Can children's cream be used on the face by adults?

When a long-awaited miracle appears in the house, there is very little time left for oneself. All available funds and attention are switched only to him. And sometimes it happens that you don’t even have the opportunity to pamper yourself with a new facial cosmetic, and you have to use baby cream for the whole family.

There are two opinions on this matter, some are completely “for” its use, others are “against”. It is difficult to understand the advisability of its use, but it is a fact that it very often becomes a lifesaver for young mothers.

Baby cream for adults

Using baby cream on an adult’s face is not that uncommon. Many young mothers often smear their skin to moisturize and protect them with products that they just get their hands on. And sometimes baby cream can be a good replacement for your usual skincare cosmetics, because it:

  • Differs in hypoallergenic qualities.
  • Contains safe and natural substances.
  • It has a tightening effect, adding elasticity and firmness to the epidermis.
  • Helps eliminate symptoms of inflammation.
  • Protects against various aggressive environmental factors (wind, frost, etc.).

However, if you ask a professional cosmetologist whether it is possible to smear your face with baby cream, the answer will most likely be negative. Therefore, you should think carefully before using such a remedy.

Is it possible to use pharmaceutical ointments for facial care?

Girls who are bothered by ugly boils on their faces try to find the most useful remedies for acne. Let's look at everything in order.


Is it possible to use “Rescuer” for acne? Can! The ointment is made from natural, safe ingredients. It contains no hormones or antibiotics. Essential oils and biologically active components fight inflammation. It is applied to the affected areas in a fairly thick layer for 2 hours.


Every young mother's medicine cabinet contains the drug Bepantenom, which she uses to lubricate irritations on the baby's skin. Should adults include this product in their facial care arsenal? This drug has a good effect on any irritation, promotes the healing of cracks, abrasions, and burns.

Bepanten is able to cope with dryness, peeling of the skin, various inflammations, quickly heals wounds after opening acne, accelerates cell recovery after pilling and cosmetic injections. That is, it is possible!

Negative side

Baby cream really makes the epidermis soft and silky. This effect is largely due to the presence of lanolin in its composition, which can create the thinnest protective film on the baby’s skin. Newborns really need such care, since the processes of renewal of the infant epidermis are not yet very well established. Baby's skin really needs good protection. However, the presence of a lanolin film on an adult’s face leads to:

  • Difficulty cleaning the epidermis of toxins.
  • Slowing down metabolic processes.
  • Gluing of dead epidermal cells, as a result of which rashes may appear on the skin.
  • The appearance of slight swelling.

Girls who actively use baby cream run the risk of skin dehydration and poisoning with toxins. The condition of the epidermis with such care can greatly deteriorate.

Most popular means

Now let's take a closer look at the most famous versions of baby cream, which have the most pronounced effect.

Is Chanterelle cream good for oily skin?

It is the best facial moisturizer that can provide care to the delicate skin of children and adults. Children's cream "Little Chanterelle" has a number of beneficial properties:

  • has softening properties;
  • saturates the skin with a whole complex of nutrients;
  • is a moisturizing cream for dry skin;
  • helps normalize water-lipid balance;
  • relieves irritation on sensitive skin;
  • protects skin from negative environmental influences.

The high effectiveness of this cosmetic product is ensured by the content of the following valuable ingredients:

  • sunflower oil (is a natural softening and protective component);
  • lanolin - another softening ingredient that gives the skin softness and velvety;
  • chamomile extract – has soothing, healing and moisturizing properties;
  • vitamin A – has a moisturizing and protective effect;
  • eucalyptus oil – has antiseptic and antiviral effects.

The cost of baby cream “Little Chanterelle” varies from 40 to 60 rubles

Can Tik-Tac be used for dry skin?

Tic Tac baby cream is a very popular skin care product. The main effect of this product is due to the presence of natural ingredients in it, as well as oils that provide gentle care for the skin. “Tic Tac” allows you to soften the skin, eliminate the feeling of tightness and dryness that occurs in case of dehydration and chapping. In addition, the cream has soothing properties and successfully copes with irritation and redness. It has a light consistency, ensuring ease and comfort of use. You can find out which cosmetics to choose for newborns in this article. The cream contains natural extracts and oils, and the recipe contains no dyes or parabens. Also, this cosmetic product is rich in valuable components, including:

  • thyme extract – has healing properties, successfully copes with inflammatory phenomena;
  • yarrow extract – it also has healing and anti-inflammatory properties;
  • viburnum extract – has strengthening and bactericidal effects;
  • beta-carotene – fights dryness and flaking of the skin;
  • lanolin – nourishes the skin, eliminates the problem of dry skin;
  • beeswax – has bactericidal and strengthening properties;
  • glycerin – deeply moisturizes the skin.

The cost of Tik Tak baby cream does not exceed 50-60 rubles for one tube of product

Is it possible to smear my face with “I Myself” cream?

This product is intended specifically for the delicate skin of infants, but at the same time it can also be used on adult skin. The composition of the children's cream "I Myself" contains the following natural ingredients:

  • fir extract;
  • emulsion wax;
  • soybean oil.

They successfully cope with the appearance of peeling and irritation, and are also distinguished by anti-inflammatory, wound healing, nourishing and softening properties. The composition is similar to Little Fairy cosmetics. If you focus on the cost of this product, then it is similar to the previous option and is in the range of 50-60 rubles.

How to use Freedom cream correctly - how to apply

Cream for babies under the loud name “Freedom” has a universal effect on the skin of babies, therefore it can be used in a number of situations (including for adults). Due to the soft effect and delicate texture of the product, you will not experience any discomfort during its application. Baby cream "Freedom" is designed to cope with the following tasks:

  • be gentle on the skin;
  • refresh and cool the skin;
  • fight sensations of itching and burning;
  • soothe irritated skin, prevent new irritations;
  • soften, nourish and moisturize.

Cream "Freedom" will cost a little more than previous options, its price starts from 100 rubles

If we talk about the composition of this product, then it contains the following components:

  • lanolin is an animal fat that ensures restoration of the water-lipid balance of the epidermis and softening of the surface layer;
  • chamomile extract – has calming properties;
  • lavender oil – very effective for sunburn, as well as various inflammatory phenomena;
  • menthol is a cooling component that is also an antiseptic;
  • Vitamin A – helps restore damaged skin and improve its appearance.

Cream “Freedom” will cost a little more than previous options; its price starts from 100 rubles.

Application of Bübchen and its composition

The initial task of the cream is to provide quick and high-quality assistance for irritation, redness and damage to the skin in the diaper area. Chamomile extract, zinc oxide and panthenol help provide these actions. But it will not replace a good face cream after 50 years.

This product also contains shea butter, sunflower and wheat germ, which help restore the protective lipid skin barrier, as well as beeswax, which forms an airtight protective film that prevents the skin from coming into contact with impurities.

Bübchen baby cream belongs to the category of more expensive products; its price starts from 900 rubles for one jar of product. Bübchen diaper cream also works well.

Video about selection rules

Is there an alternative?

On sale you can find high-quality baby body creams that do not contain lanolin and other components with similar qualities. In particular, Chicco and Bubchen products, as well as Jonson's Baby, have similar qualities. Many girls consider them safer and claim that they can be used occasionally as a replacement for various emollients and nourishing agents, used for the treatment and prevention of burns, allergies to cold, etc. It is believed that such compositions saturate the skin with vitamins and other benefits, as well as help smooth out wrinkles. Cream without lanolin can sometimes be:

Contraindications for use

Unfortunately, despite the obvious advantages, such products are not always suitable for use by adults. The reason is that the skin of children is very different from the skin of their parents and grandparents. Some components that benefit the baby can greatly harm their mothers and fathers. But that's not all, there are some features you need to know about:

  • sometimes the product smoothes out symptoms, but does not solve problems;
  • on the skin of an adult it forms a kind of protective film that will prevent it from “breathing” and will contribute to the disruption of metabolic processes;
  • For those with an oily type, such products are contraindicated, as they can seriously worsen the condition of the skin and lead to numerous inflammations.

Acid-base balance

A noticeable disadvantage of using children's creams for adults is the different characteristics of children's and mature epidermis. Babies have a fairly high pH level - about 8-9, and in women this figure should be approximately 5.5 pH. Therefore, the use of baby cream when caring for infants helps reduce the acid-base balance to normal levels, but in adults such a product can lead to its drop below normal levels. This is fraught with a decrease in the protective properties of the skin, the occurrence of rashes and serious irritations.

It is completely impossible to predict exactly how the skin will react to a particular product for children’s skin, especially with long-term use. Therefore, it is better to find cosmetics that are more age-appropriate.

Possible side effects

When choosing a baby cream, it is necessary to take into account the factor of individual intolerance to individual components of the cream, and also be sure to conduct an allergy test. Otherwise, the following reactions may occur:

  • Itching.
  • Skin irritation.
  • Rash in the form of small blisters.
  • The appearance of red bumps at the site of application.
  • General deterioration of the baby's condition, whims, attempts to touch the irritated area.
  • Temperature increase.
  • Breathing disorders.

If such symptoms are detected, you should immediately wash off the cream from the child’s skin and contact your pediatrician.

Important! Repeated use of a product that caused an allergic reaction is strictly prohibited.

Children's anti-wrinkle cream

A high-quality baby cream can really visually smooth the skin, nourish it and saturate it with moisture. However, none of these products have anti-aging properties. It is known that by the age of thirty, collagen synthesis in women’s skin slows down, which leads to the formation of a significant number of wrinkles. Real anti-wrinkle face creams are based on components that stimulate the production of collagen and elastin. Also, such compositions can supply the missing components to the epidermis. Of course, baby cream does not give such an effect. On the contrary, its components can somewhat slow down collagen synthesis.

Fighting acne

The anti-inflammatory and drying qualities of baby cream allow many to consider it as a means to combat pimples on the face and body. In addition, it can benefit problematic skin due to the presence of:

  • Vitamins A and E. These components help strengthen the protective qualities of the epidermis and accelerate regenerative processes.
  • Ceramides. These substances are important components of cell membranes.
  • Extracts of medicinal plants. In particular, it is possible to include plantain, chamomile, calendula, etc.

When treating acne, baby cream should be used only in limited quantities. If any undesirable reactions occur, you should discard this remedy.

It is difficult to answer the question of whether baby cream helps with acne. The body's reaction to such a remedy can be purely individual.

Beauty Recipes

  • Nourishing night cream against wrinkles around the eyes is prepared from 1 tbsp. baby cream (preferably fatty or lanolin based), liquid vitamins A, E, group B (B1 and B6), 2-3 drops of essential oil.
  • Intensive cream from Tatyana Litvinova consists of 2 tbsp. baby cream 10 drops of rosehip extract, 1 tsp. fresh aloe juice, 5 drops each of jojoba essential oil and vitamin B2. Mix the ingredients until completely homogeneous, place in a prepared container and refrigerate. Distribute 2-3 drops of ointment morning and evening onto clean skin with light massaging movements. Read about some of the tricks of a tightening massage here.
  • An anti-aging facial mask can be prepared from 7-9 g of baby product and 15 g of mumiyo. Leave the mixed components for a day, then apply a homogeneous mass for 20 minutes on the cleaned surface. Remove any remaining mask using a paper napkin or cotton pad. Repeat this procedure every week.
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