Anesthetic cream for depilation of the bikini area, face, legs and armpits

Hair removal is an extremely unpleasant process, especially if it is necessary to treat the bikini area. Of course, beauty requires sacrifice - everyone knows this, but there are a few tricks that, although they cannot completely rid you of unpleasant sensations during hair removal, will at least significantly reduce them.

In our hair removal salon, the specialists will do everything possible to make the process of removing hair from the bikini area as comfortable as possible for you. There are several effective methods that can achieve a good analgesic effect.

Tablets for oral administration

The simplest method of pain relief is to take painkillers designed to relieve muscle and joint pain. Such drugs include ibuprofen, analgin, tempalgin, ketoprofen and several others, but diclofenac and indomethacin show the greatest effectiveness. All of the drugs listed can be purchased without a prescription in almost every pharmacy. They should be taken 30-40 minutes before hair removal. If you have already taken any of these drugs, and it has proven to be effective, then give preference to it.

Do not forget that taking pills can cause side effects. The products also have a number of contraindications, so we recommend that you read the instructions before use.

Is it necessary to endure pain?

For centuries, it was believed that beauty requires sacrifice. Now times have changed - suffering has ceased to be fashionable and has lost its value. Today the trend is to live a life of pleasure, and this applies to all aspects, including cosmetic procedures.

Painful manipulations have been replaced by effective methods of influence that do not cause discomfort. And it is not surprising that girls increasingly prefer such methods to the old ones - painful, not providing long-lasting effects and having unpleasant side effects. Hair removal has turned from a painful execution into a comfortable, relaxing procedure.

Laser hair removal is suitable for any area, even the most sensitive - upper lip, armpits, total bikini. During the procedure, only a slight tingling sensation is felt in the treated area, and slight redness of the skin disappears within a few hours. A course of several sessions is enough to forget about the annoying problem of excess hair for several years.

Your body deserves love and care. Give him effective but non-traumatic procedures: come to the clinic for laser hair removal, and you will be surprised how pleasant the path to beauty can be.

Lidocaine spray

Probably the most popular pain reliever is lidocaine, which has been used in local and general surgery for several decades. This drug is a simple, effective and affordable anesthetic.

In almost any pharmacy you can buy lidocaine spray, which perfectly anesthetizes the surface of the skin. Unfortunately, using a spray it is impossible to achieve the same effect as with injection, because the sensitivity of the skin surface decreases, but not the subcutaneous layer, where the hair follicles are located.

Mistakes in using topical anesthesia during hair removal

At the very beginning, it is worth indicating the 3 most common application errors.

1. Wrong choice of local anesthetic

Lidocaine spray for pain relief is absolutely not suitable for the skin. This product has proven itself to be excellent for minor dental and gynecological surgical procedures, as it is well absorbed by the mucous membrane. Do not count on any effect on the skin.

2. Insufficient application time

Even if you did not make a mistake with the products and chose a cream for pain relief, but it did not help you dull the painful sensations, then most likely you did not keep it on the skin for enough time.

3. No occlusive dressing

Anesthetic cream should be applied under the film and only this way. Otherwise, the effect will not be different from zero.

Skin infiltration with lidocaine

Lidocaine injections, unlike sprays, provide complete pain relief. To administer the drug, an insulin syringe is used, with which the cosmetologist of our salon makes several injections, after which the sensitivity in the bikini area will completely disappear for an hour and a half. This method is recommended for women with very sensitive skin.

Before using lidocaine, you should make sure that you are not allergic to it, otherwise everything could end in adverse consequences.

Recommendations for the most comfortable epilation

Regardless of the method of pain relief for sensitive skin, there are some recommendations that are prescribed by cosmetologists before any type of hair removal.

So, it is recommended to carry out depilation in the evening. As night approaches, the body gradually begins to relax and prepare for sleep, which is why it is not so susceptible to pain, and irritation goes away faster.

It is also recommended to carry out depilation mainly after menstruation. During this period, the woman’s pain threshold increases significantly, which makes the procedure more comfortable.


"Emla" is an anesthetic cream containing lidocaine and prilocaine. According to reviews from women who have had hair removal in the bikini area, with Emla the procedure is almost completely painless.

The drug is applied to the skin 1-2 hours before the start of the procedure, and to enhance the effect, you can cover the skin with an occlusive film. "Emla" has a minimum of contraindications, the main ones being individual intolerance and methemoglobinemia. The cream comes with 12 occlusive stickers, but it is recommended to use no more than 3 in one procedure.

Home Remedies

Girls who do hair removal at home usually use anesthetic creams sold in pharmacies, which we described above. If for some reason they are not available, then you can experiment with home remedies.

The choice of such products depends on the method of hair removal. For example, if you need to pull out hairs by the roots (sugaring, waxing, using an electric epilator), then before the procedure you can steam the skin so that the pores open and the process is less unpleasant.

It should be remembered that this method is not suitable for varicose veins, when exposure to high temperatures is contraindicated. In addition, many note that steamed skin becomes more sensitive. In this case, ice compresses can help: if the surface of the epidermis is properly “frozen,” the sensitivity will decrease and the hair removal procedure will become less unpleasant.

Other techniques to reduce the pain of self-hair removal:

  • Massage;
  • Skin tension;
  • Proper breathing (before pulling out a hair, you should take a deep breath of air);
  • Pre-treatment of skin with scrub.

Shortly before treatment, you can also take a painkiller tablet (nurofen, analgin). Important: you should choose analgesics; antispasmodics will not be effective.

From folk remedies you can use essential oils and herbs.

For example, menthol oil cools the skin and reduces discomfort. It should be used immediately before the procedure. Sea buckthorn oil, on the contrary, should be rubbed into the skin an hour before treatment, and rinsed with warm water before hair removal.

It must be taken into account that natural herbal preparations can also cause allergic reactions, just like pharmaceutical products! Skin irritation, redness, and swelling are possible. Before use, be sure to make sure the product is safe.

It's best not to experiment with irritating substances such as pepper extract, for example. Their analgesic properties are questionable, but the risk of irritation of the epidermis increases.

You can’t expect any particular effectiveness from home remedies, but you can experiment with them if there is no risk of harm to your health.

Cream "Light dep"

“Light dep” is a special cream designed for pain relief on any part of the face and body. It can be used both in salons and at home. Apply 15-60 minutes before the start of the hair removal procedure, after which the effect can last up to 4 hours (depending on skin sensitivity). Before using the drug, it is necessary to conduct a sensitivity test.

It is very important not to let the cream dry out, so an occlusive bandage made of cling film is applied on top. There is evidence that the components of the cream do not enter the bloodstream, so “Light dep” has virtually no contraindications for use.

How to make an occlusive dressing

When applying products to the skin, they dry out quickly and, therefore, there is a need to renew the layer. Thus, excessive consumption of the drug occurs. To avoid this, it is necessary to apply an occlusive dressing, which moisturizes the stratum corneum and promotes absorption.

Such dressings can be used for up to 4 hours during the day and up to 8 hours during sleep. Long-term use leads to the formation of skin infections and/or inflammation of the hair follicles.

Application principle:

  • the skin area is treated with water and mild soap;
  • creams/gels are rubbed into the bikini area, after which the treated area is covered with polyethylene;
  • the bandage is attached with adhesive tape so that it is as close to the skin as possible, and its ends are tightly closed (usually an elastic bandage is used for this);
  • the best result is achieved by keeping the bandage in place for a long time;
  • Immediately after removing the bandage, anesthetic is applied to the skin again (if necessary).

An occlusive dressing can be purchased at a pharmacy or made by yourself. For anesthesia, it is not forbidden to use several drugs at once; the main thing is to make the hair removal process less painful, comfortable and with a minimum number of side effects.


Pain relieving creams are divided into several categories.

By application method:

• External (primary anesthesia), only on intact skin

• Secondary anesthesia, they are recommended to be applied to already damaged skin.

By release form:

• Creams

• Gels

• Anesthetic wipes

By country of production and volume. Korean creams are very popular now, they are very effective and economical, but there are also many good effective products made in Russia and America. Below we will analyze in detail the most popular creams so that you can independently choose the drug that is more suitable for you.

Also, creams and gels can have different bases: water or oil. This must also be taken into account when selecting a drug for a specific procedure. To do this, pay attention to the composition; water-based products must contain water.

Advantages of water-based products:

• They do not leave a greasy mark on the skin after use, therefore they provide stronger adhesion to the surface, for example, during sugaring or waxing procedures.

• Cream residues are quickly and easily removed from the skin.

• Moisturizes the skin, suitable for oily skin.

Benefits of oil-based products:

• In some cases, the freezing time is slightly longer if the product is oil-based.

• Recommended for use on dry skin prone to flaking.


With each hair removal procedure performed, the number of hairs will decrease significantly; they will also begin to become thinner and weaker. The more often you do hair removal, the easier it will be for you to endure it, even without the use of painkillers.

The employees of the Epil Salon understand perfectly well that all people have different thresholds of sensitivity, so we are ready to offer you hair removal both without and with painkillers. We guarantee that the procedure we perform will not produce serious side effects (in some cases, redness may occur, which will go away on its own after a short time).

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