How can you replace cosmetic oil for the face - reviews

Caring for your face and body in general requires a lot of cosmetics. Of course, every woman wants the composition to contain only natural ingredients that will bring as much benefit as possible, and the amount of harm will disappear to zero. Very often now on the shelves of cosmetic stores there are products that contain various kinds of fragrances and various chemical compounds.

These substances can harm the delicate skin of the face, so you should try to avoid such skincare products. As a result, many girls came to the conclusion that they began to use oil for facial care. But is it possible to do this?

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of whether a mask can be used instead of a cream. Some cosmetologists claim that replacement can be done easily. But others are against this use of facial oil.

Pros and cons of this method

What are the arguments of those who are not supporters of this Asian method of facial care based on?

  1. All natural ones consist entirely of lipids or fat. In conventional cosmetics, the maximum amount of fat is 40%. The manufacturer selects other components in accordance with the type of skin a person has and his age. If you follow all the rules for using the cream, you can achieve good results. It is worth remembering that even a very expensive cream and good oil can be harmful and harm the skin if used inappropriately.
  2. Oil in its pure form can completely clog pores. As a result, acne and other skin inflammations may appear. That is why even young skin should not be treated with fatty oil.
  3. Very frequent use of oil ultimately leads to dry skin. It seems like this can't happen, but it does. How to explain this? When it penetrates deep into the skin, the water-fat balance is disrupted. As a result, simply existing fats begin to be diluted with essential oils. A protective film from oil appears on the surface. It simply blocks the way, as a result, excess moisture does not leave the skin. Skin cells do not breathe. As a result, all metabolic processes are disrupted, the water-fat balance is also disrupted, and dehydration occurs.

In the video, face oil instead of cream:

The majority of professionals have a slightly different view of the application:

  1. It can be used, but not often.
  2. You need to apply the oil locally or spot-on, but also not for a long time.
  3. If there is no other cream, then using it sometimes is quite acceptable.

Read how to choose a face cream for problem skin.

In what cases can it be used occasionally?

  1. They can sometimes replace night face cream.
  2. Easily replaces cosmetic milk or makeup remover.
  3. If you stay on the beach for a long time, the oil will help protect against direct ultraviolet rays.
  4. Cosmetics can be supplemented with this ingredient. You just need to add a few drops to the composition.
  5. Adding nourishing face masks to the composition - a huge number of women follow this very principle.

What L'Oreal facial oil is, namely its consistency and other useful data, is detailed here in the article.

What castor oil looks like for the face in its pure form is indicated here.

How to use lemon essential oil for the face to achieve maximum effect is indicated in this article here:

The contents of this article will help you understand which cosmetic oils for the face against wrinkles are used most often.

If you nevertheless decide to use oils to treat your skin along with other cosmetics, then it is important to know that you should only use a proven, high-quality cream. It can be a regular baby cream. It is able to penetrate into the skin, while all the chemical compounds of the cream can also go into the deeper layers along with the oil. If you use a low-quality cream, then all substances of low-quality origin will also get inside.

In the video, face oil instead of anti-wrinkle cream:

Nourishing masks

Don't forget about the vitamins and nutrients that butter can give to your facial skin. To prepare masks, we take, in addition to the main ingredient, fruit or cottage cheese.

  • Walnut. Grind the kernels (15 g) into powder with a blender. Mix walnut powder with butter (10 g), liquid honey (7 ml) and half the yolk. Apply to face, wash off after 25 minutes.
  • Cottage cheese. Three peeled cucumbers (10 g). Mix with butter and soft cottage cheese (20 grams each). This mask should be kept for at least half an hour.
  • Fruity. Grind equal slices of apple, persimmon and banana in a blender. Add 10 grams of butter and 15 milliliters of heavy cream to this fruit puree. With the healing composition on your face, you should rest for a quarter of an hour.

Cleansing, how to do it correctly

  1. Before applying, you need to thoroughly cleanse and steam your face. You can also go to the shower, where your face will also cleanse. After this you can apply it. However, it should be selected taking into account your skin type. You need to drop a little oil on your palms and rub it over your face. You need to massage it a little, then remove the residue. This is done using a cotton pad, which must first be moistened with water. Now the face is simply rinsed with cool water. Remaining water should be blotted with a cotton towel. The effect will be noticeable immediately. The face will become matte.
  2. In the case of deep cleaning, you need to do the following. The skin must first be steamed. Apply a few drops of oil to the skin and cover your face with a towel. But the towel needs to be soaked in hot water. After a couple of minutes, wash off the oil using the same towel.

For each skin type, you need to select the appropriate ingredient. For dry skin types, you need to use natural oils of plant origin. Wrinkles will appear on the face as soon as possible, the skin will become smooth, all kinds of irritations will disappear.

The video tells you which facial oil to choose instead of cream:

Benefits of oils

Why oil, you ask. You can use your usual cream according to your skin type, and not waste time preparing homemade masks. You are right about this.

  • Any cream works only in the superficial layers of the skin, but a natural product penetrates into deep structures and works at the cellular level.
  • Cosmetics have a positive effect while you use them, and oils have a long-lasting effect.
  • In addition, the likelihood of developing an allergy is possible only if there is an individual intolerance to natural components. While the cream includes many chemical additives, the skin reaction is quite difficult to predict.

Although to be fair, if you decide to use oil instead of cream, don't expect quick results. You will be able to enjoy the beauty of your skin only after 2-3 weeks of regular procedures.

What base oils can be used

  • apricot;
  • sesame;
  • soy;
  • avocado;
  • borage.

The result can be as good as possible if you use not only vegetable oil, but also essential oil. As an essential oil, you can take jasmine, orange, and lavender oil.

For oily skin, it is recommended to use any nut oil.

This can be squeezing walnuts, hazelnuts, pine nuts. These oils contain a large number of valuable components in the form of proteins and minerals. This oil can also remove excess sebum. For oily skin types, you can use mustard, rapeseed, almond, and corn. No matter how they say that oil may not restore the functioning of the sebaceous glands, this is not so. It can regulate the secretions of the sebaceous glands.

Olive, almond, jojoba, melted butter are perfect for combination skin. With a combination type, it is best to use one oil in dry areas and another oil in the t-zone.

In the fight against wrinkles, you need to use oils that will nourish the skin and moisturize it. Castor, peach, burdock, grape, and camphor perfectly smooth out wrinkles.

Vegetable oils that can be used

To nourish the skin and moisturize it in its pure form, vegetable oils are most often used.


Often found in the kitchen, it is used for dressing salads and soups. It is also popular as a cosmetic product. Olive oil contains a rich complex of vitamins, fatty acids and microelements.

When used, the oil has the ability to retain moisture. The skin ages at a slower pace. All deep layers of the skin are well saturated with nutrients. Cells after damage are able to recover in a short time.


It has a composition similar to that of olive oil. Moreover, this composition is no worse than that of olive oil. There are a large number of polyunsaturated acids. As for vitamin E, there is even more of it than in olive oil.

If you use sunflower oil, your skin will stop peeling. The skin becomes firm and elastic. For a long time, sunflower oil has been used for hair to make it strong.


Can overcome dryness of even very dry skin. After using it, you can forget about it. This occurs due to the fact that it contains fatty acids.

It is not recommended to use castor oil in its pure form, as it is very viscous. Usually it is added to the cream, just a couple of drops is enough. You can also dilute castor oil with some other oil.


Very dense in structure. But it can very well moisturize the skin and saturate it with nutritional components. The skin becomes firm and elastic, and wrinkles will appear later.

Shea Butter

It also has a very dense structure. But this oil literally melts under normal conditions. Shea butter contains a large amount of triglycerides as well as fat. These substances can accelerate collagen production.


Perfectly regenerates skin cells. Contains a huge amount of antioxidants. That is why you can often hear that jojoba is a restorer.


Great for oily skin types. It is not capable of being strongly absorbed into the skin. It is recommended to use almond oil in winter.


Suitable for mature and dry skin. If inflammation or burn occurs, this oil will cope well with the problem.

Almost all women can use any of the listed oils. There is only one contraindication: it cannot be used if there is an individual intolerance to the body. But in the case of essential oils, you need to be careful. It should not be used under any circumstances if there is a process of inflammation accompanied by an increase in temperature. If the body is prone to sudden bleeding, or if there are nervous diseases, then essential oils are not recommended.

You can learn about how castor oil is used for hair by reading the contents of this article.

To understand what reviews about Garnier Transformation hair oil currently exist, it is detailed in this article.

The contents of this article will help you find out what reviews exist about Matrix hair oil.

But for those who want to understand what reviews exist about Kerastase hair oil, it is worth reading the contents of this article by following the link.

What photos of Argan oil for hair exist can be seen in the contents of this article here.


Castor oil can definitely come in handy to regrow your eyebrows after that unfortunate decision to pluck a little more or pluck your eyelashes, just as your grandmother advised. It is obtained from a plant with the unsightly name castor bean, but don’t let that scare you - it helps to smooth out stretch marks and scars a little, a couple of drops can be added to your daily care products, but most importantly, it is indispensable for cleansing the skin. Castor oil gently dissolves impurities and, in combination with moisturizing oil - jojoba or olive - is effectively used in oil cleansing. Contrary to popular belief, in many cases of skin problems it is not necessary to constantly dry out the skin with drugs, but to dissolve impurities without removing the skin's natural oil barrier - and this is where castor oil comes to the rescue.

Margot Marron

Ricinoleic acid, which is part of castor oil, gives it amazing nourishing and softening properties, helps cope with dry skin, flaking and loss of elasticity. However, it can cause an allergic reaction, so you need to use castor oil very carefully and precisely. Apply literally one drop at a time on your eyelashes, spreading from the tips to the base and being careful not to touch the skin of your eyelids.


  • Anna, 27 years old: “I often use oil not only as a product that helps restore hair structure, but also as a face cream. Several times a month I removed my makeup with this oil and also moisturized my facial skin. Matte skin is the desired effect. Sometimes it seems to me that there is nothing even better than butter. The cream often doesn’t help me.”
  • Irina, 30 years old: “I do a face mask twice every 7 days. To do this, I mix peach and jojoba. To remove inflammation from the skin, you need peach oil. I really liked this mask. Very soon I will use it constantly, the cream will go away. Silky skin texture and smoothness - this effect is difficult to achieve even when using the most expensive cream. The oil mixture is quite oily. Therefore, it is recommended to apply them to your skin before you go to bed.”
  • Elena, 31 years old: “Even at my age, you need to take care that wrinkles begin to appear as late as possible. That is why I began to look for a way to help prevent their occurrence. I decided to start with the safest and easiest way. I started using jojoba oil. There is one drawback for me personally: I don’t really like the consistency. But I was completely satisfied with the result. Even the oily shine disappeared, and the skin seemed to even out. Now I use it often enough to please myself.”
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