Non-surgical tightening of loose skin on the abdomen, inner thighs and arms APTOS Excellence Body

In blooming spring Monaco, in April 2012, the APTOS company presented to the world a new way to tighten the skin of the body. The latest generation of APTOS Excellence Body threads became immediately available at the Platinental clinic.

Expert comment:

“APTOS Excellence Body is a very strong thread with knots instead of notches, which was created specifically for tightening body skin

For the first time
, the subcutaneous introduction of these threads allows you to quickly remove belly fat after childbirth, liposuction or serious weight loss at any age, as well as at the same time get rid of the first manifestations of cellulite, restore youthful density and ideal smoothness to the skin.

APTOS Body gives you the opportunity without surgery

and anesthesia to strengthen sagging skin of the thighs, tighten the stomach, and rejuvenate the skin of the hands.

Moreover, after 360 days there will be no trace left of the thread - it will completely dissolve, and the result will remain with you.”

Baltacheeva Elmira, plastic surgeon.

One procedure – triple effect!

APTOS Excellence Body is a thread created from a new caprolac material. It not only dissolves. It has much more interesting properties.

  1. In 360 days, caprolac forms a collagen network around itself, which, even after the thread disintegrates, effectively maintains the skin in a taut position.
  1. nodules on the thread stimulate fibroblasts. After just half a year, powerful bundles of connective tissue will form in place of the nodules, which
    will maintain the achieved lifting effect for several years
  1. Caprolac contains polylactic acid, an unsurpassed moisturizer. Thanks to it, your skin in the area where the threads were introduced looks dense, smooth
    , healthy and fresh all year round without creams, massages or a swimming pool.

You get all three effects at once and for one price


What is mesothread

Mesothreads are very thin threads that are made of material biocompatible with body tissues.
Typically this is polydioxanone. After implantation, they not only maintain tissue in the desired position, but also stimulate the production of collagen and elastin. Over time, the thread is metabolized with the formation of carbon dioxide and water, and in its place remains a web of collagen framework, which will perform a supporting function for several more months.

Threads can vary in thickness, density, length and even shape. For example, there are threads in the form of springs, with notches, or with a spiral applied. In our clinic we use linear threads based on polydioxanone.

Thus, the desired effect is achieved by two mechanisms:

  1. Direct supporting effect of threads.
  2. As a result of the body’s response to the introduction of a foreign body, after which elastic fibers begin to actively form around the thread, which take on a frame function after the thread dissolves.

On average, the threads dissolve 6–9 months after implantation, and the frame from them lasts for 1–1.5 years.

Who is APTOS Body threads suitable for?

  • you lead a sedentary lifestyle or have lost a lot of weight, you start to feel uneasy loose skin on the abdomen

    and its excess, you have a second or late first birth;

  • inner surface of hands

    loses tone,
    loose skin appears on the thighs
    and signs of cellulite.

APTOS Body threads allow you to tighten your thighs, strengthen your arms, and return to open, sleeveless clothing without surgery.

And if you are a young mother, APTOS Excellence Body threads will be a real godsend for you to remove a flabby belly after childbirth. You can tighten your stomach with threads immediately after finishing breastfeeding.

How is the thread lift procedure performed?

Thread lifting is performed under local anesthesia. The thread is inserted through a micropuncture under the skin and brought out. The thread is then pulled in the opposite direction, so that it is securely fixed in the tissue.

Depending on the procedure being performed—thread lifting of the forehead, eyebrows, chin, neck or abdomen—the number of threads is also selected. If the facial skin is very sagging, the thread lifting procedure can take quite a long time, since significant tightening will be required.

But, on average, the thread lifting procedure takes no more than an hour. It leaves no scars or any other blemishes on the skin, and small punctures heal within a few days.

If you want to evaluate all the benefits of thread lifting, we invite you to a consultation at the Mont Blanc clinic in Moscow. Our cosmetologists are experts in the field of thread skin correction and have extensive experience in this field. By contacting us, you will receive a comprehensive consultation with a specialist in the field of dermatology, thanks to which the most effective thread lifting option will be selected. That is why thread lifting performed in our clinic will help maintain the elasticity of your skin for a longer period and delay the intervention of a plastic surgeon for a long time.

Photos "before" and "after"

Hand skin tightening. This operation allows you to remove excess sagging skin and fat from the arms, remove sagging and excess fullness. A thin scar on the inner surface of your hands is a necessary price to pay for your hands to look great at any age! Performed by surgeon: Maxim Vasiliev.

How does the threadlift procedure work?

Threadlifting is carried out in several stages. The first of them is a preliminary consultation, at which the nuances of the procedure are discussed and special markings are applied, which reflect the arrangement of the threads and the puncture sites for their implantation.

Next, the skin is treated - it is cleaned of impurities and an anesthetic cream is applied. After it has taken effect, the skin is cleansed again with an antiseptic.

The third stage is the implantation itself. In order for the thread to be implanted into the thickness of the tissue, it is attached to a special ultra-thin guide needle. The flexibility of the needle allows it to easily maneuver through the thickness of the fabric, creating the desired contour at the required depth. After implantation, the needle is removed, and the ends of the thread are recessed into the thickness of the tissue so that they are invisible. Typically, the entire procedure takes about 50 minutes, including the application of anesthesia.

The effect of thread lifting can be noticed immediately, but the final results are assessed after the swelling of the tissue caused by trauma during implantation has subsided. The result rarely lasts longer than 1.5 years, after which the procedure can be repeated.

Results after the procedure

The first results can be assessed within a month, and after six months, clear signs of rejuvenation will be noticeable, which will grow and intensify over the course of two years - in places of postpartum “stretch marks”, on the chest and abdomen, the skin will smooth out and tighten. For the next 8-12 years, you don’t have to worry about the condition of your skin. And after this period, the procedure is repeated or any other lifting is done.

Reinforcement with gold threads is an effect for life: the return and preservation of seductive shapes, high skin tone, destruction of cellulite.

Did you know that...

Do scientists still find thin, spider-web-like golden threads during archaeological excavations of pyramids in Egypt? It is believed that it was here that Egyptian queens first began to use them. For many centuries, their unsurpassed beauty has been legendary, and the secrets of preserving their youth excite women all over the world.

Science has managed to explain the magical beauty of the main women of Ancient Egypt. The fact is that gold ions have a beneficial effect on the human body as a whole. Gold does not cause reactions from body tissues, is not rejected or oxidized. But this truly miraculous metal saturates cells with oxygen and stimulates metabolic processes, literally revitalizing the skin, absorbs negative energy, and affects diseased organs. Even in ancient China, many chronic diseases, including rheumatism and arthritis, were treated with medicines containing gold. Many people love gold jewelry and wear it with pleasure. But no one thinks that it is not only beautiful, but also useful - gold relieves fatigue, protects against harmful environmental influences and gives the skin a radiant effect.

Why this procedure must be done at the Mediaesthetic Clinic

In 1997, Marina Yurievna Mchedlidze, the chief physician of the Mediaesthetic group of clinics, was the first to introduce this technique in St. Petersburg. Over the years, the clinic has performed more than 2,000 procedures for correction with gold threads.

According to the unanimous opinion of members of the South Korean Association of Plastic Surgeons, the results of using gold threads in Mediaesthetic are the best in the world. To train its specialists, the Association of Plastic Surgeons invited the chief physician of the clinic Mchedlidze M.Yu. in Seoul.

Possible complications

When using high-quality mesothreads and a highly qualified cosmetologist, the occurrence of complications is practically not observed. Problems can arise if you go to a dubious beauty salon. In this case, bumps may appear at the puncture sites, thickening and inflammation of the skin, uneven resorption of the threads, causing asymmetry of the skin.

The Elena Ilchuk Aesthetic Medicine Center guarantees the use of only high-quality and certified threads, as well as the high professionalism of cosmetologists. Therefore, there is no risk of complications after the procedure.

Anesthesia and pain, duration of procedure, scars

Skin punctures when inserting threads are almost imperceptible, since very thin needles are used. Therefore, no anesthesia is required, but if the client has increased sensitivity, lidocaine ointment or several injections of anesthetic may be used.

The procedure takes approximately half an hour or an hour. The greater the number of mesothreads required, the longer. The absence of incisions ensures that there are no scars or scars on the skin.

Before and after


In order for a tummy tuck with mesothreads to have maximum results, you should follow the recommendations during the rehabilitation period. The recovery period is about two weeks, during which you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • do not visit the bathhouse or sauna;
  • do not sunbathe or visit a solarium;
  • refuse strong physical activity;
  • For the first three days, do not make sudden movements.

Following these recommendations will prevent thread displacement, increasing the effectiveness of the procedure. After completing the rehabilitation period, you can return to an active lifestyle.

What are the contraindications?

There are a number of contraindications, the presence of which prohibits the use of this facial rejuvenation technique. Among them are:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • allergic reaction to anesthesia or components of suture material;
  • diseases of the blood (clotting disorders) and blood vessels;
  • diabetes;
  • presence of cancer and autoimmune diseases;
  • acute viral infections;
  • inflammation;
  • pronounced ptosis (drooping) of tissues;
  • inflated patient expectations.

In all other cases, if there are indications, you can safely carry out the procedure.

How does Elasticum differ from ordinary threads?

Within 4-6 weeks after the procedure, the thread is “overgrown” with living cells – fibroblasts, that is, it turns into a “natural ligament”, which gives it the opportunity to become one with the body. Due to this, such a strong frame is formed that retains the lifting effect for 5-7 years!

These threads do not require subsequent removal; they will not be felt under the skin and will not affect health. However, Elasticum threads guarantee a powerful lift even in cases of severe ptosis.

After the end of the action, the threads can be reinstalled, or the procedure can be carried out with absorbable threads.

An important point remains that Elasticum threads are not an obstacle to plastic surgery (if such a need arises in the future).

Benefits of thread lifting

When choosing among a variety of modern techniques for rejuvenating the skin of the face and body, many patients choose thread lifting. And this is quite understandable. Here are just some of the facts that speak in favor of this procedure:

  • The session lasts only about half an hour;
  • lifting is carried out on an outpatient basis;
  • local anesthesia or anesthetic cream is used;
  • the lift does not leave scars, scars or other traces of correction;
  • the face looks natural and relaxed;
  • the shape of the face is visually sculpted;
  • instant results can be seen immediately after the procedure;
  • the rehabilitation period is no more than a month;
  • low cost of thread lifting compared to surgical lifting;
  • relatively small list of contraindications.

It should be borne in mind that the thread lifting procedure does not eliminate the need to contact a plastic surgeon, but it significantly delays it.


You can fight a sagging tummy in different ways, but not all of them are effective, and are often painful and unpleasant. Threads in the stomach

very popular due to undoubted advantages:

  1. The method is safe and virtually eliminates the risk of contracting various infectious diseases.
  2. No pain or injury.
  3. No surgical manipulations - there will be no scars or cicatrices.
  4. The result is visible immediately.
  5. The procedure takes little time.
  6. An excellent combination with other beauty treatments.
  7. General improvement of the skin – firmness and elasticity.
  8. The effect lasts for a long period.

The list of advantages is quite impressive. And that is not all. In addition to tummy tuck, threads will help get rid of cellulite and smooth the skin.

Types of threads

Different types of threads can be used for a facelift:

  1. Linear. The simplest and most inexpensive. Used for a full facelift, eliminating a double chin and improving the condition of the neck skin.
  2. Spiral. Used for vector facial rejuvenation procedures. Used to lift sagging eyebrows, smooth out nasolabial folds, and solve the problems of facial wrinkles.
  3. Needle-shaped. Universal types of threads that can be used to tighten the skin of any part of the face. Ideal for patients over 40 years of age. Their effect lasts longer than when using other mesothreads.
  4. Triple braids. Provide stable and long-lasting results. Can be used to tighten the face, abdomen, chest and buttocks.

The choice of the optimal type of thread for lifting depends on the desired effect, area and condition of the skin.

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