Which method of depilation is the most effective and painless: types of hair removal

  • Types of hair removal
  • Types of depilation
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There are various types of hair removal - procedures that radically (for years or forever) eliminate unwanted hair. Hair is an integral “accessory” of the human body, but if a thick head of hair on the head adorns both a woman and a man, then the same cannot be said about hair in other parts of the body - the hair on the legs, stomach, shoulders and armpits makes you want you can quickly get rid of them and forget about them forever. Without a doubt, the removal of “extra” hair is one of the oldest cosmetic procedures, using techniques that have been known for several centuries : hair is shaved, pulled out using tweezers or wax-like compounds, and they are also tried to “dissolve” using chemical compounds.
Although, technological progress has also affected this area of ​​cosmetology - in the 20th century, devices appeared that made it possible to destroy the hair follicle with electric current and laser radiation. Experts distinguish:

  • depilation – a procedure that removes hair shafts without causing damage to the roots (follicles);
  • hair removal is a procedure the essence of which lies in the gradual destruction of the hair follicle .

Reference. On the human body there are millions of follicles - tiny hair follicles that give rise to the hair shaft, and at the same time no more than a third of the follicles (bulbs) are in an active state, the rest are waiting “in the wings”, being in an inactive or “sleeping” state. This explains why it is impossible to remove all hair at the same time: dead follicles are replaced by temporarily unused follicles, which “wake up” and give life to a new hair shaft. The situation is further aggravated by the fact that even after receiving a “fatal” electric shock, for example, during electrolysis, the bulb does not die, but only weakens, that is, it still produces a hair shaft , just thinner and paler than before the shock. To completely destroy a follicle, there must be several destructive effects with current or a laser beam (usually 7–10 procedures). Since the next impact is possible only after the hair grows back, it may take a whole year to completely free the legs from hair – it all depends on the type of hair, its quantity and structural features.

The division of hair removal procedures into hair removal and depilation is quite arbitrary. Indeed, during some types of depilation, the hair shaft is removed along with the follicle, although direct destruction of the follicle does not occur. Therefore, speaking about different types of hair removal, it is impossible to ignore depilation, especially since many patients do not see a fundamental difference between the procedures.

Temporary hair removal: which depilation is better?

Different types of depilation differ in the duration of the effect, pain during the procedure, price and the likelihood of side effects, such as ingrown hair, irritation and infection of the skin. Since each body reacts to the procedure individually, finding out which depilation is better or worse suited in a particular case can only be done experimentally , that is, by trying different methods of temporarily getting rid of hair.

Types of depilation:

Shaving is the easiest and most affordable way to get rid of hair. The main advantage is that it is cheap, because for the procedure it is enough to buy a razor and shaving cream. Further, there are continuous disadvantages: the “hedgehog” hair grows back the very next day, the procedure is rarely complete without irritation and ingrown hairs.

Plucking is an unpleasant, tedious and painful method. However, such advantages as hair regrowth only after two to three weeks, the ability to conduct sessions at home and low price make the procedure quite popular. The disadvantages are the same as shaving - frequent skin irritation and a high probability of ingrown hairs .

Attention! If you don’t want to bother with thread or tweezers, you can buy an electric epilator (the average price of the device is about 2,000 rubles).

Depilatory cream is a convenient hair removal product for home use. Plus: a wide range of depilatory creams, which makes it possible to choose a product taking into account the condition of the skin and hair type. The downside is that there are frequent allergies to the components of the depilatory cream. It is difficult to say which is better: a razor or a depilatory cream - it all depends on the skin’s reaction and its sensitivity to mechanical and chemical influences.

Waxing or vaxing is essentially the same hair plucking, but not individually, but massively. The cosmetologist applies a wax-based paste to the skin from which it is planned to remove hair, and then tears off the frozen wax along with the hairs “grabbed” by it, making a sharp movement against hair growth . Waxing is a very painful procedure, after which the skin remains smooth from two weeks to a month. This removal method is often used for Brazilian depilation of the perineal area in women, as well as for depilation of men's intimate areas.

“Sugar” depilation or sugaring is an analogue of waxing, but a sticky sugar-based paste is used as a “trap” for hair. The main distinguishing feature of sugaring is that strips of hardened paste are removed according to the growth of hair shafts , which minimizes the risk of ingrown hairs. In addition, clients are rarely allergic to sugar, and the skin is damaged less during sugaring than during waxing.

Attention! In different sources, waxing and sugaring are called either depilation or hair removal . The first one would be correct - “depilation with wax or sugar” - because during the procedures, destruction of the follicle does not occur. If you choose which is better - waxing or sugaring, then you should focus on your own sensations and skin sensitivity.

An epilator is a convenient device that greatly facilitates the “extermination” of hair at home. The device can be compared to several dozen tiny tweezers, which are driven by electric current and allow you to quickly remove hair from the skin. Comparing waxing, sugaring and epilator, we can say that all three procedures are equally painful and the effect after them lasts no more than a month , however, waxing and sugaring are better than epilator in that they are silent, without aggravating the painful sensations with the rather unpleasant “grinding” that accompanies collapse of the device plates.

Types of lasers

Laser hair removal can be carried out using several types of lasers, differing in wavelength and pulse duration.

  1. The Alexandrite laser is the best device of the latest generation. Accordingly, the hair removal performed by him is the most expensive. The advantage of this laser is the ability to burn hairs immediately, the skin becomes smooth instantly after the first procedure. The alexandrite laser hair removal method is the fastest and most painless of all similar ones. Each flash is accompanied by the release of a stream of cold air.
  2. The ruby ​​laser is the first to appear in cosmetology. That is why it is the most imperfect when compared with similar devices. The beam affects the treated area “blindly”. It does not remove light, fine hairs, so those who have them should consider a different type of laser. Due to the lack of a cooling system, hair removal with a ruby ​​nozzle is painful and there is a high risk of burns.
  3. The neodymium laser is powerful and will easily get rid of hairs growing even on a dark-skinned body. However, those with light and fine hair combined with fair skin should choose other hair removal methods or the type of laser. The neodymium laser procedure is very painful if the device is not equipped with a cooling system.
  4. Diode laser hair removal is the cheapest. Moreover, it is absolutely safe. But the beam only affects dark hairs, reacting with melanin, which colors them. The vegetation disappears 2-2.5 weeks after the session. The pain during the procedure in the form of tingling is unpleasant, but tolerable.

QOOL hair removal

One of the most modern types of laser hair removal that permanently eliminates body hair - QOOL - will cost more than its analogues. But the high price in this case is justified. After all, the procedure can be carried out on any hair, regardless of its color and skin type. After a course of 10 sessions, you can forget about hair removal for 5, or even 10 years.

ELOS hair removal

ELOS combines laser and electrolysis. First, the hair is exposed to a laser beam, and then the hair follicles are destroyed by electric current. ELOS hair removal is quick, and this is its advantage. But the procedure is quite painful, even with local anesthesia. After it, swelling remains on the skin, which goes away in the next 24 hours.

Effective only if there is a contrast in hair and skin color. How many sessions are required for visible results depends on the location of depilation. If it’s the armpits, then 3-4, the bikini area - 7-8 procedures.

Permanent hair removal. Which hair removal is better?

As already mentioned, hair removal is a procedure for destroying hair follicles (follicles) in order to weaken them and, in the future, completely destroy them. With the help of hair removal, it is possible to get rid of hair for several years - after all, if there are no follicles, then there are no hair shafts . Unfortunately, not a single, even the most effective technique can remove all “extra” hair in one session. Firstly, “active” follicles have enviable vitality and continue to produce hair shafts even after several electric shocks, and secondly, modern types of hair removal affect only “active” follicles, in addition to which there are also “dormant” follicles, which over time entering the active phase of life. Professional hair removal is usually a hardware procedure .

Folk recipes

You can get rid of unwanted hair yourself using folk remedies. It is difficult to say which method of depilation is the most effective; all recipes are good in their own way. Here are the most popular ones.

  1. Datura grass. A glass of crazy grass is poured with 1 liter of cold water. Afterwards, the broth is brewed in a water bath for about an hour and allowed to cool. Use a cotton pad soaked in the solution to lubricate the problem area. The more often you treat unwanted hairs with the solution, the faster a positive result will appear.
  2. Potassium permanganate. To get rid of hair on your legs and bikini area forever, just steam in the bath for about 30 minutes every day for a month. The secret is simple - add a small amount of potassium permanganate crystals to the water.
  3. Iodine. To prepare the solution you will need 8 drops of iodine, 15 drops of ammonia, 1 tsp. castor oil and 2 tbsp. l. ethyl alcohol. All components are mixed and infused until the solution becomes lighter. Then a gauze or cotton swab is moistened in the resulting liquid and applied to problem areas. If you perform these simple steps twice a day for a week, you can soon forget about your annoying hair forever.

How much do different types of hair removal cost? Price of hair removal in the salon

The price of hair removal and depilation depends on the hair removal technique used, the structure of the hairline and the qualifications of the specialist . The table shows the minimum prices for one of the most popular procedures - hair removal (depilation) of the armpits.

Types of hair removal and depilation Price for epilation and depilation of armpits, from
Sugaring (depilation with sugar paste) 500 rubles
Waxing (depilation with wax-based paste) 700 rubles
Depilation with thread 950 rubles
Enzyme hair removal 620 rubles
Photoepilation 2,500 rubles
Electrolysis 500 rubles
Laser hair removal 2,800 rubles
Elos hair removal 5,500 rubles
AFT hair removal 4,500 rubles

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When is the best time to do hair removal?

  1. It is believed that by the end of the day a person’s pain threshold decreases, so it is better to postpone hair removal and depilation procedures to the evening hours.
  2. It is advisable that after the procedures you have the opportunity to relax at home and change into loose cotton clothes and underwear .
  3. To avoid complications, women should not remove hair several days before and after the menstrual cycle due to the increased sensitivity of the skin at this time.

Attention! Hair removal and depilation procedures have contraindications! Find out more about contraindications and negative consequences associated with hair removal.

Important information

Removing leg hair is not only painful, any hair removal procedure can cause irritation to the skin. Regular aftershave cream will help cope with irritation. In more serious cases, a compress of chamomile decoction helps.

✔ Brew one tablespoon of chamomile flowers with a glass of boiling water. Let it brew for half an hour. Soak a gauze pad in the solution and apply it to the irritated area. After ten minutes, remove.

You cannot remove leg hair by any aggressive method if you have varicose veins. Aggressive hair removal procedures are best done in the evening. Overnight, the skin will have time to recover and acquire an even color and well-groomed appearance.

Photos of patients before and after various types of hair removal:

General recommendations for preparing for the procedure

In conditions of correct and safe implementation of the procedure, areas of the armpits, bikini, face and other areas require responsibility on the part of both the client and the cosmetologist. There are general rules for preparing for the hair removal procedure:

  1. 2 weeks before the session, avoid aggressive sun rays, do not sunbathe and visit the solarium.
  2. 3-4 days before the procedure, shave the hair in the desired areas.
  3. Before the session, it is advisable not to take hot baths or visit the sauna so that the blood vessels remain at rest.
  4. In many cases, before the procedure, painkillers - creams, gels - are applied to the working area.
  5. The technician must wear sterile, disposable gloves.
  6. The required number of sessions is 6-10 repetitions, with an interval of 4-8 weeks.


Both lasers are contraindicated during pregnancy, lactation, tumors, herpes, and damage to the integrity of the skin. In addition, the diode laser is not used for:

  • varicose veins;
  • epilepsy;
  • allergies;
  • skin infections of any nature.

Alexandrite is not recommended for:

  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland, diabetes mellitus;
  • after sunbathing (at least 15 days from the last time you were in the sun);
  • taking medications (at least 10 days must pass after the end of therapy).

The doctor will decide which is better for whom: alexandrite or diode laser. Each manufacturer assures that his brainchild is an ideal. But you must proceed from your budget and your own preferences.

Remember that the diode laser works slowly, but carefully and conscientiously. Alexandrite - fast, but painful and expensive.


This is the most popular gradation of dermal shades in dermatocosmetology, developed in the seventies of the last century by the American Thomas Fitzpatrick. There are 6 skin types, which differ in the amount of melanin in the hair, eyes and dermis:

  • the first type is Celtic: blue or green eyes, blond or red hair. The skin has a milky tint, turns sharply red, and is prone to pigmentation. Example – Claudia Schiffer;
  • the second is light European: eyes are blue, green or gray, hair is light brown or with a brown tint, the skin is pale and also prone to pigmentation. Example – Cameron Diaz;
  • the third type is dark European: eyes are gray or brown, hair is brown, skin is slightly dark. Example - Angelina Jolie;
  • the fourth is Mediterranean: brown eyes, dark hair and dark skin. For example, Monica Bellucci;
  • the fifth is Indonesian: brown eyes, black hair and even darker skin than the Mediterranean. Example – Lucy Liu;
  • finally, the sixth type is African-American: eyes are almost black, hair is tar, skin is dark. Example - Naomi Campbell.

How to choose a device

The technical characteristics of the devices differ in the length and power of the light wave. To understand which laser is best for laser hair removal, you need to recognize the type of hair you need to get rid of first. Its thickness and skin light type also play a role.

There are several technical differences that you need to take into account when choosing a hair removal device. This will determine whether laser hair removal is effective in a particular case, and if not, they will help you figure out why and make the right choice.

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