Cold cream: what is it? Does everyone need it? Is it possible to replace it with something?

Russia is famous for its frosts and beautiful girls. But often it is so difficult to combine. From the biting frost and piercing wind, any skin begins to peel, turn red and lose health. Therefore, during the cold season, our face and hands require additional protection. But choosing the right cream is not an easy task. The editors of the YaNashla website bring to your attention a review of the best wind and frost creams for 2022. We will tell you about the advantages and disadvantages of the TOP 10 cosmetic products.

How does cold affect the skin?

In the harsh winter, the skin suffers from dry air, snow, piercing winds and extremely low temperatures. All these factors influence its condition, but each destroys the epidermis in different ways:

  • First of all, when the face and hands are exposed to cold, a sharp narrowing or dilation of blood vessels close to the surface of the skin occurs, causing red or white spots to appear. With white (vasoconstriction) the body tries to save the remaining heat, and red (vasodilation) protects the epidermis from freezing.
  • We feel a tingling and burning sensation on our hands and face. This happens because at low temperatures, water in the skin crystallizes and disrupts the integrity of cell membranes, which can cause them not only to become inflamed, but also to die.
  • Strong winds and hard snow can damage the nerve fibers in the epidermis, causing itching and burning in the hands and face. The so-called “chicks” appear. The skin becomes unpleasant to the touch and damaged in appearance.
  • Peeling occurs not only outside at sub-zero temperatures, but also at home due to central heating. Dry air steals the remaining moisture from the skin and it has to create a protective barrier. A keratinized layer with a large amount of fat, which glues the scales into one large protective layer. But when the skin goes back outside, the process of creating protection stops and peeling occurs.

You can prevent all the unpleasant consequences of cold and wind with the help of a special cream. For the street you will need a thick cream with a fat base. This product will protect the skin from cooling and dehydration. It is best to apply the cream half an hour to an hour before leaving the house.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the cosmetic product should not be anhydrous, such as Vaseline. An ointment-like cream creates a false feeling of warmth, while the skin under the cream will still cool down. And the risk of frostbite becomes higher.

At home during the cold season, you also need to use a protective cream. Its main function is to nourish the skin. Use when there is a feeling of flaking and dry skin.


"AEVIT" is evenly distributed and moisturizes, increases turgor.

Vitamin A is the main ingredient that stimulates collagen synthesis and regulates sebum secretion.

The winter face cream also contains an antioxidant that slows down aging and eliminates swelling.

Regular use helps maintain and improve blood microcirculation.

What else you need to do to maintain healthy skin

  • Chapstick

When caring for our face and hands, we forget one of the most delicate places on the skin. Lips. The skin on the lips is very thin and does not have sebaceous glands, so it has no protection at all from wind and bad weather. During the cold season, you should definitely use chapstick before leaving the house. It should first of all be fatty; you need to look for the same ingredients in the composition as in a fatty cream.

  • Sun protection

No matter how funny it may sound, in winter you need protection from the sun almost more than in summer. Therefore, in addition to rich cream, you need to take care of sunscreen. They come in several types, depending on the strength of their protective properties.

  • Washing

Do not wash your face with cold water, only warm water. Also, do not use products with exfoliating granules, salicylic acid or alcohol.

  • Cloth

Even if you have smeared yourself with cream, do not forget about gloves and a scarf. Especially if you left the house for a long time.

  • Humidity at home

Don't underestimate dry indoor air. Constantly monitor the indicators. Humidity should not fall below 30%.

If the skin is already chapped

If you have already been exposed to wind and frost, then you need to anoint the damaged areas with a cream with panthenol or niacinamide. With their help, the skin will heal faster, redness and dryness will go away.

  • Consult a doctor

If all the measures described above have been taken into account, but redness and other problems on the skin still remain, you should urgently consult a dermatologist. It is possible to develop severe skin diseases such as psoriasis, eczema or even skin cancer, and the cold provoked them.

What absolutely cannot be done

  • Specifically injure the skin

A hot shower and a hard washcloth can damage the integrity of the epidermis. The winter period and dry air does not allow the skin to recover quickly, so at this time of year you need to take care of it and not overdo it with scrubs.

  • Sort with water

Do not exceed the water norm in the cold season. Excess water will not nourish the skin and will not relieve the feeling of dryness. This can only be done by the stratum corneum, consisting of dead cells and fat.

  • ethnoscience

Do not smear yourself with badger fat, Vaseline or lanolin. They can cause allergies, and they are not stored for long. Plus an unpleasant smell and appearance. If you need an inexpensive product, the market is now flooded with budget but safe products.

  • Forget about precautions

If there is a terrible snow storm outside, it is better to stay at home. Under no circumstances should you forget about warm clothes: a hat, gloves and a scarf. You need to protect yourself from frostbite.

How to choose the right cream

The most basic selection criterion when purchasing a cosmetic product should be the composition, not the brand or price.

What should be included

If you need a cream both for the street and for the home, you need to choose tubes marked “nutritious” or “winter”. The composition includes the following components:

  • Vegetable oils: jojoba, avocado, coconut, shea, pumpkin;
  • Carrot seed extract;
  • Almond oil;
  • Petrolatum;
  • Mineral oil.

These are fatty components that prevent water from evaporating from the skin due to wind and frost. You may be allergic to any of the ingredients listed. To avoid unpleasant consequences before using it on the face, it is better to apply a little cream to a small area of ​​the koi and see if any redness or rash appears during the day.

In addition, the composition may contain substances that take moisture from the environment.


  • hyaluronic acid;
  • lecithin;
  • glycerol;
  • propylene glycol;
  • urea.

The main advice when choosing a cream is not to rely on price. Composition, color and smell are much more important. It's best to ask for a sample at the store and use it.

What to watch out for in ingredients

To reduce the cost of the product, many manufacturers sin with not very high-quality components, and sensitive skin has to pay for it. But not every consumer knows what exactly to watch out for in the composition:

  • Parabens;
  • Petroleum products;
  • Paraffin oil;
  • Artificial fats.

They can be found very often in budget cosmetics. They are especially not suitable for caring for babies. If we talk about adults, then these ingredients can be conditionally called neutral.

The difference between children's and adult creams

Children's skin reacts much more strongly to temperature changes and other uncomfortable weather conditions. To care for children's skin, you need a more effective and at the same time delicate cream. The composition must contain natural oils and fats. Panthenol is also very important in the composition.

For adults, the composition should include more fats and vitamins, since the skin is already losing its natural elasticity and protection. An adult body can tolerate the effects of unnatural components, because the skin is less susceptible to allergies.

The market for protective products is diverse and sometimes it is difficult to figure out what exactly is suitable for a particular skin. You will find out which ones are better from our rating of the highest quality wind and frost protection products for 2022. We present to your attention the top 9 creams.

Regular care

In winter, regular care remains the same. If the skin is prone to acne, then it is necessary to use special products. The same goes for anti-aging cosmetic products.

Patches with microneedles Comedocid Seracin with hyaluronic acid help eliminate visible elements of acne without drying out the skin. The salicylic acid contained in the composition regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, has an antibacterial effect and helps cleanse pores. Hyaluronic acid maintains normal water balance in cells and accelerates skin restoration. The antibacterial component Medecassoside, obtained from the Centella asiatica plant, effectively relieves irritation and redness, reduces the number and severity of inflammatory elements. Apply the patches locally to the rashes in the evening - in the morning they will significantly decrease in size.

For anti-aging skin care, use night cream 3D hyaluronic filler. The key active ingredient of 3D fillers is 3D hyaluronic acid with molecules of different weights, produced in Switzerland, penetrates different levels of the skin, moisturizes and helps reduce the depth and area of ​​wrinkles. Almond oil in the cream nourishes and soothes the skin at night. Apply the product 2 hours before bedtime to cleansed skin of the face, neck and décolleté.

Thus, protection, nutrition, restoration and regular care will help you prevent skin problems and meet the winter “fully armed.”

1. Local study of the effectiveness and safety of using “DEFAVIT cream oily” in patients with facial skin exposed to adverse climatic factors N=30, period 4 weeks, BU “Khanty-Mansiysk Clinical Dermatovenerological Dispensary”

2. Study of the clinical effectiveness, safety and tolerability of the cosmetic product Librederm “Vitamin F with ceramides and prebiotic N=15, from 1 year to 18 years. Period – 3 months. FGAU "National Medical Research Center for Children's Health" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Chief researcher Murashkin N.N. Doctor of Medical Sciences, Prof.

The best wind and frost creams for 2022

9th place. Winter cream Morozko, Avanta

Budget cream, intended for children. It is considered quite effective, but has a rather low-quality composition: alcohol, parabens and other substances. Has a bright smell. It takes quite a long time to absorb, so it is worth applying in advance.

Winter cream Morozko, Avanta


  • Well protects the skin from chapping and roughening;
  • Convenient tube;
  • It's cheap;
  • Economical.


  • Poor quality ingredients in the composition;
  • May leave an oily sheen;
  • Water included;
  • Peculiar smell;
  • It takes a long time to absorb.

Customer reviews say that the notes on the packaging are not true. The tube says that you need to apply it 15 minutes before going outside, but in practice it takes at least 30 minutes for the cream to blend in. Buyers also note that despite the dubious composition, children have almost no allergies.

Price: from 40 rub. up to 70 rub.

8th place. Zima, Faberlic

A simple, effective budget cream, a protective composition against bad weather. Intended for adults. It helps even after peeling and redness appear.

Zima, Faberlic


  • Cheap;
  • Quickly absorbed;
  • Pleasant to the touch;
  • Protects well;
  • Economical;
  • Can be used as a base for makeup;
  • Does not make skin oily;
  • Nourishes.


  • Contains parabens;
  • Can only be purchased through consultants;
  • Not everyone likes the smell.

Average price: 150 rub.

7th place. Kutelitsa, Mirra-Lux

The cream protects the skin well from the harmful effects of wind and frost, restores elasticity and firmness to the skin. It has a good composition, but compared to other creams in its segment, it is too expensive. Cryoprotector.

Kutelitsa, Mirra-Lux


  • Compound;
  • Performs well as a cryoprotector;
  • Does not leave a greasy film;
  • Moisturizes and nourishes;
  • Convenient shape;
  • Does not tighten the skin;
  • Nice smell;
  • Well absorbed;
  • Economical.


  • High price;
  • Difficult to find in stores;
  • Some customers don't like the hard packaging.

Price: 450 rub.

6th place. Nutrilogie 1, Vichy

Expensive cream for adults. Restores skin protection by stimulating the production of its own lipids. Contains glycerin, jojoba oil and apricot oil. Relieves skin tightness from the first use.

Nutrilogie 1, Vichy


  • Perfectly moisturizes the skin of the hands and face;
  • Economical;
  • No smell;
  • Manufacturer France;
  • Convenient packaging;
  • Hypoallergenic;
  • Does not leave a greasy sheen;
  • Can be used as a base for makeup;
  • Nourishes;
  • Has medicinal properties.


  • Very high price.

According to buyers, this cream best copes with dry skin and protects against frost and wind.

Price: from 1500 rub.

5th place. Cold Wind Cream, Chicco Baby Moments

Coconut oil in the composition forms a protective layer. Cocoa butter creates a protective film against adverse weather influences. The entire composition is natural, it does not contain parabens, dyes or preservatives. The cream is also hypoallergenic and can be used for sensitive skin. Therefore, the cream can be used by children from birth.

Cold Wind Cream, Chicco Baby Moments


  • The tube lasts for several seasons;
  • Dense texture;
  • Quickly absorbed:
  • Suitable for children and adults with sensitive skin;
  • Reasonable price for its properties.


  • Poor quality tube cap;
  • Strong fragrance for baby cream.

Advice - if you buy for a child, then buyers recommend this particular cream as the best and most versatile. Can be used on the body.

Price: from 250 rub.

4th place. Mustela bebe Hydra stick

One of the most popular and oldest companies producing protective cosmetics. Very effective, has a pleasant smell. The composition has a number of disadvantages. Not all ingredients are natural. Made in the form of a stick rather than a cream. Beeswax and vegetable oils create a protective layer on the skin.

Mustela bebe Hydra stick


  • Not greasy;
  • Nice smell;
  • Quickly absorbed;
  • Protects and moisturizes the skin;
  • Relieves dryness.


  • The price is too high;
  • The composition contains unnatural components;
  • Not suitable for all children;
  • The smell is too strong and does not dissipate.

Price: from 700 rub.

3rd place. Protective balm against wind and cold, Weleda

One of the most famous brands of protective cosmetics. Protective balm against wind and cold does not contain parabens or mineral oils. Suitable for children of all ages.

Does not contain water, which means you don’t have to wait for the cream to be absorbed into the skin. Calendula in the composition quickly heals injured skin. Economical consumption, spreads well over the skin. The price is high, but it is the only cream that is ideal for children with atopic dermatitis or a tendency to it.

Volume: 30 ml.

Protective balm against wind and cold, Weleda


  • Can be applied to the skin immediately before going out;
  • Protects skin well;
  • Heals the injured;
  • Natural composition;
  • There is no water in the composition.


  • A small percentage of allergies;
  • High price;
  • Not everyone likes the smell;
  • Tube volume is too small.

Price: 850 rub.

2nd place. Winter care for normal, dry and combination skin, Olay Complete

The most effective cream for adults in its price segment. But despite its advantages, it has a drawback in application. The manufacturer specifies that the cream should be removed from the face as soon as you enter a warm room.

Winter care for normal, dry and combination skin, Olay Complete


  • Well moisturizes;
  • The skin becomes like velvet.


  • Inconvenient to use;
  • Price.

Price: from 600 rub.

1 place. Baby cream “Our Mother” for walking

Proven cream for children with maximum care for sensitive skin. One of the most popular models of this company. Protects the skin of even newborns from wind and frost. The composition contains sunflower oil, bee oil and fatty acids. Quickly absorbing fatty cream.

Baby cream “Our Mother” for walking


  • Excellent composition;
  • Reasonable price;
  • Quickly absorbed;
  • Hypoallergenic;
  • Convenient lid;
  • Economical;
  • Good weather protection;
  • Optimal volume;
  • Thick consistency;
  • Well protects against dehydration at low temperatures.


  • Not everyone likes the smell;
  • Doesn't help below 15 degrees.

Price: from 250 rub.

Cryoprotector Kutelitsa from Mirra Lux

Price: 600 rubles

An excellent cream that is suitable for both children and adults. It enhances capillary blood circulation, and also nourishes, moisturizes and improves skin elasticity. The cream has a good natural composition and a pleasant smell of herbs and essential oils. It is good to smear on your hands, face and neck during outdoor winter sports and long walks. The composition contains water, so you need to apply it in advance. The composition also includes cedar, castor and milk thistle oils, extracts of propolis, nettle, ginseng, green tea, urea, glucose, beta-carotene, vitamins E, F, C. In general, you can safely take it.

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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