Lidocaine for hair removal and depilation: how to stop experiencing pain and start enjoying life

Lidocaine for waxing is used by both professionals in the field of depilation and girls at home. Lidocaine for bikini depilation is the preferred product for depilation of such a sensitive intimate area and there are several versions of this product. When depilating the bikini area, lidocaine can be used in the form of a spray and injection, and it can also be included in anesthetic depilatory creams. The spray version is preferable, but still each form of release has its own advantages and disadvantages. Today on the site we will talk about how to use Lidocaine for bikini depilation; you will also find reviews in the next article.

Lidocaine for waxing

The modern pharmacological market is constantly evolving, and that is why it is so difficult to choose a drug that will meet all the requirements of the doctor and the patient. Lidocaine has been used for hair removal for a long time, but during this time the release form has been improved.

During hair removal, lidocaine is used as a means for local anesthesia in the form of a soluble salt of lidocaine hydrochloride. The versatility of this type is obvious, because it can be used not only intravenously, intramuscularly, but also subcutaneously and topically applied directly to the skin and mucous membranes.

Lidocaine for waxing is used by both professionals in the field of depilation and girls at home. Lidocaine for bikini depilation

If the drug is administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly, its effect will begin within 15 minutes. If applied to the skin and mucous membranes, its effect will begin as soon as a sufficient amount of the drug accumulates directly in the area of ​​the nerve endings.


There is a belief that ice has an analgesic effect. It is not true. Numbness of the skin is caused by sudden muscle spasms and narrowing of blood vessels. There is no effect on the nerve endings, so in this case we can only talk about a distracting maneuver. The client is cold, and the vector of his attention shifts to this. This technique can even be considered as an advantage, but the disadvantages also need to be taken into account. The main one is that as the skin cools, the pores become smaller, making it much more difficult to remove hair cleanly.

Lidocaine before hair removal

This is one of the convenient forms of Lidocoin, which has an analgesic effect on different parts of the body. You can buy such a bottle at any pharmacy, and if you can’t find it, you can buy regular ampoules with the product and pour them into a container with a spray bottle. The number of contraindications for this product is minimal, but despite this, it should not be used to treat the face, as the risk of the product getting on the mucous membranes and in the upper respiratory tract increases. The action of the drug components begins after a few minutes.

Before starting the procedure, you need to steam the skin well and wipe it dry. After you spray Lidocoin on your skin, you need to wrap it in film and wait 10-15 minutes. After you feel some coldness on the skin, you can begin the procedure. Of course, pain will be present, but it will be significantly lower than what a person will experience without the use of painkillers.

Lidocaine for bikini depilation which is better

Beautiful and smooth legs, no fuzz above the upper lip, a clean bikini line are indicators of an attractive and well-groomed image of a woman. However, not everyone will be able to understand what such seemingly simple advantages are worth. Absolutely any procedure that concerns hair removal of the bikini area requires pain relief for the relative majority of women.

The process of removing unwanted hair causes trembling in almost every representative of the fairer sex. The use of certain products can make the procedure easier and make it less painful. For example, lidocaine spray for hair removal of bikini, armpits and other sensitive areas.

In this case, the following methods can be distinguished:

  • Oral anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Painkillers that are applied directly to the area of ​​the skin where the procedure is supposed to be performed. (creams, sprays)
  • Introduction of drugs for pain relief under the skin (infiltration anesthesia).

The peculiarity of this anesthesia is its high efficiency and attractive price. Using this product, you can achieve local anesthesia, and the duration of use will depend on the area of ​​bikini hair removal. Each form of release has its own characteristics and disadvantages, which everyone who has decided on such a procedure should be aware of.

Other methods of pain relief

If you have contraindications to the use of Lidocoine, you can use other methods to numb the bikini area and other areas of the body. Let us describe how you can relieve pain during the hair removal process:

  • Tablets (Nurofen, Diclofenac, Analgin). The medication should be used 20-30 minutes before the start of the procedure.
  • Cream (Emla, LightDep). These products contain lidocaine. The cream should be applied 45-60 minutes before the procedure.
  • Cooling attachments for epilators. In addition to the fact that such attachments combat painful sensations, they can be used to get rid of irritability.
  • Patch. Most often it is used for underarm hair removal, but it is not recommended to stick more than 3 pieces in one procedure.

Lidocaine spray for bikini depilation

Hair removal spray can be used on all areas of the body. Particular care must be taken when used on the face.

Spraying the lidocaine solution is much more convenient to use than injecting it under the skin. This product is suitable for any type of depilation, although it must be used very carefully for the bikini area. The spray should be applied 2 or even 3 hours before hair removal, covering the skin with a film during this time so that the solution does not evaporate. When purchasing it, we must not forget that allergies to Lidocaine are often common, so a test is required.

Lidocaine spray has small instructions:

  1. Before epilation, you need to take a shower and treat your body with a gentle scrub. In this case, the degree of pain relief can be increased. You must understand that all movements should be smooth and gentle, the skin should not be damaged. Clean skin is more willing to accept the anesthetic spray, and the maximum effect can be achieved.
  2. The presented product must be sprayed over the entire area from which hair will be removed. The area not covered by the numbing agent will remain tender. After completing the procedure, you need to wrap it. In this case, it is possible to prevent the evaporation of moisture along with lidocaine.
  3. You can go about your business for 30-40 minutes. During this time, the anesthetic component will take effect, and the effectiveness will be much higher.

Now you can start hair removal without fear of any pain.

Lidocaine for bikini depilation injection

Having described topical forms of use (ointments, sprays, etc.), we should consider the injectable form, which is used quite often.

This is an inexpensive drug that is sold in any pharmacy in injection ampoules. It is the main substance of many cosmetic products for reducing pain during depilation. It is an inexpensive drug that is sold in any pharmacy in injection ampoules. It is the main substance of many cosmetics to reduce pain during depilation. In its pure form, it is not very convenient to use it yourself, because you need to give an injection using an insulin syringe. To anesthetize the entire bikini area, you need to make several injections, retreating 3 cm. But if you have such skills, then you can count on a quick and lasting effect, the hair removal process will take place without any discomfort.

As a rule, such a procedure can only be carried out under the supervision of a professional. Some representatives of the fair sex think that depilation at home will save money, but this is not so. Ignorance of injection technology can lead to disastrous results.

The anesthetic can cause an allergic reaction, so all manipulations should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. The drug can be administered using an insulin syringe to a depth of up to 2 mm. In addition, you must use the dosage indicated in the instructions. This is the only way to achieve the desired result.

Tablet analgesics

Girls with a low pain threshold are recommended to use medicinal painkillers. They are more aggressive, which means the likelihood of pain during manipulation is reduced.

But before taking any analgesics, it is important to consult your doctor. Only a specialist can prescribe the drugs that are safest for you.

Most often, it is recommended to numb the skin before removing unnecessary vegetation with the following drugs:

  • Ibuprofen;
  • Nimesil;
  • Nurofen;
  • Naproxen et al.

You cannot decide on your own how to numb the bikini area before depilation. Medicines always have health restrictions and side effects that can negatively affect your health.

Lidocaine for bikini depilation cream Emla

For more effective pain relief, you can use a special cream based on lidocaine.

It has a number of features:

  1. The cream does not spread over the skin, and after use there will be no marks left on clothes.
  2. This form of release is considered the most economical, since a thin layer can produce the desired effect.
  3. The cream is highly effective. By applying a lidocaine-based drug, you can count on fast and high-quality anesthesia.

Many girls are interested in the question of how to use gel for pain relief during bikini hair removal. A few simple tips below will help resolve this issue:

  1. After applying the cream and spray, do not allow the product to dry on the skin. In this case, anesthesia simply will not occur. To eliminate this, you need to wrap it.
  2. In order for the ointment to give the desired effect, you need to wait 50-60 minutes. During this time, it will have time to be absorbed, but if you start bikini depilation earlier, there are no guarantees regarding pain relief.

As the clinical effect progresses, a burning sensation may appear, but this is not something to be afraid of.

In any case, lidocoin should not be used at your own discretion. Like any painkiller, there must be an appropriate prescription. Only a specialist can prescribe the necessary form for the procedure. Before starting use, you should familiarize yourself with the side effects and contraindications. If you experience discomfort after completing the procedures or a deterioration in your general condition, you should immediately seek help from a doctor.

Who is the anesthetic contraindicated for?

The use of Lidocaine before hair removal can reduce discomfort during the procedure, however, before applying the product to the skin or introducing it internally, read the contraindications. Like all medicines, in some cases the anesthetic can be harmful to health; use of the drug is prohibited if:

  • disruption of the liver and kidneys;
  • under 12 years of age;
  • nervous conditions;
  • low blood pressure, as well as problems with blood vessels or heart;
  • allergic reaction.

The use of lidocaine during pregnancy is not recommended, although, according to scientists, it does not cause any harm to the child.

Lidocaine for bikini depilation Light dep cream

The cream is available in a 30 ml tube, which compares favorably with other options presented - it is enough for a greater number of uses. The texture is creamy and spreads easily and economically over the skin. The product is applied with a cotton pad and the layer is renewed as it dries. The required exposure time is from a quarter of an hour to an hour (this depends on the individual sensitivity of the skin). The analgesic effect lasts approximately 4 hours. Tactile and temperature sensitivity remains intact, only pain receptors are neutralized.

It is known to contain a number of the following ingredients.

  • Lidocaine is an excellent anesthetic that effectively affects the dermis and gives quick results. Helps cope with pain and burning. Less dangerous and allergenic than novocaine, has a longer lasting effect.
  • Prilocaine is another painkiller that has a local effect. Its action is aimed at the nerve impulses that it blocks. Prilocaine does not act as quickly as the previous ingredient, but it softens the negative effects of lidocaine.
  • Tetracaine is a local anesthetic that also blocks pain and discomfort. Often used by dentists, gynecologists, and ophthalmologists when it is impossible to use lidocaine. Epinephrine has a vasoconstrictor effect and is an antiallergic agent. Reduces the formation of redness and irritation in the treated area, prevents the formation of swelling.

The effect of the cream is comparable to lidocaine injections, only it does not need to be injected. The product does not penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis, which means it is not absorbed into the blood. This cream really helps relieve pain during the procedure to remove unwanted vegetation on the skin. It is made in two types - for the face and for the body. This allows it to be applied everywhere - from the eyelids when plucking eyebrows to the bikini area and legs.

Disadvantages and analogues of the spray

This drug is actively recommended for pain relief in both classic and deep bikinis, as well as in a wide variety of other cosmetic procedures. However, it has a number of disadvantages that can negatively affect both the procedure and its results.

  1. Risk of an allergic reaction - many drugs in this group of anesthetics (Novocaine, Procaine, Lidocaine) can cause severe intolerance reactions, including anaphylactic shock.
  2. The principle of “home application anesthesia” followed by a trip to the salon for hair removal is acceptable in terms of pain relief for the skin of the legs, arms, abdomen, and pubis. But when processing a deep bikini, it is quite difficult to move without difficulty with cling film near the intimate organs. Especially if you need to get to the salon by public transport.
  3. The spray contains only water and the active substance itself without any auxiliary compounds that would facilitate the absorption of Lidocaine. In this, the drug is inferior to some ointments and creams that have such auxiliary components.
  4. The effectiveness of such anesthesia depends on the type of skin, the body's sensitivity to the drug and a number of other factors. Therefore, when using Lidocaine, it is impossible to accurately predict the result - for some it will completely “turn off” sensitivity, and for others it will only slightly reduce the severity of pain.

Analogues of Lidocaine spray are numerous ointments and creams, as well as some liquids (Emla, Menovazin) - there is also an ointment containing 10% Lidocaine. In part, ointments are more convenient, since they do not spread and can be more dosed and evenly distributed on the surface of the skin. But even in the case of their use, the method of application anesthesia is also often used, since it is this method that can provide adequate pain relief.

Another important disadvantage of Lidocaine spray is the presence of contraindications to its use - it should not be used for epilation anesthesia if there are:

  • Liver or kidney diseases.
  • Tendency to lower blood pressure.
  • Heart disease (angina pectoris, artymia).
  • Allergic reactions to the components of the drug. If you are allergic to other types of anesthetics, be sure to indicate this to your doctor.

During pregnancy, the use of this remedy is possible only after the doctor’s permission against the background of an absolutely normal pregnancy. However, it is unlikely that any cosmetologist will allow a pregnant woman to perform deep bikini hair removal or other painful cosmetic procedures.

Lidocaine for bikini depilation reviews


Lidocaine has positive reviews as a pain reliever for bikini depilation

I've come a long way with bikini waxing. At first I tried with an epilator, but for me it was completely impossible. As soon as I remember, I will tremble. Then I tried SUGAR PASTE with a spatula and it was better, but most of all I liked depilation with SOFT PASTE with stripes. For today I stuck with this option. LEDOCAINE spray really helps me, but don’t think that I don’t feel anything. I feel it, but 2 times less.

The spray is easy to use, just spray it on and then wait 10-20 minutes. Feels a little cold. After this, I begin the depilation procedure. I read that when sugaring, the painkiller (lidocaine) must be washed off, as it complicates the process. But I don't do that.


  • Sold in a pharmacy, price about 180 rubles
  • Makes pain 2 times less during depilation with SOFT PASTE
  • Convenient spray form
  • I use it for depilation of the bikini area


  • The packaging indicates that it is sold by prescription.
  • no 100% pain relief
  • This is my first product like this, I have nothing to compare it to


For me, lidocaine is a good helper in women's affairs. I give it 3+ because the effect is not 100%



Author, I do this - I spray it, then I manage to get under the film)))) I walk for about half an hour, then depilation. It relieves the pain, but only a little. Yes, and lidocaine is different. Last time I bought it, it was great, this time it sucked (Nizhpharm)



I do my own waxing without lidocaine, but hairs appear within a week, so I do it once every 2 weeks. It hurts, but it’s tolerable, the main thing is to endure it once, for some reason it’s the most painful!!!


If the choice fell on lidocaine, then take it manufactured in Hungary. Sprinkle it where you will remove hair, quickly wrap it tightly with cling film and leave it there for an hour. Maybe it will help. To be honest, this is how I tolerate waxing. But when I switched to electrolysis, I couldn’t do without ultracaine injections; some people endure it, while others only need a pain-relieving cream like Emla or Light Depa.


https://shpilki. net/rastitelnost/2194-lidokain-pri-epilyacii

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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