The effectiveness of armpit waxing: tips and tricks

Beautiful and smooth skin in the armpit area is an indicator of well-groomed and cleanliness. It gives its owners a feeling of freshness and self-confidence. That is why most women try in every possible way to remove hair in the armpits. Of the many methods, judging by the reviews, the most preferable are those that allow you to get rid of hair for a long time, preferably forever, and the most frequently used are affordable, quick and painless. Our article will help you choose your hair removal option and properly prepare for the procedure.

Armpit hair removal - principle of operation

There are two main ways to rid your skin of excess hair:

  1. Depilation is the removal of the visible part of hair from the surface of the skin without affecting the hair follicle.
  2. Epilation is the removal of the hair shaft and root, which also destroys its follicle. It all depends on the type of procedure.

Both options have their advantages and disadvantages. Armpit depilation can be done with a razor and depilatory cream equally easily both in the salon and at home. This is the fastest and simplest method, the disadvantage of which is the fragility of the result. It is much more effective to use waxing or sugaring, after which the hair does grow back, but very slowly.

Hair removal is a more complex procedure performed using an electroepilator, laser beam or high-pulse light. Several sessions of photo- and laser hair removal performed by specialists allow you to forget about excess hair in the armpit area for a long time, or even forever. The procedure is much more expensive and sometimes accompanied by unpleasant sensations.

Keep in mind that high-quality and safe hair removal using hardware techniques can only be done in a salon that has a medical license!

Modern methods of hair removal in the armpit area

Let's consider common options for armpit hair removal in detail. Getting rid of unwanted hair using an electric epilator is not a pleasant procedure and sometimes requires pain relief. The principle of operation of this method is similar to wax depilation - the hair is pulled out, but with the help of a special device. As a result, the treated areas become smooth and silky, like a baby’s, for 2 weeks. With regular use, many experience slower hair growth and the skin in the armpits becomes less sensitive. Depilation with an electric epilator requires skill and certain skills.

Modern electroepilators allow you to remove hair with the greatest possible comfort, even in the most sensitive areas

However, some women may find this hair removal process too troublesome or ineffective. In this case, the hardware procedure of electrolysis will help correct the situation. This option is based on the action of electricity, which destroys the hair follicle. The needle, which is also a current conductor, is inserted into the skin pore to each hair. After electrical exposure, the rod is almost immediately and easily removed with tweezers. Usually the hair no longer grows or becomes very weak. Unlike other hardware hair removal methods, which will be discussed below, this method allows you to get rid of excess hair immediately, that is, you do not need to wait several days until it falls off.

Read more in the article - Electrolysis of the armpit area: all about the procedure.

Electrolysis is painstaking work, because every strip is processed.
Photo and laser hair removal can be considered the most high-tech and effective methods of getting rid of hair, since their rays are not only capable of destroying every hair from the root, but also have a destructive effect on its hair follicle. After the first procedure, the hair becomes weaker and lighter, and after 4-5 sessions it stops growing altogether.

The duration of a laser hair removal session is from several minutes to half an hour.

An even newer and more advanced method is elos hair removal, which involves a unique combination of both technologies and is recognized as one of the most effective, safe and painless. It is well tolerated by any skin type and equally destroys both light thin and dark coarse hair. In addition, it improves the structure of the epidermis - significantly tightens and smoothes it.

ELOS hair removal technology combines electrical and optical energy

Hair removal using light rays affects only those hair follicles that are in the active phase, and therefore requires repeated sessions. Usually these are 4-5 procedures with an interval of 3 weeks.

How often can you epilate the skin in the armpits?

Since the skin in the armpit area is very sensitive, it requires delicate handling. Typically, one session of home hair removal in this area is enough for 2-3 weeks. As you get used to it and the irritation decreases, underarm hair removal can be done more often, as soon as the hair grows to the required length.

In the case of hardware electrolysis, hair is removed in several sessions. The effect after a full course can last for many years or a lifetime, it all depends on the individual characteristics of each person. However, experts recommend a repeat session every six months for prevention.

Advantages and disadvantages of armpit hair removal

Advantages of armpit depilation with an electric epilator:

  • the procedure does not require large financial costs;
  • the skin remains smooth from 2 weeks to 1 month;
  • with regular use, hairs grow slowly;
  • safe and available for home use.


  • painful process;
  • high probability of irritation and ingrown hairs.

After hair removal, the effect is visible immediately, and hair does not grow for 2 weeks
. Advantages of hardware electrolysis:

  • effective for people with any skin and hair type;
  • affects each hair separately;
  • has the longest lasting effect;
  • the result is visible immediately.


  • pain during the procedure;
  • take a lot of time;
  • contact and invasiveness of the method;
  • high risk of infection and microscarring.

This is what the armpits look like after an electrolysis session - the hair has been removed and half of it will no longer grow in the next few years.
Despite the fact that hair removal using laser radiation and hair removal using high-pulse light are different cosmetic procedures, the operating principle of both techniques is almost the same. And therefore they have a common set of pros and cons.

Advantages of photo and laser hair removal:

  • non-invasive - that is, there is no direct contact with the skin and no risk of infection;
  • painlessness of both procedures;
  • quick recovery, since the risk of physical damage is minimized;
  • light rays allow you to treat a wide surface of the skin;
  • durability of the resulting effect.


  • high cost of both procedures;
  • each device affects hair and skin only of a certain type;
  • The effect of smooth skin is observed only after a few days.

Unlike photo and laser hair removal, ELOS technology, which combines both types of energy, is capable of removing all types of hair of any skin type, but it is also much more expensive.

Can it be done at home

Waxing your armpits can be done at home, but it is not easy to do. It is better to give preference to wax strips, they are easier to work with. They are sold in specialized stores.

To soften the wax, the strips are initially rubbed in the palms of your hands. They are glued according to hair growth. To ensure that the wax grips the hairs well, they are carefully smoothed. After waiting a couple of seconds, the strip is sharply torn off in the direction of hair growth. Usually, all vegetation is not removed in one jerk, so the action is repeated.

Typically, wax strips come with napkins soaked in oil. After hair removal, they remove wax residues. If they are not available, you can use any vegetable oil in which cotton pads are soaked. They wipe the skin. Products containing alcohol are not suitable for this purpose.

To avoid bruising, it is recommended not to treat one area more than 3 times. Mechanical impact injures the skin and leads to rupture of blood vessels, resulting in bruising.

How to prepare for the procedure

In order to remove hair efficiently and avoid unpleasant consequences, you should prepare for armpit waxing:

  1. Before the session, the skin is cleansed. To do this, just take a shower and scrub.
  2. The use of antiperspirants is prohibited.
  3. Don't moisturize your skin. Otherwise, the wax will not capture the hairs well. Before the session, on the contrary, talc or baby powder is applied.
  4. To reduce pain during depilation, painkillers are used. Emla cream is often used for this purpose. Application should be carried out 1 hour before the procedure. In order for the product to work better, the area treated with it is covered with cling film.

Correct application of wax

Wax is not applied by hand. Firstly, it is unhygienic, and secondly, it is problematic to do. For this purpose, special spatulas are used, or a glove is put on the hand.

If hot wax is used, then initially a little product is dripped onto the wrist. This is how it is assessed whether the temperature is comfortable.

Application should be carried out according to hair growth. The jerk is done after 30-60 seconds, during which time the wax will penetrate the pores and harden around the hair.

Find out all the benefits of Arabia sugaring paste.

Step by step procedure

Waxing is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. The wax is heated in a water bath.
  2. The armpit area is treated with an antiseptic and talc is applied.
  3. Using a spatula, grab some of the wax and distribute it onto the skin. Application should be according to hair growth. It's better to do this in front of a mirror.
  4. Glue a bandage strip onto the wax and press it well.
  5. After 30-60 seconds, make a sharp jerk and remove the hair. It is important not to forget to stretch the skin. If it was not possible to remove all the vegetation at one time, the manipulations are repeated.
  6. Remaining wax is eliminated with oil. Water will not work in this case.
  7. Finally, the armpit area is treated with an antiseptic that does not contain alcohol.

A granular composition is available for sale. When it is placed in a water bath, it acquires a liquid consistency. It is applied to the skin and the hairs are torn off without additional gluing of the strips.

Many women use wax in cartridges. In this case, there is no need to use spatulas or gloves. The wax is applied with a special nozzle.

If a woman decides to do hot armpit hair removal on her own, she needs to be careful. Many experts advise choosing a different method, because working with hot compounds is dangerous, especially if you have no experience.

The price for such a procedure in a salon starts from 1000 rubles. How much armpit waxing costs depends on the qualifications of the specialist, the cost of the materials he works with, and the city where the hair removal is performed.

Contraindications and possible consequences

Restrictions on underarm hair removal procedures may be temporary, such as pregnancy, lactation, menstruation, or taking medications that increase sensitivity to light. And permanent, as in the case of diabetes. It is also prohibited to epilate the skin if there are inflamed lymph nodes, mastopathy, or problems with blood clotting. You should not resort to hair removal if there are any moles, warts and other neoplasms, as well as any damage or inflammatory processes. Some types of allergies, asthma, heart and vascular problems, nervous disorders, tuberculosis, hepatitis and oncology are also serious contraindications to this procedure.

Laser, elos and photoepilation are contraindicated for people with very dark skin and those who took sunbathing less than 2 weeks before the procedure.

If manipulations are carried out by an experienced specialist, then the risk of burns, scars and other marks on the skin is minimal. In other cases, the following negative consequences are possible:

  • small red spots that most often go away on their own after a few days;
  • scars if the doctor suddenly made a mistake by choosing the wrong current strength;
  • severe itching, which can cause small scars to appear;
  • infection.

Preparing for the armpit hair removal procedure

The suitable length of the rod for successful hair removal is 4–5 mm. That is, preparation should begin a few days before the event. What can you do the day before an epilator hair removal session?

  1. It is worth cleansing the skin with a soft exfoliating scrub and then moisturizing with a cream based on plant oils. This will make the hair follicles much more pliable, after which the process of pulling out hair will be much easier.
  2. Immediately before depilation, it is necessary to steam the skin by taking a warm shower, and then thoroughly dry and degrease the treated areas.

Preparation for hardware hair removal is a little different.

  1. A month before the session, you can only shave your armpits, and under no circumstances epilate them.
  2. You should avoid exposure to ultraviolet rays for 14 days.
  3. You should also stop taking tetracycline antibiotics.
  4. Before laser treatment, hair can be removed with a razor 4-6 hours before the session, but before elos, photo- and electrolysis - a few days so that it has time to grow to 2-3 mm.
  5. In all cases, cosmetics should be eliminated immediately before the event, and try not to dry out the skin 3 days in advance.

It is better to clarify all other points in detail during an examination with a specialist or dermatologist.

It is worth resorting to hair removal in the first half of the monthly cycle so that the recovery process is successful and quick, and the procedure itself is less painful. Ideally, this is the 14th day after the start of menstruation.

Caring for underarm skin after hair removal

After hair removal, the skin in the armpit area is vulnerable and needs special protection. To avoid possible negative consequences - irritation or the appearance of inflammatory processes - it is recommended to refrain for 2-3 days from using deodorants and antiperspirants, as well as other cosmetics containing alcohol, limiting yourself to antiseptic and anti-inflammatory drugs. For example, you can wipe the skin with a solution of myromistin or furatsilin, and treat the inflamed areas with chlorhexidine and panthenol-containing products. All these medicines are a good substitute for lotions made from fresh aloe juice, chamomile decoction or celandine.

General and local overheating should not be allowed for 2 weeks, sunbathing, visiting the sauna is prohibited, and even physical activity should be minimized. All this increases sweating, which means it causes the growth of pathogenic flora.

What not to do after bikini waxing

The intimate area is the most sensitive. Therefore, it is worth discussing separately what you should not do after depilation of a classic and deep bikini.

In addition to the general tips listed above, you must follow the recommendations regarding underwear. For at least a couple of days after bikini sugaring, you should not wear synthetic underwear, which can cause severe irritation. Wearing thongs, which can rub the skin, is also contraindicated. During this period, it is recommended to wear only comfortable cotton underwear.

What else should you not do after sugaring or bikini waxing? Use healing ointments and creams from pharmacies. Some women think that with their help, delicate skin will recover faster. However, the result may be the opposite. Thick ointment creates a greasy film on the surface, which in this case only harms and slows down recovery. The appearance of unpleasant rashes is also possible. The best solution for quick healing of this area is to apply Elseda Anti-stress powder immediately after depilation. The product normalizes PH, soothes the skin, prevents the development of inflammation and promotes rapid regeneration without clogging pores.


How HAPPY I am that I went through this PAIN and now my SKIN is like a BABY’s.
Advantages: hair is removed forever, effectively! Disadvantages: painful, long time. Hi all! My story of fighting unwanted hair using the electrolysis method began 2.5 years ago. Now the work on the bikini area and armpits is almost complete. I started treating my armpits about a year ago. I immediately did without injections and didn’t even apply local anesthetics. Yes, it hurts, it’s unpleasant, but it’s tolerable. Hair in the armpits goes away much faster than in other areas. I was very lucky with the master - I never had any burns, spots, or inflammations. Everything is done carefully. So the main advice and the main difficulty is to find a competent master. I'm very pleased with the result. I’m glad that I went through the circles of hell and now I’m free from big troubles - no ingrown hairs, irritation from shaving, itching during regrowth, or complexes. Only self-confidence. If you are in doubt, I definitely recommend this procedure, it makes life a lot easier. Of course, unless your pain threshold is so low that you faint from the pain. I recommend. Marasja

Electrolysis with a good specialist works 100%.
Advantages: hair is removed permanently, effectively. Disadvantages: it hurts, it takes a long time, it takes several sessions, it hurts at first, but then you get used to it. I can say for sure that electrolysis works 100%. I went for the electrolysis procedure on the advice of a friend. It seems to me that this is the most correct decision, to know which master you are going to and trust him in advance. Like most women, I was bothered by excess body hair, especially in the bikini area and armpits. That's where I started. The first time it took about 40-45 minutes per armpit. But the time spent is, of course, individual and depends on many factors: the amount of hair, whether you have done other types of hair removal before (waxing, sugaring, razor). If yes, then your hair will fall out worse. Before electrolysis, I used depilatory creams and shaved my hair. So, I came to the medical center, went into the office, the master was working in a white coat, disposable medical gloves, and a mask. What you should especially pay attention to is that the needle is disposable. My master works with gold-plated needles, they are better for the skin. Girls whose skin is especially sensitive and prone to all sorts of irritations, take note that a gold-plated needle is better than a steel one. Before the procedure began, I was given anesthesia with ultracaine (better than lidocaine). After 5 minutes the skin “freezes”. During the first procedures, I asked for pain relief, but then, when the hair became much smaller, I didn’t do pain relief, I just endured it. At some points it was especially sensitive, but it was quite tolerable. But you also need to take into account the circumstances: for example, if your period is coming soon, then everything will be more noticeable. Or I remember when I was in a hurry and was late, the first minutes of the procedure, until I calmed down, was also more sensitive than usual. In the center where I go, the cost of the procedure depends on the number of minutes, the minutes are displayed on the device, everything is clear. Each time the cost of the service was less and less, as there was less and less hair. The procedure is quite monotonous, you lie down and the master processes each hair separately. But at some point you forget, especially if good relaxing music is playing. At the end of the procedure, the master treats with antimicrobial agents, chlorhexidine or panthenol. This is done so that microbes do not get into the micro-wounds and the skin heals faster. By the way, girls, I can assure you that the brand of the device and the country of manufacture do not matter at all. The main thing is professionalism, experience and skills of the master. After 3–4 days, the wounds begin to heal, and crusts form on top. There is no need to rip them off; in a week or a week and a half they will fall off on their own. The master said that before crusts appear, you need to wipe the skin with chlorhexidine, so that’s what I did. Even after electrolysis, you can’t go to the pool for four days so that nothing gets into the wounds. I went for the second one about a month after the first procedure, when the dormant hairs woke up and grew somewhere up to 5 mm. And then gradually I began to go once every 2-3 months. In total, I probably went for a year and a half or two to remove all the excess hair. I'm definitely satisfied with the result. The electrolysis process is long, but it's worth it! juliiv

Despite the fact that significant progress has been made in the field of cosmetology, there is still no ideal method for getting rid of unwanted hair. It is impossible to achieve the desired effect in one session, and for this reason any procedures will have to be repeated. Before choosing any of the listed options, evaluate all the risks, consult with your doctor, and only then proceed with the implementation of your plan.

Useful tips

After epilation of the armpit area, it is recommended to follow several recommendations:

  1. Do not use the scrub on your armpits for 48 hours;
  2. Do not use deodorant for 24 hours - it is better to replace it with talcum powder;
  3. Do not steam in the bathroom during the same period, do not visit baths, saunas, swimming pools;
  4. Hygiene should also be carried out without using shower gels and other things - replace them with water.

Such measures will help avoid the appearance of redness, irritation, and other complications after the procedure that are likely, especially in the armpit area.

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