How to quickly clean an apartment: step-by-step instructions and 15 life hacks for lazy people

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— Cardiovascular diseases — How to quickly lower blood pressure at home
Consistently high blood pressure is a pathological condition indicating the development of a dangerous disease - hypertension. Arterial hypertension is the most common disease in the world. Without timely treatment, hypertension causes complications such as diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidney failure, and loss of vision.

The importance of high blood pressure as a risk factor in the development of cardiovascular diseases increases with age.

Normal blood pressure numbers

The movement of blood through a closed circulatory system is the joint work of the heart and blood vessels.

There are two indicators of blood pressure:

  1. Systolic (upper) pressure is formed during the period of myocardial contraction, when blood from the left ventricle is ejected into the vascular bed.
  2. Diastolic (lower) pressure is maintained in the vessels during the diastole phase - the period of relaxation of the heart after contraction.

The unit of measurement for blood pressure is the millimeter of mercury (mmHg). This is due to the fact that the first device in history to measure blood pressure was mercury, and the result was determined by the level of the mercury column. The International Association of Cardiology has determined the norm for blood pressure to be no higher than 130/80 mmHg.

In a healthy person, blood pressure changes during the day under the influence of external and internal factors: physical activity, stressful situations. This is a normal adaptive reaction. The body contains mechanisms of nervous and humoral regulation that return blood pressure to its original level after the cessation of the action of provoking factors.

Subcutaneous internal and painful pimples without pus

Large, deep and painful bumps, blackheads and cysts fill initially with blood before filling with pus. They can linger beneath the surface for weeks or even months and can eventually harden. They can also leave deep scars and welts after they disappear.

Nodules are larger than normal pimples without pus, larger than pustules and papules, and initially form in the deeper channels of the skin. They are sensitive to the touch and can be quite painful. They develop when subcutaneous oil and bacteria penetrate deep into the pores, infecting adjacent follicles. Nodules. can harden into deep cysts and can leave deep scars on many levels and layers of the skin.

Cystic nodular acne is the most severe form of acne, which can be found both without pus and with its presence. Cystic acne can often lead to the formation of scars after it heals. Such acne is also most common in teenagers and young adults under 23 years of age. Cystic acne or any form of cicatricial acne requires immediate attention from a dermatologist. Your doctor will have the best solution for treating nodular acne.

What pressure is considered high

Provoking factors that cause increased blood pressure include:

  • At a young age: smoking, addiction to alcohol, drug use, congenital anomaly of the renal vessels, vegetative-vascular dystonia, pathology of the adrenal glands, pituitary gland.
  • With age, the role of obesity, endocrine pathologies (diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism), diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys, and in women - hormonal imbalance during menopause, and neuropsychic overload increases in the development of hypertension.
  • In old and senile age, atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels come to the fore.

Arterial hypertension is diagnosed when systolic and diastolic pressure levels are equal to or greater than 140/90 mmHg. Art.

A persistent increase in systolic and diastolic pressure by 5-10 mmHg. Art. increases the incidence of strokes by 30-40%, and heart attacks by 25-30%.

Folk recipes

Folk recipes consist of simple ingredients.
Let's look at recipes for effective home remedies to help clear your face of pimples and blackheads.


Skin care begins with thorough cleansing. To remove dirt and traces of cosmetics, it is not necessary to use chemical foams and gels. Traditional recipes will help you cleanse your face well. Although they do not foam very well, they perfectly cleanse the skin, eliminating rashes and pimples, preventing their appearance.

Recipes for cleansing compositions for washing, intended for different skin types:

  1. For oily skin – eliminates blackheads, subcutaneous pimples, cleanses pores. Mix 30 ml of low-fat kefir, a teaspoon of soda, and 2 tablespoons of mustard. Add 130 ml of water and mix the composition. When it stops foaming, the product is ready. It is better to use in the evening. For those with very oily skin, you can use it twice a day.
  2. For dry skin - this cleanser thoroughly cleanses pores, eliminates rashes, tightness and dryness. Place 200 ml of high-fat milk on the fire and boil it. Add herbs: 4 sprigs of parsley and 2 tablespoons of calendula and chamomile. All herbs must first be ground in a mortar to a powder. Simmer the mixture for 30 minutes, not allowing it to boil. The finished mixture is removed from the heat and infused for several hours. It must be strained, and then add a teaspoon of honey. It is better to wash your face with this product at night.
  3. For oily skin with traces of post-acne – fights rashes and the consequences of post-acne, relieves inflammation. Mix a tablespoon of cream with a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice, as well as 300 ml of mineral water. The last step is to add 1 tablespoon of sea salt, choose a finely ground product. Used once a day.
  4. For sensitive skin – minimizes inflammation, fights rashes, promotes healing of skin wounds. To prepare, mix 1 teaspoon of clay (pink), 2 tablespoons of aloe juice and 300 ml of boiling water. Everything is mixed and heated in a water bath until the components dissolve until a homogeneous mass is formed. Used twice daily.

All cleansers are washed off with warm water. They must be stored in the refrigerator.


After cleansing, dry skin should be wiped with lotion. This is a mandatory stage of care. Anti-acne lotion is easy to make at home. Let's look at the best recipes:

  1. A simple recipe for acne - pour a quarter glass of 40% alcohol into 2 tablespoons of calendula, you need to take dried flowers. The resulting infusion is diluted with 1/5 cup of water. For 2 days it is infused in a warm place. After this, 5 g of boric acid 5% is added. The finished lotion should be strained through cheesecloth and cotton wool 2-3 times and add 4 ml of glycerin. 3-4 times a week, use this infusion to rub areas of the body that have acne. The lotion fights acne and makes the spots left on the skin after the rash disappears less noticeable.
  2. Lotion for acne spots, as well as blackheads - a medium-sized cucumber is crushed and poured into a glass of vodka. This mixture is placed in a glass container, preferably a dark shade, so that it infuses for 7 days. You need to wipe your face with this effective lotion once a day. It is intended for combination and oily skin types.
  3. Lotion for inflamed acne - soothes the skin and cleanses pores. To prepare this quick remedy, grate the horseradish root on a fine grater. ¾ of a half-liter jar is enough. Fill the vessel to the brim with vodka and leave for 10 days. Wipe your face with this lotion once a day. After it has been on the skin for 15 minutes, it should be washed off with hot and then cold water. Then the face can be moisturized.
  4. A lotion that helps remove subcutaneous acne - pour a glass of nettle leaves, take fresh or dry, with a glass of vodka, and leave for 10 days in a dark place. Wipe your cleansed face with the prepared lotion twice a day.
  5. Nettle lotion intended for dry skin - 5 tablespoons of nettle leaves are poured into a liter of water, take cold water, and then boil. When the product has cooled, it is filtered. Use lotion twice a day.
  6. Anti-acne lotion for dry skin - pour boiling water over 1 tablespoon of mint, 0.5 cup is enough, and leave for 15 minutes. Strain the mixture, add a tablespoon of calendula infusion, boric alcohol, and a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Wipe areas of skin where there are pimples and blackheads.
  7. Lemon lotion – mix a glass of boiling water with the freshly squeezed juice of half a lemon. Wipe your face twice a day.

Alcohol-based lotions are very drying to the skin, so they are not suitable for sensitive types. It is advisable to apply them locally, only to areas of the skin affected by the rash, and not to the entire face.


Masks are considered the best home remedy for acne and acne. With regular use, they help get rid of even advanced stage rashes. Let's look at the best recipes:

  1. Cucumber mask is very easy to prepare. It is enough to grate cucumbers and apply the resulting mass to the face for 20 minutes. This mask treats pimples, acne, and also brightens the skin, eliminating red spots left after the rash.
  2. Clay mask - relieves acne, especially inflamed ones. Clay has an excellent drying effect, so masks based on it are suitable for those with oily skin. To prepare a mask, a small amount of clay must be diluted in an infusion of calendula, a decoction of chamomile, sage or other herbs. The finished product is applied to areas of the skin where there are acne. You need to keep it until it dries and then rinse off. You can use the mask twice a week.
  3. A potato mask that helps cure acne - chop medium-sized potatoes and mix them with the white of one egg. Apply the composition to cleansed skin for 20 minutes. Use twice a week.
  4. A mask based on hydrogen peroxide - eliminates blackheads, tightens pores, brightens the face. Mix hydrogen peroxide and yeast in proportion to form a creamy consistency. Apply the prepared mixture to your face and leave for 1.5-2 hours. It can be left overnight and then washed off with warm water. The procedure is repeated once a week.
  5. Honey and lemon mask - provides anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and drying effect. To prepare, mix 1 tablespoon of honey with a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Apply the mask for 10 minutes and then rinse off. It should be done a maximum of three times a week.
  6. Anti-inflammatory acne mask – mix grated horseradish root and sour apple in equal proportions. The mixture is applied for about 30 minutes. You need to make this mask to treat acne every day until they disappear. For the purpose of prevention, it is applied 2-3 times a week.
  7. Mask for acne and pimples - mix liquid honey and onion juice in equal quantities. The resulting mixture is applied to areas of the skin where there is a rash for 30 minutes. Repeat the procedure daily. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.
  8. Mask for internal acne – if internal acne appears, a talc-based product will help get rid of it. It is simple to prepare - just mix 5 g of talc and white clay, and then dilute them with a tablespoon of milk. The mask is applied twice a week for 20 minutes. It is washed off with warm water.
  9. Mask for blackheads - if blackheads appear on the forehead, chin, wings of the nose, this mask will help get rid of them. To prepare it, chop a large tomato, add a spoonful of olive oil and half a teaspoon of starch. Apply the composition for 15 minutes. After this, rinse with warm water, be sure to wipe your face with tonic. The procedure should be repeated a maximum of twice a week. This mask is not suitable for skin with rosacea.

The mask must be selected in strict accordance with your skin type. Those with dry and sensitive skin should not get carried away with strongly drying products. They can only be applied to the surface of inflamed acne.

Other folk remedies for acne

There are many other folk recipes intended for the treatment of acne and acne:

  1. Wipe clean skin with the pulp of raw pumpkin a couple of times a day. It must be cut off immediately before use, since contact with air reduces the amount of beneficial substances.
  2. Wipe cleansed skin with aloe juice daily. Before squeezing the juice from the leaves of the plant, they need to be prepared. To do this, cut leaves are washed with warm water and placed in a dark place for 7 days. After this, juice can be squeezed out of them, which eliminates rashes and promotes skin healing.
  3. Compresses made from wormwood and hops are used for acne and pimples. During the cooking process, a tablespoon of wormwood and hops are mixed. The mixture is poured into a glass of boiling water. When the product has infused for 1-2 hours, add 1 teaspoon of vinegar, it is better to take apple cider vinegar. Those with dry skin should use glycerin instead of vinegar. Soak a cotton pad with the resulting infusion and apply it to the skin where there are rashes for 10 minutes. Carry out the procedure daily.
  4. Lotions for ulcers - 0.5 liters of boiling water, pour in a tablespoon of celandine, let it brew for 2 hours. Soak a cotton pad in the prepared infusion and make lotions for 7-10 days.
  5. Viburnum juice - twice a day, areas of the body where there is a rash are wiped with viburnum juice.
  6. Steam baths for acne - boil hop cones in a large bowl. After removing it from the heat, tilt your face over the steam. This will cleanse the pores and nourish the skin with beneficial substances. For those with dry skin, it is enough to hold your face over the steam for 3 minutes. For normal skin, the procedure takes 5 minutes, for oily skin – 10 minutes. Steam baths are contraindicated in the presence of ulcers or for those with skin prone to rosacea.
  7. Acne medicine - mix equal proportions of honey, butter and chopped onion. The mixture is boiling. When it has cooled, add flour to create a consistency similar to playdough. From this composition, cakes are made, which are applied to areas of the skin covered with rashes and pimples. The procedure is repeated until the rash goes away. Store the product in the refrigerator.

By following these recommendations, you will be able to quickly clear your skin of pimples and acne.

Ways to lower blood pressure permanently

In the initial stages of hypertension, the first step is to prescribe therapy with non-drug methods associated with changing the patient’s lifestyle:

  • To give up smoking. Tobacco smoking is recognized as one of the main risk factors for the development of arterial hypertension. One cigarette smoked leads to a sharp increase in blood pressure and increased heart rate.
  • Normalization of body weight. Numerous studies have proven that losing weight in overweight or obese patients leads to stabilization of blood pressure.
  • Increasing physical activity. Regular dynamic physical exercises in the air for 50-40 minutes at least 4 times a week are recommended.
  • Reducing salt intake to 5 g/day.
  • Limit alcohol consumption.
  • Compliance with the work and rest regime.
  • Balanced diet. Increasing the proportion of plant foods and low-fat dairy products in the diet.

While blood pressure is slightly elevated, following the principles of a healthy lifestyle can stabilize blood pressure at a normal level with minimal drug support or even without drugs at all.

As the disease progresses, hypertension is treated using medications from various pharmacological groups to achieve a reduction in blood pressure to normal levels.

First aid at home for symptoms of high blood pressure:

  1. It is necessary to reassure the patient and create conditions for physical and emotional peace.
  2. Provide a flow of fresh air into the room.
  3. Breathing exercises help to quickly reduce pressure: take a deep breath, hold your breath for 10 seconds, exhale noisily through your mouth, then take short breaths in and out through your mouth for 2 minutes.
  4. Give the patient Corvalol to drink: dissolve 30 drops in 100 ml of water.

If attacks recur repeatedly, you should consult a doctor to find out the cause of the increase in pressure.


How to remove bad breath using pharmaceutical products? It helps a lot, especially if you drank a large amount of alcohol the day before, the drug Atoxil, Polysorb. These drugs have an adsorbent effect, which consists in the rapid removal of alcoholic breakdown products from the body.

A solution of Chlorophyll, which contains a green pigment found in plants, will help in the fight against unpleasant odors. It has a deodorizing effect. In addition, regular use of the medicine helps to destroy microbes in the oral cavity, eliminate wounds and inflammatory processes in the gums.

Chlorophyll is also added to toothpastes and mouth rinses. The substance is found in spinach, broccoli, dill, etc. Therefore, these products must be included in the diet of a person with halitosis.

Hydrogen peroxide 3% eliminates stench for a long time and gets rid of pathogens. The rinsing procedure is carried out 2-3 times a day.

An effective disinfectant is Septagol. This is an antiseptic, which contains eucalyptus ester, mint, as well as thymol, menthol, benzalkonium chloride. The drug is able to destroy bacteria, relieve irritation from mucous membranes, and improve breathing.

The drug Asepta refreshes and eliminates microbes in infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity. It contains peppermint oil, methylparaben, carboxymethylcellulose, metronidazole and chlorhexidine.

Infresh lozenges are very popular for poor breathing. They contain extracts of mint, alfalfa, wheatgrass, as well as chlorophyll. Lollipops have a long-lasting effect.

How to measure pressure correctly

Rules for measuring blood pressure (BP):

Blood pressure is measured when a person is at rest: no earlier than 1.5–2 hours after eating, smoking, drinking coffee and other tonic drinks.

The best position for measuring pressure is when the person is sitting on a chair and the hand on which the pressure is supposed to be measured is placed on the table. The part of the arm on which the cuff is applied must be freed from pressure clothing and the muscles relaxed, as muscle contractions can lead to incorrect results.

The cuff, depending on the type of tonometer, is applied either to the lower third of the shoulder, not reaching 2.5 cm to the upper edge of the cubital fossa, or to the wrist.

While the tonometer is operating, it is important to maintain a motionless posture, do not move your hand, do not talk, or worry.

For the first time, the pressure is measured on both hands. If the difference between the readings does not exceed 10 mm Hg. Art., then subsequent measurements are usually performed on the non-working hand - for right-handers on the left, for left-handers - on the right. If the indicators differ by more than 10 mm Hg. Art. it is necessary to measure the pressure on the arm, where large numbers are recorded.

It is necessary to measure blood pressure, especially for people who have already been diagnosed with hypertension, twice a day: in the morning an hour after waking up and in the evening before going to bed. The number of measurements during the day varies depending on how you feel, if alarming symptoms appear indicating increased blood pressure.

Patients measuring blood pressure at home are advised to record the results in a special diary. Such blood pressure monitoring allows you to monitor blood pressure levels and evaluate the effectiveness of medications used to reduce blood pressure.

Blood pressure is measured using a special tonometer device.

Two modifications of tonometers are used:

  1. Mechanical
  2. Semi-automatic

Mechanical aneroid sphygmomanometers are used mainly in medical institutions, since their use requires certain knowledge and skills. The cuff is placed on the shoulder, air is pumped into its chamber using a rubber bulb, and tones are listened to using a phonendoscope.

For home use, it is better to use automatic or semi-automatic models of tonometers.

A semi-automatic tonometer works on the following principle: a cuff is fastened on the wrist, air is pumped into it with a bulb, which soon comes out automatically. At the end of the measurement, the results appear on the display.

To operate the automatic blood pressure monitor, simply place the cuff on your wrist and press the start button. All other actions occur automatically. Various types of automatic tonometers have been developed: with a shoulder cuff, wrist, finger.

Types of subcutaneous acne: how to remove the rash?

You look in the mirror and see a pimple, and the doctor evaluates its size, shape, depth of the process, distribution of the rash, and makes a diagnosis based on these data. There are the following types of subcutaneous acne:

  • Furuncle. Acute purulent-necrotic inflammation of the sebaceous gland, hair follicle, and surrounding skin, which is caused by Staphylococcus aureus. Most often they form on the neck, chest, face, and groin area. They look like a nodule or pustule, from which necrotic tissue with bloody pus is released.
  • Atheroma is a cyst of the sebaceous gland that occurs due to its blockage. The subcutaneous accumulation of sebum has a dense structure, is visible through the epidermis, and has a white or slightly yellowish tint. Capsule size 5 - 40 mm. When suppurating, it causes pain, swelling, redness, and fever. It is localized in areas of the body where there is hair, most often on the face (near the mouth), head, neck, back, and genital area.
  • Papules, pustules. The papule resembles a small raised blister with a diameter of 2-4 mm. This inflammatory nodule has a conical or hemispherical shape. Pustules are papules filled with pus. They can be formed primarily or transformed from papular acne9.
  • Nodules, cysts. Localized mainly on the skin of the back and back of the neck. At first the consistency of the nodes is dense, then they gradually become softer. The skin over them becomes bluish-pink, thins, holes form in it, from which pus comes out9.

The method of getting rid of subcutaneous acne depends on its type.

Symptoms of high blood pressure

Very often, the increase in pressure does not manifest itself for a long time. This is the insidiousness of hypertension. It is not for nothing that the disease is called the “silent killer” - for many years the pathological process progresses in the body: the heart, blood vessels, kidneys are destroyed, but the person feels well, so he does not go to the doctor.

Over time, the patient develops fatigue, headaches of varying degrees of intensity, decreased performance, and sleep disturbances. Damage to target organs causes pain in the heart, blurred vision, irritability, and decreased performance.

Signs of high blood pressure:

  • Hypertensive crisis is a dangerous condition caused by a sharp increase in blood pressure to high numbers (190/120 mm Hg).
  • Symptoms of a hypertensive crisis:
  • A sharp headache, mainly in the occipital region.
  • Tachycardia, shortness of breath, feeling of lack of air.
  • Nausea, vomiting.
  • Visual impairment.
  • Dizziness.

Trying to lower your blood pressure on your own can lead to myocardial infarction or stroke. If symptoms indicating high blood pressure appear, you should immediately call an ambulance and urgently take measures to reduce the pressure.

Before the medical team arrives:

  1. Sit the patient down and place pillows under his back.
  2. Check pressure every 15 minutes.
  3. Hot foot bath for blood flow to the lower extremities. For this purpose, mustard plasters are also applied to the calves of the legs.
  4. An antihypertensive tablet under the tongue - Andipal, Capoten, Captopril.

Help from cosmetology in the fight against acne

To fully treat acne, you should not only use home remedies, you can also seek help from a dermatologist. The doctor prescribes tests and, based on the results, selects or adjusts treatment. If blackheads become inflamed and painful pimples containing pus occur, then you should definitely see a specialist.

If acne has a non-inflammatory form, then you can resort to aesthetic cosmetology. To get rid of acne, you can perform the following procedures:

  • mechanical or hardware cleaning;
  • mesotherapy, during which active substances are delivered deep into the skin;
  • dermabrasion. It involves grinding the facial skin using a mechanical method;
  • cryotherapy. During the procedure, the skin is exposed to low temperatures. This allows you to intensively renew the skin;
  • acid peels. Typically, such peels are performed using salicylic acid, azelaic acid, lactic acid, and glycolic acid;
  • skin resurfacing using laser.

The procedures, which are carried out in special cosmetology rooms, are an addition to corrective care. Therefore, together with a cosmetologist, it is worth considering and using an integrated approach.

Features of using folk recipes

In order for home remedies against acne to bring maximum benefit, you should follow the rules for their use:

  1. Before preparing the product, it is important to make sure that you do not have hypersensitivity to all components included in its composition. This is especially important for those with sensitive skin.
  2. If the product contains abrasive components (oat bran, clay), it should not be applied to the skin around the eyes. They will injure delicate skin, which leads to the formation of wrinkles.
  3. It is better to prepare fresh face masks and not store prepared products longer than recommended in the recipe. They do not contain preservatives, so they spoil quickly.
  4. Do not apply products too often. Although they are natural, they are very active, so they can negatively affect the condition of the skin.

Traditional methods can be used as basic facial care products or as additional ones, combined with conventional products. So they will bring a noticeable effect. But it is worth realizing that external skin care products help solve the problem only partially. For maximum results, you need to eat right and take care of your health, since any rash on the skin is a signal of dysfunction in the body.

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