SMAS face lifting is a new standard of surgical lifting

A circular facelift is a plastic surgery that can make you look 10-15 years younger.
Its essence is to move tissue to its original “young position” through small incisions. Often this operation is performed in combination with SMAS lifting (deep lifting). In Moscow, a circular facelift can be done by Professor I. A. Bely. Igor Anatolyevich is a highly qualified surgeon who performs plastic surgeries using unique proprietary techniques. Brilliant education, high qualifications and extensive connections with foreign clinics allowed I. A. Bely to earn an excellent reputation in Moscow and beyond. Every year the professor performs more than 1,000 successful operations that help people improve their appearance.

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More examples of work can be seen in the photo gallery.

To make an appointment with I. A. Bely, leave a short online application on our website or call +75 or write to messengers: or.

What can a circular facelift in Moscow give?

A circular facelift in Moscow can solve age-related problems of various etiologies. It is ideal for women aged 35–40 who experience loss of skin tone. Here is a list of aesthetic defects that can be eliminated using circular facial plastic surgery:

  • wrinkles;
  • distortion of the oval of the face;
  • drooping cheeks;
  • drooping eyebrows;
  • nasolabial folds up to 5 cm;
  • shaved;
  • loose skin on the neck;
  • double chin;
  • eyelid ptosis;
  • ptosis of the outer corners of the eyes.

If all skin care rules are followed, the effect of a circular facelift can last up to 10 years. It is obvious, therefore, that the price of circular plastic surgery of the face and neck pays off 100%.

Very often, patients combine a circular facelift with blepharoplasty; this complex of operations helps to achieve the most beautiful effect. You can read about blepharoplasty surgery in the following article.

Minilift – a lift without risk.

– ... she’s 34, but she looks like she’s 35!

- Incredible difference! – Imagine, yes!

Between 34 and 35 years old

I lived ten wonderful years!

X\f. "Search a woman".

Minimally invasive facial plastic surgery techniques are simply created for modern women who believe that the theory of “beautiful natural aging” has long been outdated, and youth is relevant at any age. The French say: what a woman wants, God wants! Until recently, plastic surgeons recommended that we wait until age-related changes become obvious and all the indications for a circular lift will appear. Today, to solve the problems of the “elegant age,” a number of low-traumatic, safe interventions have been developed, which can roughly be called mini-surgeries. Such techniques can literally solve problems with little cost and stop the aging process before it leads to total “sagging” of the skin. Moreover, these local operations do not distort facial features and do not change them beyond recognition. The face does not look “done” and does not show signs of plastic surgery.


Midface lift surgery has a number of limitations that are standard for such a procedure. Circular lifting cannot be performed on children under 18 years of age, however, they do not need such a correction. In addition, the doctor will refuse to perform surgery if the patient has any of the following:

  • infectious diseases (ARVI, hepatitis, tuberculosis);
  • hormonal disorders, including diabetes;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • cancerous tumors;
  • pronounced hypertension;
  • blood clotting disorders.

The price of a circular face and neck lift includes laboratory tests. If, based on the results of the examinations, the doctor finds no contraindications for you to undergo surgery, you can rest assured: in this case, the risk of complications is practically absent.

Advice for women after 40 – 45 years old

This is the most optimal period to answer the question at what age to do a circular SMAS lift: the tissues still retain sufficient ability to quickly recover.

The operation performed during this period not only rejuvenates. It allows you to “fix” your face at strategically important points and prevent new age-related changes for many years.

Many people ask how much younger does the face look after SMAS lifting? For 10-15 years. But this is not the main thing.

After a well-executed facelift, it’s as if wings grow. You get a “second wind” - an indescribable feeling as if the clock hands were turned back a decade.

Your appearance begins to reflect your inner feelings - you finally look as much as you feel. You begin to exude confidence and are no longer intimidated by competition from Generation NEXT.

At 45+, we always deal with full-thickness, or as it is called 3D face and neck lift, or SMAS plication.

Expert commentary

“Such an operation affects not only the skin and SMAS, but also deeper structures. This allows me to work very successfully with so-called round faces, when anatomical features do not seem to allow for a Hollywood oval face.

After performing a harmonizing facelift using my technology, patients receive a lighter lower third, a tightened cheek-zygomatic and temporal area.

I always pay special attention to SMAS lifting of the lower third of the face – the neck and chin area, as I consider them the reinforcement of the face.”

How is a circular facelift done?

2-3 weeks before the appointed day, the patient must completely stop smoking and drinking alcohol. Any hormonal drugs are prohibited. No cosmetic procedures are recommended.

Before surgery, try to grow your hair as long as possible, since with a short haircut, the scars at the incision sites will be more noticeable. During the examination, tell the doctor the day of your cycle so that the date of the procedure does not coincide with your menstrual period. If you live in another city and are planning to have a circular facelift in Moscow, buy tickets with a large reserve: flights are not advisable during the first 7–14 days after surgery.

Professor I. A. Bely usually performs plastic surgery under anesthesia, less often under deep local anesthesia with the administration of tranquilizers. The surgeon chooses the type of anesthesia together with the patient during a face-to-face consultation.

A circular facelift operation in Moscow can last from 1.5 to 6 hours. After the administration of anesthesia, the operated surface is cleaned and disinfected. The doctor then cuts the skin in the right places. After the facial tissues are tightened and fixed in the desired position, the surgeon removes excess skin, applies neat sutures and a special fixing bandage. The first dressing change is possible no earlier than 24 hours after surgery. The stitches are removed after 10–14 days.

You can watch other patient reviews on my YouTube channel.

For the first time after surgery, you will have to wear a compression bandage all the time. During the rehabilitation period, you should not drink alcohol or visit a sauna or bathhouse. The use of decorative cosmetics is prohibited. The final result of the correction can be assessed only three months after the operation.

Endoscopic forehead lift, temporoplasty, temporal lift

During endoscopic lifting of soft tissues of the frontal and temporal areas (temporoplasty), using special video optical equipment, soft tissues are detached from the bone and are subsequently moved and fixed in a new position using mini-screws or endotins. The operation is performed through 2-3 punctures hidden in the scalp. In some cases, an endoscopic forehead lift is an alternative to upper blepharoplasty. Due to the operation “forehead endoscopy, temporoplasty,” the activity of the frontal muscle and facial muscles between the eyebrows is reduced or eliminated.

If the intervention is minor and there is no need for additional surgery, local anesthesia may be used. However, most often it is general anesthesia that is required.

Rehabilitation takes 2-3 weeks. The patient wears a compression mask for 5-7 days. On the 14th day after the operation, the mini-screws are removed; if endotins are installed, then they do not need to be removed; they dissolve on their own. During the month, restrictions are imposed on physical activity (especially sports), trips to the bathhouse, sauna, and solarium are excluded; It is recommended to dry your hair with cool air. For 9-12 months after surgery, it is necessary to protect puncture sites or small incisions from the sun and use SPF cream.

Circular facelift in Moscow: benefits

Some Muscovites prefer to have plastic surgery abroad, but treatment in Russian clinics has its advantages.

  • You will not have to spend money on flights, visas and accommodation in another country.
  • In the first weeks after the operation, you will be able to go directly to the doctor who performed the operation for examination. This affects the effectiveness of rehabilitation and reduces the risk of complications.
  • Professor I. A. Bely is an international expert who has connections with the best aesthetic surgery clinics in Austria, Sweden and Italy. You do not need to travel abroad to have an operation that meets the highest European standards.
  • Professor I. A. Bely in Moscow performs a circular facelift using unique proprietary methods. Most European and Russian clinics use standard methods, some of which are 10–15 years out of date.
  • Abroad, it is more difficult to find a trusted clinic and study reviews. Personal stories of I. A. Bely’s patients are much more accessible: they can be read on our website and on social networks.
  • Professor Bely is developing a treatment program taking into account Russian realities. He may recommend certain medications and foods to take before or after surgery. In foreign clinics you can receive prescriptions that are impossible to implement in Russian realities.
  • The cost of a circular facelift operation itself in Moscow is cheaper than in most other European capitals.

Problems and solutions from top to bottom.

Let's discuss typical problems of facial aging, moving from top to bottom - from the forehead, eyebrows and eyes, to the chin and lower contour.

Wrinkles, bags under the eyes, drooping eyelids, a tired, senile look - perhaps these are the most noticeable signs of impending old age. There is a traditional method for solving these problems - eyelid lift (blepharoplasty). This is one of the simplest and least traumatic plastic surgeries, which nevertheless gives a wonderful effect.

Photo 1. Upper and lower (transconjunctival) blepharoplasty.

However, blepharoplasty, as a method of correcting age-related changes, has some disadvantages, and in our opinion, in 90% of cases the intervention needs to be performed slightly differently. Why? This is easy to understand if you understand the causes of aging.

Circular face and neck lift: price

The cost of a circular face and neck lift is determined individually each time. It depends on the needs of the patient and his physiological characteristics. The doctor will be able to announce the exact cost of treatment only during a consultation, which is mandatory for everyone. Consultation is carried out only in person, since the patient’s skin condition cannot be adequately assessed via Skype.

Type of operationCost, rub.)
SMAS lift500 000
Face and neck lift, SMAS + platysmaplasty700 000

During the consultation, I. A. Bely conducts a thorough examination of the patient, asks all the necessary questions and explains the nuances. An individual treatment program is developed for each patient. In some cases, the doctor may offer you additional types of correction that are compatible with the main one. To find out the exact price of a circular face and neck lift in your case, sign up for a consultation by phone5 or write to messengers: or.

You can learn more about neck lifts on our website or from the clinic’s specialists.

What does SMAS facelift offer for men?

“I recommend that by the age of 50, men consider the possibility of SMAS lifting of the lower third of the face and endoscopic lifting of at least the middle zone of the face. Because you can wait with eyebrows, or do an open eyebrow lift along the upper border of the eyebrow growth zone.

The fact is that competent SMAS lifting in combination with short-access platysmaplasty allows you to very effectively rejuvenate a man’s face and at the same time get a natural result.

The minimally invasive route is unpromising for men. Fillers and thread lifts give the most unnatural results.”

Andrey Iskornev, president of The Platinental clinic chain.

For the stronger sex, there are special surgical techniques associated with the characteristics of the hairline, which very often decreases greatly with age, and with the peculiarities of aging in the middle zone of the face in men.

Therefore, men's lifting techniques differ in many ways from women's ones. And if the surgeon does not master these techniques, the result is an operated, slightly unnatural, unnatural, mask-like face. It is important to avoid this in men.

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