Contractubex for scars and scars - an effective way to smooth the skin

Can Contractubex be used by children and pregnant women?

As of 2022, the drug is considered safe for children aged 2 years and older. For children from one to 2 years of age, Contractubex is used only as directed and under the supervision of doctors. Medicine is not prescribed until one year of age.

To date, there is no accurate data confirming the safety of the use of antiproliferative drugs for pregnant women and nursing mothers. Since scar removal is not a life-saving therapy, treatment may be delayed until after breastfeeding.

How to get rid of stretch marks on the chest?

Stretch marks (striae) are a common aesthetic problem caused by increased tissue growth and overstretching of the skin. The greatest psycho-emotional discomfort is created by stretch marks on the bust, which is traditionally considered a symbol of female beauty. What to do with stretch marks on the chest? The answers are in this article.

Stretch marks on the chest: what to do? Striae in the décolleté area occur in women after pregnancy or weight changes, as well as in actively growing teenage girls and strength athletes, especially those taking hormonal drugs to increase body weight. Reasons for the appearance of stretch marks: • Excessive stretching of tissues during rapid breast enlargement (for example, during pregnancy, lactation); • Decreased skin elasticity due to fluctuations in hormone levels; • Increased load on the chest muscles (for example, in bodybuilders).

The pathogenesis of the problem is based on a lack of collagen and elastin: a decrease in its level or insufficient synthesis for rapid tissue growth. Due to overstretching of the skin, the mesh layer of the dermis is torn, the vessels are damaged, while the epidermis remains intact. A subcutaneous inflammatory reaction occurs at the site of injury, and during healing, connective (scar) tissue is formed. That is why outwardly “young” stretch marks look like crimson stripes, which fade and thicken over time. To understand how to get rid of stretch marks on the chest, it is necessary to assess the condition of the problem. There is a clear classification of stretch marks, according to which the specialist chooses treatment methods. The easiest way to correct education is for up to six months, maximum up to a year. After this period, atrophic deformation of the skin begins, and it will not be possible to completely remove stretch marks; it will only be possible to reduce their severity.

Removal of stretch marks on the chest in the clinic Why is it impossible to remove stretch marks on the chest on your own, and reviews of traditional methods should not be trusted? Connective tissue cannot be “dissolved” with herbal infusions and creams. And if in the first stages some means reduce inflammation and subsequent scarring, then dense formations can only be corrected in the clinic.

Methods for removing stretch marks on the chest at the Academy of Cosmetology “Premium Aesthetics”

Method Operating principle
Laser correction (fractional thermolysis: Fraxel, ResurFX module of the M22 device). The method of exposure is chosen by the doctor. Forms the finest, frequent, invisible “microchannels” in the skin. Such microdamages stimulate cells to increase division for rapid healing. As a result, young, non-atrophied tissue is formed from “healthy” collagen. Allows you to completely remove “young” shallow stretch marks and significantly reduce the severity of old scars.
PhotoFraction – step-by-step exposure to IPL and laser modules of the M22 platform. The specialist will recommend the procedure for a combination of aesthetic problems in the chest area (deterioration of skin quality, age spots + stretch marks).
Injection techniques Biorevitalization, plasma therapy, placentotherapy before a course of hardware therapy or in combination with it support the skin, fill it with substances necessary for recovery, and reduce the level of inflammation.

The list of necessary procedures and the duration of the course of treatment are determined by a specialist, based on the individual condition of the skin. Have you encountered stretch marks in the décolleté area? Doctors at our clinic will prescribe the most effective methods for correcting stretch marks on the chest and will introduce you to reviews of women who have already successfully solved this problem. Sign up for a consultation by phone +7(499) 370 45 98.

Popular questions about Contractubex

How to use Contractubex gel?

The amount of ointment depends on the size of the scar. The gel is rubbed into the skin until completely absorbed 1-3 times a day. If the scar is hard and old, you can apply a gauze dressing overnight. Treatment may take several months.

How does Contractubex ointment work?

The effect of the ointment is due to the properties of the active components in its composition. The active ingredients limit the pathological synthesis of keloid fibroblasts and promote “correct” tissue regeneration.

Where can I buy Contractubex ointment for scars?

The German drug is sold in all Ukrainian pharmacies. The best prices are at the online pharmacy 9-1-1, which also offers a courier delivery service to the specified address.

Contractubex 20g gel for external use

pharmachologic effect

Anti-inflammatory, regenerating, antithrombotic, kelloidolytic.

Composition and release form Contractubex 20g gel for external use

Gel for external use – 100 g:

  • onion extract - 10 g;
  • heparin - 5000 IU;
  • allantoin - 1 g;
  • excipients: sorbic acid; methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate; perfume DROM 2700; xanthan; polyethylene glycol 200; purified water.

In aluminum tubes of 20 and 50 g; in a cardboard pack 1 tube.

Description of the dosage form

The hydrogel is light brown in color.

Directions for use and doses

Locally. Apply 0.5 cm of gel to a scar surface with an area of ​​20–25 cm2 2–3 times a day, easily rubbing into the scar tissue. The course of treatment for fresh scars is 4 weeks.

For old, dense scars, an occlusive dressing with gel is applied overnight. The course of treatment is 3–6 months.

For Dupuytren's contracture, the course of treatment is 12 months.

For prophylaxis, it is used after epithelization (not applied to granulations).


It has fibrinolytic anti-inflammatory (contains onion extract), antithrombotic (contains heparin) and keratolytic effects (contains allantoin). Stimulates cellular regeneration without hyperplasia. Inhibits the proliferation of keloid fibroblasts.


Under experimental conditions, it was found that heparin penetrates into the connective tissue of the dermis within 4 hours in a therapeutically sufficient amount. Deep penetration is ensured by a combination of components of the drug (transepidermal heparinization). Systemic absorption is not observed.

Indications for use Contractubex 20g gel for external use

  • hypertrophic and keloid scars that occur after surgery, amputations, burns and injuries;
  • ankylosis (contracture) of joints; Dupuytren's contracture;
  • traumatic tendon contractures;
  • stretch marks after pregnancy; atrophic scars (including those occurring after acne or furunculosis);
  • prevention of the formation of pathological scars in the postoperative period or after injury.



Application of Contractubex 20g gel for external use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The drug can be used in children.

special instructions

To enhance the effect, it can be applied to pre-steamed skin. Can be used in combination with physiotherapeutic procedures.

When treating fresh scars, UV irradiation, exposure to cold and intense massage should be avoided.

Side effects Contractubex 20g gel for external use

Rarely - local skin reactions.

Drug interactions

Compatible with other drugs.


The description of the drug Contractubex on this page is a simplified author’s version of the apteka911 website, created on the basis of the instructions for use.
Before purchasing or using the drug, you should consult your doctor and read the manufacturer's original instructions (attached to each package of the drug). Information about the drug is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used as a guide to self-medication. Only a doctor can decide to prescribe the drug, as well as determine the dose and methods of its use.

Stretch marks - the whole truth

What it is

Stretch marks are also called stretch marks. They appear in any area of ​​the body, but most often occur in places where there is a large amount of fat. Most common places

: chest, stomach, armpits, shoulders, thighs, back and buttocks.

Stretch marks look like stripes on the skin, and their color changes over time. “Fresh” stretch marks are pinkish-red in color, the skin on them is slightly convex. Gradually, the striae increase in length and width, become bluish-purple, and eventually become discolored. This happens because at first there are still blood vessels inside the stretch marks, which is why the stretch marks initially have such a bright color. Then the blood supply at the site of the stretch marks stops, the vessels become empty, the resulting skin defect is filled with connective tissue and the stretch marks become white. Since there is no pigment in the connective tissue, stretch marks remain white even when exposed to sunlight. Moreover, against the background of tanned skin they become more noticeable.

Why do they occur?

It seems that the reason for the appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy is clear at first glance: the expectant mother’s belly grows, the skin stretches, and stretch marks form. Why then do they not occur in all expectant mothers? And is their appearance related to weight gain? After all, it has been noted, for example, that the likelihood of stretch marks does not depend in any way on the size of the abdomen during pregnancy.

Stretch marks may appear in a woman with a small belly, while a woman expecting twins will not have this problem.

Why is this happening? Several factors are at work here. Yes, indeed, one of the reasons for the appearance of stretch marks is weight gain, but what is important is not so much the number of kilograms gained, but how quickly the woman gained them: the faster the expectant mother gains weight, the higher the risk of stretch marks. This is why even with a slight weight gain, stretch marks can appear. The second reason for the appearance of stretch marks is hormonal imbalance. During pregnancy, the amount of estrogen and cortisol decreases, resulting in a disruption in the synthesis of skin proteins and connective tissue - collagen and elastin. Namely, with the help of these proteins, our skin can stretch well and restore its elasticity.

If there is not enough collagen and elastin, then the skin becomes fragile and thins out faster, in the end, it tears in some areas, and then scar connective tissue forms in places of tears


But here’s how the expectant mother’s body will behave during pregnancy: whether there will be sudden changes in weight and hormonal imbalance (which means whether stretch marks will appear or not is impossible to predict).

What to do?

Let’s say right away that the treatment is 100% effective

and there is no prevention of stretch marks. For example, most creams, lotions, and gels for the prevention of stretch marks simply contain moisturizing components and help soften the skin, but do not affect the balance of hormones. Consequently, these remedies cannot prevent the appearance of stretch marks if hormonal imbalances have occurred. And after childbirth, various laser procedures, peelings and resurfacing will not get rid of stretch marks completely, they will simply make them more invisible.

But this does not mean that you should give up and do nothing. You can do a lot of things: even if you don’t achieve 100% effect, there will still be benefits.

Watch your diet

and avoid sudden weight fluctuations. Don't forget to eat protein foods - protein, along with zinc and vitamin C, stimulates the production of collagen, which gives the skin elasticity. If you don’t want meat yet, include fish, dairy products and legumes in your diet - these are also sources of healthy protein.

Avoid sweets

– sugar inhibits collagen renewal, the skin loses elasticity and water, becomes dry, sluggish, and its elasticity decreases.

– From the first days of pregnancy, constantly nourish

moisturize your skin
use creams, gels, lotions with collagen, elastin, as well as vitamins C and E. The main thing is that these drugs must be approved for use during pregnancy. Before buying this or that product, carefully read the instructions and composition of the drug. Find out the mechanism of action of biologically active substances of a cosmetic product from a sales consultant. If you have any doubts, consult your obstetrician-gynecologist. Look into your wallet and make a choice.

– If finances allow, do salon treatments

to moisturize the body, those allowed during pregnancy (algae wraps, for example), if not, limit yourself to regular skin moisturizing, it is also effective.

Take contrast showers

: it tones and strengthens the skin, and problem areas receive the blood flow they need. You can massage individual areas of the body alternately with a cold and warm stream. Just don't point the stream directly at your stomach.

– After a shower, do not wipe your body dry, but simply pat it dry with a towel. You can do light pinch self-massage

using moisturizing creams or natural vegetable oils (for example, olive or flaxseed). Massage helps remove excess fluid and activates the work of blood vessels - they quickly distribute nutrients throughout the body. Important: when massaging, go around the abdomen and chest, massage only the sides, hips and legs.


: the contrast in water and air temperature, active physical activity also help prevent stretch marks.

Wear special bras during pregnancy

, they will support enlarged breasts and prevent the skin from overstretching.

Even if stretch marks appear, don’t be upset. It has been noticed that if you immediately begin a set of preventive measures (moisturizing the skin, proper nutrition, water treatments), then stretch marks often do not spread further. And if you start prevention from the first days of pregnancy, they may not appear at all.

REMINDER for mothers

Start attacking stretch marks as early as possible: the younger they are, the less money and time it will take to eliminate them.

  1. Watch your diet and try not to gain weight suddenly.
  2. Moisturize and nourish the skin daily, not only of the abdomen and chest, but also of the thighs, buttocks, and legs.
  3. Lead an active lifestyle: walk in the fresh air, play sports, swim.
  4. Take a contrast shower, do self-massage.
  5. Wear the right underwear: a maternity bra is especially necessary for expectant mothers with large breasts

On a note:

It is impossible to predict the appearance of stretch marks. Even if during the last pregnancy there were no stretch marks or, on the contrary, there were stretch marks, there is no guarantee that the situation will repeat in the next pregnancy

You can make your own composition for stretch marks.

Here are the oils that will suit you:

  • Jojoba oil is the most effective remedy: it is used for the prevention and elimination of skin stretch marks during and after pregnancy, as well as for weight gain and sudden weight loss.
  • Rosewood essential oil helps improve skin elasticity and also helps resolve small scars.
  • Almond oil is especially effective for caring for areas of the body where skin elasticity is reduced.
  • Grape seed oil has a strong regenerating effect and increases skin elasticity.
  • Peach oil has a regenerating, softening effect on the skin, restores elasticity, and rejuvenates sagging skin.

You can use mixtures of these oils in any combination, for example: jojoba + almond oil, or jojoba + grape seed oil.

Before using any oil, read the instructions and pay attention to contraindications. Try the oil or composition on a small area of ​​skin and monitor the reaction throughout the day. If discomfort or allergies occur, discard this product.

Composition and release form

The drug is dispensed in the form of an ointment for external use. It has a water base with a light brown tint. Packaged in aluminum tubes and secondary paper packaging of 20 or 50 g.

The active components are:

  1. Onion extract.
  2. Allantoin.
  3. Heparin.

Additional substances: pure water, sorbic acid, polyethylene glycol, perfume, methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate.

Analogues and cost

The gel for scars Contractubex today has no analogues in the composition of active substances.

As an alternative, other preparations for external use are suitable:

  • Heparin ointment exhibits anticoagulant properties, the price is less than 100 rubles.
  • Camelox oil with allantoin contains onion extract, bromelain, aloe, the cost also does not exceed 100 rubles.
  • Venitan Forte with heparin, escin and dexpanthenol, price about 300 rubles.
  • Hepatrombin with heparin and d-panthenol for all types of scars, cost 250-300 rubles.

To enhance the positive properties of these drugs, it is recommended to take high doses of vitamins A, group B, C and E. A nutritious diet will complement the complex of therapeutic measures. There is no reason to limit yourself to using only Contractubex gel - similar preparations for scars and scars will enhance the positive effect of the main product and have a restorative effect when used externally. If desired, they can be alternated or combined together. For a more effective effect, it is permissible to apply the product under an occlusive dressing or under a regular patch with a gauze pad in the center.

You need to think about your future appearance immediately after receiving an injury. Every day the chances of completely eliminating the scar with Contractubex decrease. And for a more successful solution to the problem that has arisen, it is desirable to eliminate bad habits and negative environmental factors.

Author: Natalya Pinchuk, pharmacist, especially for

Side effects

Contractubex scar ointment is well tolerated. Side effects noted include:

  • erythema, itching, skin hyperpigmentation;
  • hypersensitivity;
  • swelling of tissues;
  • peeling.

Natural itching that appears during healing does not require stopping the use of Contractubex ointment for scars. Unpleasant sensations appear due to the increased need of the damaged area to supply a sufficient amount of blood.


It is prohibited to use in children under 1 year of age, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and in case of increased individual sensitivity to the components of Contractubex scar cream. Infants are at extremely high risk of experiencing a sudden and very severe allergic reaction.

During pregnancy, almost all substances circulating in the mother’s body are able to penetrate into the fetus’s body. After childbirth, the production of breast milk begins, the basis of which is the nursing mother’s own blood. Therefore, during this period it is also necessary to monitor your diet and all other factors that can harm the infant.

How to take Contractubex

Leniment is intended for external use. The medicine is applied to a certain area of ​​the epidermis in a thin layer and rubbed in thoroughly. At one time it is allowed to cover a skin area of ​​up to 22 cm. The ointment can be used 2-3 times a day.

The duration of the course of therapy is 4 weeks.

In particularly severe situations, when there are pronounced scars and skin deformations, Contractubex is used in conjunction with an occlusive dressing. To do this, take a cloth, soak it in the product and apply it to the body. It is advisable to carry out this procedure before bedtime. Such use of the drug lasts 6-12 months.

Indications for use

A local medicine is prescribed in the following cases:

  1. Skin damage due to burns.
  2. Striae due to pregnancy.
  3. Scarring of the skin as a result of purulent dermatological conditions and acne.
  4. Ankyloses of articular joints.
  5. Scar formations of hypertrophic or atrophic origin.
  6. Prevention of abundant pathological scars after surgery.

pharmachologic effect

Leniment has a complex therapeutic effect. When using the product, an antiproliferative, softening, anti-inflammatory and smoothing effect is noted.

Thanks to onion extract, there is a decrease in the production of inflammatory mediators or complete relief of the allergic reaction. Mitosis is also suppressed and the development of extracellular substances is prevented. Due to this, it is possible to control the growth of scar tissue and various elements of the epidermis in the presence of keloid scars.

In addition, onion extract has a bactericidal effect, eliminating skin infections and preventing postoperative complications.

The main therapeutic property of heroin is its antiproliferative effect. Thanks to its presence in the ointment, it is possible to suppress:

  1. Pain syndrome.
  2. Swelling of tissues.
  3. Local hyperemia.
  4. Increased body temperature.
  5. Excessive growth of connective tissue.

Also, under the influence of heparin, the water balance of the skin improves, which is especially important in the presence of cosmetic defects.

Allantoin in leniment helps restore regeneration, has a softening effect, relieves itching and other discomfort during scarring.

Does Contractubex help with old scars?

For old injuries, the drug will help relieve redness, but the scar will not disappear completely. However, the use of Contractubex for scars on the face and other parts of the body will significantly reduce its area. Under its influence, even formed rough tissues will gradually soften, become lighter and disappear. The main condition is regular use of Contractubex scar cream.

The formation of the scar itself is influenced by many factors:

  • concomitant chronic diseases;
  • possible wound infection;
  • total area of ​​damage;
  • genetic characteristics;
  • person's age;
  • skin type.

As a medicine, the gel is also used to eliminate stains after chickenpox. Active components activate local blood circulation and relieve inflammatory processes.

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