Acupuncture points on the human body. Atlas, photo, how to do acupressure

If you suffer from headaches of unknown origin, you should consult a doctor to find out the cause. Self-medication in this case will do more harm than good. If you know for sure that you are experiencing tension pain, you can help yourself by mastering several head massage techniques.

Many people read the body's needs intuitively, without any special knowledge. By stroking a crying child's head, we calm the baby and relieve anxiety, and rubbing the temporal area in order to increase concentration actually gives a certain result. Based on this, we can draw a simple conclusion: competent influence on certain points leads to an improvement in the general condition, and this should be used!

How does acupressure work?

Acupressure is an absolutely atraumatic and milder analogue of acupuncture, in which hands are used instead of needles. Chinese healers also use other tools for massage, such as sharp bamboo sticks, beans and even rice.

Correctly selected impact on the right points saves from pain, stimulates the body to recover, restores the functions of internal organs, stimulating or calming them as needed. The method also works well with all kinds of nervous and psychological diseases, in particular depression and insomnia.

Launcher BAT

Acupuncture points should not be confused with trigger points, which are a source of muscle tension. It is activated by mechanical action under certain conditions. Trigger points are found by referred pain, which can be constant, throbbing, sharp or dull, strong, weak, etc. Trigger points are considered biologically active, and their development can lead to headache or neck pain, discomfort in the hip, knee or back. They represent the place with the greatest tissue irritability, the area of ​​which is 1-2 mm. To the touch, the launcher BATs look like small peas. Working through trigger points should take no more than 15 seconds, otherwise the harm from the exposure will be more than good.

Types of points in acupuncture, classification

Acupuncture points on the human body are connected to meridians, so you should first study the main energy channels.

Eastern medicine knows many of them, but identifies 2 main ones and 12 main ones:

Acupuncture points on the human body of the first meridian, lungs.

NameLocationAmount of pointsArea of ​​responsibility
Yin meridianAlong the body on its front surface, begins in the pubic area and ends in the eyes24Spine
Yang meridianBehind the spinal column, begins in the perineum, rises to the brain, then descends through the crown to the eyes28Energy replenishment
Lung meridianStarts from the stomach, rises through the large intestine to the lungs and neck, descending along the outer surface of the hand to the thumb11Metabolism, respiratory organs
Large Intestine MeridianPasses from the index finger, rises along the arm, then to the lung and intestines20Selection functions
Stomach meridianIt starts at the wings of the nose, rises along the face to the back of the head, descends to the collarbone, then through the stomach goes down to the foot, ending with the 2nd toe45Stomach
Pancreas and Spleen MeridianRuns from the big toe to the spleen, diaphragm and larynx, ending under the tongue21Promotion and digestion of food, obtaining nutrients
Heart MeridianFrom the heart it descends through the diaphragm to the small intestine, rises to the lung and passes along the hand to the little finger9Consciousness, brain activity, emotions, circulatory system
Small Intestine MeridianFrom the little finger it goes to the collarbone, down to the heart, diaphragm, stomach, ending in the small intestine19Absorption of nutrients from food
Bladder MeridianFrom the corner of the eye it passes through the brain, down the spine to the kidneys and bladder67Regulates the activity of the bladder and kidneys
Kidney meridianStarts on the little toe, rises to the kidneys, liver, diaphragm, lungs, ending at the root of the tongue27Repository of vital energy for organs, growth and development
Pericardial meridianFrom the pericardium it descends to the lower part of the body, a branch runs along the arm to the middle finger9Heart protection
Meridian of three heatersFrom the ring finger it rises to the shoulder, descends to the diaphragm and lower torso. Branches pass through the facial area 23Functions of all organs, nervous excitability
Gall Bladder MeridianOriginates from the outer corner of the eye and, going down along the entire body, ends at the 4th toe44Works in conjunction with the liver meridian
Liver MeridianPasses from the first toe to the genitals, liver, gall bladder, diaphragm and through the throat and posterior palate to the crown of the head14Metabolism, center of chemical processes

Human illness is in most cases stagnation, blockage, lack or excess of energy in organs. Acupuncture points on the human body are classified according to their affiliation with a specific meridian, effect on an organ or ailment.


  • Calming. The effect on them is pleasant for the patient, suppresses excessive activity of the corresponding organ, and relieves nervousness. There is only one such point on each meridian.
  • Exciting . Also one on each channel. Stimulate tired organs, activating their work.
  • Harmonizing . These points are located at the end and beginning of each meridian and balance the energy of organs and systems.
  • Signal or “Mu points” . Assigned to a specific body. Extremely effective for first aid and quick pain relief.
  • Special, working with a specific disease.

In total, there are more than 700 active points on the human body.

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Search for acupuncture points

Eastern medicine claims that human organs are interconnected, and the disease of one of them negatively affects the functioning of the entire organism. Many years of research have confirmed that there are special zones or lines on the human body, each of which is a reflection or projection on the skin of a certain organ. With proper massage you can get rid of any physical or mental illness.

Chinese massage therapists usually use the acupuncture method, which affects active points using needles or thin and sharp bamboo sticks. However, you can work it with your fingers, and even with beans or rice grains. During the session, the symptoms of the disease are eliminated, the functioning of internal systems and organs is normalized, and the aging process is slowed down. With the help of acupuncture you can get rid of stress, depression, improve your mood, cope with anxiety or insomnia.

Acupuncture is based on knowledge about the system of energy channels in the human body through which vital energy circulates . There is a close connection between each of the channels and the organs assigned to it: through the channels, organs and systems receive the energy they need to work. Lack or excess of energy in the channel negatively affects the functioning of the body.

BAP and the technique of influencing them

The system of biologically active points located on the human body is a projection of the energy network of meridians at the physical level. The size of each point is several millimeters, and the impact on it can be intense, deep, soft, vibration, etc. In total, there are more than 700 acupuncture points on the body, located on 14 meridians. Depending on the individual structure and characteristics of the body, the points may shift 1-1.5 cm from the place indicated in the atlas. Determining the exact position is simple: when pressed, slight pain is felt in this area.

All biologically active points (BAP) are divided into 5 types:

  • General, which are related to the work of the central nervous system;
  • Segmental, connected to internal organs and muscle tissue;
  • Spinal, located on the line of the spine. They are being developed to treat diseases of the heart, kidneys, diaphragm, colon and pancreas;
  • Regional, represented by the projection of a specific organ;
  • Local, located in blood vessels, joints, muscles.

In atlases, when describing the location of the BAP, the term cun is used, denoting the distance between the 2nd and 3rd interphalangeal fold on the middle finger of the right hand for women, and the left for men. Cun can also be determined by the transverse size of the nail phalanx of the thumb. The similar area of ​​2 and 3 fingers is equal to 1.5 tsun, and four fingers together is 3 tsun. The modern method of determining distances is based on a proportional segment. It is calculated by dividing the vertical size of a given area of ​​the body by the standard division number defined for this area.

Acupressure techniques are divided into 6 groups:

  • Stroking. It is performed with the pad of the thumb or middle finger. The movements are circular. Used to massage the face, head, neck and hands, at the beginning or end of the session;
  • Trituration. Performed as a basic technique, movements are circular and clockwise;
  • Kneading or pressing. The work is done with the tip of the thumb. The intensity of intake increases gradually;
  • Grabbing or pinching. Performed with three fingers: thumb, middle and index. During administration, the skin with BAP is grasped, kneaded and rotated;
  • Vibrations. Perform with fast oscillatory movements. During operation, fingers do not leave the skin. There is a pause between doses;
  • Calming. This is a slow and deep technique, during which the point is pressed as deeply as possible. During rotation, skin movement is not allowed.

If the work is done with your hands, then they should be warm. Needles or sticks are also warmed up before the session. It is advisable to massage symmetrical points at the same time. The exception is BATs on the hands during self-massage.

Contraindications to acupressure

Despite the fact that acupressure is a very gentle technique, there are a number of contraindications to it:

  • Severe, organic diseases of the heart and circulatory system.
  • Any pathology of pregnancy.
  • Acute skin diseases, cuts, burns, ulcers at the massage sites.
  • Diagnosed depression.
  • Oncology is also sometimes a contraindication.
  • Severe fatigue.

If there is a sudden change in the patient’s well-being during the massage, it should be stopped immediately.

How to find the right acupuncture points, atlas

The points used for massage are located on the skin and have a diameter of about 1 cm. Their approximate location is described in atlases and descriptions of acupuncture. You can find the points using your index finger, placing it in the intended area and observing the change in sensations.

The skin and body lines, such as folds, ridges, and dimples, can serve as a guide, having thickenings or different densities with the surrounding tissues. In addition, the patient may experience mild pain, tingling, or numbness at the location of the point.

Atlases often use a length measure called “cun” - the distance between the folds on the second phalanx of the patient’s middle finger when it is fully bent (women use the right hand, men use the left). To clarify, there are two more guidelines: the combined width of the index and middle fingers is one and a half cun, all fingers of the hand with the exception of the thumb are 3 cun.

How to do acupressure

Acupressure, like regular massage, involves the use of a series of movements; it is carried out using the pads of the thumb, middle and index fingers, and the palms of the hands.

There are several types of impact, including:

Acupuncture points on the human body are mainly collected in the following areas:

  • Feet.
  • Hands.
  • Spine.
  • Breast.
  • Face.

On the feet

Foot massage works on all body systems, improving metabolic processes, skin and mental health, strengthening the immune system, and increasing muscle tone. You need to start by steaming or lubricating your feet with cream. Then active stroking of the feet and massage of the fingers from the nail plates to their base are performed. Next, they move on to working on biologically active points (BAP).

According to the theory of acupuncture, the human body is projected onto the foot by five zones:

  • fingers and their bases - organs of the head and neck, in particular, working on the pads of the thumbs stimulates the brain well;
  • the part that captures the beginning of the arch of the foot is the chest;
  • the middle part of the arch is the abdomen;
  • closer to the heel - the large and small intestines;
  • the heel itself is the genitals.

Paired and centrally located organs have points on both feet, the rest are located on the corresponding leg (for example, the heart is on the left, the liver is on the right). Stimulation of the points is done with the thumbs by rubbing.

It should be borne in mind that the appearance of pain indicates problems with the organ that is projected to this place. Having felt this, you should change the massage method: you must alternately press on the point and release, repeating each movement for 30 seconds until the pain disappears.

On hands

Massage and self-massage of the hands is an alternative to working out the legs, and it is also convenient to do anywhere. First you need to warm up your brushes with intense circular rubbing, then work each finger from the nail to the base.

To work with BAP, you should clasp your left hand with your right hand so that your thumb is on your palm. It is he who should perform all the massage movements. You can find and study all the active points on your hands in special atlases. It is worth noting that the fingers are responsible for the head (thumb), legs (ring and middle) and arms (little and index), and the palm is for the internal organs.

On the ear

The ears are another cluster of useful points. Rubbing them helps to bring a person out of a state of fainting or severe alcohol intoxication. The work on the points should be done simultaneously on the right and left ear, grasping them between the first and second fingers, pressing and rubbing with the index finger.

The following points are of interest:

  • In the hole near the lobe there is an endocrine point that normalizes metabolism and helps with allergies and inflammation.
  • In the upper fossa of the ear there is a point of the autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for the intestines, kidneys, blood vessels and helps with menopause.
  • At the base of the earlobe you can find a point in the cerebral cortex, the impact of which increases the body’s ability to repair itself.
  • The point of the heart and lungs is located deep in the ear just above the ear canal. Its stimulation prevents heart attack and stroke, helps with tachycardia, bronchitis and inflammation. People who want to quit smoking need to massage this point several times a day.

On the face

Facial massage helps maintain youth and beauty of the skin, relieves insomnia and headaches.

Main points for acupressure:

  • Third Eye. Located just above the bridge of the nose, it improves the functioning of the liver and endocrine system.
  • The points of youth responsible for vision are hidden near the inner corners of the eyes on the nose.
  • The points located near the wings of the nose improve the sense of smell and help fight colds.
  • The point in the middle of the chin will save you from poisoning and intoxication.
  • You can fight headaches while improving vision and blood supply to the brain by rubbing your temples.

  • The points near the ear tragus, which are easy to detect in the dimples that appear when the mouth is opened, will restore hearing and strengthen the vestibular apparatus.

Alarm point

There are several alarm points located on the meridians on the surface of the abdomen and chest:

  • Lungs;
  • Heart;
  • Colon;
  • Stomach;
  • Kidneys;
  • Spleen;
  • Small intestine;
  • Kidneys;
  • Bladder;
  • Liver and gallbladder;
  • Triple heater: general, middle, upper and lower.

Meridians on the human body
Three of them are located on the meridian they help - the lungs, liver and gallbladder. Any of the organs has BAP of this type. If you have kidney disease, your back begins to hurt, and if you have problems with the digestive system, you feel discomfort in the stomach.

Active alarm points:

  • They lie on the ventral side of Yin, and reflect the diseases characteristic of it. Their symptoms: feeling of cold, depression, apathy, weakness, chronic fatigue;
  • For diseases of the heart and cardiovascular system, the active BAP is worked on, located 2.5 cm below the xiphoid process of the sternum.

Classical acupuncture defines BAP of anxiety as diagnostic and therapeutic. If there is an imbalance in the meridian, then the BAP becomes sensitive. If the patient complains of pain in the area of ​​the alarm point, hyperactivity of the meridian is detected, and with sensitive but not painful palpation, hypoactivity is detected. If the balance is disturbed in the rest of the body, then BAP will be active in therapeutic localization. When there is a deficiency in the meridian, weakness occurs, which leads to increased muscle tone. BAT alarm is provoked by sharp pressure. The pressure of the index finger should be strong and even. When the meridian is involved and there is pathology, the strong indicator muscle is temporarily weakened.

Close the gorge

The He-Gu point (Close the gorge) is used to treat diseases of the oral cavity and face, with a complex effect for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, etc. The BAP is located on the back of the hand between the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones approximately in the middle of the radial edge. Finding it is simple: you need to align the transverse fold of the interphalangeal joint of the thumb with the edge of the stretched membrane between the thumb and index finger of the second hand. At the point of their contact, He-Gu will lie.

Since the point is one of the main BAPs of the manual yam-min channel of the large intestine, it should be used in the complex treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. If the massage therapist has chosen the method of combining the “host-guest” points, then a combination of He-Gu and Le-Que is used. This channel runs on both sides of the nostrils, and allows you to relieve acute toothache, pain in the facial muscles, relieves dry mouth, helps with swelling of the neck and impaired hand function.

The large intestine channel is also connected to the manual tai-yin channel of the lungs, so He Gu is effective for lung diseases, edema, nosebleeds, dropsy and other diseases caused by impaired circulation in the waterways.

The channel passes through the neck and through the lung it is connected to the throat. This explains the effectiveness of massaging He-Gu for pain and swelling of the throat, and loss of voice. In combination with other He-Gu points, they are worked on:

  • Hearing problems, deafness, tinnitus;
  • Feverish state;
  • Paralysis of facial muscles, stiff tongue;
  • Photopsia and visual impairment;
  • Apoplexy and manic state;
  • Convulsions, heat or sunstroke;
  • Bloating;
  • Pain in the back muscles, spine, migraines and headaches;
  • Purulent processes.

The Yang-ming channel is considered one of the main dental vessels, so BAP must be used in the treatment of caries and other diseases of the oral cavity, inflammation of the gums, bleeding and plaque.

Three miles

The Three Mile Point is associated with the digestive system, and working it out helps relieve abdominal pain and improve the functioning of the stomach and intestines.

Active points are located symmetrically on the legs. To find them, you need to place 4 fingers below the kneecap on the outside, and then retreat 1 finger (1 cm) to the tibia. BAP should be massaged for dizziness, physical fatigue, to strengthen leg muscles, relieve swelling and improve overall well-being. To relieve fatigue from the leg muscles after physical activity, acupuncture is used, and the Three Mile and Pillar points on the mountain are simultaneously applied for about 10 minutes.

Abode of Heaven

You can find the BAT Abode of Heaven by placing three fingers below the armpit and moving them towards the shoulder. Symmetrical treatment points are massaged for pulmonary diseases, breathing problems, coughs, colds, asthma and bronchitis. To alleviate the condition, doctors recommend massaging this area 2-4 times a day.

hidden white

For problems with the circulatory system and blood circulation, as well as to restore heart function, you need to massage the Hidden White points. They are located at the base of the nail plate of the big toe of the right foot.

Ji Quan is translated as “Supreme Source” and is located on the Heart channel. Practitioners of Chinese medicine claim that through it the blood flow goes from the heart to all organs and channels. The point is located in the middle of the armpit. Another healing point of Shen Men is located at the inner edge of the wrist fold in the depression under the bone. Stimulating the point helps improve the condition of heart disease.

Cardiac acupuncture points

Also, to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system and thyroid gland, you can work on active points located:

  • On the front side of the leg below the kneecap, where the tibia and fibula begin. Massage helps with thyroid diseases, normalizes and controls lymph circulation;
  • On the acute process of the 7th cervical vertebra at the junction of the neck and shoulders. BAP is associated with the pituitary gland, bone and cardiovascular systems, and the thyroid gland.

If pain is felt when pressing on one of the points, this means the development of a pathology of the cardiovascular or endocrine system. It is advisable to consult a doctor and undergo a full examination.

Inner path

Working through the Inner Path point will help you get rid of unpleasant sensations such as nausea, dizziness and motion sickness while traveling, and will also relieve stress, anxiety, and emotional fatigue. It is located on the inside of the palm at a distance of 3 fingers from the wrist. There are no restrictions on the number of daily sessions: massage can be carried out as needed. Act on the point until you feel better.

Point Internal path

Full opening

Full opening acupuncture points are paired and lie on the bends of the wings of the nose near the nostrils. Pressing on these points helps with a runny nose, diseases of the respiratory tract and respiratory organs. Massage of points against runny nose is carried out several times a day for 60 seconds. Work the area with slow circular movements, and apply gentle pressure as you exhale.

Points Full opening

BAT for eyes

Acupuncture and acupuncture are also successfully practiced for the treatment of eye diseases such as:

  • Glaucoma;
  • Cataract;
  • Neuritis;
  • Optic nerve atrophy;
  • Macular degeneration.

Traditional Eastern medicine associates eye diseases with various internal organs:

  • Lens and pupil with kidneys;
  • Sclera with lungs;
  • Arteries and veins with the heart;
  • Upper eyelid with spleen;
  • Lower eyelid with stomach;
  • Cornea and diaphragm with liver.

BAT for eyes

The points responsible for vision and the condition of the eyes are located in the dimple just above the lacrimal canal (this is the inner corner of the eye). Acupressure of this area is best done with the middle finger, as it is connected to the master of the heart and has a stronger effect on the BAP. The pressure force is increased gradually, and the main movements during massaging are circular. Reprises of pressure and release should alternate.

On the outer edges of the eyebrows there are points associated with both eye and skin diseases. Paired massage points located on the outer edge of the orbit are treated in the early stages of cataracts, photophobia, dryness and itching, headaches and conjunctivitis. BATs located in the central part of the eyebrows are massaged to improve the function of the thyroid gland, in case of overstrain, severe anxiety, and fears. Another paired point, located on the back of the neck right at the base of the skull, relieves severe headaches, improves vision, relieves fatigue of the optic nerves, relaxes and calms.

Spirit Gate

The presence of special acupuncture points on the human body allows you to cope with chronic lack of sleep and its consequences:

  • Disruption of internal organs;
  • Decreased performance;
  • Deterioration of attention;
  • Hallucinations;
  • Worsening heart rhythm;
  • Memory losses;
  • Weakening of the immune system;
  • Development of obesity and diabetes.

The main point of this group is the Spirit Gate. The effect on BAP relieves metabolic disorders, insomnia, relieves overexcitation, and calms thoughts. The point is located on the palm: below the little finger on the inside, where the fold of the wrist begins. Massage sessions can be performed both for relaxation and to improve concentration, before important negotiations or meetings.

Points on the foot

There are more than 70,000 nerve endings and a large number of acupuncture points on the human feet. A general foot massage promotes deep relaxation, relieves nervous tension, and has a general strengthening and tonic effect.

The zonality of the location of the points looks like this: on the fingers there are BAPs, which are responsible for the ears and frontal sinuses. On the inside of the foot there are projection points of the spine, and the toes themselves are a projection:

  • The big one is the brain. The central part is connected to the pituitary gland, the lateral part is connected to the pineal gland;
  • The bases of the index, middle and ring fingers are the eyes.

Just below the base of the little finger and ring finger is the ear area. The left foot is connected to the organs of the left side of the body, and the right foot to the right. On the right foot there are important points responsible for the liver and gall bladder, and on the left foot - for the spleen and heart. All paired organs have symmetrically located points on the right and left feet. On the heels there is a cluster of projection points of the gonads and ovaries.

General strengthening points

Acupuncture points, the stimulation of which helps strengthen the human body:

  • Longevity point . If you take a sitting position and place your palms on your knees, the little finger will indicate the direction, and the middle finger will indicate the height of the location of this point. There is a depression in this place; pressing is moderately painful. According to legend, massage of this area in the first week of the lunar cycle helps preserve youth and prolong a healthy life.
  • Nei Guan point , located three fingers above the wrist, is responsible for the harmony of the nervous system and heart, and relieves nausea.
  • Stimulation of Wei Zhong points located in the popliteal fossae helps maintain the health of the genitourinary system.
  • Sheng Men points on the outer sides of the wrists help the heart. In addition, they are used in the treatment of mentally ill people.
  • Bai Hui Point, located at the intersection of many meridians on the top of the head, has a very wide range of effects.

  • The “Channel of Youth” is located four fingers above the inner bone of the ankle, helping to preserve the female body in its youthful state for a long time.

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General strengthening BAP

Acupuncture points on the human body can also serve to strengthen the body. One of them - Good interval - is located in the cavity between the 1st and 2nd toes. Massaging it helps with neuroses, diseases of the genitourinary system and gastrointestinal tract, and menstrual irregularities.

Longevity point on feet

Tzu-Suan-Li is responsible for longevity. It lies in a small depression under the kneecap. Massaging must be done daily in the morning for at least 20 minutes. When the procedure is carried out correctly, a gradual decrease in body volume occurs, memory and digestion improve, and the state of anxiety, insomnia, and apathy disappears.

BAT The closed valley is located between the 1st and 2nd fingers of the palm. It is used for headaches, migraines, nervous disorders, nasopharyngeal diseases and tinnitus.

BAT for the back

During a back massage, points that relieve pain are used. They are also responsible for stress, fatigue, overwork, and weakness. The main BAP is located at the junction of the muscles of the neck, shoulders and spine in the upper back. The second is located between the shoulder blades on either side of the spine (approximately 1 cm). It is necessary to influence paired points simultaneously for greater efficiency. Points on the back are usually worked out during a classic massage, and have an overall strengthening and healing effect.

Massaging the Ling Gu point will help you get rid of severe pain in the back and sacral area, improve your overall well-being, and strengthen your immune system. Ling Gu lies in the cavity between the thumb and index finger, and the impact on it should be strong. When massaged correctly, pain is felt. For pain syndromes and to restore tone, massage is performed at intervals of about 20 minutes.

Head and neck points

The points on the head are also used to strengthen the body, treat diseases, and improve mood:

  • BAP, located between the eyebrows, is stimulated to improve vision, for stomach problems, and for pain in the legs;
  • Paired points at the base of the eyebrows are massaged for sinusitis, weakened immunity, and poor circulation in the brain;
  • The Fontana point, located on the top of the head, is worked to improve superficial and deep blood supply to the brain, to relieve fatigue, symptoms of overwork, anxiety and pain in the head;
  • The BAP, located on the back of the neck in the area of ​​the 3rd vertebra, is massaged to improve the movement of biological fluids, relieve swelling and fatigue in the muscles of the neck and back.

feng fu point

Active development of acupuncture points on the head occurs during combing. For this reason, acupuncturists advise using combs made from natural materials: the vibrations of wood enhance the effect on energy areas and channels, cleanse, relieve tension and balance.

By massaging the neck, you can bring the entire chest into energetic balance, normalize blood flow, relieve muscle tension, ease breathing and improve posture. Acupuncture also helps to cope with such a delicate problem as hemorrhoids. To do this, you need to find the projection point of the rectum and external anus. It lies in the fold of skin between the 3rd and 4th toes. The impact on the point should be daily, for several minutes a day.

Impact on the points helps to cope with many diseases, both physical and psychological. When choosing points for elaboration, you need to proceed from their connection with organs and systems, and the characteristics of elaboration. Some BAPs are massaged with short and strong pressing techniques, others with long and soft strokes. The advantage of the acupuncture method is that it has very limited contraindications and the ability to conduct sessions at any time. During the day, you can massage BAP to improve concentration, relieve fatigue and anxiety, and get rid of nicotine addiction or pain in the back and muscles.

Other useful points on the body

There are a number of points that help you quickly get rid of sudden problems:

  • Headaches, toothaches, ailments due to arthritis, constipation, and hangovers are cured by rubbing the point at the junction of the thumb and index finger for several minutes.
  • To get rid of nervous overexcitation, depression, and anxiety, massage for 2 minutes with the thumbs of both hands, folded in a prayer position, in the middle of the chest in a place 4 fingers above the end of the bone. Such movements also strengthen the immune system and resistance of the body as a whole.
  • To improve concentration and memory, get rid of headaches and fatigue, you should stimulate the point on the back of the foot at the intersection of the 1st and 2nd toes twice a day for 2-3 minutes.

Indications for head massage

Head massage is indicated for people with neurological pathologies. First of all, these are neurosis, neuritis, asthenia, chronic stress and fatigue, lack of strength, drowsiness and fatigue, insomnia, headache, decreased concentration, memory loss, encephalopathy and a number of other conditions.

Head massage is a medical procedure that has contraindications. These include the following conditions: acute inflammatory processes, elevated body temperature, blood and skin coagulation disorders, cancer, infections and mental disorders.

Massage techniques for weight loss

Acupressure is widely used to help people who want to lose weight. To select the right points, before the sessions begin, you need to determine the cause of excess weight.

Hormonal disbalance

With such an anamnesis, working out the Guan Yuan point, located 3 cuns below the navel, in a lying position for 30 minutes, helps a lot.

Then a massage of Tzu Gong points is connected, which can be found by moving 1 cun up from the navel and then to the left and right by 3 cun. It is better to combine working on these places with rotational movements of the hips in a standing position.

Poor nutrition

Nowadays, it is difficult to maintain the correct diet and composition of food.

If the cause of fullness lies in this problem, then you can use the following acupressure technique:

  • The Ling Quan point under the kneecap is massaged for 30 seconds to combat cellulite.
  • The “channels of youth” should be worked with the thumbs at least 40 times on each foot.
  • Tian Shui points , located 2 cuns to the right and left of the navel, are massaged in a standing position, slightly bent, pressing for 5 seconds 20 times.

You need to repeat this massage three times a day until the condition improves, then once a day for prevention.

State of stress

To relieve nervous tension, you should stimulate the Nei Guan point from the restorative section for 5-10 minutes. You also need to engage the Bai Hui point by rhythmically pressing your thumb into it.

Insomnia and chronic fatigue

To eliminate these unpleasant symptoms, you should stimulate the points an hour before bedtime in the following order:

  1. Press and massage the third eye point.

  2. Carefully, avoiding severe pain, work the point between the 1st and 2nd fingers.
  3. There is also a point for insomnia on the inside of each foot, on the heel closer to the arch of the foot.
  4. And while lying in bed, it is convenient to massage the dimples behind the earlobes and the point on the top of the head, which will quickly calm and relax the body.

Within 7-9 days, sleep improves noticeably.

Abdominal massage for weight loss

Massaging the solar plexus in a clockwise direction while lying down is also effective. All painful sensations, hiccups, rumbling indicate the start of the process, but you should not endure acute pain.

BATs for weight loss

Massaging biologically active points will help you cope with excess weight. Acupuncture is widely used in addition to diets, sports activities and a course of classical massage. The advantage of the method is the ability to perform simple massage exercises at home at any time.

The Guan Yuan point is located on the stomach, and to find it you need to relax the abdominal muscles and step back from the navel down to:

  • 3 tsun for women;
  • 4 tsun for men.

Guan-Yuan point
The point is worked on with slow and even movements. The optimal time for massaging is before meals. An intensive course, designed for loss of up to 5 kg, includes mandatory daily workouts of 5 minutes each.

Points for reducing appetite are located on the ear: at the junction of the auricle and jaw. Massage this area for 1.5 to 2.5 minutes before eating. There is a small area in front of the tragus of the ear, pinching it for 3 minutes will dull the feeling of hunger.

Another Low-Gu point lies 5 cm above the protruding bone on the inner surface of the ankle. Massaging it not only activates the digestive system and controls appetite, but also relieves numbness in the hands and feet, discomfort in the heart, and anxiety.

How acupressure is performed for various diseases

Acupuncture helps patients cope with many ailments.

For chronic gastritis

During remission of the disease for a month or more, you can perform acupressure tonic massage in the morning in the following areas:

  • Longevity points in the knee area.
  • Places at a distance of 2 cuns above the ankle bones on the inside and outside of each leg.
  • The points on the hands are just above the base of the thumbs.
  • Tian Shui to the right and left of the navel must be massaged simultaneously, and then pay attention to the point 2 cun below the navel.

For osteochondrosis

To help with cervical osteochondrosis, you need to stimulate the points listed below for 2 minutes with slow circular movements, increasing the intensity, then press for a moment and repeat the movements in the opposite direction, gradually loosening the pressure.


  • Feng Fu point, located under the occipital protuberance.

  • Feng Chi points located at the Feng Fu level towards the ears.
  • At a distance of 3 fingers below the first one is the Ya Men point.
  • 7th cervical vertebra.

When coughing

It should be noted that acupressure is not recommended for allergic types of cough, but if the disease is associated with a cold, then, regardless of its nature, relief comes quite quickly.

The listed points are massaged clockwise for up to 2 minutes each:

  • "Third Eye".
  • Center of the forehead.
  • Places on both sides of the bridge of the nose.
  • The base of the nose.
  • A hole in the middle of the neck.
  • Subclavian fossae.
  • Point in the middle of the chest.
  • “Pain point” at the junction of the 1st and 2nd fingers.

For diabetes

It is almost impossible to cure diabetes mellitus with acupressure, but some self-massage techniques have a positive effect on keeping the body active and reducing blood sugar. Symmetrical points on the face and legs are stimulated simultaneously, the rest - alternately.

Useful points:

  • Dots on the nose near the corners of the eyes.
  • Indentations at the temples.
  • Points at the beginning of the fold formed when bending the elbows.
  • Indentations above the collarbones.
  • Longevity points.

For sinusitis

Acupressure should be carried out at the initial or final stages of the disease, as well as during its chronic course.

Acupuncture atlases discuss five main points for help with sinusitis:

  • areas near the wings of the nose;
  • point above the upper lip;
  • the tip of the nose is treated with light pinching;
  • the outer corners of the eyes are warmed up in a circular motion;
  • The massage ends with stimulation of the “third eye”.

A course of such massage must be carried out for 14 days. As a rule, improvement occurs within a week.

For bronchial asthma

Acupressure for bronchial asthma is performed upon the onset or during an attack. The points are divided into 3 groups, the first of which is carried out using a calming method (light pressure and stroking), the second - for people over 40 years old - tonic (rotation with deep pressure), the third during periods of remission.

For allergies

Prevention of seasonal hay fever should begin 7-10 days before the expected period. The massage is done twice a day: in the morning with a tonic method, in the evening with a soothing method.

Acupuncture points on the human body to solve the problem:

  • Third Eye".
  • Under the wings of the nose.
  • In front of the tragus of the ear.
  • On the back of the head in the hollow area.
  • "Pain point" on the hand.
  • Earlobe.

  • Above the ear canal.

If an allergy has started, then the massage is done every hour for 3-4 days, then according to how you feel.

For toothache

For acute pain, it is best to see a dentist, but if a visit is not possible, you can relieve the pain temporarily.

There are 3 points that should be stimulated on the side of the problem:

  • The “pain point” or He Gu is massaged for 2-3 minutes until the skin turns red.
  • The left corner of the nail on the index finger (Shang Yang) is pressed rhythmically until pain appears.
  • The junction of the jaws is worked by pressing the index finger five times, then 30 circular movements are made.

Acupuncture for smoking

You can also get rid of nicotine addiction with regular acupressure sessions. Impact on points on the human body is one of the effective and safe ways to quit smoking, but you need to practice constantly.

The Shem Men or Heavenly Gate point lies in the auricle in the upper part of the triangular dimple above the central part. Massaging this area also helps with:

  • Headache;
  • Insomnia;
  • Allergy symptoms;
  • Weakened immunity.

Point Shem Men

Regular exposure to Shen Men will help you cope with anxiety, fears, depression, chronic fatigue, and apathy. Brief massaging throughout the day will help increase attentiveness, performance and concentration on important issues. The second point is located on the axis of the little finger behind the line of the wrist joint. It is massaged three times a day for 5-7 minutes. The intensity of the work increases gradually.

The biologically active point of Haba-Ex is located in the center of the front of the neck, just below the thyroid gland and at a distance of 3 fingers from the collarbone. Finding the point is easy - when pressed, pain occurs. The treatment of Haba-Ex helps to cure asthma and cough, and get rid of shortness of breath. To alleviate the painful condition, massage the point three times a day for 1-2 minutes. The treatment of Haba-Ex for smoking is different from the usual one, and involves short-term and strong pressure until pain appears. Side effects of massage include decreased blood pressure and dizziness. If side effects recur, then massage is performed only from a lying position. To quit smoking, it is advisable to conduct at least 15 sessions over 2-4 weeks.

How often should you get a massage?

Stimulation of acupuncture points must be carried out in accordance with the method of treating specific ailments of the body. Acute pain may take only a few minutes to relieve; chronic pain may take days, weeks, or even months.

But in any case, this method deserves attention for its simplicity and accessibility, and everyone can check its effectiveness from their own experience.

Article design: Oleg Lozinsky

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