Skin care for face and body. How to make a sugar scrub and what are its benefits?

4 advantages of a sugar body scrub Contraindications for using a sugar scrub Rules for using a sugar body scrub at home 7 DIY sugar body scrub recipes

Scrubbing with products containing small abrasive particles of varying degrees of hardness helps exfoliate dead skin, starting regeneration processes, making it smooth and soft, like a child’s. With age, natural renewal processes slow down, and we need “help” in the form of such procedures.

Scrubs help disperse lymph, get rid of cellulite, cleanse pores, even out skin tone and texture. In addition to exfoliating components, they usually also contain beneficial nutrients.

Advantages of homemade cosmetics

Not being able to buy expensive body cleansers is not a reason to be sad. In such a situation, homemade cosmetics will always help out, which are distinguished by their naturalness and affordability and will help you carefully care for your skin.

The benefits of natural cosmetics!

Using simple and familiar products to every housewife, you can easily prepare, for example, a sugar body scrub at home. This is an excellent skin cleanser.

The basis of any scrub includes abrasive elements, the purpose of which is to remove the dead upper layer of the epidermis and remove various contaminants. This function is performed by sugar in this product.

A self-prepared sugar scrub and ingredients available in every kitchen will allow you to peel the skin at any convenient time, and the composition can be selected according to your own discretion and taste.

Beneficial features

Facial scrubs can be found in women much more often than for the body. Well, in vain. You can make an effective peeling and cleanse the skin of the body using natural homemade products or ready-made ones, which are so common on the cosmetics market. From such procedures you can get silky and soft skin and help your body cleanse itself of toxins through unblocked pores.

Thanks to the use of scrubs, the following goals are also achieved:

  • reduction of cellulite in the initial stages;
  • imparting firmness and elasticity;
  • reduction of stretch marks;
  • removal of sebum, dirt, skin cells that have already died or become keratinized.

Scrubs are usually done at the beginning of such procedures: wraps, masks, massage. After a good cleansing of the skin before such procedures, their effect is enhanced and the effect occurs faster. Special brushes, mittens, and shower heads help with scrubbing.

Main ingredients of sugar body scrub

The use of sugar scrubs is an effective and gentle peeling. The surface layer of the epidermis is constantly renewed, and outdated cells die off, but do not always exfoliate on their own. Therefore, the skin needs constant cleansing. Sugar is a natural abrasive that is safe for the skin and is always on hand.

It is important!

Before preparing a sugar scrub, you need to think carefully about its composition and become familiar with the effect of each component on the condition of the skin. Depending on its type, the ingredients for this cleanser are selected.

Among them, the mixture most often includes the following products:

  1. Sugar is the main component of an exfoliant. An abrasive component, suitable even for sensitive and delicate skin. White and brown sugar are used for preparation.
  2. Oil is a nourishing and moisturizing component of the scrub. Thanks to the large selection: almond, lemon, sandalwood, lavender, olive, you can add new vegetable or essential oil each time and get products with additional properties: anti-inflammatory, soothing, antibacterial.
  3. Medicinal herbs – their decoctions and tinctures give the scrub an additional healing effect.
  4. Liquid vitamin extracts are oil solutions, usually A and E, these components can be purchased at the pharmacy. Helps give skin elasticity and a healthy appearance.
  5. Honey - included in some recipes for sugar body scrubs, in addition to its cleansing effect, this component helps in the fight against cellulite.
  6. Citrus juice - lemon or orange juice gives the product a tonic effect and slightly whitens the skin.
  7. Dairy products - cream, sour cream, yogurt in this sugar mixture make the skin smooth, giving it velvety softness.

What are the benefits of sugar scrub?

The natural ingredients of a sugar scrub cleanse, nourish, moisturize the skin, and saturate it with useful substances and vitamins. Dead skin cells are carefully exfoliated, the disinfecting properties of honey and essential oils prevent inflammation.

Advantages and disadvantages of application

Sugar natural cosmetics are designed to exfoliate dead skin cells and improve skin condition. This paste:

  • Allows you to make the epidermis soft and velvety.
  • Provides gentle cleansing of pores at a deep level.
  • Moisturizes the skin, eliminates dryness and flaking.
  • Stimulates blood circulation, improves color.
  • Gives elasticity and firmness, evens out the relief.
  • Eliminates pigmentation and age spots.
  • Accelerates regeneration processes, promotes renewal at the cellular level.

But home remedies made from natural ingredients also have several disadvantages:

  • Individual intolerance to components. Often, to prepare a scrub, sugar is mixed with honey, an allergen. Before working with such a mixture, you need to conduct an allergy test.
  • You need to massage your face carefully, avoiding the area around the eyes - the sensitive epidermis can be damaged.
  • Those with problem skin may find the composition very mild.

You should use the scrub with caution if you have rashes on your face or body.

Cooking recommendations

When choosing components, you need to focus on your skin type and tolerance to the products used.

An individual allergic reaction to some components of this cosmetic product is a serious contraindication for adding these ingredients to the sugar mixture for peeling.

To prepare a homemade sugar body scrub, we will need:

  • sugar and other ingredients according to the chosen recipe;
  • wooden spoon;
  • ceramic bowl;
  • glass jar with lid.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Combine dry ingredients.
  2. Then adding honey, oil and other additives one by one, mix the resulting mass thoroughly.
  3. Transfer it to a jar and close the lid tightly.

The prepared mixture can be stored in the refrigerator for several days.

Homemade sugar body scrub recipes

It's time to get acquainted with the best body scrub recipes that will make your skin incredibly soft and silky. To make these cleansers, you only need natural ingredients and very little time.

Follow the given recipe and tips for using scrubs and you are guaranteed an excellent result in the form of radiant and velvety skin.

Sugar body scrub with sour cream and cocoa

This natural product with a cocoa aroma will gently cleanse the skin, make it incredibly soft and improve color.


  • sugar – 2 tbsp. lie
  • cocoa – 1 tbsp. lie
  • sour cream – 2 tbsp. lie

All ingredients must be mixed well and preferably used immediately for their intended purpose.

Sugar scrub with oatmeal

After peeling with this scrub, the skin becomes velvety and soft, and is nourished with vitamins contained in oatmeal.


For dry skin, it is better to cook oatmeal in milk, for oily skin - in water. To prepare an exfoliating agent according to this recipe, you need to mix 4-5 tablespoons of porridge with 2 tablespoons of sugar.

Gently rub the resulting mixture into the skin in small portions. Leave for two minutes and rinse with warm water. Then apply moisturizer.

Body scrub with honey and sugar

Honey has long been famous as one of the best natural cosmetics with a rejuvenating effect.

Therefore, it has found its well-deserved use in body scrub recipes.


Thoroughly mix liquid honey (3 tablespoons) and fine granulated sugar (2 tablespoons). Depending on your skin type, you need to add 2 tbsp to this mixture. lie olive oil (if dry) or 4 tbsp. lie kefir (if oily).

Apply to the skin with light massage movements. After a few minutes, rinse off and moisturize the body with cream.

Regular use of this product will give your skin smoothness and elasticity.

Citrus scrub

This product with citrus notes perfectly tones and charges with invigorating energy, gently whitens the skin, making it soft and incredibly tender.


  • ½ cup sugar;
  • ½ cup olive oil;
  • 1 tsp. lemon (orange juice);
  • 1 tsp. zest.


Combine all components into a homogeneous mass and use for peeling. The whitening properties of citrus fruits and their richness in vitamins help to heal the skin, giving it youth and radiant beauty.

Mint scrub

Refreshing with mint aroma, natural peeling will gently cleanse your skin and soothe it.

Combine 3 tablespoons of sugar with 3 tablespoons of olive oil, add 5 drops of mint oil or 1 teaspoon to the mixture. Mint infusion.

Raspberry scrub

The delicate and pleasant raspberry aroma of this homemade sugar body scrub will not leave you indifferent and will give you moments of true pleasure. Both fresh and frozen raspberries are suitable for this recipe.

The components are taken in the following proportions:

  • raspberries – 2 tbsp. lie
  • sour cream (cream) – 2 tbsp. lie
  • sugar – 2 tbsp. lie


Mash the berries with a fork or lightly chop with a blender and mix with other ingredients. It is better to apply the raspberry-sugar mixture to damp skin, lightly massaging it in a circular motion.

Coffee scrub

Using this recipe, you can prepare an exquisite scrub that will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin - it will gently cleanse, invigorate, soften and saturate it with vitamins.


Mix ¼ cup each brown and white sugar with 3 tbsp in a bowl. lie ground coffee, 2 tbsp. lie honey, 4 tbsp. lie olive oil and 5 drops of almond oil. You will also need a solution of vitamin E - 1 teaspoon. Apply the mixture to the skin. Excess product can be stored in the refrigerator.

Vanilla scrub

Fans of spicy flavors will love this unusual recipe with a hint of vanilla.


It requires mixing ½ cup of brown sugar with ½ cup of olive oil and adding a pinch of vanilla. Mix all components thoroughly. It is recommended to apply a homogeneous mixture to damp skin.

Who should not use the scrub?

Every woman dreams of having skin as soft as velvet. Many girls do cleansing procedures at home, and some of you prefer a cozy spa room.

However, no matter what method and process of body care you choose, it is important to remember that there are contraindications to these procedures and they must be observed.


The time of waiting for your baby is the most exciting and wonderful time for a woman. It is important to know and remember that many body care procedures are contraindicated at this time. This is due to the fact that the expectant mother has increased skin sensitivity and may have an adverse effect on the baby.

Since most spa scrubs contain essential oils, which are not recommended to be used during pregnancy. Also, careless movement can cause great harm and have poorly predictable consequences. So, it's not worth the risk!

Skin damage

If you have small scratches, open wounds, or burns on your skin, then scrubs are strictly contraindicated until you have completely healed your body.

Otherwise, you risk aggravating the injury, causing pain, delaying the healing process, and developing an infection.

Fresh tan

If you have just sunbathed and got tanned, then you should not use a scrub right away, as this can lead to skin irritation, increased sensitivity to the sun and the risk of age spots.

Sensitive skin

Those with very sensitive and allergy-prone skin should be extremely careful, as some products may be contraindicated.

To harm your health, you need to do an allergy test by applying a little scrub to your wrist. It is also recommended to use fine exfoliating particles in selected recipes.

Vein problems

If you have venous nodes and spider veins on your skin, then it is better to avoid procedures. Or don't use scrubs in problem areas.

How to use the scrub

The cleansing peeling procedure is recommended not to be carried out too often. For oily skin, 2 times a week is enough and 1 time for dry skin. If your skin is delicate and sensitive, then the scrub should be used much less frequently, twice a month.


Contraindications for the use of sugar and any other scrub include scratches, wounds and other skin damage. The abrasive components of the product may cause additional harm.

Before using a homemade sugar body scrub, you should thoroughly prepare your skin for cleansing. For almost all recipes for this product, it is advisable to apply it to a damp, steamed body.

When rubbing the scrub into the skin, the sugar particles gradually dissolve and decrease in size. This allows you to peel even sensitive skin without the risk of damaging it.

This is useful!

It is best to carry out this procedure after taking a shower or bath or while visiting a bathhouse. At this time, the skin is steamed, the pores are open, and the scrub will be much more effective.


Despite the mild effect of a sugar exfoliant, it must be used with caution. The contraindications are as follows:

  • period of exacerbation of skin inflammation;
  • too sensitive and thin skin that can easily be damaged;
  • deep scratches, burns, wounds;
  • individual intolerance to auxiliary components;
  • closely spaced capillaries.

“Sweet” scrub is an effective home remedy with a wide spectrum of action. Regular use allows you to:

  • make skin hydrated and healthy;
  • correct deficiencies;
  • level the terrain.
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