this is perhaps one of the most beneficial oils for hair. It is obtained from the fruits of a rare argan tree growing in Morocco. One hundred percent argan oil works even better than cosmetic products containing it, which often add silicones to ensure smooth hair. Pure argan oil can be applied to combat dryness and signs of aging throughout the body. The key is to use it sparingly because it is extremely nutritious. The oil will help heal dry cuticles, in the treatment of skin diseases, and the hair with it not only stops splitting, but also dries much faster if you apply a little after washing. The main thing to remember is that if you find cheap argan oil, it is most likely a diluted fake.

Margot Marron

One of the rarest and therefore most valuable and expensive oils. The unique nourishing and strengthening properties of argan oil are due to the very high content of vitamin E, which is an ideal natural nourishing, moisturizing, softening and healing agent. That is why argan oil is recommended for strengthening and intensive restoration of dry and split ends of hair and even nails.

Always use 100% cold-pressed oils, and before using any oil on your face, test on a small area of ​​skin to ensure there is no allergy. Be careful what oil you take internally: never experiment if it is indicated for external use only. Skin sensitivity to oils, as to any drug, is individual - always keep this in mind.

Photos: coverphoto via Shutterstock


A selection of impressions from the use of oil preparations for facial skin care confirms that these effective products are used separately and in mixtures, for night nutrition and during the winter season, but do not completely replace face creams.

“I use shea butter both on its own, heated in a water bath, and mixed with face creams. I especially like it in winter. Shea butter really leaves your skin feeling luxuriously nourished.”


“I make face masks based on shea butter with different ingredients, and the result is always the same: perfectly smooth, wrinkle-free, soft and velvety skin.”


“I have combination skin, which is difficult to care for. On dry, flaky areas, coconut oil is a great help – especially in winter.”


“I have oily facial skin, but coconut oil absorbs perfectly, helps with pimples, and doesn’t clog my pores. I use coconut nutrition exclusively at night and a little at a time.”


“To lighten age spots and whiten the skin, I use peach seed oil and castor oil in a 4:1 ratio with two drops of lavender essential oil. The effect is wonderful!”


“I have oily skin. In the evening, after washing with hyaluronic acid foam, I generously apply cocoa butter to the face, neck and décolleté. By morning, wrinkles disappear, no trace of oily shine remains, the skin is elastic, dense, smooth.”


The first thing that comes to mind when it comes to beauty oils is probably coconut oil. Those who know nothing about it have clearly lived somewhere in isolation - for the last couple of years, everyone who is not too lazy has been trumpeting about its miraculous properties: from beauty bloggers to weight loss specialists and adherents of healthy cooking. Some take it before meals, some use it for oil washes, instead of hair conditioner, and some even use it when cooking instead of butter and sunflower oil.

It is important not to overdo it. Coconut oil is extremely nutritious, so try it in small quantities first. Both skin and hair become radiant from coconut oil masks - it perfectly replenishes the lack of natural oils and has antimicrobial and antibacterial properties.

Margot Marron

In most cases, in cosmetology it is customary to use refined coconut oil, but in our laboratory we prefer to use pure, first cold-pressed coconut oil, thick and dense white. Despite this thickness, it is completely non-comedogenic, has a powerful antibacterial effect, creates a protective layer on the skin that prevents sunburn and chapping, and is also suitable for all skin types.

Natural product or cream in facial care? conclusions

Properly selected natural oils provide comprehensive facial skin care based on natural ingredients.

However, the use of oils alone as the only cosmetic product over time leads to disturbances in metabolic processes in the skin - primarily related to the circulation of air and water.

Despite all the undoubted benefits and effectiveness of oil extracts, they should be used in combination with other cosmetic products - primarily those that moisturize the skin.

Both cosmetologists and dermatologists talk about this.


Macadamia is a plant native to Australia that produces incredibly tasty fatty nuts, from which the oil of the same name is subsequently obtained. In addition to the fact that they can be eaten, the substances contained in nuts - and, accordingly, in oil - have an extremely beneficial effect on the skin. Thanks to fatty acids, the oil perfectly moisturizes the skin and hair, restoring tone and elasticity, while it is perfectly absorbed. This oil will be especially well received by tired and aging skin, as well as colored and damaged hair - it will provide them with excellent growth, returning the desired healthy state. It is often used as a makeup remover if you are tired and too lazy to wash your face thoroughly.

Margot Marron

Macadamia oil is an excellent restorative and rejuvenating agent; when applied to the skin, it acts as an antioxidant, gives the skin softness and velvety, restores firmness and elasticity, moisturizing and caring for it. Contains palmitic fatty acid, which is very important for hair, which is secreted in small quantities by the sebaceous glands.

Who is not suitable for?

If we talk about basic vegetable oils, then there is only one contraindication to their use - individual intolerance to the product , which can provoke allergic reactions. Therefore, they can be used competently and moderately by almost everyone.

But if we talk about essential oils, they involve more restrictions. They should not be used on the face in the following cases:

  • infectious and inflammatory diseases characterized by high fever;
  • tendency to bleed;
  • problems with blood formation;
  • a number of nervous diseases.

Restrictions on the use of certain esters are introduced in case of problems with blood clotting and blood pressure, after suffering from heart and vascular diseases.

Which creams can be replaced with oils and which cannot?

Despite the fact that the benefits of oils for the skin are great, experts advise not using them in all cases. They should not replace both day and night creams . It is better to apply the oil at night, but still use a special moisturizer during the day.

Oil compositions contain many vitamins, microelements, and beneficial acids, but they do not contain such an important component for our skin as water. Therefore, they can provide the skin with nutrition, saturation with useful substances, cleansing, and so on, but they will not provide complete hydration . Therefore, it will not be possible to replace moisturizer with oil - it will be ineffective.

Abuse of cosmetic oils can negatively affect the condition of the skin , causing the following adverse reactions:

  1. The appearance of pimples and blackheads. This is because oily foods can form a film on the skin, making it difficult to breathe. This prevents the removal of toxins, dust, and oil, which can result in clogged pores.
  2. Oil can dilute and eliminate sebum, as a result of which the dermis loses its natural protective layer, and it becomes much easier for negative external factors to affect it.
  3. The skin may lose its healthy tone, become dull and lifeless. The reason is that oily foods act on the surface of the skin. With their frequent use, they can stick together dead cells, which will prevent valuable components from penetrating deep into the skin.
  4. The skin may become dry, which can lead to early aging. Respiratory and metabolic processes may also be disrupted.

But this does not make the oils any less useful. Their correct use will give the skin a new life and nourish it from the inside. Therefore, you need to know how to properly use facial oil instead of cream, which one to choose, and what measures to follow.

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