Mikhail Korostelev performed a unique operation, saving the life of an undocumented woman

"Armored Train" by Mikhail Korostelev

Mikhail Yuryevich Korostelev is the head of the regional burn center of the Municipal Clinical Hospital No. 6 of Chelyabinsk, orthopedic traumatologist, plastic surgeon, leading specialist-coordinator on the problem of thermal injuries and rehabilitation treatment of victims in the Ural Federal District. Member of the problem commission of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation on thermal injury. Winner of the Chelyabinsk Region Governor's Prize, winner of the All-Russian competition "Best Doctor of the Year" in the "Best Surgeon" category (2005).

Mizail Korostelev is the author of more than 30 scientific papers on the problems of organization and treatment of thermal injury and its consequences. Full member of the Association of Surgeons named after. N.I. Pirogova, member of the board of the all-Russian public organization “World Without Burns”, full member of the Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons of Russia and the European Burn Association.

Burn patients are perhaps one of the most difficult. The consequences of such injuries are so severe that burn pathology becomes a real social problem. Only with a highly professional approach to treatment do such patients have a chance of recovery or even life.

Mikhail Korostelev has been running the Chelyabinsk Burn Center for 20 years. He came here in 1989 as a clinical resident at the Department of Military Surgery, Traumatology and Orthopedics. Literally a month later, in June 1989, the largest train accident in Russian history occurred on the Asha-Ulu-Telyak section. More than 600 people died, and the same number received severe burns and injuries. Within 24 hours, 167 victims were admitted to the burn department of City Clinical Hospital No. 6 of Chelyabinsk.

The entire seven-story surgical building was converted into a large burn center.
This became a test of strength and an impetus for rapid development. Chelyabinsk doctors got acquainted with the work experience of their foreign colleagues. New approaches to treatment have emerged, and the burn department of City Clinical Hospital No. 6 has officially become an interterritorial burn center.

The young surgeon Mikhail Korostelev went through a “trial by fire” from the first days of his work; moreover, in addition to surgical practice, he had to solve many organizational issues. In 1993, Mikhail Yuryevich became the head of the burn center.

Over the years, the center's doctors, under the leadership of Korostelev, have gained extensive experience in the treatment of thermal, chemical, sunburn, bedsores, frostbite, the consequences of allergic diseases and infections accompanied by tissue necrosis. The center's surgeons also perform reconstructive plastic surgeries for various deformities, scars and contractures, large wound surfaces resulting from burns, accidents, injuries, and purulent complications.

“After modernization, we received new expert-class equipment and now we can rightfully position ourselves not only as a burn center, but also as a department of reconstructive surgery,” says Mikhail Yuryevich. “For example, we have the opportunity to treat frostbite and severe limb injuries without resorting to amputation, using reconstructive operations at such a level that the limb remains functional. Today we perform about 300 reconstructive operations per year.

Burns are a serious health, social and economic problem. They occupy third place in the structure of general injuries. About 70 percent of all burn injuries are burns at home and at work, where high voltage currents and aggressive chemicals are used.

“The consequences of a burn injury disrupt important functions of the body, deprive one of the ability to work for a long time, and have a negative impact on the psyche and emotional state of a person,” says Mikhail Korostelev. — For a child, a burn of 5 percent of the body surface is already a common disease. Burns aggravate all chronic diseases. If the burn exceeds 15 percent of the surfaces, a violation of thermoregulation occurs; about 30 percent, a complete “misregulation” of all body systems begins. When a burn disease enters the convalescence stage, scars appear that become inflamed, begin to hurt and itch. Psychological dominants are formed, the person becomes nervous, irritable, and aggressive. This applies most to children.

Therefore, our center conducts consultations; specialists observe the psychosomatic state of children under 18 years of age in the early and late stages of burn healing. In the future, there is the opening of a physical therapy room and psychological relief: we need to distract patients, bring them back to life more actively, and then the recovery process will go faster.

Treatment of burn patients requires huge financial costs.
After a fire in the Perm club “Lame Horse” in 2009, 7 people were taken to the Chelyabinsk Burn Center. Five were in extremely serious condition with injuries that were practically incompatible with life. Only two were saved. “4.5 and 6.5 million rubles were spent on their treatment,” says Mikhail Yuryevich. — The cost of treatment was calculated and checked here and in Moscow. It turned out that there is nothing superfluous. These are real costs and the answer to the question: how much is a miracle of healing today? Both young women have fully recovered, work, raise children, and enjoy life. And they always come on New Year’s Eve to say words of gratitude to the entire team of the burn center. But this, unfortunately, is an exceptional situation. There are no such funds for every seriously ill patient. And there are patients! Now we need to solve such issues with serious injuries.

For example, last year I picked up a woman from Yemanzhelinsk who had been hit by a bus. From the ankle to the middle of the abdomen, the skin was torn off, the muscles were torn, but not a single bone was broken. Severe multiple trauma. There are few such cases, about 30 per year in the entire Chelyabinsk region, but these are very serious costs. If they are not deliberately dealt with, then these are fatal outcomes where they may not exist. But these victims can be completely returned to a full life.

Nursing of patients with extensive thermal injuries and severe injuries is associated with high psycho-emotional and physical stress and harmful working conditions. This is exhausting work that requires high professionalism, dedication, and emotional stamina. The Chelyabinsk Burn Center has a stable, close-knit team of doctors and nurses, which they managed to maintain after overcoming all the difficulties.

There was a situation when burn intensive care staff quit and their salaries fell sharply. The center did not operate its intensive care unit for two years. But the patients were provided with full care in the general surgical intensive care unit; doctors also treated 800 people a year. Now the center has completed renovations, the operating rooms, intensive care units, and wards are equipped with the latest equipment, and new resuscitators have arrived.

“Our burn department, which must always be on alert,” says Mikhail Korostelev. — Never, in the most difficult periods, did we stop or give up, because in any situation we need to move forward, finding something new every day, doing everything to treat people even better.

Olga Titova

Korostelev Mikhail Yurievich

Korostelev Mikhail Yurievich (b. 06/1/1965, Kopeysk), doctor, surgeon, orthopedic traumatologist, organizer in the healthcare system, candidate of medical sciences (2006). Graduated from ChSMI (1988), People's Academy. x-va under the Government of the Russian Federation (1997), Ural. Academy of State services (2004). Being a clinical Resident of the Department of Traumatology, Orthopedics and Military Field Surgery, participated in the liquidation of the consequences of the Asha railway. disaster (1989). Since 1990, traumatologist-orthopedist, since 1993, head. burn department of the region burn center. Completed specialization and advanced training courses: “Burns in children” [at the Center. hord. Lenin Institute for Advanced Training of Physicians (TSOLIUV), Moscow, 1990], “Burns, wounds and wound infection” (A.V. Vishnevsky Institute of Surgery, 1991), “Fundamentals of reconstructive surgery for burns and their consequences” ( TSOLIUV, Moscow, 1994), “Fundamentals of plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgery” [Med. Academy of Postgraduate Education (MAPO), St. Petersburg, 1998], “Ozone therapy, theoretical foundations, practical application in the clinic” (Nizhny Novgorod Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics, 2001); certification cycles “Surgery” (MALO, St. Petersburg, 2000), “Traumatology and Orthopedics” (UGMADO, 2003), “Plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery” (Center for Cosmetology and Plastic Surgery, Yekaterinburg, 2004). Defended his Ph.D. thesis. "Surgical tactics for treating extensive burns." A leading specialist in the field will restore. treatment of patients with consequences of burns and injuries. Provides extra. assistance to adults and children with severe thermal illnesses. lesions, provides advisory assistance on dignity. aviation with thermal defeats. Introduces new methods of plastic surgery into the practice of the burn department. and reconstructive surgery. Under K., a computer network was created in the center; medical computerization is being carried out. reporting. K. controls the quality of specialized services. assistance in health care facilities People. and regions. Conducts seminars with UGMADO cadets and doctors of Chel hospitals. region according to modern methods of treating burns and organizing assistance to victims. He studies burn injuries and develops recommendations for its prevention. Author of more than 30 scientific publications on the problems of thermal treatment. injury and its consequences. Organized in Chel. 2 ros. scientific-practical conf. with international participation in “Current problems of combustiology, resuscitation and disaster medicine” (1996, 1999). Member problem commission of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation on thermal injury. Member of the Board of Vseros. society organization "A World Without Burns". Valid member Association of Surgeons named after. N.I. Pirogov and the Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic. surgeons of Russia. Mountain laureate competition “Person of the Year” (1997; in the category “Healthcare and Social Sphere”), Ave. Governor of the Chelyabinsk Region. (1999). Winner of the region competition "Best Doctor of the Year - 2005". Based on the results of the 5th All-Russian competition, he was awarded the title “Best Surgeon” (2005). Awarded with diplomas from the Ministry of Health Chel. region and the city health department.

Mikhail Korostelev performed a unique operation, saving the life of an undocumented woman

On April 14 in Miass, at the FMC clinic, Chelyabinsk traumatologist and plastic surgeon Mikhail Korostelev performed a unique operation to close wound defects on the head of a woman who had suffered a dog attack.

On Easter Sunday, Katya S. was admitted to the trauma department of the Miass city hospital. Her condition was terrifying: half her head was badly damaged. In fact, the dog chewed off about 30% of the soft tissue and damaged the bones of the skull. Wounds resulting from a bite are among the most difficult. The likelihood of blood poisoning and complications developing was very high. On the uncovered affected area of ​​the skull, purulent inflammation could begin at any moment. Dr. Korostelev, one of the best specialists in the field of emergency reconstruction and plastic surgery in Russia, was urgently brought to Miass. — Katya turned out to be a person with an interesting destiny. She has no documents - no passport, no birth certificate. And, of course, there is no medical insurance either,” says Aleksey Frolov, commercial director of the FMC clinic. – According to the rules, it is impossible to transfer such a patient to a regional hospital in Chelyabinsk. The only way out was to treat on the spot. But the case is complex, it requires the hands of a super surgeon. And they were found. Sophisticated equipment was also required, and this was provided by the private FMC clinic. Here is a striking example of public-private partnership! And one more thing: in complex and truly emergency cases, help can come, as they say, “from where you didn’t expect it.” Mikhail Korostelev performed an operation on Katya using several techniques. Firstly, the doctor completely eliminated the risk of infection. This means that he saved a person's life. The second task was to restore the woman’s appearance by performing combined plastic surgery. To replace the lost areas of the head, Dr. Korostelev used sections of the patient’s own skin. The operation lasted 4 hours. “The first thing I did was an inspection of the wound (its treatment, cleaning), then a necrectomy (removal of non-viable tissue), says Mikhail Korostelev. — The wounds on the head were covered with skin flaps from undamaged areas of the skull, and also transplanted from the patient’s abdomen. It was possible to eliminate the threat to life. In principle, a woman can get by with this one operation. But a little cosmetic correction in the future won't hurt her. Dossier Mikhail Yuryevich Korostelev Assistant of the Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery of the ChSMA. Member of the problem commission of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation on thermal injury, takes part in scientific and practical developments and testing of new drugs and methods for treating burnt patients. Participant in the liquidation of the consequences of the railway accident near the city of Ashoi (1989). Participant in the liquidation of the consequences of a fire in the White Horse cafe, Perm (2009) Laureate of the Governor of the Chelyabinsk Region Award (1999)

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