Bioreparation or biorevitalization - what's the difference?

The skin of the face is one of the most unprotected areas of the human body, exposed to many external factors 24 hours a day. The use of modern cosmetology products makes it possible to reduce the level of this impact, but it is simply impossible to completely eliminate it. High levels of air pollution, temperature changes, bright sunlight, wind, dust - the list goes on for a very long time. On top of that, the skin experiences natural age-related changes, which are even more difficult to resist. In combination with the stress that regularly occurs in residents of large cities who are active, a negative result does not take long to arrive. The 21st century has given women many progressive methods that, with little effort, can effectively and safely improve the condition of their skin and prolong its youth for a long time. Two methods of cosmetic therapy have recently gained deserved popularity - bioreparation and biorevitalization. Let's look at the features of each method.

What is biorevitalization? What effect can be expected from the procedure?

Biorevitalization is a rejuvenating procedure performed using injections of hyaluronic acid. Its main task is to replenish the water balance and create favorable conditions for cellular life. Hyaluronic acid attracts and retains water molecules, promoting deep hydration of the skin, smoothing out relief and deep wrinkles, brightening the face and restoring tissue at the cellular level, normalizing blood flow, producing collagen and elastin, tightening facial contours, etc.

Biorevitalization is carried out as a prevention of aging and in cases of decreased skin elasticity, dryness, pigmentation, scars, rosacea, dull complexion, etc. This is one of the most effective procedures with noticeable skin rejuvenation immediately after it, with a prolonged effect. Literally on the second day, the face looks fresh and rested, sagging goes away, and the tissues are saturated with moisture.


This is the “evolution” of biorevitalization. In this case, preparations based on the same hyaluronic acid, but enriched with vitamins, peptides and amino acids, are injected under the skin. The task of bioreparation is not only to saturate the skin with moisture, but also to eliminate the manifestations of age-related changes. Namely:

  • restore the protective function of the skin,
  • eliminate tissue prolapse,
  • remove expression wrinkles,
  • get rid of acne, scars and scars.

After a course of therapy, the skin becomes more hydrated and tightened for a long time, its color becomes even and healthy, and the oval of the face becomes more youthful. To achieve this effect, it is necessary to perform 3 sessions with an interval of 3 weeks between procedures. Subsequently, we recommend maintenance therapy once every 2 months. The course can be repeated every six months.

What is bioreparation? What effect can be expected from the procedure?

A procedure that promotes a long-term rejuvenation effect - bioreparation , is carried out with a preparation consisting of amino acids and peptides, vitamins and hyaluronic acid. It restores the optimal volume of hyaluronic acid, intensely stimulates the production of proteins, breaks down fats, helping to eliminate a double chin, and activates natural skin regeneration. The administered reparant has a wide spectrum of action with a prolonged effect.

Bioreparation helps correct facial contours, create a lifting effect, restore tone and improve complexion, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and eliminate pigmentation. After the procedure, deep wrinkles are smoothed out and small ones disappear, the skin takes on an elastic and toned appearance with improved relief and color, dryness and flaking, hyperpigmentation and rosacea, etc. go away.

Differences between bioreparation and biorevitalization

Despite the fact that biorevitalization is a method similar in principle of action, its key difference is the drugs used. The injections used for biorevitalization include hyaluronic acid; moreover, it is the central active ingredient. Despite the high efficiency of hyaluronic acid injections and the rapid achievement of visible results, they last less time. In addition, hyaluronic acid can cause severe allergic reactions, so a diagnostic examination should be performed before using it. However, the strengths of biorevitalization are the active moisturizing effect, which appears instantly, stimulation of collagen production, as well as restoration of healthy skin color, elimination of pigmentation and normalization of sweating. Treatment consists of several sessions; the quantity is determined by the degree of complexity of the identified problem. At a young age, the course of treatment can be completed in two sessions; in more mature ones, it is appropriate to carry out 5-6 injections with an equal time interval between them.

During bioreparation, the drugs used for injection together constitute an active nutritional complex in which the components interact with each other, complementing the effect, stimulating metabolic processes and creating an additional protective barrier. As in the case of biorevitalization, there are a number of restrictions and contraindications for use: weakened immunity, inflammatory processes, cancer and exacerbation of chronic diseases, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

A plastic surgery specialist will be able to help you make a final decision regarding the appropriate treatment method, select medications and professionally identify individual intolerance to certain components during the initial appointment and conduct the necessary laboratory tests.

Author of the article:Vasilyeva Natalya Viktorovna
Speciality:Dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist
Experience:23 years old

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The difference between bioreparation and biorevitalization

The bioreparation procedure is a more effective type of biorevitalization. Yes, they are quite similar to each other. But there is also a very important difference – the drugs used to obtain the desired result. Thus, for biorevitalization of the face, hyaluronic acid is used in different conditions. It can be in the form of ether, stabilized or unstabilized. But bioremedies for bioreparation are already whole cocktails, which additionally include many other active substances.

This is where the differences between bioreparation and biorevitalization end, because both procedures are carried out by qualified specialists exclusively in the sterile conditions of a cosmetology room. Very thin needles are used to administer drugs. They allow you to minimize discomfort during injections.

Benefits of bioreparation

The undoubted advantage of the bioreparation technique is the ability to eliminate problems of any degree of complexity by combining various components in its composition. The procedure increases skin elasticity, tightens the oval of the face, and generally improves the appearance of the dermis. The introduction of the active ingredients of bioreparation drugs into the deep layers of the skin allows them to remain in the soft tissues for a long time, acting as efficiently as possible.

Peptides included in bioreparation preparations eliminate puffiness, model the oval of the face, remove salts and destroy excess fat. Amino acids promote the natural production of collagen fibers and also protect epidermal cells from oxidation processes. The vitamin complex starts proper metabolism, as well as the process of collagen production.

The main advantages of the bioreparation technique: - elimination of various cosmetic problems - long-lasting and lasting effect - powerful antioxidant effect on all layers of the skin - high efficiency - the effect after the procedure is visible immediately - no rehabilitation after the procedure is required

Bioreparation in Krasnodar

You can take a bioreparation course at the Symmetry modern cosmetology clinic. Our specialists are only certified cosmetologists and dermatologists who regularly undergo training not only in Krasnodar, but also in other cities, as well as abroad. Innovative equipment, high-quality certified materials, sterile conditions - all this is a guarantee of high-quality results.

At Symmetry, the cost of the bioreparation procedure is one of the most affordable in Krasnodar. Our clinic also offers discounts for our patients on various cosmetic procedures. You can find out more about the bioreparation method by scheduling a consultation with our cosmetologists in any way convenient for you: by phone or using the feedback form. More information about the cost of bioreparation in our clinic can be found in the Cost of Services section.

Stages of the procedure

Injections are felt differently by each person: for some patients the procedure is painless and manipulations are practically not felt, for others pain is possible. Therefore, in order to make the bioreparation procedure as comfortable as possible for the patient, before it begins, the doctor will suggest applying an anesthetic drug to the area of ​​skin where the bioreparation procedure will be performed. In our clinic, we use very thin needles to perform this procedure, so pain is kept to a minimum.

The anesthetic is applied to the treated area at least 3 times, and the exposure is maintained for 25 minutes. Some salons use needles so thin that no anesthesia is used.

25-30 minutes after applying the anesthetic, the doctor disinfects the skin and begins administering the drug. The face, neck and décolleté are treated using a special technology: the needle is inserted into the skin with the cut upward and at a minimal angle. The drug is administered until a papule measuring 1-2 mm is formed.

The very next day, the puncture marks will be invisible. After the procedure is completed, the treatment area is lubricated with a special soothing gel that enhances skin regeneration.

To achieve the most pronounced and long-lasting effect from the procedure, it is optimal to undergo a bioreparation course consisting of 3 sessions: 1 session every 3 weeks. Our doctors will also recommend cosmetics with a lymphatic drainage effect to consolidate the results.

Why clients choose us

  • The Expert Cosmetology Clinic has valued its impeccable reputation since 2009!
  • Our doctors have developed proprietary programs to effectively solve even complex problems.
  • We attach great importance to your safety and compliance with sanitary standards.
  • We carefully select the staff, injection procedures are carried out strictly by cosmetologists.
  • We use only original drugs to ensure that the procedure is as safe and accurate as possible.
  • We have our own parking, no need to waste time looking for a space on neighboring streets.
  • Thousands of grateful clients confidently recommend us to their friends and family because they TRUST US!


  • skin infections
  • autoimmune diseases
  • herpes
  • hypersensitivity to components
  • diabetes

If you have questions about how to perform skin rejuvenation, how to restore tissue volume and how to get rid of wrinkles, leave a request in the feedback form. Administrators will call you back within 10 minutes.

The results of bioreparation, like all injection techniques, largely depend on the experience and qualifications of the doctor, so the procedure should only be performed in trusted clinics. The doctor must have a well-placed hand and extensive practical experience.


Indications for bioreparation

  • the appearance of wrinkles and folds on the skin;
  • sagging skin;
  • the need for correction of post-acne, scars, scars or stretch marks;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • dehydration and dryness of the dermis;
  • age-related gravitational ptosis;
  • vascular networks;
  • to prepare the skin for rehabilitation required after plastic surgery, laser resurfacing, chemical peeling
  • for the treatment of cellulite
  • to increase the elasticity of the skin on the hands.

You urgently need “beauty injections” - these are injection procedures aimed at rejuvenating and nourishing the skin. To quickly solve such problems, our doctors recommend the following procedures:

  • Biorevitalization
  • Bioreparation
  • Contour plastic

The cosmetologist decides which procedure to choose during a consultation, after examining the condition of the skin. Thanks to these injection techniques, you can get rid of wrinkles, various skin defects, eliminate pigmentation and improve skin turgor. One of the advantages of the procedure is getting instant visible results!

Doctors at the Telos Beauty Prof expert cosmetology clinic use 100% safe drugs, by the way, one of their favorite drugs is Profhailo. Once introduced into the skin, it triggers regeneration processes and causes the skin to recover naturally.


The effect of bioreparation is visible immediately after the injection session. Over the next few days it will gradually increase. The duration of this period depends on many individual factors - the patient’s age, the initial condition of the skin, its thickness and the presence of additional cosmetic flaws.

Among the positive effects that can be achieved using bioreparation:

  • significant increase in elasticity and turgor of the skin;
  • getting rid of “bags” under the eyes, which don’t look particularly aesthetically pleasing in the morning;
  • smoothing out small wrinkles, often called “crow’s feet”;
  • general lifting effect and visually noticeable skin rejuvenation;
  • Relieving swelling and removing excess fluid that often accumulates under the skin
  • alignment of the facial contour;
  • improving blood supply to the dermis and preventing capillary “stars”.
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