How to pluck eyebrows with a thread yourself: step-by-step instructions, useful tips

  • February 17, 2020
  • Face
  • Yana Kostina

Eyebrows are a decoration of a woman's face. With their help, you can completely change your appearance, both for the better and for the worse. To keep your eyebrows in perfect condition, you need to correct them regularly. Now there are different ways to correct eyebrows, but the most famous is thread correction. To learn how to pluck eyebrows with a thread, read our article.

The essence of the procedure

Eyebrow correction with thread, or threading, is one of the methods of eyebrow hair removal. Its essence is to remove hairs with a twisted thread. Even in ancient times, Egyptian queens used this method of hair removal. Today this procedure is popular among girls. After all, this simple and effective method allows you to create perfect eyebrows in a few minutes.

1940s - sharp tip




In the 40s, women's eyebrows became a little thicker, but ladies continued to carefully pluck them. The trend was a pointed tip, which was completed with a pencil. It could go all the way to the temple, like Grace Kelly's.

Preparing eyebrows for the procedure

When choosing a thread as a tool for eyebrow correction, you need to remember that this procedure can be quite painful. Therefore, epilation without preparation is not recommended.

The first method of preparation is using cream. Apply moisturizer to the area of ​​skin previously treated with alcohol. Wait a few minutes until completely absorbed and remove any remaining product with a cotton swab moistened with hot water.

The second method is steaming. Under the influence of high temperatures, the pores open. To steam your skin, you can sit over the steam for 10-15 minutes. After this, the eyebrow area should be wiped with a tonic or alcohol-containing product.

The third method is ice. Apply ice cubes to the skin and hold for several minutes. Instead of frozen water, you can use a decoction of chamomile or calendula. They will help relieve irritation and soothe the skin. After this, the hairs must be allowed to dry, otherwise you will not be able to grab them with a thread.

The duration of each eyebrow correction is usually 15 minutes. During this time, the effect of steaming or freezing will subside, so you need to devote enough time to preparation.

Choosing the shape of the eyebrows

Every girl dreams of finding her “ideal eyebrows.” By nature, we have different eyebrow shapes, and this is exactly what we need to focus on. For example, if your eyebrows are arched from birth, you should not experiment with horizontal eyebrows. The wrong shape can highlight the flaws you are trying to hide.

All eyebrow shapes can be divided into 4 types:

  • Rising.
  • Arc-shaped.
  • "House."
  • Horizontal.

To avoid making a mistake with your choice, determine your face type. If the face is oval, then the distance from the chin to the roots of the hair and from the base of the nose to the bottom of the chin will be equal. If the second dimension is smaller than the first, then the face is square. If the second dimension is larger, then the face is diamond-shaped.

For those with an oval or rectangular face type, rising eyebrows are suitable. This implies a complete absence of bending.

For chubby girls, the “house” shape is suitable.

Horizontal eyebrows work best for a square face.

The universal form is considered to be an arc. It is believed that it makes eyebrows more expressive.

This can be shown schematically in the table.

Arc-shaped "House" Horizontal Rising

1930s – theatricality




In the 30s, the eyebrows still remained thin, just like a decade ago, but the image now became more “dramatic” - the arches were theatrically curved, as if the girl was constantly surprised by something. The standard of beauty was Greta Garbo - it was this actress who set the fashion for this form.

How to make a thread for plucking eyebrows

The thread correction procedure is considered one of the most popular today. Although many girls still prefer tweezers, thread still wins. Hair removal with its help is relatively painless.

Loops of tensioned thread are thrown over the hairs and pulled out. In ancient times, the principle of working with thread was slightly different from the modern approach: the master held one end of the thread with his teeth. By tying the ends of the thread together, you form a loop in the middle.

Many girls find it difficult to make plucking thread on their own. For such cases, a ready-made thread has been invented. Its cost does not exceed 500 rubles, and its service life is much longer than ordinary thread. You can buy it at any specialized store.

Before you learn how to pluck your eyebrows with a thread at home, you first need to figure out how to make a thread for eyebrow correction.

  1. Prepare a thread 45-50 cm long.
  2. Tie the ends of the prepared thread together. The result is a vicious circle.
  3. With your left hand, hold the part of the thread on which you tied the knot. If you are left-handed, you need to change your hand. Use your right hand to hold the opposite side.
  4. Next, make 5-6 turns with your right hand. If you do everything correctly, you will form tight knots, and the thread itself will resemble a figure eight in shape.

The eyebrow plucking thread is ready. The next step is the procedure itself.

Correction procedure: detailed instructions

Let's look at how to pluck eyebrows using a thread step by step.

  • To begin, choose a place with good lighting and take a comfortable position.
  • Brush your eyebrows with the brush upward and cut off any stray hairs. If your eyebrows are not thick or long, you can skip this step.
  • Use a pencil to draw the desired shape.
  • Take the prepared thread. Practice holding the thread correctly beforehand.
  • Place the twisted section of thread above the eyebrow.
  • Start epilating from the top hairs. The thumbs and index fingers should be in their loops. The fingers of the other hand should be spread apart at the same time. Thus, the thread moves along the skin.
  • Move from top to bottom.
  • Treat plucked eyebrows with aloe gel or apply ice to them.
  • After about an hour, the skin will calm down and you can check to see if any hairs remain. If you missed something, repeat the procedure.

We bring to your attention a video with instructions on how to pluck eyebrows with a thread.

1960s – Crescent Curve




The classic 60s style is Sophia Loren's eyebrows. The outer tips stuck up, making the look a little predatory and daring. Sophie herself paid close attention to her eyebrows, carefully drawing them in with a pencil.

Advantages and disadvantages of this technique

Eyebrow correction with thread has many advantages. That is why many girls prefer this method.

  • First of all, trading is a relatively painless procedure. For example, hot wax or tweezers will cause much more discomfort.
  • After correction with thread, ingrown hairs do not appear.
  • Threading allows you to remove even the thinnest and lightest hairs.
  • Using a thread, you can model eyebrows of any shape.
  • The procedure does not require large expenses.
  • Eyebrow correction with thread will take you less time than correction with tweezers.
  • The thread can remove not only unwanted hairs, but also dead skin cells.
  • The procedure is completely safe. It does not injure the skin and does not cause irritation.
  • The effect of the procedure lasts for a month.
  • This method is universal and suitable not only for women, but also for men.

However, despite all the advantages of this method, it has one significant disadvantage. It is difficult to perform such a procedure at home. If you want to achieve the perfect result, you will have to be patient and have certain skills.

You can always use our tips to understand how to learn to pluck your eyebrows with a thread.


To master all the intricacies of the procedure, you can use several techniques:

  • sign up for special courses or lessons from professional masters;
  • carefully monitor or ask for help from your cosmetologist who is performing your correction;
  • gain experience on your own with the help of theoretical descriptions and video lessons from the Internet.

The latter method does not require any special material costs, but only time and perseverance.


The procedure for eyebrow correction with thread, unfortunately, has a number of specific contraindications:

  • Not recommended for people with chronic skin diseases, exacerbation of viral or infectious diseases.
  • If you have moles, papillomas or warts in the eyebrow area, avoid threading.
  • Do not do the procedure if you have inflammation in the eyebrow area and varicose veins.
  • If the thread hair removal procedure is carried out incorrectly, it will be very painful and ingrown hairs may appear.
  • If you act carelessly, the thread can catch a piece of skin, and this will lead to severe pain.

Also, this procedure cannot be done during pregnancy, breastfeeding and menstruation, since at this time the pain threshold decreases.

Tips and tricks

Even if you already know how to pluck your eyebrows with a thread at home, you need to learn some useful tips and tricks.

  • Be patient. This procedure cannot be rushed.
  • Be sure to prepare your skin for correction. It is advisable to steam it so that the pores open and the hairs come out better.
  • The thread should be as close to the skin as possible, otherwise there is a chance of breaking the hair in half.
  • Practice on other areas of the skin to hone your skills.
  • Remove hairs quickly, do not hesitate.
  • Moisturize your skin after the procedure.

By following these tips, your eyebrow shape will be smooth and perfect.

1980s – very broad



In the 80s, super wide eyebrows came into fashion; the wider, the better! The pioneer was Madonna, who showed completely unplucked and slightly tinted eyebrows. Well, Brooke Shields achieved complete perfection, whose expressive look we still don’t forget to this day. By the way, it was all about the dark eyebrows!

Cost of thread correction in salons

Trading is a popular procedure that is relatively inexpensive. The cost can vary from 300 to 500 rubles. Sometimes thread correction is carried out in conjunction with other procedures, such as henna eyebrow dyeing or biotattooing.

If you still decide to do threading at home, you can take specialized courses on “How to pluck eyebrows with a thread.” This discipline will not cost much; as a result, you will gain invaluable knowledge and skills. Perhaps this will become your favorite thing, and you will learn a new profession.

Many girls want to learn how to pluck their eyebrows with threads themselves. In this case, you need to be careful and watch videos only from proven professionals. After all, correcting a damaged eyebrow shape after correction with thread will not be easy. Moreover, you can hurt yourself by plucking hairs incorrectly.

By the way, reviews about trading are very different. Some girls prefer to trust a professional and have their eyebrows adjusted in a salon. Some people choose tweezers instead of thread, saying that it is much more convenient. Many girls try to figure out on their own how to pluck their eyebrows with a thread.

One way or another, the choice is yours. You can always try eyebrow threading.

Threading is a convenient and effective method for removing unwanted eyebrow hairs. This technique is an excellent alternative to tweezers and wax. We hope that our article was useful to you and helped you figure out how to pluck your eyebrows with a thread.

Care after trading

In order to emphasize the result obtained after trading, you can use professional eyebrow dye Estel Professional ONLY looks (Estelle), Wella Illumina Color (Vella) or L'Oreal Brow Artist (Loreal shadows).

Trading efficiency

How to care for your eyebrows after trading:

  • A cool compress and regenerating cream will help relieve redness. It is advisable to use formulations with herbal ingredients;
  • On average, the result after threading lasts 1 month while the hair follicles are restored. You can extend it with the help of special products that slow down hair growth. Of course, you will first need to check for an allergic reaction;
  • During the procedure, droplets of blood may appear. Don't be alarmed, this is due to deep hair follicles. They break out, touching the deep layers of the skin, which causes damage to the capillaries;
  • You need to repeat the procedure as the hair grows. Optimally - in the third or fourth week.
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