Layer-by-layer facial skin tightening in therapeutic cosmetology

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Hardware and injection methods of skin tightening can significantly improve its condition and provide a noticeable and sustainable lifting effect for a long period of time without surgery.

At the same time, anti-aging non-surgical lifting procedures have a number of advantages over plastic surgery:

  • less invasive
  • using local anesthesia instead of general anesthesia
  • no preliminary preparation or analysis required
  • fewer contraindications (minimally invasive cosmetology may be the only alternative for patients who are contraindicated for surgery)
  • shorter rehabilitation period (you will not fall out of your usual rhythm of life)
  • there is no need to wear bandages after the procedure

The choice of one or another facelift method in consultation with a cosmetologist is made depending on the task identified by the patient.

Non-surgical facelift”, Doctor: Kwak Yu.V.:

To achieve a noticeable and lasting rejuvenation effect, the Gradient clinic uses hardware (laser, radio frequency) and injection methods of facelift:

Hardware (laser) lifting:

Fractional photothermolysis - many laser microbeams several microns in diameter create microdamages in the skin, as a result of which restoration processes begin, leading to an improvement in its condition, smoothing the surface and increasing elasticity. The result is noticeable from the first procedure; for a noticeable, sustainable skin tightening effect, a course of 2-4 procedures is usually used, depending on the desired degree of skin rejuvenation. Fractional thermolysis has almost no contraindications; it can affect even the most delicate areas of the body - neck, eyelids, chest, inner thighs.

Fractional thermolysis at the Gradient clinic

Fotona 4D laser rejuvenation is a comprehensive, highly effective non-surgical facelift procedure, including various types of fractional thermolysis and laser rejuvenation. As a result of the 4D lifting procedure, a subsequent effect on the skin-muscle layer is ensured and the processes of fiber synthesis - collagen and elastin - are activated. Indications: gravitational ptosis of the soft tissues of the face, correction of the oval of the face, lifting of the zygomatic and cheek areas, double chin, as well as fine wrinkles (face, neck, décolleté), post-acne, fine vascular network. The procedure is well tolerated, does not require long-term rehabilitation (redness goes away within a few hours), a clear result is visible after the first procedure.

4D laser rejuvenation Fotona at the Gradient clinic

Ultrasonic SMAS-lifting Altera - provides a simultaneous effect on the deep and superficial layers, causing tissue contraction, launches the processes of remodeling of the skin and facial tissues. The first results are noticeable immediately after the procedure; over the next 3 months, a cumulative effect develops. The skin becomes tightened and elastic. A rejuvenation effect comparable to the results of plastic surgery is achieved and lasts up to 5 years. It is performed using the Ulthera device (made in the USA). No recovery period is required.

Ultrasonic SMAS-lifting Altera at the Gradient clinic

Recommendations for thin facial skin

It is very important to properly care for your facial skin every day, so you should follow certain expert advice:

  • do not use ordinary soap, it is better to take special milk or gel;
  • do not go to bed with makeup on your face;
  • regularly use masks and creams;
  • the products should not contain aggressive, alcohol-containing components;
  • remove salty, fried, spicy foods from the diet, and add more nuts, vegetables, fruits;
  • do not perform aromatherapy, do not make herbal compresses, do not use cosmetic ice;
  • Do not stay in the sun for too long, do bath procedures, or visit the sauna;
  • sleep enough time so that cells can renew and recover;
  • control your facial expressions, try not to wrinkle your forehead or squint your eyes;
  • drink plenty of water;
  • use sunscreen;
  • If you decide to do peeling, then use exfoliating microgranules of artificial origin. They will injure the skin less.

Thread and vector lifting:

Thread lifting is a method of tightening and lifting the soft tissues of the face using special self-absorbing caprolactone threads (Aptos, Dermafil). One-sided notches on the threads provide lifting of sagging areas of the face, while the introduction of threads under the skin occurs unhindered. The threads dissolve within 9-12 months, but as the threads dissolve, they are replaced with their own fibrous tissue, due to which the effect of a thread facelift lasts up to 2-5 years. Indications: eyebrow lifting. elimination of soft tissue ptosis, double chin, elevation of the cheek areas. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia, does not require long-term rehabilitation, and you can maintain your usual lifestyle.

Vector lifting with fillers - fillers are injected intradermally in the form of parallel vector lines along which the skin is tightened. Indications: mild to moderate ptosis, modeling and lifting of small areas of the face (zygomatic, eyebrow corners, cheek fat pads). During the vector lifting procedure, fillers of hyaluronic acid or calcium hydroxyapatite (Radiesse) are used - depending on the drug used, the effect can last from 6 months to 3 years.

Features of thin skin

If you study the properties of the skin, thin skin resembles dry skin. But there are certain individual characteristics. You can recognize thin facial skin by certain signs:

  • there is no shine or greasy film on the face;
  • has a matte velvety structure;
  • the surface is smooth and does not contain enlarged pores;
  • too tight, dry and flaky;
  • there are capillaries near the surface, so the face may often turn red;
  • due to insufficient amount of melanin, the face is too pale;
  • bruises often appear under the eyes because veins are visible there;
  • Irritation may occur due to a reaction to new cosmetics, smoky air, salt water, wind or frost, or the sun.

When a person is still very young, his coverings are distinguished by their neatness and good appearance. But after some time, her aging will occur much faster. Already at the age of 25, a person may experience the first wrinkles. Therefore, it is important to start proper care from adolescence.

Exercises to restore skin tone

You can get rid of a sagging chin and loose skin with the help of special facial exercises. To achieve the desired effect, classes should be carried out daily. Basic exercises of the complex:

  • pronounce the sounds “O”, “U”, “I” with tension, trying to use the facial muscles as much as possible;
  • take as much air into your mouth as possible and puff out your cheeks, keeping your lips tightly closed;
  • Open your mouth wide and try to reach your chin with the tip of your tongue.

By performing these exercises daily, you can quickly restore facial muscle tone and skin elasticity after losing weight. Gymnastics will help to form a beautiful shape of the cheekbones, tighten the contours of the face and neck.


— Peeling: prepares the skin — Serum: instantly moisturizes — Masks: energize the skin, hydrate and tighten the skin

This set includes:

— Bioplasma Azelaic Peel \ Azelaic Peeling, 30ml Peeling with gel texture based on azelaic and glycolic acids 8%. Prepares the skin to absorb active healing ingredients. Removes dead cells, cleanses the skin and removes excess oil. Suitable for all skin types.

— Bioplasma Renewal Serum \ Restoring Serum For All Skin Types, 30ml Serum that neutralizes peeling activity. Contains a high concentration of active ingredients based on natural ingredients NSA5. Gives skin instant moisture and energy. Stimulates the synthesis of new cells, prevents sensitivity and oxidative damage, gives vitality and keeps the skin looking young and healthy. Suitable for all skin types.

- Bioplasma Revitalizing Mask \ Rejuvenating Energy Mask, 20ml - 2 pieces Enhances the penetration of active substances and thus enhances the activity of the intercellular matrix. Energizes skin, improves skin's self-healing ability and neutralizes oxidative damage. Increases moisture levels, enhances flexibility and provides a feeling of comfort. Suitable for all skin types.

— Bioplasma Activating Mask \ Activating Mask For All Skin Types, 20ml — 2 pieces Thanks to the high concentration of active ingredients, including algae extract and medicinal plant extracts, it has a powerful antioxidant effect, easily cleanses the skin of dead cells of the stratum corneum, stimulates metabolism, enriches cells with oxygen and has a moisturizing effect. The mask perfectly soothes the skin after deep cleansing of the face and lightens blemishes. Suitable for all skin types.

Restoration with natural masks

You can eliminate the side effect of losing weight without resorting to the services of a cosmetologist using natural herbal masks. This section is devoted to the topic of how to restore the beauty and youth of your skin at home. A mask made from a mixture of egg white, cucumber pulp and olive oil will help get rid of dryness and withering of the skin. Protein provides a lifting effect, cucumber juice perfectly moisturizes the skin, and olive oil saturates it with beneficial nutritional components.

A mask made from chopped dill and oatmeal has an excellent effect. This composition restores facial contours, eliminates puffiness and age spots. It is also recommended to use white clay, wheat germ and grape juice to tighten the skin. If you are not allergic, you can make a honey mask, combining the procedure with a warm wrap to increase its effectiveness.

Natural masks made from plant materials are applied for 20-30 minutes. It is advisable to carry out the procedure at least 2 times a week for several months. Home remedies do not contain preservatives, dyes or other chemical additives, so they are well absorbed by the skin, suitable for all skin types and do not cause adverse reactions.


— Provides instant lifting — Strengthens and tones the skin — Eliminates signs of fatigue

Universal multivitamin oil extract Onmacabim DM Bio-Lift eye serum. Instantly penetrates the skin, provides instant lifting, strengthening and toning of the skin, radically reduces the depth of wrinkles and folds, strengthening the oval of the face, and also eliminates signs of fatigue.

The result becomes obvious already at the end of the first week of its use. Recommended as a base for ONmacabim DM Bio-Lift Eye Cream.

Face massage

You can tighten your facial contours and improve skin tone with massage. Smoothing and patting movements increase blood flow to the problem area, providing nutrition to connective tissue cells and increased collagen production. Particular attention should be paid to the area under the jaw to eliminate the double chin and create clear facial contours.

A contrast massage using warm and cold water will help enhance the effect. To complete this you will need two cotton towels. Alternately dipping the towels in hot and warm water, you need to make light patting movements. The procedure should include 5-8 changes in massage temperature. It helps restore lost tone and elasticity to the skin, and restore facial contours after weight loss.


Regular self-peelings will promote skin cell renewal . The dead layer of the epidermis will be removed - therefore, cellular regeneration will improve.

Either factory-made scrubs or self-made scrubs are suitable as cosmetics: honey + salt, honey + ground coffee, etc.

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