The surgeon told what plastic surgeries Svetlana Loboda had done

Together with an expert in plastic surgery, Alexander Timoshenko, we tried to count the approximate number of plastic surgeries of the most popular stars and compiled a rating from least to most. Alexander told us what operations could have been avoided, and what procedures celebrities should do as soon as possible.

Celebrities are more likely than others to become targets of criticism, which is why they strive to remake themselves.
Alexander Timoshenko Plastic surgeon, SOVA Clinic
The task of specialists is to show inner beauty and correctly emphasize it with the necessary procedures.

Uma Thurman - 6 surgeries

The actress recently turned 49 years old

The actress turned to specialists for easy correction of age-related changes. The work of plastic surgeons turned out to be so successful that fans are still arguing whether surgical intervention actually took place? Experts believe that correction of the cheekbones, contouring using fillers, a neck and chest lift, and double blepharoplasty were performed. The star extended all procedures over 20 years. In addition, the actress visits a cosmetologist, monitors her nutrition and water balance, and takes biorevitalization courses, so she looks young and fresh for her age.

Expert tip: It’s clear that a lot of time has passed since the eyelid correction. During this time, many wrinkles appeared around the eyes and the corners drooped a little. Time to visit a specialist.

Anna Sedokova - 7 operations

Anna's age is 36 years old

At the age of 19, the girl joined the star cast of the ViaGra group, and from then on her thorny path with plastic surgeons began. The first operation was breast augmentation. After leaving the group, Anna decided to undergo rhinoplasty, face and neck lift, lip augmentation, correction of cheekbones and facial contours in the hope of new projects. Her changes look dignified and not vulgar: Sedokova did not get carried away and was able to maintain her individuality.

Expert tip: Anna looks younger than her age. To maintain the effect, it is better to undergo a course of anti-aging procedures from a cosmetologist; you can hold off on plastic surgery for now.

The beginning of Svetlana Loboda's journey

If you look at the photos before and after plastic surgery, you can clearly say yes. The plastic surgeon had to work hard to ensure that Loboda acquired a bright appearance to the delight of her fans. I wonder if the change in appearance affected her creative path?



Sveta Loboda was born in the Ukrainian SSR in October 1982. From birth, the girl was very loud and often screamed, which allowed others to believe that the baby would be a singer, like her grandmother, who was a successful opera singer. Loboda's biography is rich.

Music school became an important stage for the girl, encouraged by her grandmother. She graduated from piano and academic vocals.

After this, she successfully entered the Academy of Variety and Circus Arts in the vocal department. Then there was a long wait, full of trial and error. In her first year, Loboda became part of the Cappuccino team, with whom she began her journey towards a solo career.

First role

Then she received the main role in the Ukrainian musical in the image of the beautiful Mirana. And since 2003, a new star has been lit - Svetlana Loboda. After which, she independently creates the team “Ketch”.

Loboda's name today

Svetlana Loboda is currently recognized as People's Artist of Ukraine.

Once upon a time, back in 2004, she took the place of Anna Sedokova in the VIA Gra group. But she spent little time there, only 4 months. She left due to the unjustified expectations of the producers. Although, various reasons were given, ranging from pregnancy to unprofessional laziness. Most likely, such a frantic pace of life was a real test, and Svetlana could not stand it. Although, the singer has already been remembered and she even starred in the musical “Sorochinskaya Fair”.

After leaving the group, Loboda devoted all her energy to creating her own solo career. She recorded several music albums and worked on television in the “Voice Children” show as a coach. Then she performed for Ukraine at Eurovision in 2009. Despite the fact that she did not achieve much success, and did not even make it into the top ten, her song “Black and White Winter” was played all the time not only in Russia, but also in Ukraine.

In 2005, Svetlana received an award in Portugal for the video for the song “I will forget you.”

Then in 2006, the singer became the host of the Showmania program. She opened her own travel agency and didn’t stop there. Organized a photo exhibition about India to donate money to charity. And since 2008, Loboda has been working in the design direction of clothing for young people.


A new stage in her life began in June 2013, when Svetlana became an Honored Artist. In October of the same year, she showed the world her new single “Banned City,” and in the winter of 2014 she took part in the BIG LOVE SHOW. Then, with stability, new songs appeared every 3 months. And at the “Song of the Year 2014” project, Loboda received a well-deserved award.

Kim Kardashian - 10 surgeries

The star is now 38 years old

While everyone was discussing her pumped up buttocks and liposuction of her abdomen and thighs, the star managed to undergo rhinoplasty, thread lifting, added Botox to her cheekbones, corrected the shape of her chin, and changed the shape and size of her lips. Kim herself denies most of the procedures and claims that the changes occurred only thanks to care and cosmetics. It is worth noting that Kardashian performed all the operations at least five years ago and has not changed anything about herself since then.

Expert tip: A perfect face requires a lot of work on the rest of the body. Kim needs laser skin resurfacing, anti-cellulite treatments and cosmetics with a lifting effect.

Svetlana Loboda - 13-15 operations

The singer is now 36 years old

Svetlana has repeatedly publicly thanked nature for her full, seductive lips. But experts say that the singer enlarged her lips with fillers, more than once. If you compare the photo of the star before and after, you can see surgical nose surgery (the hump was removed and the tip was shortened slightly), breast enlargement, removal of Bisha's lumps, correction of cheekbones, and contouring. Svetlana now looks young and sexy, but so many operations can have a negative effect.

Expert advice: don't overdo it. Svetlana is trying to hide her passion for plastic surgery, but every year the changes are becoming more noticeable. There is a risk of passing the point of no return.

Appearance of Svetlana Loboda

Of course, during this time the singer changed a lot, although Loboda claims that she never resorted to the help of plastic surgeons. But it’s rare that anyone speaks openly on this topic.


Loboda’s figure can be envied, she is truly ideal - petite, with a thin waist, elastic buttocks, long and slender legs.

Even Ksenia Sobchak once noticed this. Just a couple of weeks after giving birth, the singer flew to a significant event and was dressed in leopard-print leggings. No one thought that she would be able to come, much less in such a stunning form.

Of course, the postpartum changes did not go away at all, swelling and lack of sleep were visible, but, nevertheless, Svetlana got plenty of admiring glances.

With the birth of her second child, a month later the star was amazed by her ideal shape; instead of the expected fullness, she lost even more weight. How can this be? What is the reason for such metamorphoses? Genes or willpower, or maybe an elixir of harmony?

Although, experienced mothers assure that it is possible to lose the weight gained in 2 weeks, especially if you are breastfeeding. Much, of course, depends on the birth process, metabolism, and heredity. But the singer was not plump even before giving birth, so there is nothing particularly surprising. She always works hard on stage and in the gym, and also eats right.

Oddly enough, Loboda is a nursing mother, despite her active life, which includes a large number of work projects. She found a way out of the situation. The milk is expressed and frozen so that the baby can eat properly for a long time. The same practice happened with the first child.

In July of this year, Loboda begins touring. Among the cities are Anapa, St. Petersburg, Sochi, Kirov, Krasnodar, Rostov-on-Don, Ryazan, Turkey, Monaco, Minsk. In addition, Svetlana was invited to a festival in Baku, which will take place at the end of the second summer month.


By nature, the singer has a rather large nose, and also with a hump. Having looked at the photos before and after plastic surgery, you can easily notice that there is a difference. Svetlana never admitted to reporters that she had rhinoplasty.

The girl says that she simply does not have time for plastic surgery, especially the nose, due to her very busy schedule. Loboda has a story prepared for this question, which she tells everyone.

Allegedly, 4 years ago, the star injured her nose due to an unsuccessful fall and hitting the glass in the house where she lived. There was severe damage to the bridge of her nose, which is why she had to undergo surgery.

After this, for 2 whole months the heroine of the story walked with stitches on her nose, after which one never went away. Because of this, I had to undergo laser resurfacing on my nose, which the singer does not hide and even announced it in advance.


Looking at the photo of Svetlana Loboda, huge lips catch your eye. They are clearly not like that by nature. At a young age, the singer had interestingly shaped lips. The top one was significantly smaller than the bottom one. The changes that have occurred to this part of the face are visible to the naked eye. The volume has grown and the shape has changed.

When Svetlana Loboda was just starting her career, she had cheiloplasty, which is performed through injections or surgery. Looking closely at photographs from that time, you can clearly see a small scar near the upper lip, which is evidence of surgical intervention. In this way, Svetlana corrected her upper lip, giving it volume.

After this, Loboda constantly used fillers, since the hyaluronic acid used for this is absorbed after six months. This means that Loboda constantly visits a cosmetologist. A detailed study of photos from different times allows us to notice that the lips became thinner and thicker.

By the way, a sign of plastic lip correction is the inability to completely close the mouth at the edges. In addition, the obvious uniform width of the lips betrays the work of the surgeon. There are many people who believe that such lips are not decoration.


There is no exact answer to the question of how much time has passed since the cheekbones were corrected. But from the photo, of course, there are changes. Plastic surgery in this area of ​​the face does not always bring dramatic changes. At first, the singer had an oval, elongated face with faintly visible cheekbones. When the surgeon completed his work, the cheekbones became clearly defined. Often the cause of the appearance of cheekbones is weight gain, but this did not happen in Svetlana’s situation. Therefore, we have to assume that the cheekbones are the result of plastic surgery.

There are several ways - permanent implants, lipofilling, hyaluronic injections. If implants are installed, a period of 6 months is required for the cheekbones to acquire a natural shape. It is unlikely that Loboda used this method.


Loboda is already over thirty and wrinkles in the eye area, lips, between the eyebrows are a natural phenomenon. Svetlana began to take care of herself a long time ago, from her youth, so it is difficult to evaluate the result after plastic surgery.

Natural age-related changes can be combated with facelifts or beauty injections.

If we talk about Botox, it contains a substance that can immobilize the facial muscles. Those places where Botox is injected lose their facial expressions, due to which the skin becomes smooth.

The singer actively uses cosmetics and does not appear in public without spectacular makeup.


Svetlana always expressed gratitude to her parents for her figure. However, as for the breasts, in 2004 they changed noticeably. This was at the time of the casting for the Viagra group.

Then the volume of the girl’s breasts increased, but did not spoil the natural proportions and shapes. Experts say that the breast correction was performed by a very experienced and highly qualified surgeon.

Today, it cannot be said that changes in Svetlana Loboda’s appearance have occurred dramatically. Of course, the early photos and the current ones are heaven and earth, but such a transformation does not cause disgust. The singer looks beautiful and successful.

Victoria Beckham - 15 operations

Victoria recently celebrated her 45th birthday

Victoria fell in love with facial plastic surgery in her youth: her first operation to change the shape of her nose took place back in 1998. Then the nose became narrower and more graceful. However, since then, Beckham has remade it at least three more times, eventually obtaining the desired shape. In addition to rhinoplasty, surgeons removed Bisha's lumps to remove childhood swelling and dimples. In 2014, Victoria decided to make the oval of her face even narrower, and her cheekbones even more precise, and overdid it: she appeared in public with displaced cheeks that looked terrifying. Beckham spent the next three years correcting her flaws: her cheekbones were put back in place, her chin had plastic surgery, her lips were enlarged, and her teeth were corrected. Finally, the star got the perfect face.

Expert advice: stop there. Victoria made many mistakes in pursuit of her ideal; her face was completely redone. Typically, professionals refuse to comply with such client desires.

Lera Kudryavtseva - 15 operations

Two weeks ago Lera turned 47 years old

“The Girl Without Age” among Russian stars is particularly honest: Kudryavtseva admits that she is ready to endure any torment just to prolong her youth. But Lera only mentions cosmetic procedures, but the result of plastic surgery is obvious: the shape of the nose, the oval of the face, the size of the breasts have changed, contouring and lip augmentation are noticeable, Bisha’s lumps have disappeared. At 47 years old, the complete absence of wrinkles speaks only of fillers, but not of masks and serums, as the celebrity claims.

Expert advice: adjust your face according to your age. By the age of 50, women experience intensified aging processes. The task of plastic surgeons is not to completely stop age-related changes, but to make them as invisible and comfortable as possible.

Ani Lorak fan exposed Svetlana Loboda's lies about illness

Loboda planned her “sudden” illness to attract attention to herself, many of her subscribers believe.

Internet users began to be indignant at the fact that a celebrity could not promote himself by fair or foul means. A fan of Ani Lorak completely exposed Svetlana Loboda’s lies about the disease:

“Was the transmission ready for your trip to bed? Just PR."

Indeed, usually a show with Malakhov comes out at least a month after recording, since it takes a lot of time to edit the original video material, but here the interview was ready less than a week after Loboda left the hospital.

Demi Moore - 30 surgeries

The actress is already 56 years old

Demi Moore holds the record for the most number of operations. According to various sources, she had about 30 of them! The actress is probably the most afraid of old age, because she does everything to slow down time. She has performed rhinoplasty, facial liposuction, removal of Bisha's lumps, mammoplasty, and abdominoplasty after childbirth. Huge amounts of money are also spent on cosmetic care. The efforts are not in vain - Demi is in her sixth decade, but looks at most 40 years old.

Expert tip: Pay attention to details. During the consultation, she should have been told that the skin on her neck and arms did not look as youthful as the rest of the exposed parts of her body. Usually such places are tightened together with another main procedure. This takes little time and shortens the duration of rehabilitation.

Svetlana Loboda confirmed that Lindemann met her from the hospital

Famous singer Svetlana Loboda gave an exclusive interview before going on a short tour of Germany. She spoke with TV presenter Andrei Malakhov. The star most readily talked about her daughters and her work.

Of course, Malakhov could not help but ask a question about what the media have been trumpeting since last year: about Svetlana’s alleged affair with the frontman of the band Rammstein, musician Till Lindemann.

Loboda unequivocally confirmed that it was Till who met her from the hospital (remember, Svetlana recently ended up in the clinic: she had a kidney stone removed).

“Yes, this is Till,” she said laconically and flatly refused to give further comments.

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