Facial massage with vacuum cups - effective lifting and lymphatic drainage

Why do we need vacuum cups for the face?

Vacuum cups are small pear-shaped vessels used to provide deep massage. Previously used for the back, chest, etc.

Since the containers were quite large and created strong pressure, they were not used on the face, as this could lead to injury to delicate skin and hematomas.

Modern massage cups can have a wide variety of sizes: from 1 cm or more in diameter. This expands their functionality and makes it possible to use them in the facial area.

Products help improve cellular metabolism in the epidermis and deeper layers of the skin:

  • provide local blood flow;
  • normalize blood circulation and oxygen saturation of cells;
  • improve lymphatic drainage;
  • get rid of excess fluid and swelling.

Also, massage procedures with cups have a rejuvenating and fat-burning effect.

They contribute to the destruction of fibrous partitions and the release of fat cells, warming and toning muscles, tightening the facial contour, and smoothing out wrinkles.

This is accomplished through negative pressure—vacuum. It is created when air is sucked out of the jar, the skin is drawn inward.

The difference between the pressure on the skin and inside the jar provides the therapeutic effect.

What types of banks are there? (4 options)

Depending on the material used, vacuum jars for the face can be made of glass, rubber, plastic, or silicone.

They have the following features:

  1. Silicone ones are easy to use. Widely used in cosmetology centers and at home. Their shape is made in the form of an arc, there is a dense ring at the base. Do not deform, do not break. They are universal, therefore they are used on various areas of the face and neck.
  2. Plastic ones are equipped with a special screw. It is he who pumps out the air and regulates the suction force of the skin. Some products are equipped with magnets. These jars combine the effects of magnetic therapy and vacuum therapy.
  3. Glass ones are a small vessel in the form of a flask with a rubber pump that draws out air. Very easy to use, but can break if used carelessly. Often such products for cosmetic massage are sold as a set, for example, alpina plast vacuum cosmetic jars set 4 for the face. They all have different sizes, so they can be used on other parts of the body (legs, shoulders, hips). You can buy Alpina Plast vacuum cosmetic jars, set of 4 for the face, on the distributor’s official website on the Internet or in a pharmacy.
  4. Rubber ones are cheap. Their material is coarser than the previous ones, thanks to this the intensity of the massage can be increased. It is very easy to regulate the degree of impact on the skin; just reduce or increase the compression of the jar with your fingers. But there are disadvantages: shorter service life, absorption of odors from oils or creams by the material, difficulty in washing.

You can buy vacuum jars for the face made of rubber, plastic, silicone or glass in cosmetic stores, pharmacies or order online.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Availability of the method
  • Easy to use in practice
  • Spa effect
  • High safety of the procedure
  • Quick results
  • Large list of contraindications
  • Risk of rashes after procedures
  • High risk of injury if used incorrectly

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

The disadvantages of vacuum massage include excess electrolytes flowing to the skin at the site where the cups are installed. If you increase the procedure time, the opposite effect may develop: increased swelling and the development of an inflammatory reaction.

Oil selection

Before the procedure, you need to prepare massage oil. This cosmetic product will help the jar glide well over the surface of the epidermis without causing painful or uncomfortable sensations.

Skin typeWhich oil is suitable
DrySesame, flaxseed, olive, almond, apricot kernel, wheat germ oil
FatJojoba, hazelnut, avocado, poppy, shea (karite) oils
MixedPumpkin, coconut, safflower, calendula, black cumin, sandalwood oil
SensitiveMusk, macadamia, argan, grape seed almond, juniper, sea buckthorn oils

Features of the procedure

How to prepare

Before the session, you need to remove hair from your face, thoroughly cleanse your skin of makeup, and then wash with a cosmetic product that is suitable for your skin type. After washing, pat your face a little with a clean towel or disposable napkin, and then immediately apply massage oil or cream.

Which oil to choose

Most vegetable oils dry out the skin, and also, to one degree or another, clog pores and lead to rashes, i.e. has a comedogenic effect.

As an alternative, many cosmetologists recommend using semi-oily creams that are ideal for your skin.

Low comedogenic oils:

  • Grape seed oil.
  • Argans.
  • Evening primrose.
  • Hemp.
  • Hazelnut.
  • Almond.

When choosing cups for massage at home, cosmetologists recommend paying attention to pharmacy companies that specialize in the manufacture of medical equipment:

  • Glass jars with a silicone nozzle from the Ukrainian manufacturer Alpina Plast.
  • Medical massager “Miracle Bank” of small diameter.
  • Silicone jars for vacuum facial massage LURE.

Preparing for a massage

Before the massage, you should thoroughly clean the epidermis of dirt and makeup.

Then you should dry your face with a towel and apply oil to the skin instead of the usual moisturizers.

The procedure requires the correct technique, otherwise, instead of reducing wrinkles and increasing the elasticity of the epidermis, inflammatory processes, damage to the vascular network, and hematomas are possible.

Question answer

It is better to choose cold-pressed vegetable oils. They are obtained after crushing and pressing plant crops at low temperatures. As a result, the chemical structure of the oil remains virtually unchanged, and maximum nutrients are retained.

To do this, it is better to wash your face with hot water using a special gel, foam, liquid or regular soap. This should be done for 3-5 minutes so that the skin steams well and the pores open.

It should be enough so that the jar glides well over the epidermis.

Oils used in massage

For vacuum facial massage, natural cold-pressed cosmetic oils are used. They are selected individually, based on skin condition and preferences. A spoiled product can cause redness or itching, so it is recommended to follow storage rules and monitor the expiration date.

If the skin is predominantly oily, then the oil can be replaced with cream.

The most suitable oils for facial skin are hemp, olive, jojoba, avocado, peach and grape seed, coconut, rosehip and almond oil.

Properly selected oil will enhance the effect and nourish the skin with beneficial substances. After completing the vacuum massage procedure, the remaining oil is washed off with warm water and a small amount of soap.

Static massage

It involves placing a jar on a specific area of ​​the skin for a short period of time. It is more suitable for treating one area of ​​the face, since the effect on all areas takes a very long time.

During the first procedures, it is recommended to apply gentle pressure so that the skin retracts a few mm. This will help him gradually adapt to the action of the vacuum without pain or bruises.

Duration of the procedure: from several seconds to 1 minute. In the future, the pressure should be increased slightly.

How to do it:

  1. Apply the jar tightly to the pre-treated area of ​​the face.
  2. Squeeze the container (if it is a rubber or silicone vessel) or create a vacuum by squeezing the pump or turning a special screw (if it is a glass or plastic jar).
  3. Leave the container for a few seconds.
  4. Release the vacuum and carefully, slowly, remove from the skin.

Dynamic massage

Great for massaging all areas of the face. Involves moving a vacuum attachment over the skin.

By slowly moving the jar along the lines of the face, the procedure ensures an even massage of the entire treated area.

Fighting nasolabial folds

To reduce the severity of nasolabial folds, increase muscle tone and elasticity of the skin, you need to install 2 jars on both sides of the corners of the lips.

Slowly but intensively move the jars along the fold line to the wings of the nose. Then slowly move in the opposite direction. Repeat 7 p.

Treatment of the lower eyelid area

The epidermis in this area is thin and sensitive. Rough and intense massage can cause harm and add wrinkles, so the effect of cupping should be gentle with minimal vacuum pressure.

Only in this case will the procedure help prevent the appearance of crow's feet and increase skin elasticity.

Vacuum attachments should be installed in the corners of the eyes from the upper border of the cheeks and slowly moved towards the nasal bone. Repeat 3 times.

Forehead massage

The skin in this area is mobile, so wrinkles and deep folds appear on it. Massage jars will help slow down this process.

You should install the vacuum nozzle in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose and move it upward. Then take the jar to your temples for 5 rubles. to the right and left.

Treatment of the cheek area

Massaging this area helps tighten the epidermis and reduce the amount of subcutaneous fat deposits. It is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. You should place the jar first near the back of the nose, but do not touch the skin of the eyelids.
  2. Subsequently, in order to work the entire cheek area, it must be installed near the wings of the nose, then in the area of ​​the nasolabial fold and near the corners of the lips.
  3. Each time there is a vacuum container towards the ears.

Chin massage

Massaging the front of the lower jaw helps to even out the facial contour and prevent sagging skin.

The chin should be massaged in a circle, from left to right and vice versa. Repeat 5 times.

Neck massage

The procedure helps reduce fat deposits under the chin and prevent sagging skin.

You should place the jar under the chin and move it in an arched motion to the base of the neck to the right, then to the left. Repeat 7 times.

Treatment of the lip area

Working on this area will help prevent purse-string wrinkles - vertical thin creases above the upper lip.

You need to place the jar in the corner of your lips and slowly move it along the upper contour in the opposite direction. Repeat 5 times. from each side.

Vacuum self-massage of the face on video:

Varieties and techniques of execution

Vacuum massage can be carried out using special devices used in salon conditions or conventional cups.

Banks come in different types.

  • Glass. This type of cupping is actively used in the fight against cellulite, stretch marks, sagging body skin and to accelerate muscle recovery after injury. They are never used for the face due to their high invasiveness.

  • Glass jars with a silicone nozzle of small diameter are a more practical option for facial massage. The advantage of such cans is the ability to regulate the force on the tissue.

  • Pure silicone vacuum jars have a cone shape and are very easy to use. They do not harm the skin when used correctly, are practical and easy to care for. The only drawback is the short service life - the jars quickly lose their shape and elasticity.

  • Rubber jars differ from silicone jars only in material. Many home users note that they are difficult to care for because rubber actively absorbs cosmetics and their fragrances. Thus, it is better to pay a slightly higher price and purchase a set of convenient and high-quality silicone jars.

  • Plastic pneumatic cans. Not the most suitable option for home self-massage of the face. Compared to silicone, plastic has a higher traumatic effect on tissue.

It is important to follow the rules of classic facial massage. Movements must be carried out slowly, strictly along massage lines - from the center to the periphery and from bottom to top, circular movements are possible. Avoid creating skin folds.

Scheme of implementation

Self-massage is performed using silicone jars. Avoid the neck area, around the eyes, lips and the projection of the lymph nodes.

The first procedure should begin with a minimum degree of impact, gradually increasing it from session to session.


  • Place the jar at your chin, then smoothly rise along the side of your face to your temple. Repeat the movement on each side 4-5 times.
  • Place the jar back on your chin and massage this area in a circular motion. 5-7 circular movements are enough.
  • Place the jar at the side of the nose, then smoothly move towards the cheekbone. Repeat on each side 5-7 times.
  • Place the jar in the center of your forehead and slowly move it towards your temple, then release. Repeat on each side 4-5 times.
  • Place the jar between your eyebrows and then smoothly move upward. Release at the hairline. The exercise is also repeated 4-5 times.

Benefit from the session

The procedure is considered effective against signs of aging and wilting of the epidermis.

With its help, you can reduce age-related changes in the skin, swelling, bruises under the eyes and improve the general condition of the skin:

  • reduce the manifestations of facial, purse-string, nasolabial and other wrinkles;
  • tighten the facial contour, improve muscle tone;
  • reduce subcutaneous fat deposits, swelling;
  • even out the relief and color of the epidermis;
  • speed up regeneration processes;
  • normalize the functioning of blood vessels and the amount of sebum secreted.

Cupping also affects muscle tissue. With the correct massage technique, they can cause deep relaxation of the facial muscles, reduce tension in the face and neck, and eliminate muscle spasms. Therefore, they are also used for the prevention of facial neuralgia.

Indications and contraindications

Hardware vacuum facial massage is recommended if the following changes occur:

  • Minor scars or welts;
  • Acne or the consequences of its treatment;
  • Unhealthy skin color;
  • Swelling, bruising or bags under the eyes;
  • Deep expression or static wrinkles;
  • Increased oily or dry skin;
  • The appearance of a double chin.

The list of general contraindications for vacuum facial massage is as follows:

  • disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • the presence of inflammatory processes;
  • presence of blood clots;
  • couperous varicose veins;
  • skin diseases and violations of its integrity.

Before vacuum facial massage, consultation with a doctor is necessary to eliminate individual restrictions.

Where to buy (price)?

You can buy vacuum jars for the face in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Novosibirsk, Voronezh and other large cities of Russia in specialized cosmetic stores and pharmacies.

In less populated areas, you can order jars online. Their cost depends on the supplier, brand and material of manufacture.

  1. For example, you can buy a set of 4 silicone vacuum jars for the face of different sizes for 900 rubles.
  2. A set of rubber containers will cost a little less - about 600-800 rubles.
  3. Glass and plastic jars are more expensive - from 1100 rubles. per set (4 pcs.). You can also find these containers on sale individually.



“Once every 2 weeks I sign up for a vacuum cupping massage at a beauty salon.
Now I’m thinking about buying vacuum cups for the face so that I can massage myself. I will definitely buy silicone ones, because they are universal and do not break.

They create optimal skin tension that does not injure, but is sufficient for a rejuvenating effect.”


“Feedback from the use of vacuum cups for the face is mostly positive.
I decided to buy one for myself to reduce expression lines. I bought regular rubber jars. They cost me 580 rubles.

I've been using it for 2 weeks now. I noticed that the crow’s feet under my eyes became less noticeable.”


“Buying vacuum facial massage jars turned out to be not so easy.
It is difficult to find them in pharmacies; they sell ordinary medical jars that are used for medicinal purposes. I had to order online. I bought Alpina Plast vacuum cosmetic jars for the face (set of 4 containers).

They come in different sizes, so I use them not only on my face. After about 3 weeks, I noticed that my skin became more toned and elastic. I plan to continue using it."

The essence of the procedure

During the vacuum massage procedure, special hollow jars are placed on the skin, inside of which the pressure is negative. Due to this suction effect, blood actively flows to the tissues, nourishing all cellular elements and stimulating metabolic processes.


  • swelling, pastiness of the face;
  • dull, unhealthy color;
  • loss of elasticity;
  • age-related changes, fine wrinkles.

It is not recommended to massage your face more than 2 times a week.

The duration of one session usually does not exceed 10 minutes. The course is usually prescribed from 7 to 10 procedures, and the course can be repeated only after six months.

The benefits and effects of massage

Vacuum massage stimulates blood circulation and lymph flow at the site of impact, activates cellular metabolism, promotes the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers. After a course of procedures, the skin becomes fresher, more elastic and tightened, minor wrinkles disappear and the relief is evened out.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

Due to the difference in pressure, the internal fluid medium of the body moves towards the skin. At the same time, oxygen molecules and electrolytes move into the affected area, thereby improving cellular nutrition of the skin.

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