Acne spots on the face: how to get rid of them using mesotherapy?



Duration of the procedure:

20-30 min.

Number of procedures:



RUB 3,800

Recovery period: 1-2 days

Mesotherapy for acne is a technique that allows you to get rid of skin problems. It is a procedure for injecting small doses of special drugs into the problem area. The composition of the drug is selected individually for each patient and depends on the problem that needs to be solved.

The mesotherapy procedure is very effective when it comes to getting rid of acne, which is confirmed by many positive reviews from patients and cosmetologists.

Causes of acne

Acne is a problem that begins in adolescence and continues until mid-life. These are acne on the face, back and décolleté. Hyperintensive production of sebum leads to inflammation of the sebaceous gland adjacent to the hair follicle. As a result, inflamed formations—pimples—appear on the skin. With low immunity, the skin cannot cope with the harmful effects of bacteria located on the surface of the skin, which further aggravates the problem of rashes.

The trigger point for the development of acne can be problems of the gastrointestinal tract and gynecology, stress, hormonal changes or taking medications (including contraceptives and B vitamins).

Ozone therapy82

Ozone therapy has a complex effect on the skin:

  • has a bactericidal effect;
  • helps relieve inflammation;
  • improves metabolism;
  • stimulates blood microcirculation;
  • has an immunomodulatory effect, restores the protective barrier of the skin;
  • helps reduce sebum secretion;
  • tightens pores.

The procedure also helps relieve swelling, redness, and reduce the visibility of scars and congestive spots.

Mesotherapy for acne

The first and mandatory stage in treatment is an examination by a specialist, passing the necessary tests, and mandatory testing of the reaction to antibiotics and anesthetics.

The essence of the procedure

Using a syringe, microdoses of the drug are injected into the patient's middle layer of skin directly into the area of ​​problem areas: each element is injected separately and the entire rash area is injected.

To achieve results, you must undergo a course of procedures. The effect of facial mesotherapy, as a rule, becomes noticeable towards the end of the course. The number of sessions and the number of injections depends on individual characteristics, skin condition, age and the patient’s desire to receive additional effects. For example, in parallel with acne treatment, you can rejuvenate your facial skin: remove fine wrinkles or a double chin.

Carrying out additional cosmetic procedures, such as laser skin resurfacing, allows you not only to achieve the best result, but also to secure it for a long period.

Mesotherapy and acne treatment with drugs: which is more effective?

The most effective acne treatment is considered to be one that combines the use of medications, cosmetic procedures and proper home care. Mesotherapy itself is not capable of ridding a person of acne, especially since acne is a chronic disease prone to relapse9.

According to federal guidelines for the management of patients with acne, azelaic acid can be prescribed for the treatment of mild to moderate acne9. Azelik® is azelaic acid gel. It has the following effects5:

  • normalizes keratinization processes in the follicles of the sebaceous glands;
  • reduces the content of free fatty acids in skin lipids;
  • Shows antimicrobial activity against Propionibacterium acnes and Staphylococcus epidermidis;
  • anti-inflammatory effect due to a decrease in the metabolism of neutrophils and their production of free radical forms of oxygen.

The indication for use of Azelik® gel is mild to moderate acne. As a rule, the first improvements become noticeable after 4 weeks5.

The effect of facial mesotherapy for acne

Mesotherapy for acne has a complex effect on the condition of the skin, and that is why the procedure is highly effective:

  • improves the skin's response to pathogenic microflora and other negative external factors - immunostimulating effect ;
  • saturates the epidermis with vitamins and microelements, which activates the processes of regeneration and self-healing - vitamin therapy ;
  • fights the growth of bacteria - antibacterial effect ;
  • relieves redness and inflammation - anti-inflammatory effect ;
  • prevents the harmful effects of free radicals on the skin - antioxidant effect .


The procedure involves intradermal injection of therapeutic cocktails into areas affected by acne. The composition of meso cocktails is determined individually. Special preparations normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, stop inflammatory processes, activate the protective properties of the skin and increase its resistance to various infections.

Anti-acne mesotherapy preparations

Mesotherapy drugs are used exclusively in combination with each other - in the so-called “cocktail”. For each individual case, an individual meso-cocktail composition is developed. The components and their quantities vary, but their essence remains the same - to improve the condition of the skin.

The preparation necessarily contains microelements (Zn, Mg, Se, S, K), vitamins (A, E, C, group B), substances with anti-inflammatory and healing effects. Additional components depend on the goals pursued: for rejuvenation - hyaluronic and glycolic acid, to enhance biological activity - plant extracts, for example, aloe, etc.

Facial mesotherapy for the treatment of rosacea, acne, pimples

Today, facial mesotherapy is already considered a classic procedure for treating many dermatological problems in this area. Mesotherapy has earned such popularity and love both among cosmetologists and patients thanks to the drugs used that provide quick and lasting results. High-quality preparations for mesotherapy contain only natural ingredients and there are so many of them that each patient can have his own unique therapeutic composition selected in each individual case.

For mesotherapy, special mixtures are used, so-called cocktails, components that ideally interact with each other and complement each other. They may contain antioxidants, amino acids, humectants, minerals, vitamins, many plant components, “drying” substances, and so on. Monopreparations that contain one essential component can also be used, which is also a highly effective remedy in the treatment of rosacea, pimples, and acne. We will look at some features of the use of mesotherapy for rosacea, mesotherapy for acne, and also mesotherapy for acne.

Mesotherapy for rosacea

Cuperosis is a fairly common vascular disorder among both women and men. In dermatology, rosacea is commonly called telangiectasia. Externally, it manifests itself as a pronounced vascular pattern on the skin of the face (more noticeable localization).

The cause of rosacea is the weakness of the muscle layer of the vascular wall, so the vessel cannot relax and narrow normally. If such a vessel fills with blood, it expands more than normal, which is why a not very aesthetic vascular pattern is formed. A mild degree of rosacea is manifested only by redness of areas of the facial skin.

Apart from external changes, the owner of rosacea does not feel any pain, itching, etc.

The tendency to develop rosacea is hereditary and people with thin, sensitive skin are most susceptible to it; telangiectasia more rarely appears on thick, oily skin.

Treatment of rosacea involves complex and well-prepared therapy, and one of the stages of such treatment is mesotherapy.

Mesotherapy for rosacea has proven to be a highly effective and reliable method, since the effect is on the pathogenetic links of the pathology.

In this case, the doctor performs microinjections into areas of the skin with a vascular pattern.

Effects of mesotherapy for rosacea:

  • restoration of the structure of the vascular wall;
  • normalization of the tone of the muscle layer of the vascular wall;
  • eliminating redness;
  • improvement of metabolic processes in the affected area.

The drug begins to act immediately after the injection, so even after the first procedure the client can immediately see the effect. The course of mesotherapy for rosacea depends on the condition of the skin vessels, but on average about 5 procedures are required with a break of 10-14 days. The course can be repeated after 8-10 months, as well as maintenance therapy every 2 months. For mesotherapy for rosacea, we use the following drugs:

  • FL-Organic Silicium;
  • FL-Rutin&MelilotExtract;
  • FL-AsianCentella;
  • FL-GinkgoBiloba;
  • FL-Vitamin C.

Mesotherapy for acne. Mesotherapy for acne Pimples and acne are very common skin imperfections. It is worth saying that this problem concerns not only adolescents and young adults, but may well arise in adulthood, and the most common reason for this is hormonal imbalance. Therefore, unfortunately, no one is safe from them. In addition to the hormonal factor, infection plays an important role in the formation and maturation of acne. That is, bacteria multiply in the sebaceous gland, which leads to inflammation and the formation of pus. In such cases, mesotherapy for acne in combination with a diet and some simple skin care rules becomes a real salvation. The problem with treating pimples and acne is that many ointments and creams have only a superficial effect, often eliminating skin rashes only for a short time. Acne mesotherapy uses injections that deliver special substances into the skin itself aimed at eliminating the inflammatory process, destroying pathogenic microflora, and also restoring the skin. The effectiveness of mesotherapy for acne and acne has been tested by time and by numerous satisfied patients. In addition, the effect after the procedure lasts for a long time, since the administered components tend to cumulate (accumulate), which ensures a fairly long-lasting effect. Effects of mesotherapy for pimples and acne:

  • destruction of pathogenic microflora;
  • relieving inflammation;
  • skin restoration;
  • normalization of the sebaceous glands.

The procedure itself is somewhat painful, since these are still injections, but no more painful than traditional mechanical facial cleansing. The effect can be seen soon after the procedure. The treatment course of acne mesotherapy and acne mesotherapy will depend on the number of imperfections and their severity. It is advisable to complete a full course, consisting of 5-8 procedures with a break of 10-14 days. After a few months, it is advisable to repeat the procedure, or in case of severe disease, undergo maintenance therapy every 2-3 months. For mesotherapy for pimples and acne, we use the following drugs:

  • FL-Organic Silicium;
  • FL-ArtichokeExtract;
  • FL-GlycolicAcid;
  • FL-Vitamin A;
  • FL-Vitamin C;
  • FL-Vitamin H;
  • FL-Dexpanthenol.

Our Clinic’s specialists will select individual products to treat your skin problem, and will also explain the specifics of preparing for the procedure and skin care after the mesotherapy procedure. It is very important to undergo mesotherapy procedures in specialized medical institutions and from professionals, because this is the only way you can be sure of high results and quality of treatment!

Mesotherapy and pregnancy

Mesotherapy before pregnancy

Mesotherapy is a treatment that can be used before pregnancy, without any effect on the future health of the child. Mesotherapy is also a way to lose weight, so many women will not choose this treatment if they also want to become pregnant, as pregnancy can lead to weight gain and destruction of the effects of mesotherapy.

Mesotherapy during pregnancy

Even if the injections used during mesotherapy treatment contain only a few amino acids, drugs and natural ingredients, the use of Mesotherapy is not recommended during pregnancy as the effects of the treatment may harm the fetus. Mesotherapy injections can also cause an allergic reaction that may affect the baby.

Mesotherapy after pregnancy

After pregnancy, mesotherapy is recommended as it can remove fat after pregnancy without surgery. The waiting time between pregnancy and mesotherapy should be at least 6 weeks so that the body can heal and be ready for treatment.

However, if the patient is breastfeeding, Mesotherapy treatment is not recommended, as the injection solution may be absorbed into the patient's body and secreted into breast milk, being dangerous to the baby.

After the period of breastfeeding, mesotherapy can be safely used.

Drug-assisted treatment is a cosmetic procedure that is commonly used in Latin America and has increased in the United States, according to the National Institutes of Health. Mesotherapy is a series of injections that contain a mixture of medications, minerals, and vitamins. Its advanced cosmetic applications include the removal of excess fat and cellulite. Some commonly treated areas include the upper arms, thighs, abdomen and buttocks. Mesotherapy also aims to rejuvenate the face and neck. Side effects associated with mesotherapy are generally considered to be minimal.

Pain and burning of acne after mesotherapy

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About a few months


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The injections used in mesotherapy may cause skin irritation caused by facial acne. Topical anesthesia may be used before treatment to ensure minimal discomfort. A slight burning sensation and a slight pimple rash may be observed after the injection as the therapeutic properties enter the body. This feeling is usually fleeting Any residual soreness and such pimples usually disappear within a day or two.

Prevention of complications

In order to reduce the risk of any complications, you must:

  1. First of all, choose a good, reliable doctor. The best option would be a specialist with a higher medical education, with a diploma in cosmetology and dermatology.
  2. Carry out the procedure in a cosmetology center, but not at home.
  3. Make sure that the doctor uses only sterile instruments and gloves, and also disinfects the skin.
  4. Find out about all contraindications.
  5. Do allergy tests before mesotherapy.

It is also important to follow some rules for 4 hours after surgery:

  • do not wear makeup;
  • do not take a bath;
  • avoid exposure to direct sunlight ;
  • do not irritate the skin, do not touch it with your hands.

All of the above consequences are extremely rare, and the results from mesotherapy are truly effective. The main thing is to choose a highly qualified doctor who you can trust and follow his recommendations.

Bruising and swelling

According to, side effects of mesotherapy are generally mild. The most common reaction is bruising or swelling at the injection sites. Tiny bumps and pimple rashes may also form. These irritations usually go away within two weeks. To speed up the course of treatment, a homeopathic supplement called arnica (used particularly to treat bruises), it can be used topically or orally. Some patients experience mild itching that is caused by the pimples and lasts a few hours to a few days after treatment is completed.

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