Facial bioreparation: the essence of the procedure, who it is indicated for, what results it gives

"PROFHILO" is a unique hybrid complex of two hyaluronic acid molecules of different molecular weights. This is not only the composition of two different molecules, but a completely new patented hyaluronic acid!

"PROFHILO" is not just biorevitalization or filler. When introduced into certain layers of the skin, PROFHILO affects fibroblasts, keratinocytes and adipocytes.

Thanks to this, with the help of “PROFHILO” there is an instant restoration of the subcutaneous fat layer, changes in which are one of the first to lead to skin aging.

To keep the skin fresh, smooth, healthy, women use lotions, masks, and creams. However, these methods are ineffective. With their help, it is impossible to slow down natural aging, much less eliminate changes that have already appeared.

Filler “PROFHILO” is a real breakthrough in injection cosmetology. Thanks to the drug, the course of treatment is significantly reduced. The PROFHILO rejuvenating complex at the PRESIDENTMED clinic is a worthy alternative to plastic surgery.

Advantages of PROFHILO fillers

The advantages of the drug include:

  1. Instant results with longer lasting effects (up to 8-12 months).
  2. Fewer injection points.
  3. No pain, no swelling and no bruising.
  4. Does not require preliminary anesthesia.


  • Instant tightening and tightening of the skin of the face, arms, neck, décolleté, and body.
  • Elimination of fine wrinkles.
  • Moisturizing and rejuvenating the lip area.
  • Elimination of atrophic scars on the face and body.

The PRESIDENTMED clinic offers effective procedures aimed at rejuvenation and elimination of cosmetic defects and imperfections.

Our specialists will help you cope with age-related changes and restore your skin to its flawless appearance.

The effective technique of the PRESIDENTMED clinic is to use the drug “PROFHILO” without complications and associated risks.

PROFHILO - why is everyone talking about it?

The drug PROFHILO appeared on the market relatively recently, but has already acquired a brilliant reputation as a magical anti-aging biorevitalizant. And all thanks to laudatory reviews not only from cosmetologists, but also from clients who tried it on themselves. Why is everyone talking about him? What incredible miracles can you expect from PROFHILO?


Dermatologist, cosmetologist. Work experience: 14 years.

Let's start with the fact that calling PROFHILO a regular biorevitalizant is not entirely correct. Rather, it is a means for complex bioremodeling of the face. That is, this intradermal injection works like an elixir of youth: it gives the effect of not only moisturizing, but also simultaneous tightening and reinforcement.

PROFHILO is a development of the pharmaceutical concern IBSA (Switzerland), which is a world leader in the production of premium quality hyaluronic acid. IBSA obtained a unique composition through a combination of equal proportions of high molecular weight and low molecular weight hyaluronic acid. High molecular weight HA is aimed at lifting, and low molecular weight HA saturates the skin with moisture.

As a result, excellent conditions are created for the life and growth of all epidermal cells (fibroblasts, keratinocytes, adipocytes), that is, conditions for the life of precisely those cells that prolong your youth and beauty.

The cocktail, born from mixing and heating different types of HA, received other unique properties that are valued by both cosmetologists and clients:

  • PROFHILO is more durable than standard biorevitalizants, so revitalization can be performed less frequently than usual (not 3-5 sessions at intervals of 2-3 weeks, but 1-2 sessions at intervals of one month)
  • Another feature of the composition is its plasticity; it is enough to inject into 5 bioaesthetic points, and then it will be evenly distributed in the subcutaneous fat layer.

PROFHILO means fewer punctures and visits to a cosmetologist, minimal pain, but at the same time an amazing effect that surpasses the results of classical biorevitalization.

If we talk about the results, they can be compared with the capabilities of lipolifting. A unique drug stimulates the independent restoration of subcutaneous fat and tightening of the oval of the face.

The procedure is recommended for ages from 25 to 70 years, but there are a number of standard contraindications: pregnancy and lactation, active inflammatory processes on the face, herpes in the injection area. In addition, there are restrictions specific to PROFHILO: three days before the procedure, you cannot take blood thinning medications.

After PROFHILO injections, you will forget about loose and saggy skin, because you will get a 2 in 1 effect - both lifting and moisturizing.

Methodology of procedures

The introduction of the drug ensures instant restoration of the subcutaneous tissue layer, which is responsible for the youth of the skin.

The gel penetrates deeply into the layers of the epidermis, moisturizes the skin from the inside, activates the production of fibroblasts, adipocytes, keratinocytes, and promotes the natural restoration of the subcutaneous fat layer.

As a result, wrinkles are smoothed out, the effect of lifting and reinforcing the skin is observed, scars, cicatrices, pigmentation, fine wrinkles disappear, and skin folds are smoothed out.

How does bioreparation differ from biorevitalization?

Patients often confuse biorevitalization and bioreparation with each other. Indeed, these are largely similar procedures.

But they also have serious differences. First of all, the composition of the administered “cocktails” and the principle of their effect on tissues differ. During biorevitalization, hyaluronic acid is used without adding additional components to it. The technique is aimed at restoring tissue hydrophilicity (water balance).

Bioreparation preparations actively stimulate skin rejuvenation through modified forms of hyaluronic acid and peptide-vitamin complexes. And they, in turn, stimulate the active synthesis of new collagen and elastin fibers, activate the work of fibroblasts, reduce the activity of pigment cells, and eliminate pigmentation. Also, the hyaluronic-vitamin-peptide complex has an antioxidant and protective effect.

Stages of the procedure

Sessions are conducted as follows:

  • skin cleansing and treatment with an antiseptic;
  • determination of points for introducing the gel;
  • giving injections;
  • re-treatment with an antiseptic.

The unique formula of the drug made it possible to develop new protocols for its administration.

First of all, the number of required injection points has been reduced. For the face, the “5 BET” technique is used - 5 bioaesthetic points for each side of the face. Five points correspond to five areas of the face, selected taking into account the anatomical structure: there are no large vessels or nerve endings there. Thanks to this, the risks of side effects are minimized, and maximum distribution of the drug in the cheekbones and lower jaw is achieved. In the neck area, the drug is injected into 10 bioaesthetic points. They are also located taking into account the existing anatomical structures and do not affect such important organs as the submandibular salivary glands and the thyroid gland, the carotid artery, the trachea and the larynx.

The procedure takes approximately 30 minutes.

For a pronounced effect, it is recommended to carry out 2-3 sessions with a break of 1 month.

The effect lasts for 10-12 months, then the course can be repeated.

Bio-reinforcement of the face

Before the manipulation, the patient’s face is thoroughly washed, then treated with a 70% alcohol solution and then with a 0.25% solution of chlorhexidine bigluconate. This approach is often called “triple disinfection.” After this, at the doctor’s discretion, they begin to reduce the sensitivity of the patient’s skin - apply a lidocaine-based gel. This should definitely be done if the patient has increased pain sensitivity, and if there is a pathological fear of injection needles, in addition to pain relief, it is advisable to prescribe a sedative.

Many preparations for skin bioreinforcement are available in the convenient form of a pre-filled syringe, which comes with a needle. This is desirable because hyaluronic acid solutions, especially for this procedure, have a high viscosity and are quite difficult to transfer from the ampoule to the syringe manually. Typically, the syringe volume is 1-3 ml, needle diameter G27 (0.4 mm), length 13 mm. The choice of a wider needle than for other injection cosmetology procedures is also determined by the viscosity of the injected solution.

First, the cosmetologist must identify problem areas on the face that should be subjected to bioreinforcement. Most often these are the areas of the cheeks and cheekbones, the nasolabial triangle, the perioral and paraorbital region, as well as the skin of the forehead. After this, the procedure begins directly.

The very essence of bioreinforcement is the formation of a network of viscous solution, on the basis of which connective tissue fibers will subsequently be built. To do this, they must be located in the deep layers of the dermis, which on the face corresponds to an insertion depth of approximately 2-4 mm, depending on the area.

In the area of ​​the cheeks and cheekbones, threads running in a horizontal direction are first formed. To do this, use a retrograde-linear technique for administering the drug - the needle is held at a small angle to the skin and it is inserted over its entire length, to a depth of 2-3 mm. After this, the reverse movement and simultaneous administration of the drug begin - this is how a channel filled with a solution of hyaluronic acid is formed. Such channels are formed parallel to each other at a distance of 1-1.5 cm between individual injections.

After this, a similar procedure is performed on the same area of ​​influence, but the direction of the injections is now vertical, perpendicular to the previous layer. In this way, a network of hyaluronic acid gel is formed in the deep layers of the skin, which provides a pronounced moisturizing and lifting effect.

Bioreinforcement is carried out similarly on other areas of the facial skin. In areas with a large number of fine wrinkles (paraorbital and perioral zones), the main direction of injection should be perpendicular to the course of the wrinkles. For deep and pronounced skin folds (nasolabial fold, nasolacrimal groove), an injection of the drug into the bottom of the fold is allowed to reduce its severity.

After all injections, the skin is wiped with a cotton pad soaked in a chlorhexidine solution.


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Our clinic employs only experienced specialists who are constantly trained in the latest cosmetology methods. The clinic is also the largest specialist training center in the Russian Federation.

PROFHILO fillers at the PRESIDENTMED clinic mean freshness and youthfulness of your skin for a long time.

Indications for bioreparation

Bioreparation is recommended when:

  • Insufficient moisture of the epidermis.
  • Acne, consequences of acne.
  • Expression wrinkles.
  • Loss of elasticity and skin tone.
  • Pigment spots on the face, foci of rosacea.
  • Minor superficial burns and scars.
  • Ptosis (drooping) of soft tissues.

It is important to remember that before performing bioreparation, a doctor is always consulted to identify all possible contraindications to the intervention.

What drugs are used for bioreparation?

Meso-Xanthin (Mesoxanthin) F199 is a new generation biorepair for skin protection, restoration, and rejuvenation. Unlike conventional injection biorevitalization or mesotherapy, it activates genes that control the rate of cell renewal.

Mesoxanthine directly affects the cause of aging at the gene level. This does not mean that it changes the genes that are part of the DNA molecules. It activates those of them that control recovery processes.

As a result, the rate of formation of fibroblasts increases, the processes of regeneration, that is, cellular renewal, are accelerated. The dermis begins to actively renew itself, its quality quickly improves.

In addition, the drug restores DNA molecules damaged by age, oxidative processes, exposure to ultraviolet radiation or other aggressive environmental factors. Thanks to this, it provides a powerful antioxidant, protective, restorative effect and not only eliminates the signs of aging, but also serves as an effective means of preventing them.

The high effectiveness of the drug is ensured by its complex composition.

Thus, fucoxanthin (Fucoxanthin F-199) is a natural extract from brown seaweed. This carotenoid determines the main effect of the drug. It repairs DNA molecules and selectively activates genes. Thanks to this, a rejuvenation effect is achieved at the genetic and cellular level. New fibroblasts actively synthesize hyaluronic acid and collagen, thereby achieving the effect of biorevitalization and lifting.

In addition, fucoxanthin maintains the stability of DNA molecular chains, protects them from aggressive environmental factors (including photoaging), as well as from oxidative processes.

High molecular weight hyaluronic acid improves skin hydration, promotes faster collagen synthesis, and improves metabolic processes.

Growth factors: epidermal, insulin-like plus fibroblast growth factor. These substances activate cell regeneration. They accelerate the synthesis of collagen and elastin, prevent aging, improve skin texture, improve microcirculation, cellular metabolism (metabolism).

Thioredoxin normalizes the production of melanin (skin pigment), protects cell membranes from oxidative processes, and has an antioxidant effect.

Copper peptide has an anti-inflammatory effect, suppressing inflammatory processes, improves microcirculation, stimulates the synthesis of collagen and hyaluronic acid, and accelerates cellular regeneration.

Vitamins A, C, E have an antioxidant effect, protect and restore cell membranes, increase skin density and elasticity, and help renew it.

In addition, the drug contains a complex of amino acids, antioxidants and nucleic acids. Thanks to its complex, balanced formula, it provides a rejuvenating effect at the cellular and gene level.

Aquashine HA and Aquashine HA BR (Aquashine) are preparations containing purified hyaluronic acid and polypeptides. In this case, polypeptides are not simply dissolved in hyaluronic acid, but are associated with it. A distinctive feature of these drugs is the highest efficiency index, providing a pronounced clinical result. Even after one Aquashine HA procedure, the patient will see excellent results, which will only increase over time.

Aquashine HA contains high and low molecular weight fractions of hyaluronic acid, the concentration of which in the drug is 15 mg/ml. Thanks to such a high concentration, the drug instantly moisturizes the skin and helps create a long-term hydroreserve in the tissues.

The magic cocktail is supplemented with vitamins A, C, E, K, I and B vitamins, coenzymes, amino acids, mineral elements (magnesium sulfate, sodium phosphate, calcium chloride, sodium chloride). Such a rich composition helps to solve the problem of age-related skin aging in a comprehensive manner: active components that complement and enhance the effect of each other, allowing you to achieve the maximum cosmetological effect of rejuvenation. The skin is saturated with moisture, fine wrinkles are smoothed out, deep folds are reduced, and tissue elasticity increases. Visually, the skin looks smooth, elastic and radiant.

Mesoeye C71 (Mesoeye) is one of the newest injection products with an innovative formula. With its help, dark circles under the eyes, puffiness and drooping eyelids, dullness, dry skin and wrinkles around the eyes are eliminated.

The revolutionary feature of this drug is its powerful activation of metabolism. It eliminates the whole complex of changes associated with poor blood circulation, as well as lymph stagnation.

Gutsenko Liliya Anatolevna


Mesoeye C71 contains unique peptides that immediately begin to act in the skin, protect it and eliminate age-related appearance problems:

  • restore the density and elasticity of elastin and collagen fibers,
  • lift and tighten the eyelids and area around the eyes,
  • eliminate dryness, perfectly moisturize the skin, create a revitalization effect,
  • improve microcirculation, lymphatic drainage,
  • strengthens capillary vessels,
  • eliminate bruises and bags under the eyes.

Mesoeye C71 acts not only on the signs, but also on the causes of aging, thinning and sagging skin.
After all, the skin around the eyes is very thin and delicate. Subcutaneous fatty tissue is almost absent here. This makes the periorbital area especially sensitive to dehydration and age-related changes. As a result, shadows are formed that give the face a tired, gloomy, unhealthy appearance. Dry skin leads to early wrinkles. In some places its surface becomes swollen and edematous, in others depressions form.

The area around the eyes is saturated with thin vessels. Therefore, it is very sensitive to stagnation of blood circulation and lymph flow. The accumulation of lymphatic fluid leads to edema, and impaired microcirculation worsens metabolic processes. Together, this leads to aging.

To neutralize all these factors, a unique complex formula of the drug Mesoeye C71 was developed. Its components affect all causes of age-related changes. Thanks to this, not only a protective, but also a restorative effect is achieved:

  • Mesoeye C71 injections strengthen the walls and increase the tone of blood vessels. Thanks to this, local blood circulation and microcirculation are improved, and restoration processes are activated.
  • Improving the outflow of lymph completely eliminates congestion, swelling, bags, swelling and other signs of impaired lymph flow.
  • Protection is created against damage to collagen fibers by blood glucose - glycation. Thanks to this, they restore their elasticity and density, sagging disappears, and a lifting effect is achieved.
  • Moisturizing the skin improves its color, eliminates age-related phenomena associated with its dryness - lethargy, fine wrinkles, sagging.

In addition, Mesoeye C71 ideally compensates for the lack of subcutaneous tissue, evens out the relief, and makes the skin denser. With its help, shadows and circles under the eyes are eliminated, and a pronounced tightening effect is achieved without surgery.

In terms of its composition and action, Mesoeye C71 is classified as a vasomodifier and bioremediator, the benefits of which are well known in the cosmetic services market.

A unique feature of the drug is its complex composition, which includes:

  • high molecular weight hyaluronic acid (density 0.4%),
  • a complex of more than 50 vitamins, microelements, amino acids,
  • nucleosides,
  • patented formula Hexapeptide 17-C 71 to improve lymph outflow,
  • patented formula PeriOrbita L PePtide XP2 to relieve spasms of blood vessels and improve blood circulation.

Mesosculpt C71 (Mesosculpt) is a fundamentally new opportunity for facial modeling. With the help of this innovative lipolytic, you can now quickly get rid of jowls on the cheekbones, cheeks, double chin, paint bags, as well as other aesthetic problems.

Mesosculpt C71 is administered by injection, but acts fundamentally differently than other lipolytics.

Unlike previous generation lipolytics, Mesosculpt C71 does not destroy fat cells. Therefore, it does not have a traumatic effect on subcutaneous tissue. Instead, it turns white fat cells (adipocytes) brown or beige. Unlike white adipocytes, they do not have the ability to enlarge and store fat. Therefore, they do not create fat deposits. Essentially, this drug reprograms fat cells, completely changing their properties.

During the process of cellular transformation after Mesosculpt C71 injections, fat deposits disappear on their own. At the same time, facial skin is tightened and rejuvenated, its relief is evened out, the skin becomes denser and more elastic. The oval of the face becomes clearer, more harmonious, and swelling disappears.

A unique feature of the drug is that it acts in several directions at once, related to fat deposits, as well as age-related changes in facial skin.

Along with the cellular transformation of adipocytes (fat cells), this drug triggers the process of intense lipolysis - the breakdown of fatty tissues and their removal from the body. In addition, it affects metabolic processes in the skin, enhances its protective properties, and accelerates recovery processes. This creates the effect of rejuvenation and lifting of the face, chin, and neck.

The unique effect of the drug is based on its complex composition, which includes:

  • The patented formula LipoBlock XP2, which affects the mitochondria of fat cells. Thanks to the effect at the cellular level, fat is quickly broken down and removed from the subcutaneous tissues. At the same time, LipoBlock XP2 prevents the division of fat cells and an increase in their number. This achieves a complex lipolytic effect.
  • Patented peptide complex Hexapeptide 17 - C 71, which improves lymph movement and stimulates local blood circulation. Thanks to this, metabolic and recovery processes are improved, and a rejuvenation effect is achieved. The peptides included in the composition expand the lumen of small blood vessels and activate their work, stimulate the outflow of blood through the veins, prevent congestion from occurring, and improve the quality of the skin.
  • Dermo-remodeling complex (DRMC), containing more than 50 vitamins, nucleosides, amino acids, and microelements.
  • High molecular weight hyaluronic acid.

Injections of the drug effectively eliminate fat deposits in the lower and middle parts of the face, tighten the skin, make it denser and more elastic. After the procedures, the skin becomes well hydrated and dryness disappears.

With Mesosculpt C71, you can correct the size and shape of the cheeks, tighten the oval of the face, chin, improve the contours of the cheekbones, and get rid of Bisha's lumps without surgery.

Injections of the drug reduce nasolabial and other folds and help even out the contours of the face without contouring or plastic surgery.

After injections, the face straightens out, looks much younger, and the gloomy and tired appearance disappears. With its help, the contours of the neck are also well corrected.

How is the procedure performed?

First, the skin is thoroughly cleansed to prevent infection. The doctor then applies a numbing cream to the skin. This guarantees that the patient will not experience any discomfort during the procedure.

The drugs are administered intradermally and subcutaneously through a series of microinjections: at a short distance from each other.

After injection, a special cream is applied to stimulate recovery processes and reduce the risk of complications, enhancing the effect of injections. The doctor gives recommendations on skin care.

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