“No one has ever asked for a triangular shape”: a surgeon told the whole truth about silicone breasts

What determines the shape of a woman's breasts?

The beautiful shape of a woman's breasts depends on heredity and care. The anatomical structure of the bust, in the absence of pathologies, is the same for all women. A common answer to the question of what determines the shape of a woman’s breasts is the amount of fat deposits (a high proportion of fat deposits creates a full bust). A “frame” of glandular tissue is responsible for support. The final visual component of the bust during its maturation can be influenced by the selection of underwear. Lack of support and constant tone contributes to tissue sagging. The reason is the weakening of the “framework” of the glandular component. Bust Measurement Options:

  • height (relative to the body);
  • level of tissue density (presence/absence of sagging);
  • width of the base of the mammary gland;
  • overall volume.

Push up bras are bad for your breasts

Often, women who are faced with this problem believe that their bust is simply not yet fully formed and will become rounder over time. However, the fact is that the development of tubular breasts is completed during puberty, and after that it does not round out either with weight fluctuations or with breastfeeding.

Modern medicine has not yet fully elucidated the reasons for this deformation, but it is already known that the cone-shaped shape can be both a consequence of genetic characteristics and can be caused by external factors.

One of these factors can be considered wearing underwear with push-up at a young age. The fact is that such bras compress and lift the bust, which interferes with proper metabolism. As a result, over time, the lower part of the mammary glands cannot develop as expected. If sagging (ptosis) of the breast begins due to the influence of gravity, and due to the underdeveloped lower lobe of the breast there is no necessary support, then the nipple along with the areola moves away from the center of the chest and falls under the fold of the bust. This is how the cone shape is formed.

Therefore, young girls should pay a lot of attention to the correct selection of bras, especially during puberty. Suitable models should be evenly rounded inside, thereby promoting the correct formation of the bust.

Main settings

about what breast shapes there are from the nuances of visual perception. A number of parameters are subject to evaluation, the totality of which constitutes a feature of the appearance.

Breast Distance

The parameter may vary. The distance depends on a number of factors: heredity, tone, choice of underwear. Differences in body structure allow for variable distance indicators. The types include the following:

  • close-set (minimum gap between the breasts);
  • distance 2-4 cm;
  • triangular type (the upper part is located at a large distance, which narrows down to the nipples);
  • location at a distance of <5 cm.

There is a type of structure that is opposite to the triangular one - the divergence of the close-set beginning of the breast with the divergence with the descent to the nipples.

Nipple direction

The visual component depends on the direction of the nipples. Typical categories include the following:

  • directly directed (considered the norm);
  • multidirectional (variable norm);
  • downward directed (found in older women, due to sagging tissues with weak tone).

Plastic surgery helps correct the direction of the nipples.

Basic forms

According to mammologists, the shape and visual component of a woman’s bust can tell about the characteristics of a woman’s heredity and lifestyle. The correct shape of a woman's breast , according to a number of doctors, looks different. Most mammologists are of the same opinion, according to which the norm is, first of all, healthy mammary glands (regardless of the type), capable of feeding a child and not causing discomfort to the woman.


Round or round breast shape is not a common type. It often occurs in European women, less often in representatives of other nationalities. It implies the presence of a small amount of adipose tissue, an elastic frame that holds the bust.

Statistics show a high level of attractiveness for men with round breasts. Many women, deciding on mammoplasty, choose the presented type as the final result of the surgical intervention.


Often the conical shape of the female breast is accompanied by a wide set of mammary glands and a small size. It seems difficult to select underwear due to the elongation and usually different directions of the breasts. The appearance resembles a bell.

Cone-shaped breasts are common. Large nipples can act as a “companion”. Cone-shaped, conical (in the form of a cone), breast shape is a variable norm that can satisfy aesthetic and functional requirements.

Wide set

Photos of female breast forms of the presented type demonstrate the presence of a number of variations. The type is typical for women of large constitution. A wide fit can be a “companion” for small and large bust sizes. Due to the distance, additional freedom of movement is realized. Those with wide-set breasts feel more comfortable than ladies who have been blessed by nature with a close-set bust.


Drop-shaped breast shape is number two in demand among the arsenal of services of plastic surgeons. Unlike round, it seems more natural. Features smooth lines. It has some similarities with the cone-shaped type, with the direction towards the elasticity of the tissues. A number of descriptions call the teardrop-shaped type “narrow”.


Small size is a common reason why female breast shape is corrected . It is characterized by a small amount of fat deposits and an insufficient level of development of the mammary glands. Visually, they are often located at the top, flattened.

Distributed among Asian countries. Those with small busts are often petite. Typically, the type is inherited from mother to daughter. The classification is characterized by 0-1 sizes.


Characterized by different symmetry of the bust. It may be hereditary, or appear due to developmental characteristics, injuries, or after breastfeeding.


A massive bust is characterized by abundant fat deposits and a weak supporting frame. Often accompanied by large nipples. It is distinguished by soft tissues and increased mobility.

Bust size 4 and above is considered heavy. The visual type may vary depending on the characteristics of the constitution and care. The mass of tissue may be accompanied by “patterns” of veins.

Other varieties

The types presented above are the most common. However, in addition to them, mammologists can identify a number of other types. These include the following:

  • Triangular breast shape. Usually a flattened bust, hanging down in a triangle. Feature: Low-lying nipple (often looks down).
  • Tubular (tubular) breast shape. Does not meet standards. Represents an elongated silhouette. Often accompanied by strong asymmetry, which brings psychological problems to the woman. It is distinguished by the rigidity of the mammary gland frame, which limits growth on the sides, creating visual outlines that are far from teardrop-shaped. The stages of development of the tubular type are classified. An accompanying symptom is a gradual enlargement of the nipple areola. Changes of this type are extremely rare. Requires consultation with a doctor.
  • Pear-shaped breasts (pear-shaped breasts). Often, “pears” are “erect” breasts with straight-pointing nipples. The type is distinguished by the bends of the tissues, visually reminiscent of the fruit of the same name. It is characterized by a low rise, a large amount of adipose tissue, due to which the silhouette is outlined.

Breastfeeding and breast shape

Breasts are one of the most beautiful parts of a woman's body. Breasts serve as a symbol of female beauty and sexuality. Breasts have always been admired by poets, writers and artists. Every woman's breast is unique and beautiful. She is worthy of love and admiration. It is a woman’s attitude towards her breasts and her entire body that determines how happy a woman is in her personal and, oddly enough, in public life. A woman who is happy with her body feels confident and loved and is ready to give these feelings to the whole world. Any breast needs care and respect for it, regardless of shape and size. Love your breasts for who they are and never compare your breasts to someone else's.

Women have a large number of fears about the size and shape of their breasts. The most common of them are related to breastfeeding.

For example, if the size of the mammary gland is small, will it be able to produce enough milk to feed the child? Or how will the shape of the breast change after breastfeeding ends? Will she remain as beautiful?

In order to dispel these fears, you need to know how the mammary gland works.

Each mammary gland is located on the anterior surface of the chest, lying on the pectoralis major muscle (Fig. 1).

Each mammary gland consists of adipose tissue and glandular tissue. It is the amount of adipose tissue that determines the size and volume of the mammary gland. Glandular tissue is responsible for milk production. The amount and structure of glandular tissue in all women is approximately the same. Therefore, any woman, absolutely any, will be able to feed her child with breast milk.

Special septa divide the breast tissue into separate lobes and segments (Fig. 2), which include both glandular and adipose tissue.

(Figure 2)

The glandular tissue of the mammary gland is formed by individual glands; they are shaped like a bunch of grapes. When milk is formed in the glands, it flows through the milk ducts into the milk sinuses. And the milk sinuses open on the nipple with several holes.

Before the onset of puberty in girls, the mammary glands are in their infancy. From the moment of puberty, under the influence of female sex hormones in the mammary gland, the amount of both glandular and adipose tissue increases, and the mammary gland acquires the size and shape characteristic of an adult woman. Every month the mammary gland undergoes certain changes. After each menstruation, a woman’s body begins to prepare for pregnancy.

Therefore, under the influence of sex hormones, the glandular tissue of the mammary gland begins to grow, and, towards the end of the menstrual cycle, the mammary glands slightly increase in size, which is sometimes accompanied by a slight feeling of heaviness. After pregnancy has not occurred, as evidenced by the next menstruation, the glandular tissue undergoes reverse development, and the mammary gland decreases somewhat in size. And so on every month.

But the most pronounced changes occur in the gland tissue during pregnancy. Under the influence of long-released pregnancy hormones, glandular tissue receives final development: the number of glandular cells increases sharply, each cell begins to grow, which leads to an increase in the size of the mammary glands. At the end of pregnancy, the weight of the gland can increase to 300 - 900g. (in normal times, the weight of the gland ranges from 150 to 200 grams). That is, the main and most powerful changes in the mammary glands occur during pregnancy, and not during breastfeeding. I would like to draw your attention once again to the fact that when preparing for breastfeeding, the main changes occur precisely in the glandular part of the gland (and not in the fatty part). This means that the amount of milk will be sufficient for any woman, regardless of the size of her mammary glands before pregnancy.

Separately, I would like to draw attention to the fact that breastfeeding is possible even if a woman has undergone surgery to correct the size and shape of the mammary gland. After all, the location of the implants does not affect the gland tissue itself. They are located directly behind the gland on the pectoralis major muscle or under the pectoralis major muscle (Fig. 3).

(Figure 3)

After the end of the breastfeeding period, the glandular tissue undergoes reverse development, and the size of the gland reaches its previous “pre-pregnancy” parameters.

But the shape of the gland after the feeding period is largely determined by the correct attitude towards it throughout the entire feeding period.

What rules will help a woman maintain a beautiful breast shape.

First of all, the baby must be fed on demand. This is important not only for the proper development of the baby, but also for maintaining the shape of the breast. When a baby is frequently put to the breast, there is no strong stretching of the tissues of the gland and skin, because the accumulated milk is eaten in a timely manner by the child. If you feed your baby every 3 to 3.5 hours in the first three months, the mammary gland will swell greatly, the skin over it will stretch, and the shape of the breast will begin to deform over time. Feeding on demand is one of the main factors in maintaining a beautiful breast shape.

Don't forget to alternate feeding your baby to the breast. Changing breasts is necessary to maintain approximately the same amount of milk in each breast and therefore equal stretching of the skin. Following this rule will allow you to maintain the same shape of the right and left glands, i.e. symmetry. There is no need for constant pumping. When you pump, you stretch the skin in a completely different way than a baby does when sucking. Excessive removal of milk leads to its excessive formation, and this in turn leads to excessive swelling of the gland tissue, stretching of the skin over it and further deterioration of the shape of the breast.

Abrupt cessation of feeding causes great harm to breast shape. Milk is produced, the baby does not suckle it, the breast quickly and greatly increases in size, then sharply decreases and its shape deteriorates. Therefore, a long period of breastfeeding contributes not only to the health of the baby, but also to the preservation of the beauty of the mother’s body. As the baby grows, his need for breast milk gradually decreases, because he switches to “adult food”, the amount of milk gradually decreases, and the mammary gland gradually decreases in size.

So, the basic rules for maintaining breast shape:

  • feeding on demand,
  • lack of pumping,
  • alternate application to different mammary glands,
  • no sudden cessation of feeding,
  • long-term breastfeeding (minimum up to a year, optimal up to two),
  • proper underwear and a comfortable position during feeding.

Various procedures to improve breast shape (massage, contrast shower, gymnastics) are also possible during the period of breastfeeding, but are optimal after the timely and gradual completion of this period.

Types of nipples

Nipples differ in a number of ways: color, size, skin structure, sensitivity, direction. Some characteristics may change for a number of reasons. The classified types include the following:

  • Normal.
  • Medium convex. In the absence of stimulation, it protrudes forward. Increases during stimulation.
  • Convex.
  • Visually, it is distinguished by some swelling formed due to the capture of areola tissue. Increases during stimulation.
  • Pulled in. Visually does not stand out against the background of the areola. Stimulation may cause it to protrude.
  • Flat. Difficult to stimulate. Faintly stands out against the background of the areola.
  • Different nipples.

Differences in the degree of discharge against the background of the areola, often an uneven response to stimulation.

How to choose the right underwear

Regardless of the shape of girls' breasts , the selection of underwear must meet a number of similar requirements. In addition to the visual component, it is important to remember the structural features of the bust, as well as its needs. The anatomical shape of the breast , due to its prevalence, offers its owner more choice. However, modern manufacturers also take care of other types, offering appropriate solutions.

Standards for choosing linen:

  • size matching;
  • tight fit without uncomfortable pressure;
  • support that creates protection against sagging;
  • selection of underwear for the features of the bust.

Shapewear can hide some imperfections, giving a woman the desired shape. Other selection recommendations:

a full bust needs strong support - preference should be given to bras made from fabrics with a tight clasp; small sizes can be supported by fabric bras without wires; Before wearing, it is important to adjust the length of the straps, setting comfortable conditions for support. Those with a massive bust often have their underwear sewn in a studio to suit their own specifications.

Choosing underwear depending on breast shape

Selection based on parameters creates the required level of wearing comfort. The type of bust may vary: the position depends on a number of circumstances (duration of breastfeeding, weight gain). To maintain health, it is recommended to change underwear depending on the needs of your body type.

Regardless of the shape of the silicone breast , an artificially created bust also needs support. After the rehabilitation period, due to the severity of the implants, it is necessary to purchase appropriate underwear.

“No one has ever asked for a triangular shape”: a surgeon told the whole truth about silicone breasts

What is in the top silicone fashion today and what should you be prepared for if you decide to undergo such an operation? Will she help bring back lost feelings? We talked about this with the chief freelance plastic surgery specialist of the Ministry of Health of the Novosibirsk Region, Oleg Mikhailov.

— Oleg, how long have breast enlargement and correction operations been carried out in Novosibirsk? Which women are more likely to want to make themselves more beautiful?

— Plastic surgery appeared in Novosibirsk in the 80s and began to actively develop in the early 2000s and 2000s. Breast plastic surgery refers to aesthetic surgery; it is a small section of it. Women come to enlarge or reduce their breasts, just to tighten them a little, to give them a beautiful shape. Men sometimes also seek breast shape correction. These are mainly athletes who have been on some kind of medication for a long time, and this has caused them to have uncontrolled growth of breast tissue.


Sex reassignment operations have been carried out in Novosibirsk since the 1970s

All people have a desire to make themselves beautiful - it’s an instinct. I don't know a single person who would choose an ugly body if given the choice. Our main patients are, of course, middle-aged women. Why do they want to correct the shape of their breasts? Everything is simple here. When a woman looks in the mirror, she experiences a conflict between form and content. She still feels quite young, but there are already age-related changes.

— Are women turning to plastic surgeons more often? Is there a fashion for breasts of a certain shape?

— There are two types of implants used for breast enlargement: round and anatomical. 95% of our patients want a natural breast shape, so someone chooses a spherical, spherical breast - this is extremely rare.

Women choose beautiful and properly made breasts. Photo from pixabay.com

The number of operations for each surgeon is approximately the same, but the number of clinics is growing, so the absolute number of such operations in Novosibirsk is also increasing. There are 15 licensed clinics in the city, each performing from one to 4-5 thousand such operations per year. There is no data for this year yet on how many breast plastic surgeries have been performed; the report will be a little later - in December.

Of course, the world is full of different freaks, someone can order themselves a triangular breast or a size 10 breast, but in my practice I have never seen this. Our fashion exists only for beauty. If the breast is well and correctly made, if the implants are well selected and the rehabilitation period is carried out correctly, then it will be beautiful.

— Does it happen that a man forces a woman to make beautiful breasts for herself, or is it more often the desire of the woman herself?

“It’s rare, but it happens that we turn away such patients and refuse them surgery. 99% of women make breasts for themselves, and if for someone else, then in vain. As practice shows, it is unrealistic to hold someone only with the help of your breasts. The man will leave anyway, and the surgeon will be to blame. This is a passed stage, I immediately say no, that’s all.

— What risks should you be prepared for if you want to change the shape of your breasts?

— You have to understand that when a person goes to a plastic surgeon, he goes to a surgeon. There are no complications in medicine, and even more so in surgery. And if a surgeon says that he has never had a single negative result or a single complication in his life, then he is lying. Surgeries to enlarge and change the shape of the breast are carried out not for medical reasons, but for social reasons, but these are still operations. Both patient and surgeon take enormous risks.

- What can happen?

— Spontaneous rupture of the implant may occur, the risk is minimal, less than 1%, but it exists. The old implants that were used in breast surgery 25-30 years ago were indeed very dangerous in this regard. When they broke, a simply catastrophic situation arose, often it all ended with the removal of the breast. A modern implant, even if it ruptures, will not cause any harm to the body. Sometimes people walk like this for years and cannot understand that there is something wrong with them. They discover a ruptured implant by chance during some kind of routine examination or ultrasound. In this case, the implant changes and the person forgets about it.


Plastic surgeons talk about unusual patients and ideal forms

All the talk that implants need to be changed every 10-15 years has no basis. Modern implants, if nothing has happened to them, do not require replacement. In addition, all normal manufacturers give them a lifetime warranty. Not long ago I examined a woman who had a new generation implant placed in the 90s, but it looked like it was done a month ago - amazing shape.

Anything can happen after breast surgery, sometimes it warps. But this is a minor nuisance, you need to go to the doctor and solve the problem.

— Recently, the media discussed a case of breasts that were distorted during surgery. Are there many non-professionals in this field? Is there some kind of black market?

— There was a black market in breast plastic surgery 15-20 years ago, when surgeons sat in state municipal hospitals, took money and operated, without bearing any responsibility for their work.

Now there are practically no non-professionals on the market, but they may begin to appear. The fact is that every year hundreds of surgeons complete clinical residency in plastic surgery in our country. And immediately after graduation, without the slightest experience, without knowing how tissues work and what to do with them, they go to operate. But I can reassure you that this is not all about Novosibirsk. We produce a minimum number of such doctors. After completing their residency, they, as a rule, already have sufficient experience to independently and efficiently perform mammoplasty.

If the breasts are well and correctly made, if the implants are well chosen, then they will be beautiful. Photo from pixabay.com

— Can a woman with silicone breasts go to the bathhouse, ride a horse, and so on? Do your breasts still feel sensitive?

— You can dive under water, fly on airplanes, you can do everything, but, of course, you need to take some precautions. If you plan to run or skydive, your chest should be firmly fixed. A tight sports top will suffice. Are breasts still sensitive for sex? Saves in 95% of cases. But if suddenly the nerve does not go where it should go, then you have to sacrifice it. I've seen this happen two or three times.

— How traumatic is this operation - will the scar be visible?

“In such cases, women’s scars are the least of their worries. They can be made subtle or completely invisible; they are located in areas that are hidden from the eye: under the breast or in the armpit fold.

To make the scar completely invisible, we recommend that our patients go to a good tattoo parlor after a little over a year, where they will paint it over with a flesh color. And then he disappears altogether. But I don’t remember anyone coming to me and saying: doctor, the scar is bothering me.

— Is it possible to maintain beautiful and natural breasts for life, what does this depend on?

— If the parents gave a girl child good elastic skin with a lot of collagen and great elasticity, then her breasts can be attractively shaped at both 50 and 60. And it happens that even at the age of 18 something already needs to be done. If a girl does not have any personal relationships due to the ugly shape of her breasts, this is a real tragedy for her.

Formula for ideal female breasts

Speaking about what the correct breast shape (how breasts should look correctly), it is extremely difficult to highlight the parameters due to the difference in body constitution. The ideal was proposed by Italian doctors.

Scientists have calculated what an ideal breast shape might look like. To measure, it is proposed to take a triangle as a basis, then draw the following lines:

Key parameters:

distance between nipples – 20-21 cm; distance from the middle of the collarbone to the nipple – 24-25 cm; base – 12-13 cm. Calculation formula: AC/2, divide the resulting number by AB. Experts limited the concept of “ideal” to results of 0.4-0.6.

Heimburg classification of tubular breast

According to this classification, there are four types of tubular breasts:

1. Type: Hypoplasia of the lower medial quadrant of the breast

2. Type: Hypoplasia of the lower medial and lateral quadrant of the chest

3. Type: Hypoplasia of the lower medial and lateral quadrants with deficiency of gland tissue in the subareolar region

4. Type: Strong constriction of the chest with minimal breast base.

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