Who is suitable for hair botox from Inoar and can the procedure be done at home? Instructions for use and analogues

Naturally perfect hair is a rare phenomenon. Women are always saddened by something: color, texture, other qualities. Therefore, a series of merciless dyeing, curling, straightening, and complex styling spoil the hair every now and then. Restoring damaged hair is not easy. Not everyone can afford expensive procedures in a salon, and repeating professional procedures at home and getting a decent result is not always possible. Hair Botox Inoar allows you to solve this problem. The product has a healing effect on the hair, and the procedure technology is simple and accessible.

What is INOAR BotoHair?

Botox for hair INOAR BotoHair (Plastica Capilar from Inoar Professional) is an updated complex for collagen hair restoration from the Brazilian company INOAR, which has been creating high-tech hair care products for many years.

The natural components included in the complex, such as keratin, collagen, argan and macadamia oils, are integrated into the structure of the hair shaft, filling voids, eliminating damage, moisturizing and nourishing hair from the inside.

Unlike the previous Moroccan Hair Plastic series, the BotoHair complex has increased the content of collagen fibers, which are responsible for nourishing the cuticle and closing its scales. The updated complex also uses a hydrolyzed keratin molecule, which is the “building material” of hair and fills the resulting voids in the hair shaft.

All this made it possible to achieve complete restoration and filling of even the smallest hair damage. Silk, wheat and soy protein extracts added to the composition nourish and moisturize hair along the entire length.

We invite you to watch a video about INOAR BotoHair hair botox:

Product Description

The secret of Inoar cosmetics is the high content of a special substance - keratin, which occupies more than 90% of the hair structure. Keratin is a kind of building material for hair.

Frequent changes in looks, styling, different types of curls, coloring and even daily cleansing procedures harm the hair, thinning and drying it out. The loss of keratin makes them brittle, dry and lifeless. Inoar hair keratin effectively affects the structure. It fills damaged areas and restores curls.

Inoar (keratin) is a Brazilian brand of scalp and hair care products with over twenty years of experience. The company presents one of the most effective and harmless compositions, which is used in the keratin straightening process. The brand's products are created on the basis of scientific research and development by professional cosmetologists in accordance with European standards. Inoar brand products are used in most countries of the world.


Despite the fact that the Botox procedure is a safe technology using natural ingredients, you need to pay attention to some contraindications.

Treatment is not recommended:

  • if you are prone to an allergic reaction to the components of the complex;
  • in the presence of damage and wounds on the scalp;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • girls under 18 years old;
  • women over 60 years of age.

Disadvantages of Botox for hair Inoar

There are few of them, but they must be taken into account:

  1. The healing procedure is temporary. The effect lasts 2-4 months. And it is better to adhere to such regulations during the event so as not to harm your hair.
  2. Before use, one should not ignore checking for the presence of allergic reactions in the consumer. The drug is serious.
  3. According to reviews from those who use the formulations at home, the disadvantage of Botox procedures is that the components are not ready for use. The mix needs to be prepared. And if you calculate the proportions incorrectly, itching, irritation, and seborrhea may appear after inept mixing.

Despite all the positive qualities of restoring strands based on intra-silane (a molecule that works in the middle of the hair fiber), it is not recommended to combine procedures with permanent coloring.

Is it possible to carry out the procedure at home?

Hair restoration with the INOAR complex can be done both in the salon and at home. To do this, you need to purchase a three-component BotoHair kit and carefully follow the instructions.

The set includes 3 products, each 1000 ml:

  1. BotoHair Deep Cleansing Shampoo . The active substances included in the shampoo cleanse the hair of dirt and cosmetic residues.
  2. Collagen component BotoHair Collagen Smoothing System . The collagen fibers and liquid keratin included in the composition are the main active ingredients of the complex. By integrating into the structure of the hair and filling the resulting microcracks, they compact the hair shaft, eliminate damaged areas and replenish the lack of protein.
  3. Reconstructor BotoHair Reconstructor Balm . Macadamia and argan oils, as well as silk, wheat and soy extracts contained in the reconstructor, saturate curls with vitamins and nutrients, moisturize and protect from external influences.

The cost of such a set varies from 12,000 to 15,000 rubles. Some online stores offer 100 ml sets for 1500-2000 rubles.


The cost of Botox for hair is not small - about 14 thousand rubles. per set. The volume of each product is 1 liter, and considering that the cosmetics are professional , we can say that the price corresponds to reality. In many online stores, it is possible to order medications packaged by hand in small containers (100–200 ml).

The result of the procedure lasts quite a long time (2–4 months), which is a definite plus compared to similar products from other companies. The composition of Botox Inoar has a pleasant aroma, which makes working with it much easier.

The disadvantage of the Botox procedure is that the composition is not completely ready for use; the components have to be mixed. Amateurs at home may not be able to calculate the proportions. Although the product will not cause significant harm, side effects such as itching, irritation, and seborrhea may occur.

Considering consumer reviews, we can say that Botox from this company copes with its task very well. The girls note that the stated promises are being fulfilled. If you strictly follow the instructions in the instructions, your hair will eventually acquire a beautiful shine, evenness, and be filled with vitality.

You should not pay attention to the opinion of the ignorant masses that Botox is dangerous. This procedure will have an excellent restorative effect on the hair. The result will last a long time, your hair will delight you with its impeccability.

Other popular methods of hair restoration and treatment:

  • hyaluronic restoration;
  • shielding;
  • polishing;
  • hair lamination and biolamination;
  • keratin restoration;
  • serication;
  • course of effective homemade masks.

Instructions for use of the drug

The session takes up to 1.5 hours and consists of several stages. To carry out the Botox procedure you need:

  1. Rinse hair with BotoHair Deep Cleansing Shampoo. Apply shampoo to damp hair, leave for 3-4 minutes, rinse. Repeat the procedure 2 times. Dry your hair with a towel and dry it with a hairdryer without combing.

  2. Mix the collagen component and reconstructor in a 1:2 ratio (1 ml BotoHair Collagen Smoothing System and 2 ml BotoHair Reconstructor Balm). Stir until smooth.

  3. Using a brush, apply the resulting mixture evenly to each strand, retreating 2-3 cm from the roots. Remove excess with a comb. Leave the product on for 15 minutes, then completely dry your hair with a hairdryer.
  4. Pull dry strands with an iron 4-5 times each, starting from the back of the head and moving to the temporal zone and bangs. The straightener temperature is selected depending on the hair structure:
      180°C – for thin and damaged hair;
  5. 210°С – for normal colored ones;
  6. 230°C – for natural and hard ones.
  7. Cool your hair with a cold air dryer and rinse with water without using shampoo.
  8. To consolidate the result, apply the Absolut day moist mask for dark hair or Absolut speed blond for light hair (masks are not included in the set, sold separately), rinse with water.

The composition is consumed economically, 1000 ml is enough for about 20 procedures, depending on the length of the hair .

Step-by-step execution

The technology for performing the procedure is considered labor-intensive and painstaking, and therefore requires attention and scrupulousness at every stage. On average, the process takes from 2 to 3 hours. How long keratin straightening lasts depends on the length and thickness of the hair.

There is no need for special hair preparation before visiting the salon - a professional hairdresser will do everything step by step on the spot.

The technique of straightening strands using keratin is the following step-by-step instructions:

The hairdresser exfoliates the client's scalp and washes her hair with a special shampoo that opens the hair scales. The next step is drying and combing the curls. After this, the master applies a liquid keratin composition to the strands.

It is important to saturate all the hairs very well to the ends with the mixture. Keratin is not applied to the roots. Following this, the hairdresser dries the curls with a hairdryer. Next, the professional sequentially smoothes the strands with an iron heated to 230 °C

This allows you to fix the keratin to the hair. After this, you can wash your hair and style it. It is permissible to use a nourishing mask.

Keratin hair mask - the health and strength of your curls

As a rule, the effect of using a purchased product is noticeable immediately. If you are ready to wait patiently for the results, make your own hair nourishing mixture. To do this, we will talk in detail about professional and home keratin masks, and also explain how to use them correctly. If you are determined to do keratinization yourself, read the review article devoted to the detailed process of learning this procedure.

Learn keratin hair straightening without leaving home


Already after the first procedure, the condition of the hair improves noticeably: the curls become smooth, shiny, elastic and manageable.

Active substances included in Botox:

  • eliminate damage inside the hair;
  • moisturize and nourish it;
  • protect from environmental influences;
  • compact the hair shaft without weighing down the hair.

The restorative effect of this procedure will last for 2-3 months. Using sulfate-free shampoo will help prolong the results .

Where can I buy?

It is better to buy Brazilian Inoar products from official Inoar representatives in Russia:

  • Official representative of Inoar in Russia (Moscow).
    Address: 127006, Moscow, Mayakovskaya st. Malaya Dmitrovka, 29. Estimated price - 14,800 rubles.
  • Official representative of Inoar in Russia (St. Petersburg).
    Address: 194295, St. Petersburg, Prospekt Prosveshcheniya st. Ivan Fomina, house 14, building 2. Estimated price - 14,800 rubles.

Purchasing from official representatives guarantees protection against counterfeiting!

Types and means

When looking for information about keratin hair straightening, you may come across the terms “Brazilian”, “American” keratin or “nanoplasty”. The essence of these procedures is the same: smoothing and healing hair, but the means are different.

The Brazilian variety involves the use of preparations containing formaldehyde. The amount of harmful substances in the keratin composition is minimal, but some women are still alarmed by this fact. Find out whether it is really dangerous to straighten your hair the Brazilian way, and how long the results of the procedure last.

Brazilian hair straightening - will cope with the most unruly hair

American and some other keratinizing preparations do not contain formaldehyde, which is why they are considered safer. It is these products that are used for nanoplasty - a healing procedure during which curly hair becomes straight. You will learn about its other advantages, as well as disadvantages and features of doing it at home from our detailed article with photos and videos.

Hair nanoplasty is an effective straightening technique without formaldehyde

The quality of the composition for straightening strands is one of the main conditions for successful keratization. Ask your hairdresser what products he prefers, because there are really a lot of products produced by various cosmetic brands. Popular ones include the following:

In addition, we have collected for you the best hair straightening products that are suitable for home and professional use:

Trissola keratin - full review of hair straightening product

Keratin Salerm cosmetics - full review of hair straightening products

The best oils for hair straightening, recipes for effective masks

Research Keratin for hair straightening - full review of the product

Keratin hair straightening Ollin - full review of the product

Nutrimax extreme solution premium - full review of hair straightening product

Rich keratin - full review of hair straightening product

Luxliss - full review of hair straightening product

Keratin Evoque - full review of hair straightening product

Full review of Indola keratin hair straightening product

Global keratin - a complete review of hair straightening products

Pure silk keratin - a complete review of hair straightening products

Max blowout keratin - full review of hair straightening product

Kerafill keratin - a complete review of hair straightening products

Keratin straightening Greymy - full review of the line products

Keratin coiffeur - full review of the product

Bombshell gloss keratin - full review of the product

BC original keratin - full review of the product

BB gloss keratin - full review of the product

How does straightening serum with keratin work on hair, a review of popular products

Thermal protective spray for hair straightening with keratin: principle of action and recommendations

Hair straightening balm: principle of action and results

Shampoo with keratin for hair straightening: which one to choose

Hair straightening gel: quickly get rid of curls at home

Hair straightening cream: choose and use correctly

Botox from "Inoar"

First of all, you need to understand that the composition from Inoar has nothing to do with the Botox that is used to smooth the skin. This is just the name of the procedure, which reflects the analogy of the action. Just like Botox removes wrinkles and rejuvenates the face, the product makes the hair shaft smooth, shiny and elastic.


The original composition includes several preparations that are used to sequentially treat the hair and then thoroughly warm it up. This is a rare case when exposure to high temperatures leads to a positive result. It “imprints” beneficial substances from the medicinal composition into the structure of the hair shaft, thus instantly restoring it from damage.

Botox from “Inoar” includes many useful components:

  • multivitamins - necessary not only for hair, but also for the skin, so that the hair is stronger and grows faster;
  • aloe extract – improves blood circulation in the head and nutrition of hair follicles, moisturizes, activates regeneration processes;
  • green tea extract – a natural antioxidant that can neutralize the harmful effects of free radicals formed under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, slows down the aging process;
  • keratin is a building material for the outer layer of the hair shaft, gives it strength and prevents moisture loss;
  • collagen – a feature of the composition from “Inoar”, restores the firmness and elasticity of the hair, makes styling easier;
  • hyaluronic acid – attracts and retains moisture on the hair and scalp, prevents drying and brittleness;
  • natural oils - nourish, soften, heal hair and skin.

But that's not all. The preparation contains a patented substance - the Intra-Silar molecule, which is able to penetrate into the very heart of the hair, where other ingredients do not reach. It is embedded in the hair shaft and strengthens it from the inside, allowing you to preserve and bring back to life even severely damaged hairs.

About the Inoar brand

The Brazilian company Inoar has established itself in the market of cosmetic hair products as a manufacturer of Premium class products. Cosmeceuticals from this manufacturer are recommended for use in a salon and for events held at home. Perfectly smooth, shiny and manageable hair is the dream of many ladies. Such beauty can be seen at social shows on television, among Hollywood stars. But today every woman can get the same effect. The Inoar company and its products can help with this.

Compositions for straightening strands are the basis of the product produced by this company. Hair Botox restores the weakened (damaged) structure of the curls. This is facilitated by liquid keratin.

For those who prefer home hair care, the company offers the purchase of the Inoar hair series for independent use. Fortunately, supplies of drugs from Brazil to Russia are carried out uninterruptedly. It is easy to buy them on the Internet.

Complex components

The product contains natural substances that give the strands an attractive appearance:

  • Aloe. Among the properties of this plant are the activation of blood microcirculation in the skin, the saturation of the bulbs with nutrients, restoration processes and hydration.
  • Green tea. It is considered a powerful antioxidant of natural origin, removes free radicals from cells, which accelerate aging. The latter are formed under the influence of UV rays.
  • Keratin. It is the basis of hair strength and strength, retains moisture.
  • Multivitamins. They have a beneficial effect on hair and scalp and accelerate growth.
  • Collagen. Adds more elasticity to the strands, making them manageable and easy to style.
  • Hyaluronic acid. Attracts moisture, prevents its loss, protects against fragility.
  • Oils of natural origin. They replenish the lack of useful microelements, eliminate the main problems associated with their deficiencies in the hair and scalp.

The composition includes a patented component - the Intra-Silar molecule. It is designed to penetrate deep into tissues, strengthen curls and act even on severe damage.

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