"Gold Standard" - Center for Cosmetology and Trichology in Lipetsk "Gold Standard" - Center for Cosmetology and Trichology in Lipetsk

Oxygen mesotherapy is an alternative to injection mesotherapy for the face and body.

Oxygen mesotherapy is a modern mesotherapy without injections, which allows the procedure to be carried out even for those patients who had certain contraindications to injection or fear of the needle.
Oxygen mesotherapy is also good because, along with normalizing the condition of the skin, it allows solving a number of other related problems, contributing to the overall health of the patient.

Lack of oxygen has a very noticeable effect on human skin, causing premature aging, decreased tone, and loss of freshness.

Oxygen entering the skin during oxygen mesotherapy activates many physiological processes and, in combination with administered medicinal substances, significantly improves skin color, increases its tone and restores youth and freshness to it.

Advantages of the Body-Jet device

  • The amount of fat tissue removed is two to three times greater than with other types of liposuction.
  • Today's best device for actual breast and buttock lipofilling procedures.
  • Reduces the invasiveness of the procedure and facilitates rehabilitation. The water jet technology used in the Body-Jet device removes fat without damaging peripheral nerves and small vessels.
  • Fat in the treated area is removed more evenly. This way we can get an almost perfect body contour after liposuction (without irregularities, dimples and tubercles under the skin).

Indications and contraindications:

Oxygen mesotherapy is well suited for patients of almost any age group, both women and men with any skin type.

The indications for oxygen mesotherapy are actually the same as for conventional mesotherapy:

  • cellulite
  • excessive dry skin
  • swelling of the skin
  • skin stretch marks
  • excessively oily and porous skin
  • weakened skin tone
  • expression wrinkles
  • dark circles under the eyes
  • "double chin"
  • excess weight
  • hyperpigmentation
  • acne (acne)
  • rosacea
  • traumatic scars
  • skin rehabilitation after other cosmetic procedures (peeling, photorejuvenation, etc.)

Contraindications to oxygen mesotherapy are even more minimal than to traditional mesotherapy.

Oxygen mesotherapy is contraindicated for patients with allergies to medications used in the procedure, as well as with certain skin diseases.

Oxygen mesotherapy should be performed during pregnancy with extreme caution and only after consulting a doctor.

Results of Body-Jet liposuction

Some patients are concerned about skin bumpiness after liposuction. “In the case of the Body-Jet device, this risk is eliminated,” says plastic surgeon Ilya Sergeev. - The reason is easy to understand. Typically, the doctor removes fat by “cutting off” it using the sharpened edges of a cannula tube. Somewhere he will remove a little more, and somewhere a little less. As a result, unevenness may appear, which will appear as lumpy skin. In the Body-Jet, fat is separated by a jet of water. This method allows you to remove cells more evenly and over a “wider front”. Again, I’ll make a comparison: a traditional device acts more like an excavator - it digs trenches, and the Body-Jet acts like a bulldozer, leveling it."

It is worth noting that once removed, fat will not reappear. Before liposuction, almost every patient asks about this. Repeat surgery is unlikely to be required. “But sometimes, in order to remove a very large amount of fat from various areas, we actually do liposuction in two and three stages,” explains Ilya Sergeev. — And I also want to note that liposuction is not a method of treating general obesity (as some patients think). This is a way to correct individual areas of the body. We don’t lose weight, but make the stomach flatter, the hips slimmer, and the waist thinner.”

The technique of oxygen mesotherapy is as follows:

  1. The intended skin treatment area is thoroughly cleaned and degreased.
  2. A special moisturizing serum with medicinal preparations is applied to the surface of the skin.
  3. Using a special apparatus, pure oxygen is supplied to the skin under pressure of 2 atmospheres.
  4. A stream of oxygen transports the active substances of the drug through the intercellular space into the deep layers of the skin without damaging or injuring it.
  5. Getting under the skin, the active substances, along with oxygen itself, have a healing effect.

The serum may contain various drugs depending on the problems that the procedure is aimed at solving.

Features of this type of liposuction

The main one here is the water-jet technology for fragmenting adipose tissue and an improved method for collecting it (fat cells removed from the area treated by the surgeon enter a sterile container in the most viable state and can be immediately used for lipomodeling).

Moreover, in Body-Jet the stage of loosening, fragmentation (separation) and fat removal occurs in parallel, and not sequentially, as with traditional liposuction.

“Water jet technology developed by German scientists and engineers is used here,” says Ilya Sergeev. — Fat cells are fragmented by a “sharp” jet of a special solution under high pressure. A good example is the Karcher car wash. Water “eroses” loose adipose tissue into fragments, separates fat cells, but does not damage the more elastic nerve fibers and blood vessels. Then the fragmented fat along with the liquid is “sucked out” by vacuum and removed from the body through a special cannula tube.”

Basic oxygen mesotherapy courses:

  • Anti-cellulite course , the serum for which contains caffeine and carnitine, which break down fatty tissue. The serum may also contain artichoke extract and a lipolytic solution of phosphatidylcholine, which have a similar effect on adipose tissue.
  • Cleansing course , which results in the cleansing and smoothing of problematic skin, and the removal of inflammatory processes. In this case, the serum contains azelaic acid, which normalizes sebum secretion. In addition, the serum contains carnitine for the breakdown of fatty acids and some vitamins (A, C, E).
  • Whitening course , the purpose of which is to narrow pores and smooth out wrinkles, as well as get rid of skin hyperpigmentation. In this case, the serum contains kojikovic acid (prevents the formation of pigment), a number of vitamins (A, C, E) and ascorbic acid (has a whitening effect) to whiten the skin.
  • Moisturizing and toning course for dry and sensitive skin. In this case, the serum certainly includes hyaluronic acid, which actively attracts and retains moisture in the connective tissue.
  • A rejuvenating course aimed against skin aging and promoting the smoothing of wrinkles and the formation of new cells. The serum in this case contains ceramides, which restore the surface layer of the skin and form a special protective film on it that retains moisture under the skin.

Oxygen mesotherapy is a fairly comfortable procedure for the patient and does not entail any pain.

Body-Jet Treatment Areas

Body-Jet has no competitors where it is necessary to remove significant volumes of fat from large areas. Therefore, it is mainly used for body liposuction. These are the stomach, back and shoulders, hips and sides. Rehabilitation after a procedure using the Body-Jet device is always easier, if only because blood loss when using this method is reduced by up to five times! Therefore, there are no bruises and clean and undamaged living fat cells are taken - the best material for lipofilling, immediately ready for transplantation. Only with the help of the Body-Jet device is it possible to collect living cells for lipomodeling: not damaged or traumatized by laser, ultrasound or mechanically. This is the only fat-saving technology in the world. Such adipose tissue has very good viability, so most of these fat cells successfully take root in a new place and the desired result is achieved. Most often, lipolifting is used to enlarge the buttocks or breasts. You can also correct receding fat defects, asymmetry, scars, etc.

Why should you go to a medical professional?

Water-jet liposuction in our clinic is performed by qualified specialists. You will be satisfied with the result because:

  • each patient receives an individual approach;
  • the use of modern equipment, certified drugs and tools is guaranteed;
  • affordable prices.

You can consult with our specialists by calling the numbers listed on the website or leaving a request online. Contact us and we will help you find beauty!

Stages of the procedure using Body Jet

It all starts with preparation. When turning to medical specialists, you can count on attentive attention from qualified specialists, but this is not enough. A consultation with a therapist and anesthesiologist will be required. During consultations, the patient’s condition is determined, which will determine the course of the procedure and its effectiveness. Tests are prescribed to help the anesthesiologist choose the type of anesthesia.

Before the procedure, the patient will have to give up alcohol and smoking and adhere to a special diet for some time. A course of antibiotics and sedatives is also prescribed. Work with each patient is carried out individually.

The procedure then proceeds as follows:

  • on the day of the procedure, the surgeon marks the areas on the patient’s body that will be corrected;
  • the anesthesiologist administers anesthesia;
  • all areas are treated with an antiseptic;
  • the procedure lasts about two hours, while specialists closely monitor the patient’s condition;
  • Once the fat extraction is complete, sutures and dressings are applied to the incision areas.

The peculiarity of liposuction using Body Jet is the use of cannulas that have diameters of 3.8 and 4.3 mm. The choice of diameter depends on the area of ​​the area that requires correction, as well as the thickness of the fatty tissue. The larger diameter allows the procedure to be carried out with maximum efficiency.

During rehabilitation after the procedure, the patient is required to wear compression garments. It is worn immediately after surgery. The special structure of such underwear reduces the likelihood of swelling and bruises. Another positive effect is a reduction in the likelihood of excess skin appearing; specific sagging areas do not appear.


One way or another, any cosmetic procedures have some contraindications. Water-jet liposuction is not recommended if unstable weight gain or loss is observed, which is characterized by an impressive amplitude of fluctuations.

After the procedure, fat cells usually do not divide, the volume of adipose tissue is not restored, however, there are individual cases when they begin to hypertrophy. At the same time, fiber gain occurs more slowly and only in some areas.

Contraindications also include the following:

  • presence of severe somatic diseases;
  • severe diabetes mellitus;
  • oncology;
  • mental disorders;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • hepatitis or HIV.

Women carrying a child, as well as those who are breastfeeding, need to temporarily postpone such interventions.

Positive aspects of water jet liposuction

This method of getting rid of excess adipose tissue has a number of positive aspects, and the main ones are:

  • simpler and at the same time more effective work of a specialist;
  • minimizing trauma to the patient’s vascular and nervous system;
  • an increase in the amount of fatty tissue that can be eliminated during one procedure;
  • the ability to use isolated adipose tissue for lipofilling procedures.

The new generation technique turns out to be significantly more effective than all those used before.

Rehabilitation period

Recovery after liposuction using Body Jet looks like this:

  • The patient remains under the supervision of specialists in the clinic for a day. An examination is carried out, and additional procedures may be prescribed if necessary.
  • For the first weeks after the procedure, the patient is prohibited from visiting solariums, baths and saunas.
  • Hot baths are prohibited; bathing in a warm bath is only possible with the approval of a doctor.
  • You cannot massage the skin in liposuction areas; massage is only permissible after a couple of months.
  • In the first week, you need to eliminate physical activity. Compression garments are almost never removed during the day.
  • The seams are treated with an antiseptic.

It is worth noting that the maximum result can be seen after just one procedure, which is carried out with Body Jet. But you should not assume that pumping out subcutaneous tissue will help solve the problem of excess weight.

Body shaping is not all that is required. If the patient does not change his eating habits and leads a passive lifestyle, there is a high probability of excess weight returning. Body Jet is a great opportunity to lose excess fat and get the desired contours of your figure, but this result will need to be subsequently maintained by diet correction.

Who is recommended to undergo water-jet liposuction?

Our clinic specialists usually recommend this type of procedure for removing excess fat in the following cases:

  • Large fat deposits are observed, due to which the lines of the body are greatly deformed.
  • Due to unsuccessful operations or due to a number of ailments, the subcutaneous fatty tissue is severely deformed.
  • An impressive amount of fatty tissue has a detrimental effect on human internal organs and negatively affects the functioning of a number of body systems.

However, it should be noted that the maximum corrective effect will be achieved only if the skin is sufficiently elastic and in good tone.

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